Add a rotate/mask/shift unit and use it in execute1
This adds a new entity 'rotator' which contains combinatorial logic
for rotating and masking 64-bit values. It implements the operations
of the rlwinm, rlwnm, rlwimi, rldicl, rldicr, rldic, rldimi, rldcl,
rldcr, sld, slw, srd, srw, srad, sradi, sraw and srawi instructions.
It consists of a 3-stage 64-bit rotator using 4:1 multiplexors at
each stage, two mask generators, output logic and control logic.
The insn_type_t values used for these instructions have been reduced
to just 5: OP_RLC, OP_RLCL and OP_RLCR for the rotate and mask
instructions (clear both left and right, clear left, clear right
variants), OP_SHL for left shifts, and OP_SHR for right shifts.
The control signals for the rotator are derived from the opcode
and from the is_32bit and is_signed fields of the decode_rom_t.
The rotator is instantiated as an entity in execute1 so that we can
be sure we only have one of it.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <>
6 years ago
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
library work;
use work.common.all;
entity rotator is
port (rs: in std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
ra: in std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
shift: in std_ulogic_vector(6 downto 0);
insn: in std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0);
is_32bit: in std_ulogic;
right_shift: in std_ulogic;
arith: in std_ulogic;
clear_left: in std_ulogic;
clear_right: in std_ulogic;
sign_ext_rs: in std_ulogic;
result: out std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
carry_out: out std_ulogic
Add a rotate/mask/shift unit and use it in execute1
This adds a new entity 'rotator' which contains combinatorial logic
for rotating and masking 64-bit values. It implements the operations
of the rlwinm, rlwnm, rlwimi, rldicl, rldicr, rldic, rldimi, rldcl,
rldcr, sld, slw, srd, srw, srad, sradi, sraw and srawi instructions.
It consists of a 3-stage 64-bit rotator using 4:1 multiplexors at
each stage, two mask generators, output logic and control logic.
The insn_type_t values used for these instructions have been reduced
to just 5: OP_RLC, OP_RLCL and OP_RLCR for the rotate and mask
instructions (clear both left and right, clear left, clear right
variants), OP_SHL for left shifts, and OP_SHR for right shifts.
The control signals for the rotator are derived from the opcode
and from the is_32bit and is_signed fields of the decode_rom_t.
The rotator is instantiated as an entity in execute1 so that we can
be sure we only have one of it.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <>
6 years ago
end entity rotator;
architecture behaviour of rotator is
signal repl32: std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
signal rot_count: std_ulogic_vector(5 downto 0);
signal rot1, rot2, rot: std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
signal sh, mb, me: std_ulogic_vector(6 downto 0);
signal mr, ml: std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
signal output_mode: std_ulogic_vector(1 downto 0);
-- note BE bit numbering
function right_mask(mask_begin: std_ulogic_vector(6 downto 0)) return std_ulogic_vector is
variable ret: std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
Add a rotate/mask/shift unit and use it in execute1
This adds a new entity 'rotator' which contains combinatorial logic
for rotating and masking 64-bit values. It implements the operations
of the rlwinm, rlwnm, rlwimi, rldicl, rldicr, rldic, rldimi, rldcl,
rldcr, sld, slw, srd, srw, srad, sradi, sraw and srawi instructions.
It consists of a 3-stage 64-bit rotator using 4:1 multiplexors at
each stage, two mask generators, output logic and control logic.
The insn_type_t values used for these instructions have been reduced
to just 5: OP_RLC, OP_RLCL and OP_RLCR for the rotate and mask
instructions (clear both left and right, clear left, clear right
variants), OP_SHL for left shifts, and OP_SHR for right shifts.
The control signals for the rotator are derived from the opcode
and from the is_32bit and is_signed fields of the decode_rom_t.
The rotator is instantiated as an entity in execute1 so that we can
be sure we only have one of it.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <>
6 years ago
ret := (others => '0');
if is_X(mask_begin) then
ret := (others => 'X');
return ret;
end if;
for i in 0 to 63 loop
if i >= to_integer(unsigned(mask_begin)) then
ret(63 - i) := '1';
end if;
end loop;
return ret;
Add a rotate/mask/shift unit and use it in execute1
This adds a new entity 'rotator' which contains combinatorial logic
for rotating and masking 64-bit values. It implements the operations
of the rlwinm, rlwnm, rlwimi, rldicl, rldicr, rldic, rldimi, rldcl,
rldcr, sld, slw, srd, srw, srad, sradi, sraw and srawi instructions.
It consists of a 3-stage 64-bit rotator using 4:1 multiplexors at
each stage, two mask generators, output logic and control logic.
The insn_type_t values used for these instructions have been reduced
to just 5: OP_RLC, OP_RLCL and OP_RLCR for the rotate and mask
instructions (clear both left and right, clear left, clear right
variants), OP_SHL for left shifts, and OP_SHR for right shifts.
The control signals for the rotator are derived from the opcode
and from the is_32bit and is_signed fields of the decode_rom_t.
The rotator is instantiated as an entity in execute1 so that we can
be sure we only have one of it.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <>
6 years ago
function left_mask(mask_end: std_ulogic_vector(6 downto 0)) return std_ulogic_vector is
variable ret: std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
Add a rotate/mask/shift unit and use it in execute1
This adds a new entity 'rotator' which contains combinatorial logic
for rotating and masking 64-bit values. It implements the operations
of the rlwinm, rlwnm, rlwimi, rldicl, rldicr, rldic, rldimi, rldcl,
rldcr, sld, slw, srd, srw, srad, sradi, sraw and srawi instructions.
It consists of a 3-stage 64-bit rotator using 4:1 multiplexors at
each stage, two mask generators, output logic and control logic.
The insn_type_t values used for these instructions have been reduced
to just 5: OP_RLC, OP_RLCL and OP_RLCR for the rotate and mask
instructions (clear both left and right, clear left, clear right
variants), OP_SHL for left shifts, and OP_SHR for right shifts.
The control signals for the rotator are derived from the opcode
and from the is_32bit and is_signed fields of the decode_rom_t.
The rotator is instantiated as an entity in execute1 so that we can
be sure we only have one of it.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <>
6 years ago
ret := (others => '0');
if mask_end(6) = '0' then
for i in 0 to 63 loop
if i <= to_integer(unsigned(mask_end)) then
ret(63 - i) := '1';
end if;
end loop;
end if;
return ret;
Add a rotate/mask/shift unit and use it in execute1
This adds a new entity 'rotator' which contains combinatorial logic
for rotating and masking 64-bit values. It implements the operations
of the rlwinm, rlwnm, rlwimi, rldicl, rldicr, rldic, rldimi, rldcl,
rldcr, sld, slw, srd, srw, srad, sradi, sraw and srawi instructions.
It consists of a 3-stage 64-bit rotator using 4:1 multiplexors at
each stage, two mask generators, output logic and control logic.
The insn_type_t values used for these instructions have been reduced
to just 5: OP_RLC, OP_RLCL and OP_RLCR for the rotate and mask
instructions (clear both left and right, clear left, clear right
variants), OP_SHL for left shifts, and OP_SHR for right shifts.
The control signals for the rotator are derived from the opcode
and from the is_32bit and is_signed fields of the decode_rom_t.
The rotator is instantiated as an entity in execute1 so that we can
be sure we only have one of it.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <>
6 years ago
rotator_0: process(all)
variable hi32: std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0);
Add a rotate/mask/shift unit and use it in execute1
This adds a new entity 'rotator' which contains combinatorial logic
for rotating and masking 64-bit values. It implements the operations
of the rlwinm, rlwnm, rlwimi, rldicl, rldicr, rldic, rldimi, rldcl,
rldcr, sld, slw, srd, srw, srad, sradi, sraw and srawi instructions.
It consists of a 3-stage 64-bit rotator using 4:1 multiplexors at
each stage, two mask generators, output logic and control logic.
The insn_type_t values used for these instructions have been reduced
to just 5: OP_RLC, OP_RLCL and OP_RLCR for the rotate and mask
instructions (clear both left and right, clear left, clear right
variants), OP_SHL for left shifts, and OP_SHR for right shifts.
The control signals for the rotator are derived from the opcode
and from the is_32bit and is_signed fields of the decode_rom_t.
The rotator is instantiated as an entity in execute1 so that we can
be sure we only have one of it.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <>
6 years ago
-- First replicate bottom 32 bits to both halves if 32-bit
if is_32bit = '1' then
hi32 := rs(31 downto 0);
elsif sign_ext_rs = '1' then
-- sign extend bottom 32 bits
hi32 := (others => rs(31));
hi32 := rs(63 downto 32);
end if;
repl32 <= hi32 & rs(31 downto 0);
Add a rotate/mask/shift unit and use it in execute1
This adds a new entity 'rotator' which contains combinatorial logic
for rotating and masking 64-bit values. It implements the operations
of the rlwinm, rlwnm, rlwimi, rldicl, rldicr, rldic, rldimi, rldcl,
rldcr, sld, slw, srd, srw, srad, sradi, sraw and srawi instructions.
It consists of a 3-stage 64-bit rotator using 4:1 multiplexors at
each stage, two mask generators, output logic and control logic.
The insn_type_t values used for these instructions have been reduced
to just 5: OP_RLC, OP_RLCL and OP_RLCR for the rotate and mask
instructions (clear both left and right, clear left, clear right
variants), OP_SHL for left shifts, and OP_SHR for right shifts.
The control signals for the rotator are derived from the opcode
and from the is_32bit and is_signed fields of the decode_rom_t.
The rotator is instantiated as an entity in execute1 so that we can
be sure we only have one of it.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <>
6 years ago
-- Negate shift count for right shifts
if right_shift = '1' then
rot_count <= std_ulogic_vector(- signed(shift(5 downto 0)));
rot_count <= shift(5 downto 0);
end if;
Add a rotate/mask/shift unit and use it in execute1
This adds a new entity 'rotator' which contains combinatorial logic
for rotating and masking 64-bit values. It implements the operations
of the rlwinm, rlwnm, rlwimi, rldicl, rldicr, rldic, rldimi, rldcl,
rldcr, sld, slw, srd, srw, srad, sradi, sraw and srawi instructions.
It consists of a 3-stage 64-bit rotator using 4:1 multiplexors at
each stage, two mask generators, output logic and control logic.
The insn_type_t values used for these instructions have been reduced
to just 5: OP_RLC, OP_RLCL and OP_RLCR for the rotate and mask
instructions (clear both left and right, clear left, clear right
variants), OP_SHL for left shifts, and OP_SHR for right shifts.
The control signals for the rotator are derived from the opcode
and from the is_32bit and is_signed fields of the decode_rom_t.
The rotator is instantiated as an entity in execute1 so that we can
be sure we only have one of it.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <>
6 years ago
-- Rotator works in 3 stages using 2 bits of the rotate count each
-- time. This gives 4:1 multiplexors which is ideal for the 6-input
-- LUTs in the Xilinx Artix 7.
-- We look at the low bits of the rotate count first because they will
-- have less delay through the negation above.
-- First rotate by 0, 1, 2, or 3
case rot_count(1 downto 0) is
when "00" =>
rot1 <= repl32;
when "01" =>
rot1 <= repl32(62 downto 0) & repl32(63);
when "10" =>
rot1 <= repl32(61 downto 0) & repl32(63 downto 62);
when others =>
rot1 <= repl32(60 downto 0) & repl32(63 downto 61);
end case;
-- Next rotate by 0, 4, 8 or 12
case rot_count(3 downto 2) is
when "00" =>
rot2 <= rot1;
when "01" =>
rot2 <= rot1(59 downto 0) & rot1(63 downto 60);
when "10" =>
rot2 <= rot1(55 downto 0) & rot1(63 downto 56);
when others =>
rot2 <= rot1(51 downto 0) & rot1(63 downto 52);
end case;
-- Lastly rotate by 0, 16, 32 or 48
case rot_count(5 downto 4) is
when "00" =>
rot <= rot2;
when "01" =>
rot <= rot2(47 downto 0) & rot2(63 downto 48);
when "10" =>
rot <= rot2(31 downto 0) & rot2(63 downto 32);
when others =>
rot <= rot2(15 downto 0) & rot2(63 downto 16);
end case;
Add a rotate/mask/shift unit and use it in execute1
This adds a new entity 'rotator' which contains combinatorial logic
for rotating and masking 64-bit values. It implements the operations
of the rlwinm, rlwnm, rlwimi, rldicl, rldicr, rldic, rldimi, rldcl,
rldcr, sld, slw, srd, srw, srad, sradi, sraw and srawi instructions.
It consists of a 3-stage 64-bit rotator using 4:1 multiplexors at
each stage, two mask generators, output logic and control logic.
The insn_type_t values used for these instructions have been reduced
to just 5: OP_RLC, OP_RLCL and OP_RLCR for the rotate and mask
instructions (clear both left and right, clear left, clear right
variants), OP_SHL for left shifts, and OP_SHR for right shifts.
The control signals for the rotator are derived from the opcode
and from the is_32bit and is_signed fields of the decode_rom_t.
The rotator is instantiated as an entity in execute1 so that we can
be sure we only have one of it.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <>
6 years ago
-- Trim shift count to 6 bits for 32-bit shifts
sh <= (shift(6) and not is_32bit) & shift(5 downto 0);
Add a rotate/mask/shift unit and use it in execute1
This adds a new entity 'rotator' which contains combinatorial logic
for rotating and masking 64-bit values. It implements the operations
of the rlwinm, rlwnm, rlwimi, rldicl, rldicr, rldic, rldimi, rldcl,
rldcr, sld, slw, srd, srw, srad, sradi, sraw and srawi instructions.
It consists of a 3-stage 64-bit rotator using 4:1 multiplexors at
each stage, two mask generators, output logic and control logic.
The insn_type_t values used for these instructions have been reduced
to just 5: OP_RLC, OP_RLCL and OP_RLCR for the rotate and mask
instructions (clear both left and right, clear left, clear right
variants), OP_SHL for left shifts, and OP_SHR for right shifts.
The control signals for the rotator are derived from the opcode
and from the is_32bit and is_signed fields of the decode_rom_t.
The rotator is instantiated as an entity in execute1 so that we can
be sure we only have one of it.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <>
6 years ago
-- Work out mask begin/end indexes (caution, big-endian bit numbering)
if clear_left = '1' then
if is_32bit = '1' then
mb <= "01" & insn(10 downto 6);
mb <= "0" & insn(5) & insn(10 downto 6);
end if;
elsif right_shift = '1' then
-- this is basically mb <= sh + (is_32bit? 32: 0);
if is_32bit = '1' then
mb <= sh(5) & not sh(5) & sh(4 downto 0);
mb <= sh;
end if;
mb <= ('0' & is_32bit & "00000");
end if;
if clear_right = '1' and is_32bit = '1' then
me <= "01" & insn(5 downto 1);
elsif clear_right = '1' and clear_left = '0' then
me <= "0" & insn(5) & insn(10 downto 6);
-- effectively, 63 - sh
me <= sh(6) & not sh(5 downto 0);
end if;
Add a rotate/mask/shift unit and use it in execute1
This adds a new entity 'rotator' which contains combinatorial logic
for rotating and masking 64-bit values. It implements the operations
of the rlwinm, rlwnm, rlwimi, rldicl, rldicr, rldic, rldimi, rldcl,
rldcr, sld, slw, srd, srw, srad, sradi, sraw and srawi instructions.
It consists of a 3-stage 64-bit rotator using 4:1 multiplexors at
each stage, two mask generators, output logic and control logic.
The insn_type_t values used for these instructions have been reduced
to just 5: OP_RLC, OP_RLCL and OP_RLCR for the rotate and mask
instructions (clear both left and right, clear left, clear right
variants), OP_SHL for left shifts, and OP_SHR for right shifts.
The control signals for the rotator are derived from the opcode
and from the is_32bit and is_signed fields of the decode_rom_t.
The rotator is instantiated as an entity in execute1 so that we can
be sure we only have one of it.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <>
6 years ago
-- Calculate left and right masks
mr <= right_mask(mb);
ml <= left_mask(me);
Add a rotate/mask/shift unit and use it in execute1
This adds a new entity 'rotator' which contains combinatorial logic
for rotating and masking 64-bit values. It implements the operations
of the rlwinm, rlwnm, rlwimi, rldicl, rldicr, rldic, rldimi, rldcl,
rldcr, sld, slw, srd, srw, srad, sradi, sraw and srawi instructions.
It consists of a 3-stage 64-bit rotator using 4:1 multiplexors at
each stage, two mask generators, output logic and control logic.
The insn_type_t values used for these instructions have been reduced
to just 5: OP_RLC, OP_RLCL and OP_RLCR for the rotate and mask
instructions (clear both left and right, clear left, clear right
variants), OP_SHL for left shifts, and OP_SHR for right shifts.
The control signals for the rotator are derived from the opcode
and from the is_32bit and is_signed fields of the decode_rom_t.
The rotator is instantiated as an entity in execute1 so that we can
be sure we only have one of it.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <>
6 years ago
-- Work out output mode
-- 00 for sl[wd]
-- 0w for rlw*, rldic, rldicr, rldimi, where w = 1 iff mb > me
-- 10 for rldicl, sr[wd]
-- 1z for sra[wd][i], z = 1 if rs is negative
if (clear_left = '1' and clear_right = '0') or right_shift = '1' then
output_mode(1) <= '1';
output_mode(0) <= arith and repl32(63);
output_mode(1) <= '0';
if clear_right = '1' and unsigned(mb(5 downto 0)) > unsigned(me(5 downto 0)) then
output_mode(0) <= '1';
output_mode(0) <= '0';
end if;
end if;
Add a rotate/mask/shift unit and use it in execute1
This adds a new entity 'rotator' which contains combinatorial logic
for rotating and masking 64-bit values. It implements the operations
of the rlwinm, rlwnm, rlwimi, rldicl, rldicr, rldic, rldimi, rldcl,
rldcr, sld, slw, srd, srw, srad, sradi, sraw and srawi instructions.
It consists of a 3-stage 64-bit rotator using 4:1 multiplexors at
each stage, two mask generators, output logic and control logic.
The insn_type_t values used for these instructions have been reduced
to just 5: OP_RLC, OP_RLCL and OP_RLCR for the rotate and mask
instructions (clear both left and right, clear left, clear right
variants), OP_SHL for left shifts, and OP_SHR for right shifts.
The control signals for the rotator are derived from the opcode
and from the is_32bit and is_signed fields of the decode_rom_t.
The rotator is instantiated as an entity in execute1 so that we can
be sure we only have one of it.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <>
6 years ago
-- Generate output from rotated input and masks
case output_mode is
when "00" =>
result <= (rot and (mr and ml)) or (ra and not (mr and ml));
when "01" =>
result <= (rot and (mr or ml)) or (ra and not (mr or ml));
when "10" =>
result <= rot and mr;
when others =>
result <= rot or not mr;
end case;
Add a rotate/mask/shift unit and use it in execute1
This adds a new entity 'rotator' which contains combinatorial logic
for rotating and masking 64-bit values. It implements the operations
of the rlwinm, rlwnm, rlwimi, rldicl, rldicr, rldic, rldimi, rldcl,
rldcr, sld, slw, srd, srw, srad, sradi, sraw and srawi instructions.
It consists of a 3-stage 64-bit rotator using 4:1 multiplexors at
each stage, two mask generators, output logic and control logic.
The insn_type_t values used for these instructions have been reduced
to just 5: OP_RLC, OP_RLCL and OP_RLCR for the rotate and mask
instructions (clear both left and right, clear left, clear right
variants), OP_SHL for left shifts, and OP_SHR for right shifts.
The control signals for the rotator are derived from the opcode
and from the is_32bit and is_signed fields of the decode_rom_t.
The rotator is instantiated as an entity in execute1 so that we can
be sure we only have one of it.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <>
6 years ago
-- Generate carry output for arithmetic shift right of negative value
if output_mode = "11" then
carry_out <= or (rs and not ml);
carry_out <= '0';
end if;
Add a rotate/mask/shift unit and use it in execute1
This adds a new entity 'rotator' which contains combinatorial logic
for rotating and masking 64-bit values. It implements the operations
of the rlwinm, rlwnm, rlwimi, rldicl, rldicr, rldic, rldimi, rldcl,
rldcr, sld, slw, srd, srw, srad, sradi, sraw and srawi instructions.
It consists of a 3-stage 64-bit rotator using 4:1 multiplexors at
each stage, two mask generators, output logic and control logic.
The insn_type_t values used for these instructions have been reduced
to just 5: OP_RLC, OP_RLCL and OP_RLCR for the rotate and mask
instructions (clear both left and right, clear left, clear right
variants), OP_SHL for left shifts, and OP_SHR for right shifts.
The control signals for the rotator are derived from the opcode
and from the is_32bit and is_signed fields of the decode_rom_t.
The rotator is instantiated as an entity in execute1 so that we can
be sure we only have one of it.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <>
6 years ago
end process;
end behaviour;