1409 lines
56 KiB
1409 lines
56 KiB
// © IBM Corp. 2020
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
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// Modified Terms:
// 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
// License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
// in physical form.
// 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
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`timescale 1 ns / 1 ns
//* TITLE: Instruction Buffer
//* NAME: iuq_ibuf.v
`include "tri_a2o.vh"
module iuq_ibuf(
inout vdd,
inout gnd,
input [0:`NCLK_WIDTH-1] nclk,
input pc_iu_sg_2,
input pc_iu_func_sl_thold_2,
input clkoff_b,
input act_dis,
input tc_ac_ccflush_dc,
input d_mode,
input delay_lclkr,
input mpw1_b,
input mpw2_b,
input scan_in,
output scan_out,
output ib_rm_rdy,
input rm_ib_iu3_val,
input [0:35] rm_ib_iu3_instr,
input [0:3] uc_ib_iu3_invalid,
input cp_iu_iu3_flush,
input cp_flush_into_uc,
input br_iu_redirect,
input id_ib_iu4_stall,
input uc_ib_iu3_flush_all,
output [0:(`IBUFF_DEPTH/4)-1] ib_ic_need_fetch,
input [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] bp_ib_iu3_ifar,
input [0:3] bp_ib_iu3_val,
input [0:`IBUFF_INSTR_WIDTH-1] bp_ib_iu3_0_instr,
input [0:`IBUFF_INSTR_WIDTH-1] bp_ib_iu3_1_instr,
input [0:`IBUFF_INSTR_WIDTH-1] bp_ib_iu3_2_instr,
input [0:`IBUFF_INSTR_WIDTH-1] bp_ib_iu3_3_instr,
input [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] bp_ib_iu3_bta,
output ib_uc_rdy,
input [0:1] uc_ib_val,
input uc_ib_done,
input [0:31] uc_ib_instr0,
input [0:31] uc_ib_instr1,
input [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] uc_ib_ifar0,
input [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] uc_ib_ifar1,
input [0:3] uc_ib_ext0,
input [0:3] uc_ib_ext1,
output ib_id_iu4_0_valid,
output [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] ib_id_iu4_0_ifar,
output [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] ib_id_iu4_0_bta,
output [0:`IBUFF_INSTR_WIDTH-1] ib_id_iu4_0_instr,
output [0:2] ib_id_iu4_0_ucode,
output [0:3] ib_id_iu4_0_ucode_ext,
output ib_id_iu4_0_isram,
output ib_id_iu4_0_fuse_val,
output [0:31] ib_id_iu4_0_fuse_data,
output ib_id_iu4_1_valid,
output [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] ib_id_iu4_1_ifar,
output [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] ib_id_iu4_1_bta,
output [0:`IBUFF_INSTR_WIDTH-1] ib_id_iu4_1_instr,
output [0:2] ib_id_iu4_1_ucode,
output [0:3] ib_id_iu4_1_ucode_ext,
output ib_id_iu4_1_isram,
output ib_id_iu4_1_fuse_val,
output [0:31] ib_id_iu4_1_fuse_data
// buffer constants
// types for configurable width/depth
wire cp_flush_d;
wire cp_flush_q;
wire br_iu_redirect_d;
wire br_iu_redirect_q;
// incoming valid
wire [0:3] iu3_val;
// incoming stall
wire iu4_stall;
// buffer latches
reg [0:IBUFF_WIDTH-1] buffer_data_din[0:`IBUFF_DEPTH-1];
reg [0:IBUFF_WIDTH-1] buffer_data_d[0:`IBUFF_DEPTH-1];
reg [0:IBUFF_WIDTH-1] buffer_data_q[0:`IBUFF_DEPTH-1];
wire buffer_valid_act;
wire [0:`IBUFF_DEPTH-1] buffer_valid_din;
wire [0:`IBUFF_DEPTH-1] buffer_valid_d;
wire [0:`IBUFF_DEPTH-1] buffer_valid_q;
wire buffer_head_act;
wire [0:`IBUFF_DEPTH-1] buffer_head_din;
wire [0:`IBUFF_DEPTH-1] buffer_head_d;
wire [0:IBUFF_DEPTH-1] buffer_head_q;
wire buffer_tail_act;
wire [0:`IBUFF_DEPTH-1] buffer_tail_din;
wire [0:`IBUFF_DEPTH-1] buffer_tail_d;
wire [0:IBUFF_DEPTH-1] buffer_tail_q;
reg [0:`IBUFF_DEPTH*IBUFF_WIDTH-1] buffer_array_d;
wire [0:`IBUFF_DEPTH*IBUFF_WIDTH-1] buffer_array_q;
// stall buffer
wire [0:IDATA_WIDTH-1] stall_buffer_data0_d;
wire [0:IDATA_WIDTH-1] stall_buffer_data0_q;
wire [0:IDATA_WIDTH-1] stall_buffer_data1_d;
wire [0:IDATA_WIDTH-1] stall_buffer_data1_q;
wire [0:1] stall_d;
wire [0:1] stall_q;
wire [0:1] stall_buffer_act;
// buffer control
wire buffer_valid_flush;
wire [0:2] buffer_advance;
wire [0:2] buffer_bypass;
// ifar extension bits
wire [60:61] ifar_1_ext;
wire [60:61] ifar_2_ext;
wire [60:61] ifar_3_ext;
// data/valid in
wire [0:3] valid_in;
wire [0:IBUFF_WIDTH-1] data0_in;
wire [0:IBUFF_WIDTH-1] data1_in;
wire [0:IBUFF_WIDTH-1] data2_in;
wire [0:IBUFF_WIDTH-1] data3_in;
wire [0:IDATA_WIDTH-1] fast_data0;
wire [0:IDATA_WIDTH-1] fast_data1;
// data/valid out
wire [0:1] valid_int;
wire [0:1] valid_out;
wire [0:IDATA_WIDTH-1] data0_out;
wire [0:IDATA_WIDTH-1] data1_out;
wire [0:IBUFF_WIDTH-1] buffer0_ibuff_data;
wire [0:IBUFF_WIDTH-1] buffer1_ibuff_data;
wire [0:IDATA_WIDTH-1] buffer0_data;
wire [0:IDATA_WIDTH-1] buffer1_data;
reg [0:IBUFF_WIDTH-1] buffer0_data_muxed[0:`IBUFF_DEPTH-1];
reg [0:IBUFF_WIDTH-1] buffer1_data_muxed[0:`IBUFF_DEPTH-1];
// output latches
wire iu4_0_valid_din;
reg iu4_0_valid_d;
wire iu4_0_valid_q;
wire [0:`IBUFF_INSTR_WIDTH-1] iu4_0_instr_din;
reg [0:`IBUFF_INSTR_WIDTH-1] iu4_0_instr_d;
wire [0:`IBUFF_INSTR_WIDTH-1] iu4_0_instr_q;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] iu4_0_ifar_din;
reg [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] iu4_0_ifar_d;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] iu4_0_ifar_q;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] iu4_0_bta_din;
reg [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] iu4_0_bta_d;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] iu4_0_bta_q;
wire [0:2] iu4_0_ucode_din;
reg [0:2] iu4_0_ucode_d;
wire [0:2] iu4_0_ucode_q;
wire [0:3] iu4_0_ucode_ext_din;
reg [0:3] iu4_0_ucode_ext_d;
wire [0:3] iu4_0_ucode_ext_q;
wire iu4_0_isram_din;
reg iu4_0_isram_d;
wire iu4_0_isram_q;
wire iu4_0_fuse_val_din;
reg iu4_0_fuse_val_d;
wire iu4_0_fuse_val_q;
wire [0:31] iu4_0_fuse_data_din;
reg [0:31] iu4_0_fuse_data_d;
wire [0:31] iu4_0_fuse_data_q;
wire iu4_1_valid_din;
reg iu4_1_valid_d;
wire iu4_1_valid_q;
wire [0:`IBUFF_INSTR_WIDTH-1] iu4_1_instr_din;
reg [0:`IBUFF_INSTR_WIDTH-1] iu4_1_instr_d;
wire [0:`IBUFF_INSTR_WIDTH-1] iu4_1_instr_q;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] iu4_1_ifar_din;
reg [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] iu4_1_ifar_d;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] iu4_1_ifar_q;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] iu4_1_bta_din;
reg [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] iu4_1_bta_d;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] iu4_1_bta_q;
wire [0:2] iu4_1_ucode_din;
reg [0:2] iu4_1_ucode_d;
wire [0:2] iu4_1_ucode_q;
wire [0:3] iu4_1_ucode_ext_din;
reg [0:3] iu4_1_ucode_ext_d;
wire [0:3] iu4_1_ucode_ext_q;
wire iu4_1_isram_din;
reg iu4_1_isram_d;
wire iu4_1_isram_q;
wire iu4_1_fuse_val_din;
reg iu4_1_fuse_val_d;
wire iu4_1_fuse_val_q;
wire [0:31] iu4_1_fuse_data_din;
reg [0:31] iu4_1_fuse_data_d;
wire [0:31] iu4_1_fuse_data_q;
wire uc_select_d;
wire uc_select_q;
// ucode
wire [0:1] iu4_uc_mode_din;
reg [0:1] iu4_uc_mode_d;
wire [0:1] iu4_uc_mode_q;
wire [0:1] ucode_out;
wire [0:1] uc_hole;
wire uc_stall;
wire uc_select;
wire uc_swap;
wire [0:1] cp_flush_into_uc_delay_d;
wire [0:1] cp_flush_into_uc_delay_q;
// error
wire [0:1] error_hole;
wire [0:2] error0_out;
wire [0:2] error1_out;
// fusion
wire [0:1] fuse_en;
// Pervasive
wire pc_iu_func_sl_thold_1;
wire pc_iu_func_sl_thold_0;
wire pc_iu_func_sl_thold_0_b;
wire pc_iu_sg_1;
wire pc_iu_sg_0;
wire force_t;
// ties
wire tiup;
// scan chain
parameter uc_select_offset = 0;
parameter buffer_valid_offset = uc_select_offset + 1;
parameter buffer_head_offset = buffer_valid_offset + `IBUFF_DEPTH;
parameter buffer_tail_offset = buffer_head_offset + `IBUFF_DEPTH;
parameter buffer_array_offset = buffer_tail_offset + `IBUFF_DEPTH;
parameter stall_offset = buffer_array_offset + (`IBUFF_DEPTH*IBUFF_WIDTH-1+1);
parameter stall_buffer_data0_offset = stall_offset + 2;
parameter stall_buffer_data1_offset = stall_buffer_data0_offset + IDATA_WIDTH;
parameter iu4_uc_mode_offset = stall_buffer_data1_offset + IDATA_WIDTH;
parameter iu4_0_valid_offset = iu4_uc_mode_offset + 2;
parameter iu4_0_instr_offset = iu4_0_valid_offset + 1;
parameter iu4_0_ifar_offset = iu4_0_instr_offset + `IBUFF_INSTR_WIDTH;
parameter iu4_0_bta_offset = iu4_0_ifar_offset + `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH;
parameter iu4_0_ucode_offset = iu4_0_bta_offset + `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH;
parameter iu4_0_ucode_ext_offset = iu4_0_ucode_offset + 3;
parameter iu4_0_isram_offset = iu4_0_ucode_ext_offset + 4;
parameter iu4_0_fuse_val_offset = iu4_0_isram_offset + 1;
parameter iu4_0_fuse_data_offset = iu4_0_fuse_val_offset + 1;
parameter iu4_1_valid_offset = iu4_0_fuse_data_offset + 32;
parameter iu4_1_instr_offset = iu4_1_valid_offset + 1;
parameter iu4_1_ifar_offset = iu4_1_instr_offset + `IBUFF_INSTR_WIDTH;
parameter iu4_1_bta_offset = iu4_1_ifar_offset + `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH;
parameter iu4_1_ucode_offset = iu4_1_bta_offset + `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH;
parameter iu4_1_ucode_ext_offset = iu4_1_ucode_offset + 3;
parameter iu4_1_isram_offset = iu4_1_ucode_ext_offset + 4;
parameter iu4_1_fuse_val_offset = iu4_1_isram_offset + 1;
parameter iu4_1_fuse_data_offset = iu4_1_fuse_val_offset + 1;
parameter cp_flush_offset = iu4_1_fuse_data_offset + 32;
parameter br_iu_redirect_offset = cp_flush_offset + 1;
parameter cp_flush_into_uc_offset = br_iu_redirect_offset + 1;
parameter scan_right = cp_flush_into_uc_offset + 2 - 1;
// scan
wire [0:scan_right] siv;
wire [0:scan_right] sov;
//wtf:icarus $dumpvars cannot dump a vpiMemory
genvar i;
for (i = 0; i < IBUFF_DEPTH; i=i+1) begin: ibuf
wire [0:IBUFF_WIDTH-1] q;
assign q = buffer_data_q[i];
// Logic
//tidn <= '0';
assign tiup = 1'b1;
assign cp_flush_d = cp_iu_iu3_flush | uc_ib_iu3_flush_all;
assign br_iu_redirect_d = br_iu_redirect & (~(cp_flush_q));
assign cp_flush_into_uc_delay_d = {(cp_flush_into_uc), (cp_flush_into_uc_delay_q[0] & (~(cp_iu_iu3_flush)))};
// incoming valid
assign iu3_val = bp_ib_iu3_val & (~uc_ib_iu3_invalid);
// ibuff control
assign ifar_1_ext = (bp_ib_iu3_ifar[60:61] == 2'b10) ? 2'b11 :
(bp_ib_iu3_ifar[60:61] == 2'b01) ? 2'b10 :
assign ifar_2_ext = {1'b1, bp_ib_iu3_ifar[61]};
assign ifar_3_ext = 2'b11;
assign buffer_valid_flush = cp_flush_q | br_iu_redirect_q;
assign buffer_advance[0] = stall_q[1];
assign buffer_advance[1] = stall_q[0] & (~stall_q[1]);
assign buffer_advance[2] = (~stall_q[0]) & (~stall_q[1]);
// ibuff
//set latch inputs
assign buffer_head_d = (buffer_valid_flush == 1'b1) ? {1'b1, {(`IBUFF_DEPTH-1){1'b0}}} :
buffer_head_din[0:`IBUFF_DEPTH - 1];
assign buffer_tail_d = (buffer_valid_flush == 1'b1) ? {1'b1, {(`IBUFF_DEPTH-1){1'b0}}} :
buffer_tail_din[0:`IBUFF_DEPTH - 1];
assign buffer_valid_d = ((~buffer_valid_flush) ? buffer_valid_din[0:`IBUFF_DEPTH - 1] : 0 );
//construct buffer data
assign data0_in[0:IBUFF_WIDTH - 1] = {bp_ib_iu3_0_instr[0:`IBUFF_INSTR_WIDTH - 1], bp_ib_iu3_bta, bp_ib_iu3_ifar[62 - `IBUFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61]};
assign data1_in[0:IBUFF_WIDTH - 1] = {bp_ib_iu3_1_instr[0:`IBUFF_INSTR_WIDTH - 1], bp_ib_iu3_bta, bp_ib_iu3_ifar[62 - `IBUFF_IFAR_WIDTH:59], ifar_1_ext[60:61]};
assign data2_in[0:IBUFF_WIDTH - 1] = {bp_ib_iu3_2_instr[0:`IBUFF_INSTR_WIDTH - 1], bp_ib_iu3_bta, bp_ib_iu3_ifar[62 - `IBUFF_IFAR_WIDTH:59], ifar_2_ext[60:61]};
assign data3_in[0:IBUFF_WIDTH - 1] = {bp_ib_iu3_3_instr[0:`IBUFF_INSTR_WIDTH - 1], bp_ib_iu3_bta, bp_ib_iu3_ifar[62 - `IBUFF_IFAR_WIDTH:59], ifar_3_ext[60:61]};
//construct fastpath/stall data
assign fast_data0[0:IDATA_WIDTH - 1] = {bp_ib_iu3_0_instr[0:`IBUFF_INSTR_WIDTH - 1], bp_ib_iu3_bta, bp_ib_iu3_ifar[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61]};
assign fast_data1[0:IDATA_WIDTH - 1] = {bp_ib_iu3_1_instr[0:`IBUFF_INSTR_WIDTH - 1], bp_ib_iu3_bta, bp_ib_iu3_ifar[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:59], ifar_1_ext[60:61]};
assign valid_in[0:3] = iu3_val[0:3];
assign buffer_valid_act = buffer_valid_flush | valid_in[0] | (buffer_valid_q[0] & (buffer_advance[1] | buffer_advance[2]));
//wtf update for IBUFF_DEPTH < 5
assign buffer_valid_din[0:`IBUFF_DEPTH - 1] = (buffer_advance[0] == 1'b1 & valid_in[3] == 1'b1) ? {4'b1111, buffer_valid_q[0:`IBUFF_DEPTH - 5]} :
(buffer_advance[1] == 1'b1 & valid_in[3] == 1'b1) ? {3'b111, buffer_valid_q[0:`IBUFF_DEPTH - 4]} :
(buffer_advance[2] == 1'b1 & valid_in[3] == 1'b1) ? {2'b11, buffer_valid_q[0:`IBUFF_DEPTH - 3]} :
(buffer_advance[0] == 1'b1 & valid_in[2] == 1'b1) ? {3'b111, buffer_valid_q[0:`IBUFF_DEPTH - 4]} :
(buffer_advance[1] == 1'b1 & valid_in[2] == 1'b1) ? {2'b11, buffer_valid_q[0:`IBUFF_DEPTH - 3]} :
(buffer_advance[2] == 1'b1 & valid_in[2] == 1'b1) ? {1'b1, buffer_valid_q[0:`IBUFF_DEPTH - 2]} :
(buffer_advance[0] == 1'b1 & valid_in[1] == 1'b1) ? {2'b11, buffer_valid_q[0:`IBUFF_DEPTH - 3]} :
(buffer_advance[1] == 1'b1 & valid_in[1] == 1'b1) ? {1'b1, buffer_valid_q[0:`IBUFF_DEPTH - 2]} :
(buffer_advance[2] == 1'b1 & valid_in[1] == 1'b1) ? buffer_valid_q[0:`IBUFF_DEPTH - 1] :
(buffer_advance[0] == 1'b1 & valid_in[0] == 1'b1) ? {1'b1, buffer_valid_q[0:`IBUFF_DEPTH - 2]} :
(buffer_advance[1] == 1'b1 & valid_in[0] == 1'b1) ? buffer_valid_q[0:`IBUFF_DEPTH - 1] :
(buffer_advance[2] == 1'b1 & valid_in[0] == 1'b1) ? {buffer_valid_q[1:`IBUFF_DEPTH - 1], 1'b0} :
(buffer_advance[0] == 1'b1 & valid_in[0] == 1'b0) ? buffer_valid_q[0:`IBUFF_DEPTH - 1] :
(buffer_advance[1] == 1'b1 & valid_in[0] == 1'b0) ? {buffer_valid_q[1:`IBUFF_DEPTH - 1], 1'b0} :
{buffer_valid_q[2:`IBUFF_DEPTH - 1], 2'b00};
assign buffer_bypass[2] = (buffer_advance[2] == 1'b1 & buffer_valid_q[0] == 1'b0);
assign buffer_bypass[1] = (buffer_advance[2] == 1'b1 & buffer_valid_q[0] == 1'b1 & buffer_valid_q[1] == 1'b0) | (buffer_advance[1] == 1'b1 & buffer_valid_q[0] == 1'b0);
assign buffer_bypass[0] = (buffer_advance[2] == 1'b1 & buffer_valid_q[1] == 1'b1) | (buffer_advance[1] == 1'b1 & buffer_valid_q[0] == 1'b1) | (buffer_advance[0] == 1'b1);
assign buffer_head_act = buffer_valid_flush | valid_in[0];
//wtf update for IBUFF_DEPTH < 5
assign buffer_head_din[0:`IBUFF_DEPTH - 1] = (buffer_bypass[2] == 1'b1 & valid_in[3] == 1'b1) ? {buffer_head_q[`IBUFF_DEPTH - 2:`IBUFF_DEPTH - 1], buffer_head_q[0:`IBUFF_DEPTH - 3]} :
(buffer_bypass[2] == 1'b1 & valid_in[2] == 1'b1) ? {buffer_head_q[`IBUFF_DEPTH - 1], buffer_head_q[0:`IBUFF_DEPTH - 2]} :
(buffer_bypass[1] == 1'b1 & valid_in[3] == 1'b1) ? {buffer_head_q[`IBUFF_DEPTH - 3:`IBUFF_DEPTH - 1], buffer_head_q[0:`IBUFF_DEPTH - 4]} :
(buffer_bypass[1] == 1'b1 & valid_in[2] == 1'b1) ? {buffer_head_q[`IBUFF_DEPTH - 2:`IBUFF_DEPTH - 1], buffer_head_q[0:`IBUFF_DEPTH - 3]} :
(buffer_bypass[1] == 1'b1 & valid_in[1] == 1'b1) ? {buffer_head_q[`IBUFF_DEPTH - 1], buffer_head_q[0:`IBUFF_DEPTH - 2]} :
(buffer_bypass[0] == 1'b1 & valid_in[3] == 1'b1) ? {buffer_head_q[`IBUFF_DEPTH - 4:`IBUFF_DEPTH - 1], buffer_head_q[0:`IBUFF_DEPTH - 5]} :
(buffer_bypass[0] == 1'b1 & valid_in[2] == 1'b1) ? {buffer_head_q[`IBUFF_DEPTH - 3:`IBUFF_DEPTH - 1], buffer_head_q[0:`IBUFF_DEPTH - 4]} :
(buffer_bypass[0] == 1'b1 & valid_in[1] == 1'b1) ? {buffer_head_q[`IBUFF_DEPTH - 2:`IBUFF_DEPTH - 1], buffer_head_q[0:`IBUFF_DEPTH - 3]} :
(buffer_bypass[0] == 1'b1 & valid_in[0] == 1'b1) ? {buffer_head_q[`IBUFF_DEPTH - 1], buffer_head_q[0:`IBUFF_DEPTH - 2]} :
buffer_head_q[0:`IBUFF_DEPTH - 1];
assign buffer_tail_act = buffer_valid_flush | (buffer_valid_q[0] & (buffer_advance[1] | buffer_advance[2]));
assign buffer_tail_din[0:`IBUFF_DEPTH - 1] = (buffer_advance[2] == 1'b1 & buffer_valid_q[1] == 1'b1) ? {buffer_tail_q[`IBUFF_DEPTH - 2:`IBUFF_DEPTH - 1], buffer_tail_q[0:`IBUFF_DEPTH - 3]} :
(buffer_advance[2] == 1'b1 & buffer_valid_q[0] == 1'b1) ? {buffer_tail_q[`IBUFF_DEPTH - 1], buffer_tail_q[0:`IBUFF_DEPTH - 2]} :
(buffer_advance[1] == 1'b1 & buffer_valid_q[0] == 1'b1) ? {buffer_tail_q[`IBUFF_DEPTH - 1], buffer_tail_q[0:`IBUFF_DEPTH - 2]} :
buffer_tail_q[0:`IBUFF_DEPTH - 1];
//configurable depth buffer
begin : xhdl1
genvar i;
for (i = 0; i <= `IBUFF_DEPTH - 1; i = i + 1)
begin : buffer_gen
always @( * )
if (i == 0)
begin : b0
buffer_data_din[0] = (buffer_bypass[0] == 1'b1 & buffer_head_q[0] == 1'b1) ? data0_in :
(buffer_bypass[0] == 1'b1 & buffer_head_q[`IBUFF_DEPTH - 1] == 1'b1) ? data1_in :
(buffer_bypass[0] == 1'b1 & buffer_head_q[`IBUFF_DEPTH - 2] == 1'b1) ? data2_in :
(buffer_bypass[0] == 1'b1 & buffer_head_q[`IBUFF_DEPTH - 3] == 1'b1) ? data3_in :
(buffer_bypass[1] == 1'b1 & buffer_head_q[0] == 1'b1) ? data1_in :
(buffer_bypass[1] == 1'b1 & buffer_head_q[`IBUFF_DEPTH - 1] == 1'b1) ? data2_in :
(buffer_bypass[1] == 1'b1 & buffer_head_q[`IBUFF_DEPTH - 2] == 1'b1) ? data3_in :
(buffer_bypass[2] == 1'b1 & buffer_head_q[0] == 1'b1) ? data2_in :
(buffer_bypass[2] == 1'b1 & buffer_head_q[`IBUFF_DEPTH - 1] == 1'b1) ? data3_in :
if (i == 1)
begin : b1
buffer_data_din[1] = (buffer_bypass[0] == 1'b1 & buffer_head_q[1] == 1'b1) ? data0_in :
(buffer_bypass[0] == 1'b1 & buffer_head_q[0] == 1'b1) ? data1_in :
(buffer_bypass[0] == 1'b1 & buffer_head_q[`IBUFF_DEPTH - 1] == 1'b1) ? data2_in :
(buffer_bypass[0] == 1'b1 & buffer_head_q[`IBUFF_DEPTH - 2] == 1'b1) ? data3_in :
(buffer_bypass[1] == 1'b1 & buffer_head_q[1] == 1'b1) ? data1_in :
(buffer_bypass[1] == 1'b1 & buffer_head_q[0] == 1'b1) ? data2_in :
(buffer_bypass[1] == 1'b1 & buffer_head_q[`IBUFF_DEPTH - 1] == 1'b1) ? data3_in :
(buffer_bypass[2] == 1'b1 & buffer_head_q[1] == 1'b1) ? data2_in :
(buffer_bypass[2] == 1'b1 & buffer_head_q[0] == 1'b1) ? data3_in :
if (i == 2)
begin : b2
buffer_data_din[2] = (buffer_bypass[0] == 1'b1 & buffer_head_q[2] == 1'b1) ? data0_in :
(buffer_bypass[0] == 1'b1 & buffer_head_q[1] == 1'b1) ? data1_in :
(buffer_bypass[0] == 1'b1 & buffer_head_q[0] == 1'b1) ? data2_in :
(buffer_bypass[0] == 1'b1 & buffer_head_q[`IBUFF_DEPTH - 1] == 1'b1) ? data3_in :
(buffer_bypass[1] == 1'b1 & buffer_head_q[2] == 1'b1) ? data1_in :
(buffer_bypass[1] == 1'b1 & buffer_head_q[1] == 1'b1) ? data2_in :
(buffer_bypass[1] == 1'b1 & buffer_head_q[0] == 1'b1) ? data3_in :
(buffer_bypass[2] == 1'b1 & buffer_head_q[2] == 1'b1) ? data2_in :
(buffer_bypass[2] == 1'b1 & buffer_head_q[1] == 1'b1) ? data3_in :
if (i == 3)
begin : b3
buffer_data_din[3] = (buffer_bypass[0] == 1'b1 & buffer_head_q[3] == 1'b1) ? data0_in :
(buffer_bypass[0] == 1'b1 & buffer_head_q[2] == 1'b1) ? data1_in :
(buffer_bypass[0] == 1'b1 & buffer_head_q[1] == 1'b1) ? data2_in :
(buffer_bypass[0] == 1'b1 & buffer_head_q[0] == 1'b1) ? data3_in :
(buffer_bypass[1] == 1'b1 & buffer_head_q[3] == 1'b1) ? data1_in :
(buffer_bypass[1] == 1'b1 & buffer_head_q[2] == 1'b1) ? data2_in :
(buffer_bypass[1] == 1'b1 & buffer_head_q[1] == 1'b1) ? data3_in :
(buffer_bypass[2] == 1'b1 & buffer_head_q[3] == 1'b1) ? data2_in :
(buffer_bypass[2] == 1'b1 & buffer_head_q[2] == 1'b1) ? data3_in :
if (i > 3)
begin : bi
buffer_data_din[i] = (buffer_bypass[0] == 1'b1 & buffer_head_q[i] == 1'b1) ? data0_in :
(buffer_bypass[0] == 1'b1 & buffer_head_q[i - 1] == 1'b1) ? data1_in :
(buffer_bypass[0] == 1'b1 & buffer_head_q[i - 2] == 1'b1) ? data2_in :
(buffer_bypass[0] == 1'b1 & buffer_head_q[i - 3] == 1'b1) ? data3_in :
(buffer_bypass[1] == 1'b1 & buffer_head_q[i] == 1'b1) ? data1_in :
(buffer_bypass[1] == 1'b1 & buffer_head_q[i - 1] == 1'b1) ? data2_in :
(buffer_bypass[1] == 1'b1 & buffer_head_q[i - 2] == 1'b1) ? data3_in :
(buffer_bypass[2] == 1'b1 & buffer_head_q[i] == 1'b1) ? data2_in :
(buffer_bypass[2] == 1'b1 & buffer_head_q[i - 1] == 1'b1) ? data3_in :
if (i < `IBUFF_DEPTH)
begin : ba
buffer_data_d[i] = buffer_data_din[i];
buffer_array_d[i * IBUFF_WIDTH:(i + 1) * IBUFF_WIDTH - 1] = buffer_data_d[i];
buffer_data_q[i] = buffer_array_q[i * IBUFF_WIDTH:(i + 1) * IBUFF_WIDTH - 1];
// reconstruct buffer data
begin : xhdl2
genvar i;
for (i = 0; i <= `IBUFF_DEPTH - 1; i = i + 1)
begin : buff0_mux
always @( * )
if (i == 0)
begin : m0
buffer0_data_muxed[0] = (buffer_tail_q[0] ? buffer_data_q[0] : 0 );
if (i >= 1)
begin : mi
buffer0_data_muxed[i] = (buffer_tail_q[i] ? buffer_data_q[i] : 0 ) | buffer0_data_muxed[i - 1];
assign buffer0_ibuff_data = buffer0_data_muxed[`IBUFF_DEPTH - 1];
begin : xhdl3
genvar i;
for (i = 0; i <= `IBUFF_DEPTH - 1; i = i + 1)
begin : buff1_mux
always @( * )
if (i == 0)
begin : m0
buffer1_data_muxed[0] = (buffer_tail_q[`IBUFF_DEPTH - 1] ? buffer_data_q[0] : 0 );
if (i >= 1)
begin : mi
buffer1_data_muxed[i] = (buffer_tail_q[i-1] ? buffer_data_q[i] : 0 ) | buffer1_data_muxed[i - 1];
assign buffer1_ibuff_data = buffer1_data_muxed[`IBUFF_DEPTH - 1];
assign buffer0_data = buffer0_ibuff_data[0:IBUFF_WIDTH - 1];
assign buffer1_data = buffer1_ibuff_data[0:IBUFF_WIDTH - 1];
// watermarks
begin : xhdl4
genvar i;
for (i = 0; i <= ((`IBUFF_DEPTH/4) - 1); i = i + 1)
begin : fetch_gen
assign ib_ic_need_fetch[i] = (~buffer_valid_q[i * 4]);
// incoming stall
assign iu4_stall = iu4_0_valid_q & id_ib_iu4_stall;
// stall buffer
assign valid_int[0] = buffer_valid_q[0] | iu3_val[0] | stall_q[0];
assign valid_int[1] = (stall_q[0] == 1'b0) ? (buffer_valid_q[0] & iu3_val[0]) | buffer_valid_q[1] | iu3_val[1] | stall_q[1] :
buffer_valid_q[0] | iu3_val[0] | stall_q[1];
assign valid_out[0] = valid_int[0];
assign valid_out[1] = valid_int[1] & (~uc_hole[1]) & (~error_hole[1]);
assign stall_d[0] = (uc_swap == 1'b0) ? valid_int[0] & (iu4_stall | uc_stall) & (~buffer_valid_flush) :
(stall_q[1] == 1'b0) ? valid_int[1] & (iu4_stall | uc_stall) & (~buffer_valid_flush) :
assign stall_d[1] = (uc_swap == 1'b0) ? valid_int[1] & (iu4_stall | uc_stall) & (~buffer_valid_flush) :
assign stall_buffer_act[0] = (~stall_q[0]) | uc_swap;
assign stall_buffer_act[1] = (~stall_q[1]);
assign stall_buffer_data0_d = (uc_swap == 1'b1) ? data1_out :
(buffer_valid_q[0] == 1'b1) ? buffer0_data :
assign stall_buffer_data1_d = (buffer_valid_q[1] == 1'b1 & stall_q[0] == 1'b0) ? buffer1_data :
(buffer_valid_q[0] == 1'b1 & stall_q[0] == 1'b1) ? buffer0_data :
(buffer_valid_q[0] == 1'b0 & stall_q[0] == 1'b0) ? fast_data1 :
assign data0_out = (stall_q[0] == 1'b1) ? stall_buffer_data0_q :
assign data1_out = (stall_q[1] == 1'b1) ? stall_buffer_data1_q :
// branch fusion
assign fuse_en[0] = data0_out[57];
assign fuse_en[1] = iu4_1_instr_q[57];
assign iu4_0_fuse_val_din = (uc_select == 1'b1) ? 1'b0 :
(fuse_en[1] == 1'b1 & iu4_1_valid_q == 1'b1) ? 1'b1 :
(iu4_0_fuse_val_q == 1'b1 & iu4_0_valid_q == 1'b1) ? 1'b0 :
assign iu4_0_fuse_data_din = (fuse_en[1] == 1'b1 & iu4_1_valid_q == 1'b1) ? iu4_1_instr_q[0:31] :
assign iu4_1_fuse_val_din = fuse_en[0] & valid_out[0] & (~(uc_select));
assign iu4_1_fuse_data_din = data0_out[0:31];
// ucode muxing
assign ucode_out[0] = data0_out[56];
assign ucode_out[1] = data1_out[56];
assign iu4_uc_mode_din[0] = (cp_flush_into_uc_delay_q[1] == 1'b1) ? 1'b1 :
(|(uc_ib_val) == 1'b1 & uc_ib_done == 1'b1 & uc_select == 1'b1) ? 1'b0 :
(valid_out[0] == 1'b1 & ucode_out[0] == 1'b1 & uc_select == 1'b0) ? 1'b1 :
assign iu4_uc_mode_din[1] = (cp_flush_into_uc_delay_q[1] == 1'b1) ? 1'b0 :
(|(uc_ib_val) == 1'b1 & uc_ib_done == 1'b1 & uc_select == 1'b1) ? 1'b0 :
(valid_out[1] == 1'b1 & ucode_out[1] == 1'b1 & uc_select == 1'b0) ? 1'b1 :
assign uc_stall = iu4_uc_mode_d[0] | iu4_uc_mode_q[0] | iu4_uc_mode_q[1];
assign uc_select = |(iu4_uc_mode_q[0:1]);
assign uc_hole[0] = 1'b0;
assign uc_hole[1] = valid_out[0] & ucode_out[0];
assign uc_swap = iu4_0_ucode_q[1] & uc_select_d & (~uc_select_q); //ucode in instr0, and ucode select edge detect
assign uc_select_d = uc_select;
assign ib_uc_rdy = uc_select & (~iu4_stall);
assign ib_rm_rdy = (~iu4_stall);
// erat error single instruction issue
assign error0_out[0:2] = data0_out[53:55];
assign error1_out[0:2] = data1_out[53:55];
assign error_hole[0] = 1'b0;
assign error_hole[1] = valid_out[0] & error0_out == 3'b111;
assign iu4_0_valid_din = (uc_select == 1'b1) ? uc_ib_val[0] :
valid_out[0] | rm_ib_iu3_val;
assign iu4_0_instr_din = (uc_select == 1'b1) ? {uc_ib_instr0[0:31], {(`IBUFF_INSTR_WIDTH-32){1'b0}}} :
(rm_ib_iu3_val == 1'b1) ? {rm_ib_iu3_instr[0:31], {(`IBUFF_INSTR_WIDTH-32){1'b0}}} :
data0_out[0:`IBUFF_INSTR_WIDTH - 1];
assign iu4_0_bta_din = data0_out[`IBUFF_INSTR_WIDTH:`IBUFF_INSTR_WIDTH + `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH - 1];
assign iu4_0_ifar_din = (uc_select == 1'b1) ? uc_ib_ifar0[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] :
assign iu4_0_ucode_ext_din = (uc_select ? uc_ib_ext0 : 0 ) | (rm_ib_iu3_val ? rm_ib_iu3_instr[32:35] : 0 );
assign iu4_0_ucode_din[0] = uc_select;
assign iu4_0_ucode_din[1] = (~uc_select) & valid_out[0] & ucode_out[0];
assign iu4_0_ucode_din[2] = uc_select & uc_ib_done & uc_ib_val[0] & (~uc_ib_val[1]);
assign iu4_0_isram_din = rm_ib_iu3_val;
assign iu4_1_valid_din = (uc_select == 1'b1) ? uc_ib_val[1] :
assign iu4_1_instr_din = (uc_select == 1'b1) ? {uc_ib_instr1[0:31], {(`IBUFF_INSTR_WIDTH-32){1'b0}}} :
data1_out[0:`IBUFF_INSTR_WIDTH - 1];
assign iu4_1_bta_din = data1_out[`IBUFF_INSTR_WIDTH:`IBUFF_INSTR_WIDTH + `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH - 1];
assign iu4_1_ifar_din = (uc_select == 1'b1) ? uc_ib_ifar1[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] :
assign iu4_1_ucode_ext_din = (uc_select ? uc_ib_ext1 : 0 );
assign iu4_1_ucode_din[0] = uc_select;
assign iu4_1_ucode_din[1] = (~uc_select) & valid_out[1] & ucode_out[1];
assign iu4_1_ucode_din[2] = uc_select & uc_ib_done & uc_ib_val[1];
assign iu4_1_isram_din = 1'b0;
// output latches
always @(iu4_stall or buffer_valid_flush or iu4_uc_mode_din or iu4_0_valid_din or iu4_0_instr_din or iu4_0_bta_din or iu4_0_ifar_din or iu4_0_ucode_din or iu4_0_ucode_ext_din or iu4_0_isram_din or iu4_0_fuse_val_din or iu4_0_fuse_data_din or iu4_1_valid_din or iu4_1_instr_din or iu4_1_bta_din or iu4_1_ifar_din or iu4_1_ucode_din or iu4_1_ucode_ext_din or iu4_1_isram_din or iu4_1_fuse_val_din or iu4_1_fuse_data_din or iu4_uc_mode_q or iu4_0_valid_q or iu4_0_instr_q or iu4_0_bta_q or iu4_0_ifar_q or iu4_0_ucode_q or iu4_0_ucode_ext_q or iu4_0_isram_q or iu4_0_fuse_val_q or iu4_0_fuse_data_q or iu4_1_valid_q or iu4_1_instr_q or iu4_1_bta_q or iu4_1_ifar_q or iu4_1_ucode_q or iu4_1_ucode_ext_q or iu4_1_isram_q or iu4_1_fuse_val_q or iu4_1_fuse_data_q)
begin: iu4_proc
iu4_uc_mode_d = iu4_uc_mode_din;
iu4_0_valid_d = iu4_0_valid_din;
iu4_0_instr_d = iu4_0_instr_din;
iu4_0_bta_d = iu4_0_bta_din;
iu4_0_ifar_d = iu4_0_ifar_din;
iu4_0_ucode_d = iu4_0_ucode_din;
iu4_0_ucode_ext_d = iu4_0_ucode_ext_din;
iu4_0_isram_d = iu4_0_isram_din;
iu4_0_fuse_val_d = iu4_0_fuse_val_din;
iu4_0_fuse_data_d = iu4_0_fuse_data_din;
iu4_1_valid_d = iu4_1_valid_din;
iu4_1_instr_d = iu4_1_instr_din;
iu4_1_bta_d = iu4_1_bta_din;
iu4_1_ifar_d = iu4_1_ifar_din;
iu4_1_ucode_d = iu4_1_ucode_din;
iu4_1_ucode_ext_d = iu4_1_ucode_ext_din;
iu4_1_isram_d = iu4_1_isram_din;
iu4_1_fuse_val_d = iu4_1_fuse_val_din;
iu4_1_fuse_data_d = iu4_1_fuse_data_din;
if (iu4_stall == 1'b1)
iu4_uc_mode_d = iu4_uc_mode_q;
iu4_0_valid_d = iu4_0_valid_q;
iu4_0_instr_d = iu4_0_instr_q;
iu4_0_bta_d = iu4_0_bta_q;
iu4_0_ifar_d = iu4_0_ifar_q;
iu4_0_ucode_d = iu4_0_ucode_q;
iu4_0_ucode_ext_d = iu4_0_ucode_ext_q;
iu4_0_isram_d = iu4_0_isram_q;
iu4_0_fuse_val_d = iu4_0_fuse_val_q;
iu4_0_fuse_data_d = iu4_0_fuse_data_q;
iu4_1_valid_d = iu4_1_valid_q;
iu4_1_instr_d = iu4_1_instr_q;
iu4_1_bta_d = iu4_1_bta_q;
iu4_1_ifar_d = iu4_1_ifar_q;
iu4_1_ucode_d = iu4_1_ucode_q;
iu4_1_ucode_ext_d = iu4_1_ucode_ext_q;
iu4_1_isram_d = iu4_1_isram_q;
iu4_1_fuse_val_d = iu4_1_fuse_val_q;
iu4_1_fuse_data_d = iu4_1_fuse_data_q;
if (buffer_valid_flush == 1'b1)
iu4_uc_mode_d = 2'b0;
iu4_0_valid_d = 1'b0;
iu4_1_valid_d = 1'b0;
iu4_0_fuse_val_d = 1'b0;
iu4_1_fuse_val_d = 1'b0;
// instruction output
assign ib_id_iu4_0_valid = iu4_0_valid_q;
assign ib_id_iu4_0_instr = iu4_0_instr_q;
assign ib_id_iu4_0_ucode = iu4_0_ucode_q;
assign ib_id_iu4_0_ucode_ext = iu4_0_ucode_ext_q;
assign ib_id_iu4_0_bta = iu4_0_bta_q;
assign ib_id_iu4_0_ifar = iu4_0_ifar_q;
assign ib_id_iu4_0_isram = iu4_0_isram_q;
assign ib_id_iu4_0_fuse_val = iu4_0_fuse_val_q;
assign ib_id_iu4_0_fuse_data = iu4_0_fuse_data_q;
assign ib_id_iu4_1_valid = iu4_1_valid_q;
assign ib_id_iu4_1_instr = iu4_1_instr_q;
assign ib_id_iu4_1_ucode = iu4_1_ucode_q;
assign ib_id_iu4_1_ucode_ext = iu4_1_ucode_ext_q;
assign ib_id_iu4_1_bta = iu4_1_bta_q;
assign ib_id_iu4_1_ifar = iu4_1_ifar_q;
assign ib_id_iu4_1_isram = iu4_1_isram_q;
assign ib_id_iu4_1_fuse_val = iu4_1_fuse_val_q;
assign ib_id_iu4_1_fuse_data = iu4_1_fuse_data_q;
// Latches
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0)) uc_select_latch(
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`IBUFF_DEPTH), .INIT(0)) buffer_valid_latch(
.scin(siv[buffer_valid_offset:buffer_valid_offset + `IBUFF_DEPTH - 1]),
.scout(sov[buffer_valid_offset:buffer_valid_offset + `IBUFF_DEPTH - 1]),
.dout(buffer_valid_q[0:`IBUFF_DEPTH - 1])
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`IBUFF_DEPTH), .INIT(1)) buffer_head_latch(
.scin(siv[buffer_head_offset:buffer_head_offset + `IBUFF_DEPTH - 1]),
.scout(sov[buffer_head_offset:buffer_head_offset + `IBUFF_DEPTH - 1]),
.dout(buffer_head_q[0:`IBUFF_DEPTH - 1])
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`IBUFF_DEPTH), .INIT(1)) buffer_tail_latch(
.scin(siv[buffer_tail_offset:buffer_tail_offset + `IBUFF_DEPTH - 1]),
.scout(sov[buffer_tail_offset:buffer_tail_offset + `IBUFF_DEPTH - 1]),
.dout(buffer_tail_q[0:`IBUFF_DEPTH - 1])
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH((`IBUFF_DEPTH*IBUFF_WIDTH-1+1)), .INIT(0)) buffer_array_latch(
.act(iu3_val[0]), //tiup,
.scin(siv[buffer_array_offset:buffer_array_offset + (`IBUFF_DEPTH*IBUFF_WIDTH-1+1) - 1]),
.scout(sov[buffer_array_offset:buffer_array_offset + (`IBUFF_DEPTH*IBUFF_WIDTH-1+1) - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(IDATA_WIDTH), .INIT(0)) stall_buffer_data0_latch(
.scin(siv[stall_buffer_data0_offset:stall_buffer_data0_offset + IDATA_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(sov[stall_buffer_data0_offset:stall_buffer_data0_offset + IDATA_WIDTH - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(IDATA_WIDTH), .INIT(0)) stall_buffer_data1_latch(
.scin(siv[stall_buffer_data1_offset:stall_buffer_data1_offset + IDATA_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(sov[stall_buffer_data1_offset:stall_buffer_data1_offset + IDATA_WIDTH - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(2), .INIT(0)) stall_latch(
.scin(siv[stall_offset:stall_offset + 2 - 1]),
.scout(sov[stall_offset:stall_offset + 2 - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(2), .INIT(0)) iu4_uc_mode_latch(
.scin(siv[iu4_uc_mode_offset:iu4_uc_mode_offset + 2 - 1]),
.scout(sov[iu4_uc_mode_offset:iu4_uc_mode_offset + 2 - 1]),
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0)) iu4_0_valid_latch(
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`IBUFF_INSTR_WIDTH), .INIT(0)) iu4_0_instr_latch(
.scin(siv[iu4_0_instr_offset:iu4_0_instr_offset + `IBUFF_INSTR_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(sov[iu4_0_instr_offset:iu4_0_instr_offset + `IBUFF_INSTR_WIDTH - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH((`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH)), .INIT(0)) iu4_0_ifar_latch(
.scin(siv[iu4_0_ifar_offset:iu4_0_ifar_offset + (`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH) - 1]),
.scout(sov[iu4_0_ifar_offset:iu4_0_ifar_offset + (`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH) - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH((`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH)), .INIT(0)) iu4_0_bta_latch(
.scin(siv[iu4_0_bta_offset:iu4_0_bta_offset + (`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH) - 1]),
.scout(sov[iu4_0_bta_offset:iu4_0_bta_offset + (`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH) - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(3), .INIT(0)) iu4_0_ucode_latch(
.scin(siv[iu4_0_ucode_offset:iu4_0_ucode_offset + 3 - 1]),
.scout(sov[iu4_0_ucode_offset:iu4_0_ucode_offset + 3 - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(4), .INIT(0)) iu4_0_ucode_ext_latch(
.scin(siv[iu4_0_ucode_ext_offset:iu4_0_ucode_ext_offset + 4 - 1]),
.scout(sov[iu4_0_ucode_ext_offset:iu4_0_ucode_ext_offset + 4 - 1]),
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0)) iu4_0_isram_latch(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0)) iu4_0_fuse_val_latch(
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(32), .INIT(0)) iu4_0_fuse_data_latch(
.scin(siv[iu4_0_fuse_data_offset:iu4_0_fuse_data_offset + 32 - 1]),
.scout(sov[iu4_0_fuse_data_offset:iu4_0_fuse_data_offset + 32 - 1]),
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0)) iu4_1_valid_latch(
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`IBUFF_INSTR_WIDTH), .INIT(0)) iu4_1_instr_latch(
.scin(siv[iu4_1_instr_offset:iu4_1_instr_offset + `IBUFF_INSTR_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(sov[iu4_1_instr_offset:iu4_1_instr_offset + `IBUFF_INSTR_WIDTH - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH((`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH)), .INIT(0)) iu4_1_ifar_latch(
.scin(siv[iu4_1_ifar_offset:iu4_1_ifar_offset + (`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH) - 1]),
.scout(sov[iu4_1_ifar_offset:iu4_1_ifar_offset + (`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH) - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH((`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH)), .INIT(0)) iu4_1_bta_latch(
.scin(siv[iu4_1_bta_offset:iu4_1_bta_offset + (`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH) - 1]),
.scout(sov[iu4_1_bta_offset:iu4_1_bta_offset + (`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH) - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(3), .INIT(0)) iu4_1_ucode_latch(
.scin(siv[iu4_1_ucode_offset:iu4_1_ucode_offset + 3 - 1]),
.scout(sov[iu4_1_ucode_offset:iu4_1_ucode_offset + 3 - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(4), .INIT(0)) iu4_1_ucode_ext_latch(
.scin(siv[iu4_1_ucode_ext_offset:iu4_1_ucode_ext_offset + 4 - 1]),
.scout(sov[iu4_1_ucode_ext_offset:iu4_1_ucode_ext_offset + 4 - 1]),
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0)) iu4_1_isram_latch(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0)) iu4_1_fuse_val_latch(
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(32), .INIT(0)) iu4_1_fuse_data_latch(
.scin(siv[iu4_1_fuse_data_offset:iu4_1_fuse_data_offset + 32 - 1]),
.scout(sov[iu4_1_fuse_data_offset:iu4_1_fuse_data_offset + 32 - 1]),
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0)) cp_flush_latch(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0)) br_iu_redirect_latch(
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(2), .INIT(0)) cp_flush_into_uc_latch(
.scin(siv[cp_flush_into_uc_offset:cp_flush_into_uc_offset + 2 - 1]),
.scout(sov[cp_flush_into_uc_offset:cp_flush_into_uc_offset + 2 - 1]),
// pervasive
tri_plat #(.WIDTH(2)) perv_2to1_reg(
tri_plat #(.WIDTH(2)) perv_1to0_reg(
tri_lcbor perv_lcbor(
// Scan
assign siv[0:scan_right] = {sov[1:scan_right], scan_in};
assign scan_out = sov[0];