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// © IBM Corp. 2020
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
// the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
// compliance with the License as modified.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Modified Terms:
// 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
// License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
// in physical form.
// 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
// necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
// via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
// hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
// of the EULA.
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
// for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
// Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
// is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
// available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be
// obtained (along with the Power ISA) here:
`timescale 1 ns / 1 ns
// Description: A2O Bypass Control
module rv_rf_byp(
`include "tri_a2o.vh"
// Completion flush
input [0:`THREADS-1] cp_flush,
// Interface with RV
input [0:`THREADS-1] rv_byp_fx0_vld, // FX0 Ports
input [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] rv_byp_fx0_itag,
input [0:3] rv_byp_fx0_ilat,
input rv_byp_fx0_ord,
input rv_byp_fx0_t1_v,
input [0:2] rv_byp_fx0_t1_t,
input rv_byp_fx0_t2_v,
input [0:2] rv_byp_fx0_t2_t,
input rv_byp_fx0_t3_v,
input [0:2] rv_byp_fx0_t3_t,
input [0:2] rv_byp_fx0_s1_t,
input [0:2] rv_byp_fx0_s2_t,
input [0:2] rv_byp_fx0_s3_t,
input rv_byp_fx0_ex0_is_brick,
input [0:`THREADS-1] rv_byp_fx0_ilat0_vld,
input [0:`THREADS-1] rv_byp_fx0_ilat1_vld,
input [0:`THREADS-1] rv_byp_lq_vld, // LQ Ports
input rv_byp_lq_t1_v,
input rv_byp_lq_t3_v,
input [0:2] rv_byp_lq_t3_t,
input [0:2] rv_byp_lq_s1_t,
input [0:2] rv_byp_lq_s2_t,
input [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] rv_byp_lq_ex0_s1_itag,
input [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] rv_byp_lq_ex0_s2_itag,
input [0:`THREADS-1] rv_byp_fx1_vld, // FX1 Ports
input [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] rv_byp_fx1_itag,
(* analysis_not_referenced="<0>true" *)
input [0:3] rv_byp_fx1_ilat,
input rv_byp_fx1_t1_v,
input rv_byp_fx1_t2_v,
input rv_byp_fx1_t3_v,
input [0:2] rv_byp_fx1_s1_t,
input [0:2] rv_byp_fx1_s2_t,
input [0:2] rv_byp_fx1_s3_t,
input rv_byp_fx1_ex0_isStore,
input [0:`THREADS-1] rv_byp_fx1_ilat0_vld,
input [0:`THREADS-1] rv_byp_fx1_ilat1_vld,
// Interface with FXU0
output [1:11] rv_fx0_ex0_s1_fx0_sel,
output [1:11] rv_fx0_ex0_s2_fx0_sel,
output [1:11] rv_fx0_ex0_s3_fx0_sel,
output [4:8] rv_fx0_ex0_s1_lq_sel,
output [4:8] rv_fx0_ex0_s2_lq_sel,
output [4:8] rv_fx0_ex0_s3_lq_sel,
output [1:6] rv_fx0_ex0_s1_fx1_sel,
output [1:6] rv_fx0_ex0_s2_fx1_sel,
output [1:6] rv_fx0_ex0_s3_fx1_sel,
// Interface with LQ
output [2:12] rv_lq_ex0_s1_fx0_sel,
output [2:12] rv_lq_ex0_s2_fx0_sel,
output [4:8] rv_lq_ex0_s1_lq_sel,
output [4:8] rv_lq_ex0_s2_lq_sel,
output [2:7] rv_lq_ex0_s1_fx1_sel,
output [2:7] rv_lq_ex0_s2_fx1_sel,
// Interface with FXU1
output [1:11] rv_fx1_ex0_s1_fx0_sel,
output [1:11] rv_fx1_ex0_s2_fx0_sel,
output [1:11] rv_fx1_ex0_s3_fx0_sel,
output [4:8] rv_fx1_ex0_s1_lq_sel,
output [4:8] rv_fx1_ex0_s2_lq_sel,
output [4:8] rv_fx1_ex0_s3_lq_sel,
output [1:6] rv_fx1_ex0_s1_fx1_sel,
output [1:6] rv_fx1_ex0_s2_fx1_sel,
output [1:6] rv_fx1_ex0_s3_fx1_sel,
output [2:3] rv_fx0_ex0_s1_rel_sel,
output [2:3] rv_fx0_ex0_s2_rel_sel,
output [2:3] rv_fx0_ex0_s3_rel_sel,
output [2:3] rv_lq_ex0_s1_rel_sel,
output [2:3] rv_lq_ex0_s2_rel_sel,
output [2:3] rv_fx1_ex0_s1_rel_sel,
output [2:3] rv_fx1_ex0_s2_rel_sel,
output [2:3] rv_fx1_ex0_s3_rel_sel,
// FX0 RV Release / Spec Flush
output [0:`THREADS-1] fx0_rv_itag_vld,
output fx0_rv_itag_abort,
output [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] fx0_rv_itag,
output [0:`THREADS-1] fx0_release_ord_hold,
output [0:`THREADS-1] fx0_rv_ext_itag_vld,
output fx0_rv_ext_itag_abort,
output [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] fx0_rv_ext_itag,
input fx0_rv_ord_complete,
input [0:`THREADS-1] fx0_rv_ord_tid,
input [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] fx0_rv_ord_itag,
input [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] rv_fx0_s1_itag,
input [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] rv_fx0_s2_itag,
input [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] rv_fx0_s3_itag,
input fx0_rv_ex2_s1_abort,
input fx0_rv_ex2_s2_abort,
input fx0_rv_ex2_s3_abort,
// FX1 RV Release / Spec Flush
output [0:`THREADS-1] fx1_rv_itag_vld,
output fx1_rv_itag_abort,
output [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] fx1_rv_itag,
output [0:`THREADS-1] fx1_rv_ext_itag_vld,
output fx1_rv_ext_itag_abort,
output [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] fx1_rv_ext_itag,
input [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] rv_fx1_s1_itag,
input [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] rv_fx1_s2_itag,
input [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] rv_fx1_s3_itag,
input fx1_rv_ex2_s1_abort,
input fx1_rv_ex2_s2_abort,
input fx1_rv_ex2_s3_abort,
// LQ Release and Restart
input [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] rv_byp_lq_itag,
input [0:`THREADS-1] lq_rv_itag2_vld,
input [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] lq_rv_itag2,
// Clocks & Power
inout vdd,
inout gnd,
input clk,
input rst,
// Pervasive
input func_sl_thold_1,
input sg_1,
input clkoff_b,
input act_dis,
input ccflush_dc,
input delay_lclkr,
input mpw1_b,
input mpw2_b,
input scan_in,
output scan_out
// Pervasive
parameter tiup = 1'b1;
parameter tidn = 1'b0;
parameter elmnt_width = 3 + `THREADS; // Valid (1) + max_pool_enc (6) + Type (3) = 10, or max_pool_enc + 4
// Signals
wire d_mode;
wire [0:2] rv_byp_fx1_t2_t;
wire [0:2] rv_byp_fx1_t3_t;
wire [1:11] fx0_ex0_s1_fx0_sel;
wire [1:11] fx0_ex0_s2_fx0_sel;
wire [1:11] fx0_ex0_s3_fx0_sel;
wire [1:11] fxu0_s1_fxu0_itag_match;
wire [1:11] fxu0_s2_fxu0_itag_match;
wire [1:11] fxu0_s3_fxu0_itag_match;
wire [1:6] fx0_ex0_s1_fx1_sel;
wire [1:6] fx0_ex0_s2_fx1_sel;
wire [1:6] fx0_ex0_s3_fx1_sel;
wire [1:6] fxu0_s1_fxu1_itag_match;
wire [1:6] fxu0_s2_fxu1_itag_match;
wire [1:6] fxu0_s3_fxu1_itag_match;
wire [4:8] fxu0_s1_lq_itag_match;
wire [4:8] fxu0_s2_lq_itag_match;
wire [4:8] fxu0_s3_lq_itag_match;
wire [1:11] fxu0_s1_fxu0_t1_match;
wire [1:11] fxu0_s1_fxu0_t2_match;
wire [1:11] fxu0_s1_fxu0_t3_match;
wire [1:11] fxu0_s2_fxu0_t1_match;
wire [1:11] fxu0_s2_fxu0_t2_match;
wire [1:11] fxu0_s2_fxu0_t3_match;
wire [1:11] fxu0_s3_fxu0_t1_match;
wire [1:11] fxu0_s3_fxu0_t2_match;
wire [1:11] fxu0_s3_fxu0_t3_match;
wire [4:8] fxu0_s1_lq_t1_match;
wire [4:8] fxu0_s1_lq_t2_match;
wire [4:8] fxu0_s1_lq_t3_match;
wire [4:8] fxu0_s2_lq_t1_match;
wire [4:8] fxu0_s2_lq_t2_match;
wire [4:8] fxu0_s2_lq_t3_match;
wire [4:8] fxu0_s3_lq_t1_match;
wire [4:8] fxu0_s3_lq_t2_match;
wire [4:8] fxu0_s3_lq_t3_match;
wire [1:6] fxu0_s1_fxu1_t1_match;
wire [1:6] fxu0_s1_fxu1_t2_match;
wire [1:6] fxu0_s1_fxu1_t3_match;
wire [1:6] fxu0_s2_fxu1_t1_match;
wire [1:6] fxu0_s2_fxu1_t2_match;
wire [1:6] fxu0_s2_fxu1_t3_match;
wire [1:6] fxu0_s3_fxu1_t1_match;
wire [1:6] fxu0_s3_fxu1_t2_match;
wire [1:6] fxu0_s3_fxu1_t3_match;
wire [2:12] lq_ex0_s1_fx0_sel;
wire [2:12] lq_ex0_s2_fx0_sel;
wire [2:12] lq_s1_fxu0_itag_match;
wire [2:12] lq_s2_fxu0_itag_match;
wire [2:7] lq_s1_fxu1_itag_match;
wire [2:7] lq_s2_fxu1_itag_match;
wire [4:8] lq_s1_lq_itag_match;
wire [4:8] lq_s2_lq_itag_match;
wire [2:12] lq_s1_fxu0_t1_match;
wire [2:12] lq_s1_fxu0_t2_match;
wire [2:12] lq_s1_fxu0_t3_match;
wire [2:12] lq_s2_fxu0_t1_match;
wire [2:12] lq_s2_fxu0_t2_match;
wire [2:12] lq_s2_fxu0_t3_match;
wire [4:8] lq_s1_lq_t1_match;
wire [4:8] lq_s1_lq_t2_match;
wire [4:8] lq_s1_lq_t3_match;
wire [4:8] lq_s2_lq_t1_match;
wire [4:8] lq_s2_lq_t2_match;
wire [4:8] lq_s2_lq_t3_match;
wire [2:7] lq_ex0_s1_fx1_sel;
wire [2:7] lq_ex0_s2_fx1_sel;
wire [2:7] lq_s1_fxu1_t1_match;
wire [2:7] lq_s1_fxu1_t2_match;
wire [2:7] lq_s1_fxu1_t3_match;
wire [2:7] lq_s2_fxu1_t1_match;
wire [2:7] lq_s2_fxu1_t2_match;
wire [2:7] lq_s2_fxu1_t3_match;
wire [1:11] fx1_ex0_s1_fx0_sel;
wire [1:11] fx1_ex0_s2_fx0_sel;
wire [1:11] fx1_ex0_s3_fx0_sel;
wire [1:11] fxu1_s1_fxu0_itag_match;
wire [1:11] fxu1_s2_fxu0_itag_match;
wire [1:11] fxu1_s3_fxu0_itag_match;
wire [1:6] fx1_ex0_s1_fx1_sel;
wire [1:6] fx1_ex0_s2_fx1_sel;
wire [1:6] fx1_ex0_s3_fx1_sel;
wire [1:6] fxu1_s1_fxu1_itag_match;
wire [1:6] fxu1_s2_fxu1_itag_match;
wire [1:6] fxu1_s3_fxu1_itag_match;
wire [4:8] fxu1_s1_lq_itag_match;
wire [4:8] fxu1_s2_lq_itag_match;
wire [4:8] fxu1_s3_lq_itag_match;
wire [1:11] fxu1_s1_fxu0_t1_match;
wire [1:11] fxu1_s1_fxu0_t2_match;
wire [1:11] fxu1_s1_fxu0_t3_match;
wire [1:11] fxu1_s2_fxu0_t1_match;
wire [1:11] fxu1_s2_fxu0_t2_match;
wire [1:11] fxu1_s2_fxu0_t3_match;
wire [1:11] fxu1_s3_fxu0_t1_match;
wire [1:11] fxu1_s3_fxu0_t2_match;
wire [1:11] fxu1_s3_fxu0_t3_match;
wire [4:8] fxu1_s1_lq_t1_match;
wire [4:8] fxu1_s1_lq_t2_match;
wire [4:8] fxu1_s1_lq_t3_match;
wire [4:8] fxu1_s2_lq_t1_match;
wire [4:8] fxu1_s2_lq_t2_match;
wire [4:8] fxu1_s2_lq_t3_match;
wire [4:8] fxu1_s3_lq_t1_match;
wire [4:8] fxu1_s3_lq_t2_match;
wire [4:8] fxu1_s3_lq_t3_match;
wire [1:6] fxu1_s1_fxu1_t1_match;
wire [1:6] fxu1_s1_fxu1_t2_match;
wire [1:6] fxu1_s1_fxu1_t3_match;
wire [1:6] fxu1_s2_fxu1_t1_match;
wire [1:6] fxu1_s2_fxu1_t2_match;
wire [1:6] fxu1_s2_fxu1_t3_match;
wire [1:6] fxu1_s3_fxu1_t1_match;
wire [1:6] fxu1_s3_fxu1_t2_match;
wire [1:6] fxu1_s3_fxu1_t3_match;
wire [2:3] fxu0_s1_rel_itag_match;
wire [2:3] fxu0_s2_rel_itag_match;
wire [2:3] fxu0_s3_rel_itag_match;
wire [2:3] fxu0_s1_rel_match;
wire [2:3] fxu0_s2_rel_match;
wire [2:3] fxu0_s3_rel_match;
wire [2:3] fxu1_s1_rel_itag_match;
wire [2:3] fxu1_s2_rel_itag_match;
wire [2:3] fxu1_s3_rel_itag_match;
wire [2:3] fxu1_s1_rel_match;
wire [2:3] fxu1_s2_rel_match;
wire [2:3] fxu1_s3_rel_match;
wire [2:3] lq_s1_rel_itag_match;
wire [2:3] lq_s2_rel_itag_match;
wire [2:3] lq_s1_rel_match;
wire [2:3] lq_s2_rel_match;
wire fx0_rv1_ilat_match;
wire fx0_ex0_fast_match;
wire fx0_ex0_ilat_match;
wire fx0_ex1_ilat_match;
wire fx0_ex2_ilat_match;
wire fx0_ex3_ilat_match;
wire fx0_ex4_ilat_match;
wire [0:9] fx0_ex0_sched_rel;
wire [0:9] fx0_ex0_sched_rel_pri;
wire fx0_rv1_ilat0;
wire fx0_sched_rel_rv;
wire fx0_sched_rel_rv_ilat0;
wire fx0_sched_rel_ex0_fast;
wire fx0_ex0_stq_pipe_val;
wire fx0_insert_ord;
wire fx0_ex2_abort;
wire fx0_rel_itag_abort_d;
wire fx0_rel_itag_abort_q;
wire fx0_ext_rel_itag_abort_d;
wire fx0_ext_rel_itag_abort_q;
wire fx0_rv_itag_abort_int;
wire [3:4] fx0_abort_d;
wire [3:4] fx0_abort_q;
wire fx1_ex2_abort;
wire fx1_rel_itag_abort_d;
wire fx1_rel_itag_abort_q;
wire fx1_ext_rel_itag_abort_d;
wire fx1_ext_rel_itag_abort_q;
wire fx1_rv_itag_abort_int;
wire [3:4] fx1_abort_d;
wire [3:4] fx1_abort_q;
wire fx1_rv1_ilat_match;
wire fx1_ex0_fast_match;
wire fx1_ex0_ilat_match;
wire fx1_ex1_ilat_match;
wire fx1_ex2_ilat_match;
wire fx1_ex3_ilat_match;
wire [0:4] fx1_ex0_sched_rel;
wire [0:4] fx1_ex0_sched_rel_pri;
wire fx1_rv1_ilat0;
wire fx1_sched_rel_rv;
wire fx1_sched_rel_rv_ilat0;
wire fx1_sched_rel_ex0_fast;
wire fx1_ex0_stq_pipe_val;
wire [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] fx0_ex0_s1_itag_q;
wire [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] fx0_ex0_s2_itag_q;
wire [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] fx0_ex0_s3_itag_q;
wire [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] fx1_ex0_s1_itag_q;
wire [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] fx1_ex0_s2_itag_q;
wire [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] fx1_ex0_s3_itag_q;
// Latches
wire [0:12] fx0_act;
wire [0:`THREADS-1] fx0_vld_d[0:11];
wire [0:`THREADS-1] fx0_vld_q[0:11];
wire [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] fx0_itag_d[0:12];
wire [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] fx0_itag_q[0:12];
wire [0:`THREADS-1] fx1_vld_d[0:6];
wire [0:`THREADS-1] fx1_vld_q[0:6];
wire [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] fx1_itag_d[0:7];
wire [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] fx1_itag_q[0:7];
wire [0:3] fx0_ex0_ilat_d;
wire [0:3] fx0_ex1_ilat_d;
wire [0:3] fx0_ex2_ilat_d;
wire [0:3] fx0_ex3_ilat_d;
wire [0:3] fx0_ex4_ilat_d;
wire [0:3] fx0_ex5_ilat_d;
wire [0:3] fx0_ex6_ilat_d;
wire [0:3] fx0_ex7_ilat_d;
wire [0:3] fx0_ex8_ilat_d;
wire [0:3] fx0_ex0_ilat_q;
wire [0:3] fx0_ex1_ilat_q;
wire [0:3] fx0_ex2_ilat_q;
wire [0:3] fx0_ex3_ilat_q;
wire [0:3] fx0_ex4_ilat_q;
wire [0:3] fx0_ex5_ilat_q;
wire [0:3] fx0_ex6_ilat_q;
wire [0:3] fx0_ex7_ilat_q;
wire [0:3] fx0_ex8_ilat_q;
wire [1:7] fx0_is_brick_d;
wire [1:7] fx0_is_brick_q;
wire fx0_ex5_mult_recirc;
wire fx0_ex6_mult_recirc;
wire fx0_ex7_mult_recirc;
wire fx0_mult_recirc;
wire fx0_ex5_recircd_d;
wire fx0_ex5_recircd_q;
wire fx0_ex6_recircd_d;
wire fx0_ex6_recircd_q;
wire fx0_ex7_recircd_d;
wire fx0_ex7_recircd_q;
wire [0:`THREADS-1] fx0_rel_itag_vld_d;
wire [0:`THREADS-1] fx0_rel_itag_vld_q;
wire [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] fx0_rel_itag_d;
wire [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] fx0_rel_itag_q;
wire [0:`THREADS-1] fx0_ext_rel_itag_vld_d;
wire [0:`THREADS-1] fx0_ext_rel_itag_vld_q;
wire [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] fx0_ext_rel_itag_d;
wire [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] fx0_ext_rel_itag_q;
wire fx0_ext_itag0_sel_d;
wire fx0_ext_itag0_sel_q;
wire fx0_ext_ilat_gt_1_need_rel;
wire [0:`THREADS-1] fx0_rv_itag_vld_int;
wire [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] fx0_rv_itag_int;
wire [0:4] fx0_need_rel_d;
wire [0:4] fx0_need_rel_q;
wire [0:`THREADS-1] fx0_ex3_ord_rel_d;
wire [0:`THREADS-1] fx0_ex4_ord_rel_d;
wire [0:`THREADS-1] fx0_ex5_ord_rel_d;
wire [0:`THREADS-1] fx0_ex6_ord_rel_d;
wire [0:`THREADS-1] fx0_ex7_ord_rel_d;
wire [0:`THREADS-1] fx0_ex8_ord_rel_d;
wire [0:`THREADS-1] fx0_ex3_ord_rel_q;
wire [0:`THREADS-1] fx0_ex4_ord_rel_q;
wire [0:`THREADS-1] fx0_ex5_ord_rel_q;
wire [0:`THREADS-1] fx0_ex6_ord_rel_q;
wire [0:`THREADS-1] fx0_ex7_ord_rel_q;
wire [0:`THREADS-1] fx0_ex8_ord_rel_q;
wire [0:`THREADS-1] fx0_release_ord_hold_d;
wire [0:`THREADS-1] fx0_release_ord_hold_q;
wire [0:`THREADS-1] ex3_ord_flush;
wire fx0_ex0_ord_d;
wire fx0_ex1_ord_d;
wire fx0_ex2_ord_d;
wire fx0_ex3_ord_flush_d;
wire fx0_ex0_ord_q;
wire fx0_ex1_ord_q;
wire fx0_ex2_ord_q;
wire fx0_ex3_ord_flush_q;
wire fx0_sched_rel_pri_or_d;
wire fx0_sched_rel_pri_or_q;
wire [0:7] fx1_act;
wire [0:2] fx1_ex0_ilat_d;
wire [0:2] fx1_ex1_ilat_d;
wire [0:2] fx1_ex2_ilat_d;
wire [0:2] fx1_ex3_ilat_d;
wire [0:2] fx1_ex4_ilat_d;
wire [0:2] fx1_ex5_ilat_d;
wire [0:2] fx1_ex6_ilat_d;
wire [0:2] fx1_ex0_ilat_q;
wire [0:2] fx1_ex1_ilat_q;
wire [0:2] fx1_ex2_ilat_q;
wire [0:2] fx1_ex3_ilat_q;
wire [0:2] fx1_ex4_ilat_q;
wire [0:2] fx1_ex5_ilat_q;
wire [0:2] fx1_ex6_ilat_q;
wire [0:`THREADS-1] fx1_rel_itag_vld_d;
wire [0:`THREADS-1] fx1_rel_itag_vld_q;
wire [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] fx1_rel_itag_d;
wire [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] fx1_rel_itag_q;
wire [0:`THREADS-1] fx1_ext_rel_itag_vld_d;
wire [0:`THREADS-1] fx1_ext_rel_itag_vld_q;
wire [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] fx1_ext_rel_itag_d;
wire [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] fx1_ext_rel_itag_q;
wire fx1_ext_itag0_sel_d;
wire fx1_ext_itag0_sel_q;
wire fx1_ext_ilat_gt_1_need_rel;
wire [0:`THREADS-1] fx1_rv_itag_vld_int;
wire [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] fx1_rv_itag_int;
wire fx1_ex0_need_rel_d;
wire fx1_ex1_need_rel_d;
wire fx1_ex2_need_rel_d;
wire fx1_ex3_need_rel_d;
wire fx1_ex0_need_rel_q;
wire fx1_ex1_need_rel_q;
wire fx1_ex2_need_rel_q;
wire fx1_ex3_need_rel_q;
wire fx1_ex1_stq_pipe_d;
wire fx1_ex2_stq_pipe_d;
wire fx1_ex1_stq_pipe_q;
wire fx1_ex2_stq_pipe_q;
wire fx1_sched_rel_pri_or_d;
wire fx1_sched_rel_pri_or_q;
wire [0:elmnt_width-1] fxu0_t1_d[0:12]; // FXU0 Targets
wire [0:elmnt_width-1] fxu0_t2_d[0:12];
wire [0:elmnt_width-1] fxu0_t3_d[0:12];
wire [0:elmnt_width-1] fxu0_s1_d; // FXU0 Sources
wire [0:elmnt_width-1] fxu0_s2_d;
wire [0:elmnt_width-1] fxu0_s3_d;
wire [0:elmnt_width-1] fxu0_t1_q[0:12]; // FXU0 Targets
wire [0:elmnt_width-1] fxu0_t2_q[0:12];
wire [0:elmnt_width-1] fxu0_t3_q[0:12];
wire [0:elmnt_width-1] fxu0_s1_q; // FXU0 Sources
wire [0:elmnt_width-1] fxu0_s2_q;
wire [0:elmnt_width-1] fxu0_s3_q;
wire [0:elmnt_width-1] lq_t1_d[0:8]; // LQ Targets
wire [0:elmnt_width-1] lq_t3_d[0:8];
wire [0:elmnt_width-1] lq_s1_d; // Lq Sources
wire [0:elmnt_width-1] lq_s2_d;
wire [0:elmnt_width-1] lq_t1_q[0:8]; // LQ Targets
wire [0:elmnt_width-1] lq_t3_q[0:8];
wire [0:elmnt_width-1] lq_s1_q; // Lq Sources
wire [0:elmnt_width-1] lq_s2_q;
wire [0:elmnt_width-1] fxu1_t1_d[0:7]; // FXU1 Targets
wire [0:elmnt_width-1] fxu1_t2_d[0:7];
wire [0:elmnt_width-1] fxu1_t3_d[0:7];
wire [0:elmnt_width-1] fxu1_s1_d; // FXU1 Sources
wire [0:elmnt_width-1] fxu1_s2_d;
wire [0:elmnt_width-1] fxu1_s3_d;
wire [0:elmnt_width-1] fxu1_t1_q[0:7]; // FXU1 Targets
wire [0:elmnt_width-1] fxu1_t2_q[0:7];
wire [0:elmnt_width-1] fxu1_t3_q[0:7];
wire [0:elmnt_width-1] fxu1_s1_q; // FXU1 Sources
wire [0:elmnt_width-1] fxu1_s2_q;
wire [0:elmnt_width-1] fxu1_s3_q;
wire [0:`THREADS-1] rel_vld_d[0:3];
wire [0:`THREADS-1] rel_vld_q[0:3];
wire [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] rel_itag_d[0:3];
wire [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] rel_itag_q[0:3];
wire [0:`THREADS-1] cp_flush_q;
wire [0:8] lq_act;
wire [0:`THREADS-1] lq_vld_d[0:7];
wire [0:`THREADS-1] lq_vld_q[0:7];
wire [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] lq_itag_d[0:8];
wire [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] lq_itag_q[0:8];
wire fx0_byp_rdy_nxt_0;
wire [0:`THREADS-1] fx0_byp_rdy_nxt[0:11];
wire fx1_byp_rdy_nxt_0;
wire [0:`THREADS-1] fx1_byp_rdy_nxt[0:6];
// Scanchain
parameter fxu0_t1_offset = 0;
parameter fxu0_t2_offset = fxu0_t1_offset + elmnt_width * (13);
parameter fxu0_t3_offset = fxu0_t2_offset + elmnt_width * (13);
parameter fxu0_s1_offset = fxu0_t3_offset + elmnt_width * (13);
parameter fxu0_s2_offset = fxu0_s1_offset + elmnt_width;
parameter fxu0_s3_offset = fxu0_s2_offset + elmnt_width;
parameter lq_t1_offset = fxu0_s3_offset + elmnt_width;
parameter lq_t3_offset = lq_t1_offset + elmnt_width * (9);
parameter lq_s1_offset = lq_t3_offset + elmnt_width * (9);
parameter lq_s2_offset = lq_s1_offset + elmnt_width;
parameter fxu1_t1_offset = lq_s2_offset + elmnt_width;
parameter fxu1_t2_offset = fxu1_t1_offset + elmnt_width * (8);
parameter fxu1_t3_offset = fxu1_t2_offset + elmnt_width * (8);
parameter fxu1_s1_offset = fxu1_t3_offset + elmnt_width * (8);
parameter fxu1_s2_offset = fxu1_s1_offset + elmnt_width;
parameter fxu1_s3_offset = fxu1_s2_offset + elmnt_width;
parameter rel_vld_offset = fxu1_s3_offset + elmnt_width;
parameter rel_itag_offset = rel_vld_offset + `THREADS * (4);
parameter cp_flush_offset = rel_itag_offset + `ITAG_SIZE_ENC * (4);
//fx0 release
parameter fx0_is_brick_offset = cp_flush_offset + `THREADS;
parameter fx0_vld_offset = fx0_is_brick_offset+7;
parameter fx0_itag_offset = fx0_vld_offset + `THREADS * (12);
parameter fx0_ex0_ilat_offset = fx0_itag_offset + `ITAG_SIZE_ENC * (13);
parameter fx0_ex1_ilat_offset = fx0_ex0_ilat_offset + 4;
parameter fx0_ex2_ilat_offset = fx0_ex1_ilat_offset + 4;
parameter fx0_ex3_ilat_offset = fx0_ex2_ilat_offset + 4;
parameter fx0_ex4_ilat_offset = fx0_ex3_ilat_offset + 4;
parameter fx0_ex5_ilat_offset = fx0_ex4_ilat_offset + 4;
parameter fx0_ex6_ilat_offset = fx0_ex5_ilat_offset + 4;
parameter fx0_ex7_ilat_offset = fx0_ex6_ilat_offset + 4;
parameter fx0_ex8_ilat_offset = fx0_ex7_ilat_offset + 4;
parameter fx0_rel_itag_vld_offset = fx0_ex8_ilat_offset + 4;
parameter fx0_rel_itag_offset = fx0_rel_itag_vld_offset + `THREADS;
parameter fx0_ext_rel_itag_vld_offset = fx0_rel_itag_offset + `ITAG_SIZE_ENC;
parameter fx0_ext_rel_itag_offset = fx0_ext_rel_itag_vld_offset + `THREADS;
parameter fx0_ext_itag0_sel_offset = fx0_ext_rel_itag_offset + `ITAG_SIZE_ENC;
parameter fx0_need_rel_offset = fx0_ext_itag0_sel_offset + 1;
parameter fx0_ex3_ord_rel_offset = fx0_need_rel_offset + 5;
parameter fx0_ex4_ord_rel_offset = fx0_ex3_ord_rel_offset + `THREADS;
parameter fx0_ex5_ord_rel_offset = fx0_ex4_ord_rel_offset + `THREADS;
parameter fx0_ex6_ord_rel_offset = fx0_ex5_ord_rel_offset + `THREADS;
parameter fx0_ex7_ord_rel_offset = fx0_ex6_ord_rel_offset + `THREADS;
parameter fx0_ex8_ord_rel_offset = fx0_ex7_ord_rel_offset + `THREADS;
parameter fx0_release_ord_hold_offset = fx0_ex8_ord_rel_offset + `THREADS;
parameter fx0_ex0_ord_offset = fx0_release_ord_hold_offset + `THREADS;
parameter fx0_ex1_ord_offset = fx0_ex0_ord_offset + 1;
parameter fx0_ex2_ord_offset = fx0_ex1_ord_offset + 1;
parameter fx0_ex3_ord_flush_offset = fx0_ex2_ord_offset + 1;
parameter fx0_sched_rel_pri_or_offset = fx0_ex3_ord_flush_offset + 1;
parameter fx0_rel_itag_abort_offset = fx0_sched_rel_pri_or_offset + 1;
parameter fx0_ext_rel_itag_abort_offset = fx0_rel_itag_abort_offset + 1;
parameter fx0_ex5_recircd_offset = fx0_ext_rel_itag_abort_offset + 1;
parameter fx0_ex6_recircd_offset = fx0_ex5_recircd_offset + 1;
parameter fx0_ex7_recircd_offset = fx0_ex6_recircd_offset + 1;
parameter fx0_abort_offset = fx0_ex7_recircd_offset + 1;
//fx1 release
parameter fx1_vld_offset = fx0_abort_offset + 2;//3:4
parameter fx1_itag_offset = fx1_vld_offset + `THREADS * (7);
parameter fx1_ex0_ilat_offset = fx1_itag_offset + `ITAG_SIZE_ENC * (8);
parameter fx1_ex1_ilat_offset = fx1_ex0_ilat_offset + 3;
parameter fx1_ex2_ilat_offset = fx1_ex1_ilat_offset + 3;
parameter fx1_ex3_ilat_offset = fx1_ex2_ilat_offset + 3;
parameter fx1_ex4_ilat_offset = fx1_ex3_ilat_offset + 3;
parameter fx1_ex5_ilat_offset = fx1_ex4_ilat_offset + 3;
parameter fx1_ex6_ilat_offset = fx1_ex5_ilat_offset + 3;
parameter fx1_rel_itag_vld_offset = fx1_ex6_ilat_offset + 3;
parameter fx1_rel_itag_offset = fx1_rel_itag_vld_offset + `THREADS;
parameter fx1_ext_rel_itag_vld_offset = fx1_rel_itag_offset + `ITAG_SIZE_ENC;
parameter fx1_ext_rel_itag_offset = fx1_ext_rel_itag_vld_offset + `THREADS;
parameter fx1_ext_itag0_sel_offset = fx1_ext_rel_itag_offset + `ITAG_SIZE_ENC;
parameter fx1_ex0_need_rel_offset = fx1_ext_itag0_sel_offset + 1;
parameter fx1_ex1_need_rel_offset = fx1_ex0_need_rel_offset + 1;
parameter fx1_ex2_need_rel_offset = fx1_ex1_need_rel_offset + 1;
parameter fx1_ex3_need_rel_offset = fx1_ex2_need_rel_offset + 1;
parameter fx1_ex1_stq_pipe_offset = fx1_ex3_need_rel_offset + 1;
parameter fx1_ex2_stq_pipe_offset = fx1_ex1_stq_pipe_offset + 1;
parameter fx1_sched_rel_pri_or_offset = fx1_ex2_stq_pipe_offset + 1;
parameter fx1_rel_itag_abort_offset = fx1_sched_rel_pri_or_offset + 1;
parameter fx1_ext_rel_itag_abort_offset = fx1_rel_itag_abort_offset + 1;
parameter fx1_abort_offset = fx1_ext_rel_itag_abort_offset + 1;
parameter fx0_ex0_s1_itag_offset = fx1_abort_offset + 2;//3:4
parameter fx0_ex0_s2_itag_offset = fx0_ex0_s1_itag_offset + `ITAG_SIZE_ENC;
parameter fx0_ex0_s3_itag_offset = fx0_ex0_s2_itag_offset + `ITAG_SIZE_ENC;
//fx1 spec flush
parameter fx1_ex0_s1_itag_offset = fx0_ex0_s3_itag_offset + `ITAG_SIZE_ENC;
parameter fx1_ex0_s2_itag_offset = fx1_ex0_s1_itag_offset + `ITAG_SIZE_ENC;
parameter fx1_ex0_s3_itag_offset = fx1_ex0_s2_itag_offset + `ITAG_SIZE_ENC;
parameter lq_vld_offset = fx1_ex0_s3_itag_offset + `ITAG_SIZE_ENC;
parameter lq_itag_offset = lq_vld_offset + `THREADS * (8);
parameter scan_right = lq_itag_offset + `ITAG_SIZE_ENC * (9);
wire [0:scan_right-1] siv;
wire [0:scan_right-1] sov;
wire func_sl_thold_0;
wire func_sl_thold_0_b;
wire sg_0;
wire force_t;
//!! Bugspray Include: rv_rf_byp;
assign d_mode = 1'b0;
assign rv_byp_fx1_t2_t = `xer_t;
assign rv_byp_fx1_t3_t = `cr_t;
// Concatenate Relevant signals
//Determine if we have a muliplier recirculation
assign fx0_ex5_mult_recirc = (fx0_ex5_ilat_q == 4'b0101) & fx0_is_brick_q[5] & |(fxu0_t1_q[5][0:`THREADS-1]) & ~fx0_ex5_recircd_q;
assign fx0_ex6_mult_recirc = (fx0_ex6_ilat_q == 4'b0110) & fx0_is_brick_q[6] & |(fxu0_t1_q[6][0:`THREADS-1]) & ~fx0_ex6_recircd_q;
assign fx0_ex7_mult_recirc = (fx0_ex7_ilat_q == 4'b0111) & fx0_is_brick_q[7] & |(fxu0_t1_q[7][0:`THREADS-1]) & ~fx0_ex7_recircd_q;
assign fx0_mult_recirc = fx0_ex5_mult_recirc | fx0_ex6_mult_recirc | fx0_ex7_mult_recirc ;
assign fx0_ex5_recircd_d = fx0_mult_recirc;
assign fx0_ex6_recircd_d = fx0_ex5_recircd_q;
assign fx0_ex7_recircd_d = fx0_ex6_recircd_q;
// Valid, not flushed & Target/Source & Type (T1/S1 always GPR)
assign fxu0_t1_d[0] = {(rv_byp_fx0_vld & (~(cp_flush_q)) & {`THREADS{rv_byp_fx0_t1_v & fx0_byp_rdy_nxt_0}}), rv_byp_fx0_t1_t};
assign fxu0_t2_d[0] = {(rv_byp_fx0_vld & (~(cp_flush_q)) & {`THREADS{rv_byp_fx0_t2_v & fx0_byp_rdy_nxt_0}}), rv_byp_fx0_t2_t};
assign fxu0_t3_d[0] = {(rv_byp_fx0_vld & (~(cp_flush_q)) & {`THREADS{rv_byp_fx0_t3_v & fx0_byp_rdy_nxt_0}}), rv_byp_fx0_t3_t};
assign fxu0_s1_d = {(rv_byp_fx0_vld & (~(cp_flush_q))), rv_byp_fx0_s1_t};
assign fxu0_s2_d = {(rv_byp_fx0_vld & (~(cp_flush_q))), rv_byp_fx0_s2_t};
assign fxu0_s3_d = {(rv_byp_fx0_vld & (~(cp_flush_q))), rv_byp_fx0_s3_t};
assign lq_t1_d[0] = {(rv_byp_lq_vld & (~(cp_flush_q)) & {`THREADS{rv_byp_lq_t1_v}}), `gpr_t};
assign lq_t3_d[0] = {(rv_byp_lq_vld & (~(cp_flush_q)) & {`THREADS{rv_byp_lq_t3_v}}), rv_byp_lq_t3_t};
assign lq_s1_d = {(rv_byp_lq_vld & (~(cp_flush_q))), rv_byp_lq_s1_t};
assign lq_s2_d = {(rv_byp_lq_vld & (~(cp_flush_q))), rv_byp_lq_s2_t};
assign fxu1_t1_d[0] = {(rv_byp_fx1_vld & (~(cp_flush_q)) & {`THREADS{rv_byp_fx1_t1_v & fx1_byp_rdy_nxt_0}}), `gpr_t};
assign fxu1_t2_d[0] = {(rv_byp_fx1_vld & (~(cp_flush_q)) & {`THREADS{rv_byp_fx1_t2_v & fx1_byp_rdy_nxt_0}}), rv_byp_fx1_t2_t};
assign fxu1_t3_d[0] = {(rv_byp_fx1_vld & (~(cp_flush_q)) & {`THREADS{rv_byp_fx1_t3_v & fx1_byp_rdy_nxt_0}}), rv_byp_fx1_t3_t};
assign fxu1_s1_d = {(rv_byp_fx1_vld & (~(cp_flush_q))), rv_byp_fx1_s1_t};
assign fxu1_s2_d = {(rv_byp_fx1_vld & (~(cp_flush_q))), rv_byp_fx1_s2_t};
assign fxu1_s3_d = {(rv_byp_fx1_vld & (~(cp_flush_q))), rv_byp_fx1_s3_t};
begin : xhdl1
genvar i;
for (i = 1; i <= 4; i = i + 1)
begin : fxu0_pipe_t_gen
assign fxu0_t1_d[i] = {((fxu0_t1_q[i - 1][0:`THREADS - 1] | fx0_byp_rdy_nxt[i-1]) & (~(cp_flush_q))), fxu0_t1_q[i - 1][`THREADS:elmnt_width - 1]};
assign fxu0_t2_d[i] = {((fxu0_t2_q[i - 1][0:`THREADS - 1] | fx0_byp_rdy_nxt[i-1]) & (~(cp_flush_q))), fxu0_t2_q[i - 1][`THREADS:elmnt_width - 1]};
assign fxu0_t3_d[i] = {((fxu0_t3_q[i - 1][0:`THREADS - 1] | fx0_byp_rdy_nxt[i-1]) & (~(cp_flush_q))), fxu0_t3_q[i - 1][`THREADS:elmnt_width - 1]};
// Multiplier Recirc
assign fxu0_t1_d[5] = (({((fxu0_t1_q[4][0:`THREADS - 1] | fx0_byp_rdy_nxt[4]) & (~(cp_flush_q))), fxu0_t1_q[4][`THREADS:elmnt_width - 1]}) & ({elmnt_width{~fx0_mult_recirc}})) |
(({((fxu0_t1_q[5][0:`THREADS - 1] | fx0_byp_rdy_nxt[5]) & (~(cp_flush_q))), fxu0_t1_q[5][`THREADS:elmnt_width - 1]}) & ({elmnt_width{fx0_ex5_mult_recirc}})) |
(({((fxu0_t1_q[6][0:`THREADS - 1] | fx0_byp_rdy_nxt[6]) & (~(cp_flush_q))), fxu0_t1_q[6][`THREADS:elmnt_width - 1]}) & ({elmnt_width{fx0_ex6_mult_recirc}})) |
(({((fxu0_t1_q[7][0:`THREADS - 1] | fx0_byp_rdy_nxt[7]) & (~(cp_flush_q))), fxu0_t1_q[7][`THREADS:elmnt_width - 1]}) & ({elmnt_width{fx0_ex7_mult_recirc}})) ;
assign fxu0_t2_d[5] = (({((fxu0_t2_q[4][0:`THREADS - 1] | fx0_byp_rdy_nxt[4]) & (~(cp_flush_q))), fxu0_t2_q[4][`THREADS:elmnt_width - 1]}) & ({elmnt_width{~fx0_mult_recirc}})) |
(({((fxu0_t2_q[5][0:`THREADS - 1] | fx0_byp_rdy_nxt[5]) & (~(cp_flush_q))), fxu0_t2_q[5][`THREADS:elmnt_width - 1]}) & ({elmnt_width{fx0_ex5_mult_recirc}})) |
(({((fxu0_t2_q[6][0:`THREADS - 1] | fx0_byp_rdy_nxt[6]) & (~(cp_flush_q))), fxu0_t2_q[6][`THREADS:elmnt_width - 1]}) & ({elmnt_width{fx0_ex6_mult_recirc}})) |
(({((fxu0_t2_q[7][0:`THREADS - 1] | fx0_byp_rdy_nxt[7]) & (~(cp_flush_q))), fxu0_t2_q[7][`THREADS:elmnt_width - 1]}) & ({elmnt_width{fx0_ex7_mult_recirc}})) ;
assign fxu0_t3_d[5] = (({((fxu0_t3_q[4][0:`THREADS - 1] | fx0_byp_rdy_nxt[4]) & (~(cp_flush_q))), fxu0_t3_q[4][`THREADS:elmnt_width - 1]}) & ({elmnt_width{~fx0_mult_recirc}})) |
(({((fxu0_t3_q[5][0:`THREADS - 1] | fx0_byp_rdy_nxt[5]) & (~(cp_flush_q))), fxu0_t3_q[5][`THREADS:elmnt_width - 1]}) & ({elmnt_width{fx0_ex5_mult_recirc}})) |
(({((fxu0_t3_q[6][0:`THREADS - 1] | fx0_byp_rdy_nxt[6]) & (~(cp_flush_q))), fxu0_t3_q[6][`THREADS:elmnt_width - 1]}) & ({elmnt_width{fx0_ex6_mult_recirc}})) |
(({((fxu0_t3_q[7][0:`THREADS - 1] | fx0_byp_rdy_nxt[7]) & (~(cp_flush_q))), fxu0_t3_q[7][`THREADS:elmnt_width - 1]}) & ({elmnt_width{fx0_ex7_mult_recirc}})) ;
begin : xhdla
genvar i;
for (i = 6; i <= 12; i = i + 1)
begin : fxu0_pipe_t_gen
assign fxu0_t1_d[i] = {((fxu0_t1_q[i - 1][0:`THREADS - 1] | fx0_byp_rdy_nxt[i-1]) & (~(cp_flush_q))), fxu0_t1_q[i - 1][`THREADS:elmnt_width - 1]};
assign fxu0_t2_d[i] = {((fxu0_t2_q[i - 1][0:`THREADS - 1] | fx0_byp_rdy_nxt[i-1]) & (~(cp_flush_q))), fxu0_t2_q[i - 1][`THREADS:elmnt_width - 1]};
assign fxu0_t3_d[i] = {((fxu0_t3_q[i - 1][0:`THREADS - 1] | fx0_byp_rdy_nxt[i-1]) & (~(cp_flush_q))), fxu0_t3_q[i - 1][`THREADS:elmnt_width - 1]};
begin : xhdl3
genvar i;
for (i = 1; i <= 8; i = i + 1)
begin : lq_pipe_t_gen
assign lq_t1_d[i] = {(lq_t1_q[i - 1][0:`THREADS - 1] & (~(cp_flush_q))), lq_t1_q[i - 1][`THREADS:elmnt_width - 1]};
assign lq_t3_d[i] = {(lq_t3_q[i - 1][0:`THREADS - 1] & (~(cp_flush_q))), lq_t3_q[i - 1][`THREADS:elmnt_width - 1]};
begin : xhdl4
genvar i;
for (i = 1; i <= 7; i = i + 1)
begin : fxu1_pipe_t_gen
assign fxu1_t1_d[i] = {((fxu1_t1_q[i - 1][0:`THREADS - 1] | fx1_byp_rdy_nxt[i-1]) & (~(cp_flush_q))), fxu1_t1_q[i - 1][`THREADS:elmnt_width - 1]};
assign fxu1_t2_d[i] = {((fxu1_t2_q[i - 1][0:`THREADS - 1] | fx1_byp_rdy_nxt[i-1]) & (~(cp_flush_q))), fxu1_t2_q[i - 1][`THREADS:elmnt_width - 1]};
assign fxu1_t3_d[i] = {((fxu1_t3_q[i - 1][0:`THREADS - 1] | fx1_byp_rdy_nxt[i-1]) & (~(cp_flush_q))), fxu1_t3_q[i - 1][`THREADS:elmnt_width - 1]};
assign rel_vld_d[0] = (lq_rv_itag2_vld & (~(cp_flush_q)));
assign rel_itag_d[0] = lq_rv_itag2;
begin : xhdl5
genvar i;
for (i = 1; i <= 3; i = i + 1)
begin : rel_pipe_t_gen
assign rel_vld_d[i] = (rel_vld_q[i - 1] & (~(cp_flush_q)));
assign rel_itag_d[i] = rel_itag_q[i - 1];
// FXU0 Compares
begin : xhdl6
genvar i;
for (i = 1; i <= 11; i = i + 1)
begin : comp_fxu0_fxu0
assign fxu0_s1_fxu0_itag_match[i] = fx0_ex0_s1_itag_q == fx0_itag_q[i];
assign fxu0_s2_fxu0_itag_match[i] = fx0_ex0_s2_itag_q == fx0_itag_q[i];
assign fxu0_s3_fxu0_itag_match[i] = fx0_ex0_s3_itag_q == fx0_itag_q[i];
assign fxu0_s1_fxu0_t1_match[i] = (fxu0_s1_q == fxu0_t1_q[i]) & fxu0_s1_fxu0_itag_match[i]; // Source 1 w/ FXU0 T1 Pipe
assign fxu0_s1_fxu0_t2_match[i] = (fxu0_s1_q == fxu0_t2_q[i]) & fxu0_s1_fxu0_itag_match[i]; // Source 1 w/ FXU0 T2 Pipe
assign fxu0_s1_fxu0_t3_match[i] = (fxu0_s1_q == fxu0_t3_q[i]) & fxu0_s1_fxu0_itag_match[i]; // Source 1 w/ FXU0 T3 Pipe
assign fxu0_s2_fxu0_t1_match[i] = (fxu0_s2_q == fxu0_t1_q[i]) & fxu0_s2_fxu0_itag_match[i]; // Source 2 w/ FXU0 T1 Pipe
assign fxu0_s2_fxu0_t2_match[i] = (fxu0_s2_q == fxu0_t2_q[i]) & fxu0_s2_fxu0_itag_match[i]; // Source 2 w/ FXU0 T2 Pipe
assign fxu0_s2_fxu0_t3_match[i] = (fxu0_s2_q == fxu0_t3_q[i]) & fxu0_s2_fxu0_itag_match[i]; // Source 2 w/ FXU0 T3 Pipe
assign fxu0_s3_fxu0_t1_match[i] = (fxu0_s3_q == fxu0_t1_q[i]) & fxu0_s3_fxu0_itag_match[i]; // Source 3 w/ FXU0 T1 Pipe
assign fxu0_s3_fxu0_t2_match[i] = (fxu0_s3_q == fxu0_t2_q[i]) & fxu0_s3_fxu0_itag_match[i]; // Source 3 w/ FXU0 T2 Pipe
assign fxu0_s3_fxu0_t3_match[i] = (fxu0_s3_q == fxu0_t3_q[i]) & fxu0_s3_fxu0_itag_match[i]; // Source 3 w/ FXU0 T3 Pipe
begin : xhd7
genvar i;
for (i = 4; i <= 8; i = i + 1)
begin : comp_fxu0_lq
assign fxu0_s1_lq_itag_match[i] = fx0_ex0_s1_itag_q == lq_itag_q[i];
assign fxu0_s2_lq_itag_match[i] = fx0_ex0_s2_itag_q == lq_itag_q[i];
assign fxu0_s3_lq_itag_match[i] = fx0_ex0_s3_itag_q == lq_itag_q[i];
assign fxu0_s1_lq_t1_match[i] = (fxu0_s1_q == lq_t1_q[i]) & fxu0_s1_lq_itag_match[i]; // Source 1 w/ LQ T1 Pipe
assign fxu0_s1_lq_t2_match[i] = 1'b0; // Source 1 w/ LQ T2 Pipe
assign fxu0_s1_lq_t3_match[i] = (fxu0_s1_q == lq_t3_q[i]) & fxu0_s1_lq_itag_match[i]; // Source 1 w/ LQ T3 Pipe
assign fxu0_s2_lq_t1_match[i] = (fxu0_s2_q == lq_t1_q[i]) & fxu0_s2_lq_itag_match[i]; // Source 2 w/ LQ T1 Pipe
assign fxu0_s2_lq_t2_match[i] = 1'b0; // Source 2 w/ LQ T2 Pipe
assign fxu0_s2_lq_t3_match[i] = (fxu0_s2_q == lq_t3_q[i]) & fxu0_s2_lq_itag_match[i]; // Source 2 w/ LQ T3 Pipe
assign fxu0_s3_lq_t1_match[i] = (fxu0_s3_q == lq_t1_q[i]) & fxu0_s3_lq_itag_match[i]; // Source 3 w/ LQ T1 Pipe
assign fxu0_s3_lq_t2_match[i] = 1'b0; // Source 3 w/ LQ T2 Pipe
assign fxu0_s3_lq_t3_match[i] = (fxu0_s3_q == lq_t3_q[i]) & fxu0_s3_lq_itag_match[i]; // Source 3 w/ LQ T3 Pipe
begin : xhdl8
genvar i;
for (i = 1; i <= 6 ; i = i + 1)
begin : comp_fxu0_fxu1
assign fxu0_s1_fxu1_itag_match[i] = fx0_ex0_s1_itag_q == fx1_itag_q[i];
assign fxu0_s2_fxu1_itag_match[i] = fx0_ex0_s2_itag_q == fx1_itag_q[i];
assign fxu0_s3_fxu1_itag_match[i] = fx0_ex0_s3_itag_q == fx1_itag_q[i];
assign fxu0_s1_fxu1_t1_match[i] = (fxu0_s1_q == fxu1_t1_q[i]) & fxu0_s1_fxu1_itag_match[i]; // Source 1 w/ FXU1 T1 Pipe
assign fxu0_s1_fxu1_t2_match[i] = (fxu0_s1_q == fxu1_t2_q[i]) & fxu0_s1_fxu1_itag_match[i]; // Source 1 w/ FXU1 T2 Pipe
assign fxu0_s1_fxu1_t3_match[i] = (fxu0_s1_q == fxu1_t3_q[i]) & fxu0_s1_fxu1_itag_match[i]; // Source 1 w/ FXU1 T3 Pipe
assign fxu0_s2_fxu1_t1_match[i] = (fxu0_s2_q == fxu1_t1_q[i]) & fxu0_s2_fxu1_itag_match[i]; // Source 2 w/ FXU1 T1 Pipe
assign fxu0_s2_fxu1_t2_match[i] = (fxu0_s2_q == fxu1_t2_q[i]) & fxu0_s2_fxu1_itag_match[i]; // Source 2 w/ FXU1 T2 Pipe
assign fxu0_s2_fxu1_t3_match[i] = (fxu0_s2_q == fxu1_t3_q[i]) & fxu0_s2_fxu1_itag_match[i]; // Source 2 w/ FXU1 T3 Pipe
assign fxu0_s3_fxu1_t1_match[i] = (fxu0_s3_q == fxu1_t1_q[i]) & fxu0_s3_fxu1_itag_match[i]; // Source 3 w/ FXU1 T1 Pipe
assign fxu0_s3_fxu1_t2_match[i] = (fxu0_s3_q == fxu1_t2_q[i]) & fxu0_s3_fxu1_itag_match[i]; // Source 3 w/ FXU1 T2 Pipe
assign fxu0_s3_fxu1_t3_match[i] = (fxu0_s3_q == fxu1_t3_q[i]) & fxu0_s3_fxu1_itag_match[i]; // Source 3 w/ FXU1 T3 Pipe
begin : xhdl9
genvar i;
for (i = 2; i <= 3; i = i + 1)
begin : comp_fxu0_rel
assign fxu0_s1_rel_itag_match[i] = fx0_ex0_s1_itag_q == rel_itag_q[i];
assign fxu0_s2_rel_itag_match[i] = fx0_ex0_s2_itag_q == rel_itag_q[i];
assign fxu0_s3_rel_itag_match[i] = fx0_ex0_s3_itag_q == rel_itag_q[i];
assign fxu0_s1_rel_match[i] = (fxu0_s1_q == ({rel_vld_q[i], `gpr_t})) & fxu0_s1_rel_itag_match[i]; // Source 1 w/ rel T1 Pipe
assign fxu0_s2_rel_match[i] = (fxu0_s2_q == ({rel_vld_q[i], `gpr_t})) & fxu0_s2_rel_itag_match[i]; // Source 1 w/ rel T1 Pipe
assign fxu0_s3_rel_match[i] = (fxu0_s3_q == ({rel_vld_q[i], `gpr_t})) & fxu0_s3_rel_itag_match[i]; // Source 1 w/ rel T1 Pipe
// Assign Outputs to FXU0 - Fastest back2back is 1->6 (4 bubbles)
assign fx0_ex0_s1_fx0_sel[1:11] = fxu0_s1_fxu0_t1_match | fxu0_s1_fxu0_t2_match | fxu0_s1_fxu0_t3_match;
assign fx0_ex0_s2_fx0_sel[1:11] = fxu0_s2_fxu0_t1_match | fxu0_s2_fxu0_t2_match | fxu0_s2_fxu0_t3_match;
assign fx0_ex0_s3_fx0_sel[1:11] = fxu0_s3_fxu0_t1_match | fxu0_s3_fxu0_t2_match | fxu0_s3_fxu0_t3_match;
rv_pri #(.size(11)) fx0_s1_fx0 (.cond(fx0_ex0_s1_fx0_sel), .pri(rv_fx0_ex0_s1_fx0_sel));
rv_pri #(.size(11)) fx0_s2_fx0 (.cond(fx0_ex0_s2_fx0_sel), .pri(rv_fx0_ex0_s2_fx0_sel));
rv_pri #(.size(11)) fx0_s3_fx0 (.cond(fx0_ex0_s3_fx0_sel), .pri(rv_fx0_ex0_s3_fx0_sel));
// No pri necessary for 4:8
assign rv_fx0_ex0_s1_lq_sel[4:8] = fxu0_s1_lq_t1_match | fxu0_s1_lq_t2_match | fxu0_s1_lq_t3_match;
assign rv_fx0_ex0_s2_lq_sel[4:8] = fxu0_s2_lq_t1_match | fxu0_s2_lq_t2_match | fxu0_s2_lq_t3_match;
assign rv_fx0_ex0_s3_lq_sel[4:8] = fxu0_s3_lq_t1_match | fxu0_s3_lq_t2_match | fxu0_s3_lq_t3_match;
assign fx0_ex0_s1_fx1_sel[1:6] = fxu0_s1_fxu1_t1_match | fxu0_s1_fxu1_t2_match | fxu0_s1_fxu1_t3_match;
assign fx0_ex0_s2_fx1_sel[1:6] = fxu0_s2_fxu1_t1_match | fxu0_s2_fxu1_t2_match | fxu0_s2_fxu1_t3_match;
assign fx0_ex0_s3_fx1_sel[1:6] = fxu0_s3_fxu1_t1_match | fxu0_s3_fxu1_t2_match | fxu0_s3_fxu1_t3_match;
assign rv_fx0_ex0_s1_fx1_sel[1:5] = fx0_ex0_s1_fx1_sel[1:5];
assign rv_fx0_ex0_s2_fx1_sel[1:5] = fx0_ex0_s2_fx1_sel[1:5];
assign rv_fx0_ex0_s3_fx1_sel[1:5] = fx0_ex0_s3_fx1_sel[1:5];
assign rv_fx0_ex0_s1_fx1_sel[6] = fx0_ex0_s1_fx1_sel[6] & ~fx0_ex0_s1_fx1_sel[1];
assign rv_fx0_ex0_s2_fx1_sel[6] = fx0_ex0_s2_fx1_sel[6] & ~fx0_ex0_s2_fx1_sel[1];
assign rv_fx0_ex0_s3_fx1_sel[6] = fx0_ex0_s3_fx1_sel[6] & ~fx0_ex0_s3_fx1_sel[1];
assign rv_fx0_ex0_s1_rel_sel[2:3] = fxu0_s1_rel_match;
assign rv_fx0_ex0_s2_rel_sel[2:3] = fxu0_s2_rel_match;
assign rv_fx0_ex0_s3_rel_sel[2:3] = fxu0_s3_rel_match;
// LQ Compares
begin : xhdl10
genvar i;
for (i = 2; i <= 12; i = i + 1)
begin : comp_lq_fxu0
assign lq_s1_fxu0_itag_match[i] = rv_byp_lq_ex0_s1_itag == fx0_itag_q[i];
assign lq_s2_fxu0_itag_match[i] = rv_byp_lq_ex0_s2_itag == fx0_itag_q[i];
assign lq_s1_fxu0_t1_match[i] = (lq_s1_q == fxu0_t1_q[i]) & lq_s1_fxu0_itag_match[i]; // Source 1 w/ FXU0 T1 Pipe
assign lq_s1_fxu0_t2_match[i] = (lq_s1_q == fxu0_t2_q[i]) & lq_s1_fxu0_itag_match[i]; // Source 1 w/ FXU0 T2 Pipe
assign lq_s1_fxu0_t3_match[i] = (lq_s1_q == fxu0_t3_q[i]) & lq_s1_fxu0_itag_match[i]; // Source 1 w/ FXU0 T3 Pipe
assign lq_s2_fxu0_t1_match[i] = (lq_s2_q == fxu0_t1_q[i]) & lq_s2_fxu0_itag_match[i]; // Source 2 w/ FXU0 T1 Pipe
assign lq_s2_fxu0_t2_match[i] = (lq_s2_q == fxu0_t2_q[i]) & lq_s2_fxu0_itag_match[i]; // Source 2 w/ FXU0 T2 Pipe
assign lq_s2_fxu0_t3_match[i] = (lq_s2_q == fxu0_t3_q[i]) & lq_s2_fxu0_itag_match[i]; // Source 2 w/ FXU0 T3 Pipe
begin : xhdl11
genvar i;
for (i = 4; i <= 8; i = i + 1)
begin : comp_lq_lq
assign lq_s1_lq_itag_match[i] = rv_byp_lq_ex0_s1_itag == lq_itag_q[i];
assign lq_s2_lq_itag_match[i] = rv_byp_lq_ex0_s2_itag == lq_itag_q[i];
assign lq_s1_lq_t1_match[i] = (lq_s1_q == lq_t1_q[i]) & lq_s1_lq_itag_match[i]; // Source 1 w/ LQ T1 Pipe
assign lq_s1_lq_t2_match[i] = 1'b0; // Source 1 w/ LQ T2 Pipe
assign lq_s1_lq_t3_match[i] = (lq_s1_q == lq_t3_q[i]) & lq_s1_lq_itag_match[i]; // Source 1 w/ LQ T3 Pipe
assign lq_s2_lq_t1_match[i] = (lq_s2_q == lq_t1_q[i]) & lq_s2_lq_itag_match[i]; // Source 2 w/ LQ T1 Pipe
assign lq_s2_lq_t2_match[i] = 1'b0; // Source 2 w/ LQ T2 Pipe
assign lq_s2_lq_t3_match[i] = (lq_s2_q == lq_t3_q[i]) & lq_s2_lq_itag_match[i]; // Source 2 w/ LQ T3 Pipe
begin : xhdl12
genvar i;
for (i = 2; i <= 7; i = i + 1)
begin : comp_lq_fxu1
assign lq_s1_fxu1_itag_match[i] = rv_byp_lq_ex0_s1_itag == fx1_itag_q[i];
assign lq_s2_fxu1_itag_match[i] = rv_byp_lq_ex0_s2_itag == fx1_itag_q[i];
assign lq_s1_fxu1_t1_match[i] = (lq_s1_q == fxu1_t1_q[i]) & lq_s1_fxu1_itag_match[i]; // Source 1 w/ FXU1 T1 Pipe
assign lq_s1_fxu1_t2_match[i] = (lq_s1_q == fxu1_t2_q[i]) & lq_s1_fxu1_itag_match[i]; // Source 1 w/ FXU1 T2 Pipe
assign lq_s1_fxu1_t3_match[i] = (lq_s1_q == fxu1_t3_q[i]) & lq_s1_fxu1_itag_match[i]; // Source 1 w/ FXU1 T3 Pipe
assign lq_s2_fxu1_t1_match[i] = (lq_s2_q == fxu1_t1_q[i]) & lq_s2_fxu1_itag_match[i]; // Source 2 w/ FXU1 T1 Pipe
assign lq_s2_fxu1_t2_match[i] = (lq_s2_q == fxu1_t2_q[i]) & lq_s2_fxu1_itag_match[i]; // Source 2 w/ FXU1 T2 Pipe
assign lq_s2_fxu1_t3_match[i] = (lq_s2_q == fxu1_t3_q[i]) & lq_s2_fxu1_itag_match[i]; // Source 2 w/ FXU1 T3 Pipe
begin : xhdl13
genvar i;
for (i = 2; i <= 3 ; i = i + 1)
begin : comp_lq_rel
assign lq_s1_rel_itag_match[i] = rv_byp_lq_ex0_s1_itag == rel_itag_q[i];
assign lq_s2_rel_itag_match[i] = rv_byp_lq_ex0_s2_itag == rel_itag_q[i];
assign lq_s1_rel_match[i] = (lq_s1_q == ({rel_vld_q[i], `gpr_t})) & lq_s1_rel_itag_match[i]; // Source 1 w/ rel T1 Pipe
assign lq_s2_rel_match[i] = (lq_s2_q == ({rel_vld_q[i], `gpr_t})) & lq_s2_rel_itag_match[i]; // Source 1 w/ rel T1 Pipe
// Assign Outputs to LQ -- Remove last bit, that is for write-back case
assign lq_ex0_s1_fx0_sel[2:12] = lq_s1_fxu0_t1_match | lq_s1_fxu0_t2_match | lq_s1_fxu0_t3_match;
assign lq_ex0_s2_fx0_sel[2:12] = lq_s2_fxu0_t1_match | lq_s2_fxu0_t2_match | lq_s2_fxu0_t3_match;
rv_pri #(.size(11)) lq_s1_fx0 (.cond(lq_ex0_s1_fx0_sel), .pri(rv_lq_ex0_s1_fx0_sel));
rv_pri #(.size(11)) lq_s2_fx0 (.cond(lq_ex0_s2_fx0_sel), .pri(rv_lq_ex0_s2_fx0_sel));
assign rv_lq_ex0_s1_lq_sel[4:8] = lq_s1_lq_t1_match | lq_s1_lq_t2_match | lq_s1_lq_t3_match;
assign rv_lq_ex0_s2_lq_sel[4:8] = lq_s2_lq_t1_match | lq_s2_lq_t2_match | lq_s2_lq_t3_match;
assign lq_ex0_s1_fx1_sel[2:7] = lq_s1_fxu1_t1_match | lq_s1_fxu1_t2_match | lq_s1_fxu1_t3_match;
assign lq_ex0_s2_fx1_sel[2:7] = lq_s2_fxu1_t1_match | lq_s2_fxu1_t2_match | lq_s2_fxu1_t3_match;
assign rv_lq_ex0_s1_fx1_sel[2:6] = lq_ex0_s1_fx1_sel[2:6];
assign rv_lq_ex0_s2_fx1_sel[2:6] = lq_ex0_s2_fx1_sel[2:6];
assign rv_lq_ex0_s1_fx1_sel[7] = lq_ex0_s1_fx1_sel[7] & ~lq_ex0_s1_fx1_sel[2];
assign rv_lq_ex0_s2_fx1_sel[7] = lq_ex0_s2_fx1_sel[7] & ~lq_ex0_s2_fx1_sel[2];
assign rv_lq_ex0_s1_rel_sel[2:3] = lq_s1_rel_match;
assign rv_lq_ex0_s2_rel_sel[2:3] = lq_s2_rel_match;
// BR Compares
// Assign Outputs to BR -- Remove last bit, that is for write-back case
// FXU1 Compares
begin : xhdl14
genvar i;
for (i = 1; i <= 11; i = i + 1)
begin : comp_fxu1_fxu0
assign fxu1_s1_fxu0_itag_match[i] = fx1_ex0_s1_itag_q == fx0_itag_q[i];
assign fxu1_s2_fxu0_itag_match[i] = fx1_ex0_s2_itag_q == fx0_itag_q[i];
assign fxu1_s3_fxu0_itag_match[i] = fx1_ex0_s3_itag_q == fx0_itag_q[i];
assign fxu1_s1_fxu0_t1_match[i] = (fxu1_s1_q == fxu0_t1_q[i]) & fxu1_s1_fxu0_itag_match[i]; // Source 1 w/ FXU0 T1 Pipe
assign fxu1_s1_fxu0_t2_match[i] = (fxu1_s1_q == fxu0_t2_q[i]) & fxu1_s1_fxu0_itag_match[i]; // Source 1 w/ FXU0 T2 Pipe
assign fxu1_s1_fxu0_t3_match[i] = (fxu1_s1_q == fxu0_t3_q[i]) & fxu1_s1_fxu0_itag_match[i]; // Source 1 w/ FXU0 T3 Pipe
assign fxu1_s2_fxu0_t1_match[i] = (fxu1_s2_q == fxu0_t1_q[i]) & fxu1_s2_fxu0_itag_match[i]; // Source 2 w/ FXU0 T1 Pipe
assign fxu1_s2_fxu0_t2_match[i] = (fxu1_s2_q == fxu0_t2_q[i]) & fxu1_s2_fxu0_itag_match[i]; // Source 2 w/ FXU0 T2 Pipe
assign fxu1_s2_fxu0_t3_match[i] = (fxu1_s2_q == fxu0_t3_q[i]) & fxu1_s2_fxu0_itag_match[i]; // Source 2 w/ FXU0 T3 Pipe
assign fxu1_s3_fxu0_t1_match[i] = (fxu1_s3_q == fxu0_t1_q[i]) & fxu1_s3_fxu0_itag_match[i]; // Source 3 w/ FXU0 T1 Pipe
assign fxu1_s3_fxu0_t2_match[i] = (fxu1_s3_q == fxu0_t2_q[i]) & fxu1_s3_fxu0_itag_match[i]; // Source 3 w/ FXU0 T2 Pipe
assign fxu1_s3_fxu0_t3_match[i] = (fxu1_s3_q == fxu0_t3_q[i]) & fxu1_s3_fxu0_itag_match[i]; // Source 3 w/ FXU0 T3 Pipe
begin : xhdl15
genvar i;
for (i = 4; i <= 8; i = i + 1)
begin : comp_fxu1_lq
assign fxu1_s1_lq_itag_match[i] = fx1_ex0_s1_itag_q == lq_itag_q[i];
assign fxu1_s2_lq_itag_match[i] = fx1_ex0_s2_itag_q == lq_itag_q[i];
assign fxu1_s3_lq_itag_match[i] = fx1_ex0_s3_itag_q == lq_itag_q[i];
assign fxu1_s1_lq_t1_match[i] = (fxu1_s1_q == lq_t1_q[i]) & fxu1_s1_lq_itag_match[i]; // Source 1 w/ LQ T1 Pipe
assign fxu1_s1_lq_t2_match[i] = 1'b0; // Source 1 w/ LQ T2 Pipe
assign fxu1_s1_lq_t3_match[i] = (fxu1_s1_q == lq_t3_q[i]) & fxu1_s1_lq_itag_match[i]; // Source 1 w/ LQ T3 Pipe
assign fxu1_s2_lq_t1_match[i] = (fxu1_s2_q == lq_t1_q[i]) & fxu1_s2_lq_itag_match[i]; // Source 2 w/ LQ T1 Pipe
assign fxu1_s2_lq_t2_match[i] = 1'b0; // Source 2 w/ LQ T2 pipe
assign fxu1_s2_lq_t3_match[i] = (fxu1_s2_q == lq_t3_q[i]) & fxu1_s2_lq_itag_match[i]; // Source 2 w/ LQ T3 Pipe
assign fxu1_s3_lq_t1_match[i] = (fxu1_s3_q == lq_t1_q[i]) & fxu1_s3_lq_itag_match[i]; // Source 3 w/ LQ T1 Pipe
assign fxu1_s3_lq_t2_match[i] = 1'b0; // Source 3 w/ LQ T2 Pipe
assign fxu1_s3_lq_t3_match[i] = (fxu1_s3_q == lq_t3_q[i]) & fxu1_s3_lq_itag_match[i]; // Source 3 w/ LQ T3 Pipe
begin : xhdl16
genvar i;
for (i = 1; i <= 6; i = i + 1)
begin : comp_fxu1_fxu1
assign fxu1_s1_fxu1_itag_match[i] = fx1_ex0_s1_itag_q == fx1_itag_q[i];
assign fxu1_s2_fxu1_itag_match[i] = fx1_ex0_s2_itag_q == fx1_itag_q[i];
assign fxu1_s3_fxu1_itag_match[i] = fx1_ex0_s3_itag_q == fx1_itag_q[i];
assign fxu1_s1_fxu1_t1_match[i] = (fxu1_s1_q == fxu1_t1_q[i]) & fxu1_s1_fxu1_itag_match[i]; // Source 1 w/ FXU1 T1 Pipe
assign fxu1_s1_fxu1_t2_match[i] = (fxu1_s1_q == fxu1_t2_q[i]) & fxu1_s1_fxu1_itag_match[i]; // Source 1 w/ FXU1 T2 Pipe
assign fxu1_s1_fxu1_t3_match[i] = (fxu1_s1_q == fxu1_t3_q[i]) & fxu1_s1_fxu1_itag_match[i]; // Source 1 w/ FXU1 T3 Pipe
assign fxu1_s2_fxu1_t1_match[i] = (fxu1_s2_q == fxu1_t1_q[i]) & fxu1_s2_fxu1_itag_match[i]; // Source 2 w/ FXU1 T1 Pipe
assign fxu1_s2_fxu1_t2_match[i] = (fxu1_s2_q == fxu1_t2_q[i]) & fxu1_s2_fxu1_itag_match[i]; // Source 2 w/ FXU1 T2 Pipe
assign fxu1_s2_fxu1_t3_match[i] = (fxu1_s2_q == fxu1_t3_q[i]) & fxu1_s2_fxu1_itag_match[i]; // Source 2 w/ FXU1 T3 Pipe
assign fxu1_s3_fxu1_t1_match[i] = (fxu1_s3_q == fxu1_t1_q[i]) & fxu1_s3_fxu1_itag_match[i]; // Source 3 w/ FXU1 T1 Pipe
assign fxu1_s3_fxu1_t2_match[i] = (fxu1_s3_q == fxu1_t2_q[i]) & fxu1_s3_fxu1_itag_match[i]; // Source 3 w/ FXU1 T2 Pipe
assign fxu1_s3_fxu1_t3_match[i] = (fxu1_s3_q == fxu1_t3_q[i]) & fxu1_s3_fxu1_itag_match[i]; // Source 3 w/ FXU1 T3 Pipe
begin : xhdl17
genvar i;
for (i = 2; i <= 3 ; i = i + 1)
begin : comp_fxu1_rel
assign fxu1_s1_rel_itag_match[i] = fx1_ex0_s1_itag_q == rel_itag_q[i];
assign fxu1_s2_rel_itag_match[i] = fx1_ex0_s2_itag_q == rel_itag_q[i];
assign fxu1_s3_rel_itag_match[i] = fx1_ex0_s3_itag_q == rel_itag_q[i];
assign fxu1_s1_rel_match[i] = (fxu1_s1_q == ({rel_vld_q[i], `gpr_t})) & fxu1_s1_rel_itag_match[i]; // Source 1 w/ rel T1 Pipe
assign fxu1_s2_rel_match[i] = (fxu1_s2_q == ({rel_vld_q[i], `gpr_t})) & fxu1_s2_rel_itag_match[i]; // Source 1 w/ rel T1 Pipe
assign fxu1_s3_rel_match[i] = (fxu1_s3_q == ({rel_vld_q[i], `gpr_t})) & fxu1_s3_rel_itag_match[i]; // Source 1 w/ rel T1 Pipe
// Assign Outputs to FXU1 -- Remove last bit, that is for write-back case
assign fx1_ex0_s1_fx0_sel[1:11] = fxu1_s1_fxu0_t1_match | fxu1_s1_fxu0_t2_match | fxu1_s1_fxu0_t3_match;
assign fx1_ex0_s2_fx0_sel[1:11] = fxu1_s2_fxu0_t1_match | fxu1_s2_fxu0_t2_match | fxu1_s2_fxu0_t3_match;
assign fx1_ex0_s3_fx0_sel[1:11] = fxu1_s3_fxu0_t1_match | fxu1_s3_fxu0_t2_match | fxu1_s3_fxu0_t3_match;
rv_pri #(.size(11)) fx1_s1_fx0 (.cond(fx1_ex0_s1_fx0_sel), .pri(rv_fx1_ex0_s1_fx0_sel));
rv_pri #(.size(11)) fx1_s2_fx0 (.cond(fx1_ex0_s2_fx0_sel), .pri(rv_fx1_ex0_s2_fx0_sel));
rv_pri #(.size(11)) fx1_s3_fx0 (.cond(fx1_ex0_s3_fx0_sel), .pri(rv_fx1_ex0_s3_fx0_sel));
assign rv_fx1_ex0_s1_lq_sel[4:8] = fxu1_s1_lq_t1_match | fxu1_s1_lq_t2_match | fxu1_s1_lq_t3_match;
assign rv_fx1_ex0_s2_lq_sel[4:8] = fxu1_s2_lq_t1_match | fxu1_s2_lq_t2_match | fxu1_s2_lq_t3_match;
assign rv_fx1_ex0_s3_lq_sel[4:8] = fxu1_s3_lq_t1_match | fxu1_s3_lq_t2_match | fxu1_s3_lq_t3_match;
assign fx1_ex0_s1_fx1_sel[1:6] = fxu1_s1_fxu1_t1_match | fxu1_s1_fxu1_t2_match | fxu1_s1_fxu1_t3_match;
assign fx1_ex0_s2_fx1_sel[1:6] = fxu1_s2_fxu1_t1_match | fxu1_s2_fxu1_t2_match | fxu1_s2_fxu1_t3_match;
assign fx1_ex0_s3_fx1_sel[1:6] = fxu1_s3_fxu1_t1_match | fxu1_s3_fxu1_t2_match | fxu1_s3_fxu1_t3_match;
assign rv_fx1_ex0_s1_fx1_sel[1:5] = fx1_ex0_s1_fx1_sel[1:5];
assign rv_fx1_ex0_s2_fx1_sel[1:5] = fx1_ex0_s2_fx1_sel[1:5];
assign rv_fx1_ex0_s3_fx1_sel[1:5] = fx1_ex0_s3_fx1_sel[1:5];
assign rv_fx1_ex0_s1_fx1_sel[6] = fx1_ex0_s1_fx1_sel[6] & ~fx1_ex0_s1_fx1_sel[1];
assign rv_fx1_ex0_s2_fx1_sel[6] = fx1_ex0_s2_fx1_sel[6] & ~fx1_ex0_s2_fx1_sel[1];
assign rv_fx1_ex0_s3_fx1_sel[6] = fx1_ex0_s3_fx1_sel[6] & ~fx1_ex0_s3_fx1_sel[1];
assign rv_fx1_ex0_s1_rel_sel = fxu1_s1_rel_match;
assign rv_fx1_ex0_s2_rel_sel = fxu1_s2_rel_match;
assign rv_fx1_ex0_s3_rel_sel = fxu1_s3_rel_match;
// FX0 RV Release, based on ilat
assign fx0_ex2_abort = (fx0_rv_ex2_s1_abort | fx0_rv_ex2_s2_abort | fx0_rv_ex2_s3_abort) & |(fx0_vld_q[2]) ;
assign fx0_act[0] = |(rv_byp_fx0_vld);
assign fx0_act[1] = |(fx0_vld_q[0]);
assign fx0_act[2] = |(fx0_vld_q[1]);
assign fx0_act[3] = |(fx0_vld_q[2]) | fx0_insert_ord;
assign fx0_act[4] = |(fx0_vld_q[3]);
assign fx0_act[5] = |(fx0_vld_q[4]) | fx0_mult_recirc;
assign fx0_act[6] = |(fx0_vld_q[5]);
assign fx0_act[7] = |(fx0_vld_q[6]);
assign fx0_act[8] = |(fx0_vld_q[7]);
assign fx0_act[9] = |(fx0_vld_q[8]);
assign fx0_act[10] = |(fx0_vld_q[9]);
assign fx0_act[11] = |(fx0_vld_q[10]);
assign fx0_act[12] = |(fx0_vld_q[11]);
assign fx0_vld_d[0] = rv_byp_fx0_vld & (~(cp_flush_q));
assign fx0_vld_d[1] = fx0_vld_q[0] & (~cp_flush_q);
assign fx0_vld_d[2] = fx0_vld_q[1] & (~cp_flush_q);
assign fx0_vld_d[3] = (fx0_vld_q[2] | ({`THREADS{fx0_insert_ord}} & fx0_rv_ord_tid)) & (~cp_flush_q);
assign fx0_vld_d[4] = fx0_vld_q[3] & (~cp_flush_q);
assign fx0_vld_d[5] = ((fx0_vld_q[4] & {`THREADS{~fx0_mult_recirc}}) |
(fx0_vld_q[5] & {`THREADS{fx0_ex5_mult_recirc}}) |
(fx0_vld_q[6] & {`THREADS{fx0_ex6_mult_recirc}}) |
(fx0_vld_q[7] & {`THREADS{fx0_ex7_mult_recirc}}) ) & (~cp_flush_q);
assign fx0_vld_d[6] = fx0_vld_q[5] & (~cp_flush_q);
assign fx0_vld_d[7] = fx0_vld_q[6] & (~cp_flush_q);
assign fx0_vld_d[8] = fx0_vld_q[7] & (~cp_flush_q);
assign fx0_vld_d[9] = fx0_vld_q[8] & (~cp_flush_q);
assign fx0_vld_d[10] = fx0_vld_q[9] & (~cp_flush_q);
assign fx0_vld_d[11] = fx0_vld_q[10] & (~cp_flush_q);
assign fx0_is_brick_d[1] = rv_byp_fx0_ex0_is_brick;
assign fx0_is_brick_d[2] = fx0_is_brick_q[1];
assign fx0_is_brick_d[3] = fx0_is_brick_q[2];
assign fx0_is_brick_d[4] = fx0_is_brick_q[3];
assign fx0_is_brick_d[5] = fx0_is_brick_q[4];
assign fx0_is_brick_d[6] = fx0_is_brick_q[5];
assign fx0_is_brick_d[7] = fx0_is_brick_q[6];
assign fx0_abort_d[3] = fx0_ex2_abort;
assign fx0_abort_d[4] = fx0_abort_q[3];
// Itag Pipe
assign fx0_itag_d[0] = rv_byp_fx0_itag;
assign fx0_itag_d[1] = fx0_itag_q[0];
assign fx0_itag_d[2] = fx0_itag_q[1];
assign fx0_itag_d[3] = (fx0_itag_q[2] & {`ITAG_SIZE_ENC{(~fx0_insert_ord)}}) | (fx0_rv_ord_itag & {`ITAG_SIZE_ENC{fx0_insert_ord}});
assign fx0_itag_d[4] = fx0_itag_q[3];
assign fx0_itag_d[5] = (fx0_itag_q[4] & {`ITAG_SIZE_ENC{(~fx0_mult_recirc)}}) |
(fx0_itag_q[5] & {`ITAG_SIZE_ENC{( fx0_ex5_mult_recirc)}}) |
(fx0_itag_q[6] & {`ITAG_SIZE_ENC{( fx0_ex6_mult_recirc)}}) |
(fx0_itag_q[7] & {`ITAG_SIZE_ENC{( fx0_ex7_mult_recirc)}}) ;
begin : xhdl18i
genvar i;
for (i = 6; i <= 12; i = i + 1)
begin : fxu0_itag_d_gen
assign fx0_itag_d[i] = fx0_itag_q[i-1];
// Ilat Pipe
assign fx0_ex0_ilat_d = rv_byp_fx0_ilat;
assign fx0_ex1_ilat_d = fx0_ex0_ilat_q;
assign fx0_ex2_ilat_d = fx0_ex1_ilat_q ;
assign fx0_ex3_ilat_d = fx0_ex2_ilat_q & {4{(~fx0_insert_ord)}};
assign fx0_ex4_ilat_d = fx0_ex3_ilat_q & ~{4{fx0_ex3_ord_flush_q & (fx0_ex3_ilat_q != 4'b1111)}}; //If ordered was aborted, release asap (unless it is ilat F)
assign fx0_ex5_ilat_d = fx0_ex4_ilat_q;
assign fx0_ex6_ilat_d = fx0_ex5_ilat_q;
assign fx0_ex7_ilat_d = fx0_ex6_ilat_q;
assign fx0_ex8_ilat_d = fx0_ex7_ilat_q;
// Match instruction latency with their location in the pipeline
assign fx0_rv1_ilat_match = |(rv_byp_fx0_ilat0_vld | rv_byp_fx0_ilat1_vld); //ilat 0 or 1
assign fx0_ex0_fast_match = ((fx0_ex0_ilat_q <= 4'b0010));
assign fx0_ex0_ilat_match = ((fx0_ex0_ilat_q <= 4'b0011));
assign fx0_ex1_ilat_match = ((fx0_ex1_ilat_q <= 4'b0100));
assign fx0_ex2_ilat_match = (fx0_ex2_ilat_q <= 4'b0101);
assign fx0_ex3_ilat_match = (fx0_ex3_ilat_q <= 4'b0110) | (fx0_ex3_ord_flush_q & (fx0_ex3_ilat_q != 4'b1111));
assign fx0_ex4_ilat_match = (fx0_ex4_ilat_q <= 4'b0111);
//Store data can't be bypassed (updates)
assign fx0_ex0_stq_pipe_val = 1'b0;
// Intructions are in correct pipeline stage to allow dependent op release, and they have not been released yet
assign fx0_ex0_sched_rel[9] = (fx0_ex0_ilat_match & fx0_need_rel_q[0] & (~(fx0_sched_rel_ex0_fast | fx0_ex0_stq_pipe_val)) & (~|(fx0_vld_q[0] & cp_flush_q)));
assign fx0_ex0_sched_rel[8] = fx0_ex1_ilat_match & fx0_need_rel_q[1] & ~|(fx0_vld_q[1] & cp_flush_q);
assign fx0_ex0_sched_rel[7] = fx0_ex2_ilat_match & fx0_need_rel_q[2] & ~|(fx0_vld_q[2] & cp_flush_q);
assign fx0_ex0_sched_rel[6] = fx0_ex3_ilat_match & fx0_need_rel_q[3] & ~|(fx0_vld_q[3] & cp_flush_q);
assign fx0_ex0_sched_rel[5] = fx0_ex4_ilat_match & fx0_need_rel_q[4] & ~|(fx0_vld_q[4] & cp_flush_q); //need this case to kill ord rel when cmplt same cycle as flush
assign fx0_ex0_sched_rel[4] = 1'b0;
assign fx0_ex0_sched_rel[3] = 1'b0;
assign fx0_ex0_sched_rel[2] = 1'b0;
assign fx0_ex0_sched_rel[1] = 1'b0;
assign fx0_ex0_sched_rel[0] = 1'b0;
assign fx0_byp_rdy_nxt_0 = |rv_byp_fx0_ilat0_vld ;
assign fx0_byp_rdy_nxt[0] = {`THREADS{ (fx0_ex0_ilat_q == 4'b0001) }} & fx0_vld_q[0];
assign fx0_byp_rdy_nxt[1] = {`THREADS{ (fx0_ex1_ilat_q == 4'b0010) }} & fx0_vld_q[1];
assign fx0_byp_rdy_nxt[2] = {`THREADS{ (fx0_ex2_ilat_q == 4'b0011) }} & fx0_vld_q[2];
assign fx0_byp_rdy_nxt[3] = {`THREADS{ (fx0_ex3_ilat_q == 4'b0100) }} & fx0_vld_q[3];
assign fx0_byp_rdy_nxt[4] = {`THREADS{ (fx0_ex4_ilat_q == 4'b0101) }} & fx0_vld_q[4];
assign fx0_byp_rdy_nxt[5] = {`THREADS{ (fx0_ex5_ilat_q == 4'b0110) }} & fx0_vld_q[5];
assign fx0_byp_rdy_nxt[6] = {`THREADS{ (fx0_ex6_ilat_q == 4'b0111) }} & fx0_vld_q[6];
assign fx0_byp_rdy_nxt[7] = {`THREADS{ (fx0_ex7_ilat_q == 4'b1000) }} & fx0_vld_q[7];
assign fx0_byp_rdy_nxt[8] = {`THREADS{ (fx0_ex8_ilat_q == 4'b1001) }} & fx0_vld_q[8];
assign fx0_byp_rdy_nxt[9] = {`THREADS{ 1'b0}};
assign fx0_byp_rdy_nxt[10] = {`THREADS{1'b0}};
assign fx0_byp_rdy_nxt[11] = {`THREADS{1'b0}};
// Prioritize. EX6 gets highest priority (Will be latched)
rv_pri #(.size(10)) fx0_release_pri(
// Use prioritized schedule to determine which stage to release itag/vld out of (Will be latched)
assign fx0_rel_itag_d =
(fx0_itag_q[4] & {`ITAG_SIZE_ENC{fx0_ex0_sched_rel_pri[5]}}) |
(fx0_itag_q[3] & {`ITAG_SIZE_ENC{fx0_ex0_sched_rel_pri[6]}}) |
(fx0_itag_q[2] & {`ITAG_SIZE_ENC{fx0_ex0_sched_rel_pri[7]}}) |
(fx0_itag_q[1] & {`ITAG_SIZE_ENC{fx0_ex0_sched_rel_pri[8]}}) |
(fx0_itag_q[0] & {`ITAG_SIZE_ENC{fx0_ex0_sched_rel_pri[9]}});
assign fx0_rel_itag_vld_d = (
(fx0_vld_q[4] & {`THREADS{fx0_ex0_sched_rel_pri[5]}}) |
(fx0_vld_q[3] & {`THREADS{fx0_ex0_sched_rel_pri[6]}}) |
(fx0_vld_q[2] & {`THREADS{fx0_ex0_sched_rel_pri[7]}}) |
(fx0_vld_q[1] & {`THREADS{fx0_ex0_sched_rel_pri[8]}}) |
(fx0_vld_q[0] & {`THREADS{fx0_ex0_sched_rel_pri[9]}}) ) & ~cp_flush_q;
assign fx0_rel_itag_abort_d =
(fx0_abort_q[4] & fx0_ex0_sched_rel_pri[5]) |
(fx0_abort_q[3] & fx0_ex0_sched_rel_pri[6]) ;
// | and invert in this cycle so select for outbound mux is fast
assign fx0_sched_rel_pri_or_d = (~|(fx0_ex0_sched_rel_pri));
// Check fast releases released?
assign fx0_sched_rel_rv = fx0_rv1_ilat_match & fx0_sched_rel_pri_or_q & (~fx0_sched_rel_ex0_fast);
assign fx0_rv1_ilat0 = |(rv_byp_fx0_ilat0_vld);
assign fx0_sched_rel_rv_ilat0 = fx0_rv1_ilat0 & fx0_sched_rel_pri_or_q & (~fx0_sched_rel_ex0_fast);
assign fx0_sched_rel_ex0_fast = fx0_ex0_fast_match & |(fx0_vld_q[0] ) & fx0_sched_rel_pri_or_q & fx0_need_rel_q[0];
// Pipeline to keep track of instructions that have not been released yet
assign fx0_need_rel_d[0] = |(rv_byp_fx0_vld & (~cp_flush_q)) & (~fx0_sched_rel_rv) & (~rv_byp_fx0_ord);
assign fx0_need_rel_d[1] = (fx0_need_rel_q[0] & (~(fx0_ex0_sched_rel_pri[9] | fx0_sched_rel_ex0_fast | fx0_ex0_stq_pipe_val)) & (~|(fx0_vld_q[0] & cp_flush_q))) ;
assign fx0_need_rel_d[2] = fx0_need_rel_q[1] & (~fx0_ex0_sched_rel_pri[8]) & (~|(cp_flush_q & fx0_vld_q[1]));
assign fx0_need_rel_d[3] = ((fx0_need_rel_q[2] & (~fx0_ex0_sched_rel_pri[7])) | (fx0_insert_ord | fx0_ex2_abort)) & (~|(cp_flush_q & fx0_vld_q[2]));
assign fx0_need_rel_d[4] = fx0_need_rel_q[3] & (~fx0_ex0_sched_rel_pri[6]) & (~|(cp_flush_q & fx0_vld_q[3]));
// 0 bubble case (need to do it last to handle quick dependency turnaround, after the latch for timing)
// Send itag off priority queue to release dependent ops
assign fx0_rv_itag_int = ({fx0_sched_rel_rv, fx0_sched_rel_ex0_fast} == 2'b10) ? rv_byp_fx0_itag : // 1 bubble case
({fx0_sched_rel_rv, fx0_sched_rel_ex0_fast} == 2'b01) ? fx0_itag_q[0] :
assign fx0_rv_itag_vld_int = ({fx0_sched_rel_rv, fx0_sched_rel_ex0_fast} == 2'b10) ? rv_byp_fx0_vld :
({fx0_sched_rel_rv, fx0_sched_rel_ex0_fast} == 2'b01) ? fx0_vld_q[0] :
assign fx0_rv_itag_abort_int = fx0_rel_itag_abort_q & ~(fx0_sched_rel_rv | fx0_sched_rel_ex0_fast);
assign fx0_rv_itag = fx0_rv_itag_int;
assign fx0_rv_itag_vld = fx0_rv_itag_vld_int;
assign fx0_rv_itag_abort = fx0_rv_itag_abort_int;
assign fx0_ext_rel_itag_d = fx0_rv_itag_int;
assign fx0_ext_rel_itag_vld_d = fx0_rv_itag_vld_int & {`THREADS{~(fx0_ext_itag0_sel_d)}} & ~cp_flush_q;
assign fx0_ext_rel_itag_abort_d = fx0_rv_itag_abort_int;
// ilat0 can go only if theres a slot
assign fx0_ext_itag0_sel_d = fx0_sched_rel_rv_ilat0 & (~fx0_ext_ilat_gt_1_need_rel);
assign fx0_ext_ilat_gt_1_need_rel = |(fx0_ext_rel_itag_vld_q) & (~(fx0_ext_itag0_sel_q));
assign fx0_rv_ext_itag = ((fx0_sched_rel_rv_ilat0 & (~fx0_ext_ilat_gt_1_need_rel)) == 1'b1) ? rv_byp_fx0_itag :
assign fx0_rv_ext_itag_vld = ((fx0_sched_rel_rv_ilat0 & (~fx0_ext_ilat_gt_1_need_rel)) == 1'b1) ? rv_byp_fx0_vld : //ex2
assign fx0_rv_ext_itag_abort = fx0_ext_rel_itag_abort_q & ~(fx0_sched_rel_rv_ilat0 & (~fx0_ext_ilat_gt_1_need_rel));
assign fx0_insert_ord = fx0_rv_ord_complete & (~|(fx0_rv_ord_tid & cp_flush_q));
//Ordered release goes with the dep release
assign fx0_ex3_ord_rel_d = {`THREADS{fx0_rv_ord_complete}} & fx0_rv_ord_tid & (~cp_flush_q);
assign fx0_ex4_ord_rel_d = fx0_ex3_ord_rel_q & (~cp_flush_q) & {`THREADS{(~fx0_ex0_sched_rel_pri[6])}};
assign fx0_ex5_ord_rel_d = fx0_ex4_ord_rel_q & (~cp_flush_q) & {`THREADS{(~fx0_ex0_sched_rel_pri[5])}};
assign fx0_ex6_ord_rel_d = fx0_ex5_ord_rel_q & (~cp_flush_q) & {`THREADS{(~fx0_ex0_sched_rel_pri[4])}};
assign fx0_ex7_ord_rel_d = fx0_ex6_ord_rel_q & (~cp_flush_q) & {`THREADS{(~fx0_ex0_sched_rel_pri[3])}};
assign fx0_ex8_ord_rel_d = fx0_ex7_ord_rel_q & (~cp_flush_q) & {`THREADS{(~fx0_ex0_sched_rel_pri[2])}};
assign fx0_release_ord_hold_d = (
(fx0_vld_q[8] & fx0_ex8_ord_rel_q & {`THREADS{fx0_ex0_sched_rel_pri[1]}}) |
(fx0_vld_q[7] & fx0_ex7_ord_rel_q & {`THREADS{fx0_ex0_sched_rel_pri[2]}}) |
(fx0_vld_q[6] & fx0_ex6_ord_rel_q & {`THREADS{fx0_ex0_sched_rel_pri[3]}}) |
(fx0_vld_q[5] & fx0_ex5_ord_rel_q & {`THREADS{fx0_ex0_sched_rel_pri[4]}}) |
(fx0_vld_q[4] & fx0_ex4_ord_rel_q & {`THREADS{fx0_ex0_sched_rel_pri[5]}}) |
(fx0_vld_q[3] & fx0_ex3_ord_rel_q & {`THREADS{fx0_ex0_sched_rel_pri[6]}}) | ex3_ord_flush) & (~cp_flush_q);
assign fx0_release_ord_hold = fx0_release_ord_hold_q;
// If an ordered op gets a spec_flush, release the ord_hold (but not the dependency release bus)
assign ex3_ord_flush = ({`THREADS{fx0_ex3_ord_flush_q}} & fx0_vld_q[3]);
assign fx0_ex0_ord_d = rv_byp_fx0_ord;
assign fx0_ex1_ord_d = fx0_ex0_ord_q;
assign fx0_ex2_ord_d = fx0_ex1_ord_q;
assign fx0_ex3_ord_flush_d = fx0_ex2_ord_q & fx0_ex2_abort ;
// FX1 RV Release, based on ilat
assign fx1_ex2_abort = (fx1_rv_ex2_s1_abort | fx1_rv_ex2_s2_abort | fx1_rv_ex2_s3_abort) & ~fx1_ex2_stq_pipe_q & |(fx1_vld_q[2]);
assign fx1_act[0] = |(rv_byp_fx1_vld);
assign fx1_act[1] = |(fx1_vld_q[0]);
assign fx1_act[2] = |(fx1_vld_q[1]);
assign fx1_act[3] = |(fx1_vld_q[2]);
assign fx1_act[4] = |(fx1_vld_q[3]);
assign fx1_act[5] = |(fx1_vld_q[4]);
assign fx1_act[6] = |(fx1_vld_q[5]);
assign fx1_act[7] = |(fx1_vld_q[6]);
assign fx1_itag_d[0] = rv_byp_fx1_itag;
assign fx1_vld_d[0] = rv_byp_fx1_vld & (~cp_flush_q);
begin : xhdl19v
genvar i;
for (i = 1; i <= 6; i = i + 1)
begin : fxu1_vld_d_gen
assign fx1_vld_d[i] = fx1_vld_q[i - 1] & (~cp_flush_q);
begin : xhdl19
genvar i;
for (i = 1; i <= 7; i = i + 1)
begin : fxu1_itag_d_gen
assign fx1_itag_d[i] = fx1_itag_q[i - 1];
assign fx1_abort_d[3] = fx1_ex2_abort;
assign fx1_abort_d[4] = fx1_abort_q[3];
// Ilat Pipe
assign fx1_ex0_ilat_d = rv_byp_fx1_ilat[1:3];
assign fx1_ex1_ilat_d = fx1_ex0_ilat_q;
assign fx1_ex2_ilat_d = fx1_ex1_ilat_q;
assign fx1_ex3_ilat_d = fx1_ex2_ilat_q;
assign fx1_ex4_ilat_d = fx1_ex3_ilat_q;
assign fx1_ex5_ilat_d = fx1_ex4_ilat_q;
assign fx1_ex6_ilat_d = fx1_ex5_ilat_q;
// Match instruction latency with their location in the pipeline
assign fx1_rv1_ilat_match = |(rv_byp_fx1_ilat0_vld | rv_byp_fx1_ilat1_vld); //ilat 0 or 1
assign fx1_ex0_fast_match = (fx1_ex0_ilat_q <= 3'b010);
assign fx1_ex0_ilat_match = (fx1_ex0_ilat_q <= 3'b011);
assign fx1_ex1_ilat_match = (fx1_ex1_ilat_q <= 3'b100);
assign fx1_ex2_ilat_match = (fx1_ex2_ilat_q <= 3'b101);
assign fx1_ex3_ilat_match = (fx1_ex3_ilat_q <= 3'b110);
//Store Data. Don't release, or abort on the release bus
assign fx1_ex0_stq_pipe_val = rv_byp_fx1_ex0_isStore;
assign fx1_ex1_stq_pipe_d = fx1_ex0_stq_pipe_val;
assign fx1_ex2_stq_pipe_d = fx1_ex1_stq_pipe_q;
// Intructions are in correct pipeline stage to allow dependent op release, and they have not been released yet
assign fx1_ex0_sched_rel[4] = (fx1_ex0_ilat_match & fx1_ex0_need_rel_q & (~(fx1_sched_rel_ex0_fast | fx1_ex0_stq_pipe_val)) & (~|(fx1_vld_q[0] & cp_flush_q )));
assign fx1_ex0_sched_rel[3] = fx1_ex1_ilat_match & fx1_ex1_need_rel_q & (~|(fx1_vld_q[1] & cp_flush_q ));
assign fx1_ex0_sched_rel[2] = fx1_ex2_ilat_match & fx1_ex2_need_rel_q & (~|(fx1_vld_q[2] & cp_flush_q ));
assign fx1_ex0_sched_rel[1] = fx1_ex3_ilat_match & fx1_ex3_need_rel_q & (~|(fx1_vld_q[3] & cp_flush_q ));
assign fx1_ex0_sched_rel[0] = 1'b0;
assign fx1_byp_rdy_nxt_0 = |rv_byp_fx1_ilat0_vld ;
assign fx1_byp_rdy_nxt[0] = {`THREADS{ (fx1_ex0_ilat_q == 3'b001) }} & fx1_vld_q[0];
assign fx1_byp_rdy_nxt[1] = {`THREADS{ (fx1_ex1_ilat_q == 3'b010) }} & fx1_vld_q[1];
assign fx1_byp_rdy_nxt[2] = {`THREADS{ (fx1_ex2_ilat_q == 3'b011) & ~fx1_ex2_stq_pipe_q }} & fx1_vld_q[2];
assign fx1_byp_rdy_nxt[3] = {`THREADS{ (fx1_ex3_ilat_q == 3'b100) }} & fx1_vld_q[3];
assign fx1_byp_rdy_nxt[4] = {`THREADS{ (fx1_ex4_ilat_q == 3'b101) }} & fx1_vld_q[4];
assign fx1_byp_rdy_nxt[5] = {`THREADS{ (fx1_ex5_ilat_q == 3'b110) }} & fx1_vld_q[5];
assign fx1_byp_rdy_nxt[6] = {`THREADS{ (fx1_ex6_ilat_q == 3'b111) }} & fx1_vld_q[6];
// Prioritize. EX6 gets highest priority (Will be latched)
rv_pri #(.size(5)) fx1_release_pri(
// Use prioritized schedule to determine which stage to release itag/vld out of (Will be latched)
assign fx1_rel_itag_d = (fx1_itag_q[4] & {`ITAG_SIZE_ENC{fx1_ex0_sched_rel_pri[0]}}) |
(fx1_itag_q[3] & {`ITAG_SIZE_ENC{fx1_ex0_sched_rel_pri[1]}}) |
(fx1_itag_q[2] & {`ITAG_SIZE_ENC{fx1_ex0_sched_rel_pri[2]}}) |
(fx1_itag_q[1] & {`ITAG_SIZE_ENC{fx1_ex0_sched_rel_pri[3]}}) |
(fx1_itag_q[0] & {`ITAG_SIZE_ENC{fx1_ex0_sched_rel_pri[4]}}); // when "10000",
assign fx1_rel_itag_vld_d = ((fx1_vld_q[4] & {`THREADS{fx1_ex0_sched_rel_pri[0]}}) |
(fx1_vld_q[3] & {`THREADS{fx1_ex0_sched_rel_pri[1]}}) |
(fx1_vld_q[2] & {`THREADS{fx1_ex0_sched_rel_pri[2]}}) |
(fx1_vld_q[1] & {`THREADS{fx1_ex0_sched_rel_pri[3]}}) |
(fx1_vld_q[0] & {`THREADS{fx1_ex0_sched_rel_pri[4]}}) ) & ~cp_flush_q; // when "10000",
assign fx1_rel_itag_abort_d = (fx1_abort_q[4] & fx1_ex0_sched_rel_pri[0]) |
(fx1_abort_q[3] & fx1_ex0_sched_rel_pri[1]) ;
// | and invert in this cycle so select for outbound mux is fast
assign fx1_sched_rel_pri_or_d = (~|(fx1_ex0_sched_rel_pri));
// Check fast releases released?
assign fx1_sched_rel_rv = fx1_rv1_ilat_match & fx1_sched_rel_pri_or_q & (~fx1_sched_rel_ex0_fast);
assign fx1_rv1_ilat0 = |(rv_byp_fx1_ilat0_vld);
assign fx1_sched_rel_rv_ilat0 = fx1_rv1_ilat0 & fx1_sched_rel_pri_or_q & (~fx1_sched_rel_ex0_fast);
assign fx1_sched_rel_ex0_fast = fx1_ex0_fast_match & |(fx1_vld_q[0]) & fx1_sched_rel_pri_or_q & fx1_ex0_need_rel_q;
// Pipeline to keep track of instructions that have not been released yet
assign fx1_ex0_need_rel_d = |(rv_byp_fx1_vld & (~cp_flush_q)) & (~fx1_sched_rel_rv);
assign fx1_ex1_need_rel_d = (fx1_ex0_need_rel_q & (~(fx1_ex0_sched_rel_pri[4] | fx1_sched_rel_ex0_fast | fx1_ex0_stq_pipe_val)) & (~|(fx1_vld_q[0] & cp_flush_q ))) ;
assign fx1_ex2_need_rel_d = fx1_ex1_need_rel_q & (~fx1_ex0_sched_rel_pri[3]) & (~|(fx1_vld_q[1] & cp_flush_q));
assign fx1_ex3_need_rel_d = ((fx1_ex2_need_rel_q & (~fx1_ex0_sched_rel_pri[2])) | fx1_ex2_abort) & (~|(fx1_vld_q[2] & cp_flush_q));
// 0 bubble case (need to do it last to handle quick dependency turnaround, after the latch for timing)
// Send itag off priority queue to release dependent ops
assign fx1_rv_itag_int = ({fx1_sched_rel_rv, fx1_sched_rel_ex0_fast} == 2'b10) ? rv_byp_fx1_itag : // 1 bubble case
({fx1_sched_rel_rv, fx1_sched_rel_ex0_fast} == 2'b01) ? fx1_itag_q[0] :
assign fx1_rv_itag_vld_int = ({fx1_sched_rel_rv, fx1_sched_rel_ex0_fast} == 2'b10) ? rv_byp_fx1_vld :
({fx1_sched_rel_rv, fx1_sched_rel_ex0_fast} == 2'b01) ? fx1_vld_q[0] :
assign fx1_rv_itag_abort_int = fx1_rel_itag_abort_q & ~(fx1_sched_rel_rv | fx1_sched_rel_ex0_fast);
assign fx1_rv_itag = fx1_rv_itag_int;
assign fx1_rv_itag_vld = fx1_rv_itag_vld_int;
assign fx1_rv_itag_abort = fx1_rv_itag_abort_int;
assign fx1_ext_rel_itag_d = fx1_rv_itag_int;
assign fx1_ext_rel_itag_vld_d = fx1_rv_itag_vld_int & {`THREADS{~( fx1_ext_itag0_sel_d)}} & ~cp_flush_q;
assign fx1_ext_rel_itag_abort_d = fx1_rv_itag_abort_int;
// ilat0 can go only if theres a slot
assign fx1_ext_itag0_sel_d = fx1_sched_rel_rv_ilat0 & (~fx1_ext_ilat_gt_1_need_rel);
assign fx1_ext_ilat_gt_1_need_rel = |(fx1_ext_rel_itag_vld_q) & (~(fx1_ext_itag0_sel_q));
assign fx1_rv_ext_itag_vld = ((fx1_sched_rel_rv_ilat0 & (~fx1_ext_ilat_gt_1_need_rel)) == 1'b1) ? rv_byp_fx1_vld : //ex2
assign fx1_rv_ext_itag = ((fx1_sched_rel_rv_ilat0 & (~fx1_ext_ilat_gt_1_need_rel)) == 1'b1) ? rv_byp_fx1_itag :
assign fx1_rv_ext_itag_abort = fx1_ext_rel_itag_abort_q & ~(fx1_sched_rel_rv_ilat0 & (~fx1_ext_ilat_gt_1_need_rel));
assign lq_itag_d[0] = rv_byp_lq_itag;
begin : xhdl20
genvar i;
for (i = 1; i <= 8; i = i + 1)
begin : lq_itag_d_gen
assign lq_itag_d[i] = lq_itag_q[i - 1];
assign lq_act[0] = |(rv_byp_lq_vld);
assign lq_act[1] = |(lq_vld_q[0]);
assign lq_act[2] = |(lq_vld_q[1]);
assign lq_act[3] = |(lq_vld_q[2]);
assign lq_act[4] = |(lq_vld_q[3]);
assign lq_act[5] = |(lq_vld_q[4]);
assign lq_act[6] = |(lq_vld_q[5]);
assign lq_act[7] = |(lq_vld_q[6]);
assign lq_act[8] = |(lq_vld_q[7]);
assign lq_vld_d[0] = rv_byp_lq_vld;
assign lq_vld_d[1] = lq_vld_q[0];
assign lq_vld_d[2] = lq_vld_q[1];
assign lq_vld_d[3] = lq_vld_q[2];
assign lq_vld_d[4] = lq_vld_q[3];
assign lq_vld_d[5] = lq_vld_q[4];
assign lq_vld_d[6] = lq_vld_q[5];
assign lq_vld_d[7] = lq_vld_q[6];
// Latches
begin : xhdl21
genvar i;
for (i = 0; i <= 12; i = i + 1)
begin : fxu0_t1_gen
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(elmnt_width), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1))
.scin(siv[(fxu0_t1_offset + (elmnt_width * i)):(fxu0_t1_offset + (elmnt_width * i) + (elmnt_width - 1))]),
.scout(sov[(fxu0_t1_offset + (elmnt_width * i)):(fxu0_t1_offset + (elmnt_width * i) + (elmnt_width - 1))]),
begin : xhdl22
genvar i;
for (i = 0; i <= 12; i = i + 1)
begin : fxu0_t2_gen
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(elmnt_width), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1))
.scin(siv[(fxu0_t2_offset + (elmnt_width * i)):(fxu0_t2_offset + (elmnt_width * i) + (elmnt_width - 1))]),
.scout(sov[(fxu0_t2_offset + (elmnt_width * i)):(fxu0_t2_offset + (elmnt_width * i) + (elmnt_width - 1))]),
genvar i;
for (i = 0; i <= 12; i = i + 1)
begin : fxu0_t3_gen
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(elmnt_width), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1))
.scin(siv[(fxu0_t3_offset + (elmnt_width * i)):(fxu0_t3_offset + (elmnt_width * i) + (elmnt_width - 1))]),
.scout(sov[(fxu0_t3_offset + (elmnt_width * i)):(fxu0_t3_offset + (elmnt_width * i) + (elmnt_width - 1))]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(elmnt_width), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1))
.scin(siv[fxu0_s1_offset:fxu0_s1_offset + elmnt_width - 1]),
.scout(sov[fxu0_s1_offset:fxu0_s1_offset + elmnt_width - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(elmnt_width), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1))
.scin(siv[fxu0_s2_offset:fxu0_s2_offset + elmnt_width - 1]),
.scout(sov[fxu0_s2_offset:fxu0_s2_offset + elmnt_width - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(elmnt_width), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1))
.scin(siv[fxu0_s3_offset:fxu0_s3_offset + elmnt_width - 1]),
.scout(sov[fxu0_s3_offset:fxu0_s3_offset + elmnt_width - 1]),
begin : xhdl24
genvar i;
for (i = 0; i <= 8; i = i + 1)
begin : lq_t1_gen
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(elmnt_width), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1))
.scin(siv[(lq_t1_offset + (elmnt_width * i)):(lq_t1_offset + (elmnt_width * i) + (elmnt_width - 1))]),
.scout(sov[(lq_t1_offset + (elmnt_width * i)):(lq_t1_offset + (elmnt_width * i) + (elmnt_width - 1))]),
begin : xhdl26
genvar i;
for (i = 0; i <= 8; i = i + 1)
begin : lq_t3_gen
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(elmnt_width), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1))
.scin(siv[(lq_t3_offset + (elmnt_width * i)):(lq_t3_offset + (elmnt_width * i) + (elmnt_width - 1))]),
.scout(sov[(lq_t3_offset + (elmnt_width * i)):(lq_t3_offset + (elmnt_width * i) + (elmnt_width - 1))]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(elmnt_width), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1))
.scin(siv[lq_s1_offset:lq_s1_offset + elmnt_width - 1]),
.scout(sov[lq_s1_offset:lq_s1_offset + elmnt_width - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(elmnt_width), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1))
.scin(siv[lq_s2_offset:lq_s2_offset + elmnt_width - 1]),
.scout(sov[lq_s2_offset:lq_s2_offset + elmnt_width - 1]),
begin : xhdl27
genvar i;
for (i = 0; i <= 7; i = i + 1)
begin : fxu1_t1_gen
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(elmnt_width), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1))
.scin(siv[(fxu1_t1_offset + (elmnt_width * i)):(fxu1_t1_offset + (elmnt_width * i) + (elmnt_width - 1))]),
.scout(sov[(fxu1_t1_offset + (elmnt_width * i)):(fxu1_t1_offset + (elmnt_width * i) + (elmnt_width - 1))]),
begin : xhdl28
genvar i;
for (i = 0; i <= 7; i = i + 1)
begin : fxu1_t2_gen
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(elmnt_width), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1))
.scin(siv[(fxu1_t2_offset + (elmnt_width * i)):(fxu1_t2_offset + (elmnt_width * i) + (elmnt_width - 1))]),
.scout(sov[(fxu1_t2_offset + (elmnt_width * i)):(fxu1_t2_offset + (elmnt_width * i) + (elmnt_width - 1))]),
begin : xhdl29
genvar i;
for (i = 0; i <= 7; i = i + 1)
begin : fxu1_t3_gen
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(elmnt_width), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1))
.scin(siv[(fxu1_t3_offset + (elmnt_width * i)):(fxu1_t3_offset + (elmnt_width * i) + (elmnt_width - 1))]),
.scout(sov[(fxu1_t3_offset + (elmnt_width * i)):(fxu1_t3_offset + (elmnt_width * i) + (elmnt_width - 1))]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(elmnt_width), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1))
.scin(siv[fxu1_s1_offset:fxu1_s1_offset + elmnt_width - 1]),
.scout(sov[fxu1_s1_offset:fxu1_s1_offset + elmnt_width - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(elmnt_width), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1))
.scin(siv[fxu1_s2_offset:fxu1_s2_offset + elmnt_width - 1]),
.scout(sov[fxu1_s2_offset:fxu1_s2_offset + elmnt_width - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(elmnt_width), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1))
.scin(siv[fxu1_s3_offset:fxu1_s3_offset + elmnt_width - 1]),
.scout(sov[fxu1_s3_offset:fxu1_s3_offset + elmnt_width - 1]),
begin : xhdl77
genvar i;
for (i = 0; i <= 3 ; i = i + 1)
begin : rel_gen
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`THREADS), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1))
.scin(siv[rel_vld_offset + (`THREADS * i):(rel_vld_offset + (`THREADS * i) + (`THREADS - 1))]),
.scout(sov[rel_vld_offset + (`THREADS * i):(rel_vld_offset + (`THREADS * i) + (`THREADS - 1))]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`ITAG_SIZE_ENC), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1))
.scin(siv[rel_itag_offset + (`ITAG_SIZE_ENC * i):(rel_itag_offset + (`ITAG_SIZE_ENC * i) + (`ITAG_SIZE_ENC - 1))]),
.scout(sov[rel_itag_offset + (`ITAG_SIZE_ENC * i):(rel_itag_offset + (`ITAG_SIZE_ENC * i) + (`ITAG_SIZE_ENC - 1))]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`THREADS), .INIT(0))
.scin(siv[cp_flush_offset:cp_flush_offset + `THREADS - 1]),
.scout(sov[cp_flush_offset:cp_flush_offset + `THREADS - 1]),
begin : xhdl78b
genvar i;
for (i = 1; i <= 7; i = i + 1)
begin : fxu0_itagv_gen
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0))
.scin(siv[fx0_is_brick_offset +i-1 ]),
.scout(sov[fx0_is_brick_offset +i-1 ]),
begin : xhdl78v
genvar i;
for (i = 0; i <= 11; i = i + 1)
begin : fxu0_itagv_gen
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`THREADS), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1))
.scin(siv[fx0_vld_offset + (`THREADS * i):(fx0_vld_offset + (`THREADS * i) + `THREADS - 1)]),
.scout(sov[fx0_vld_offset + (`THREADS * i):(fx0_vld_offset + (`THREADS * i) + `THREADS - 1)]),
begin : xhdl78i
genvar i;
for (i = 0; i <= 12; i = i + 1)
begin : fxu0_itag_gen
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`ITAG_SIZE_ENC), .INIT(0))
.scin(siv[(fx0_itag_offset + (`ITAG_SIZE_ENC * i)):(fx0_itag_offset + (`ITAG_SIZE_ENC * i) + (`ITAG_SIZE_ENC - 1))]),
.scout(sov[(fx0_itag_offset + (`ITAG_SIZE_ENC * i)):(fx0_itag_offset + (`ITAG_SIZE_ENC * i) + (`ITAG_SIZE_ENC - 1))]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(4), .INIT(0))
.scin(siv[fx0_ex0_ilat_offset:fx0_ex0_ilat_offset + 4 - 1]),
.scout(sov[fx0_ex0_ilat_offset:fx0_ex0_ilat_offset + 4 - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(4), .INIT(0))
.scin(siv[fx0_ex1_ilat_offset:fx0_ex1_ilat_offset + 4 - 1]),
.scout(sov[fx0_ex1_ilat_offset:fx0_ex1_ilat_offset + 4 - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(4), .INIT(0))
.scin(siv[fx0_ex2_ilat_offset:fx0_ex2_ilat_offset + 4 - 1]),
.scout(sov[fx0_ex2_ilat_offset:fx0_ex2_ilat_offset + 4 - 1]),