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// © IBM Corp. 2020
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
// the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
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// Modified Terms:
// 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
// License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
// in physical form.
// 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
// necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
// via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
// hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
// of the EULA.
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
// for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
// Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
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`timescale 1 ns / 1 ns
// Title: rv_fx1_rvs.vhdl
// Desc: LQ Reservation Station
module rv_fx1_rvs(
`include "tri_a2o.vh"
// Instructions from RV_DEP
input [0:`THREADS-1] rv0_instr_i0_vld,
input rv0_instr_i0_rte_fx1,
input [0:`THREADS-1] rv0_instr_i1_vld,
input rv0_instr_i1_rte_fx1,
input [0:31] rv0_instr_i0_instr,
input [0:2] rv0_instr_i0_ucode,
input [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] rv0_instr_i0_itag,
input rv0_instr_i0_t1_v,
input [0:`GPR_POOL_ENC-1] rv0_instr_i0_t1_p,
input rv0_instr_i0_t2_v,
input [0:`GPR_POOL_ENC-1] rv0_instr_i0_t2_p,
input rv0_instr_i0_t3_v,
input [0:`GPR_POOL_ENC-1] rv0_instr_i0_t3_p,
input rv0_instr_i0_s1_v,
input [0:`GPR_POOL_ENC-1] rv0_instr_i0_s1_p,
input [0:2] rv0_instr_i0_s1_t,
input rv0_instr_i0_s2_v,
input [0:`GPR_POOL_ENC-1] rv0_instr_i0_s2_p,
input [0:2] rv0_instr_i0_s2_t,
input rv0_instr_i0_s3_v,
input [0:`GPR_POOL_ENC-1] rv0_instr_i0_s3_p,
input [0:2] rv0_instr_i0_s3_t,
input [0:3] rv0_instr_i0_ilat,
input rv0_instr_i0_isStore,
input [0:3] rv0_instr_i0_spare,
input rv0_instr_i0_is_brick,
input [0:2] rv0_instr_i0_brick,
input [0:31] rv0_instr_i1_instr,
input [0:2] rv0_instr_i1_ucode,
input [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] rv0_instr_i1_itag,
input rv0_instr_i1_t1_v,
input [0:`GPR_POOL_ENC-1] rv0_instr_i1_t1_p,
input rv0_instr_i1_t2_v,
input [0:`GPR_POOL_ENC-1] rv0_instr_i1_t2_p,
input rv0_instr_i1_t3_v,
input [0:`GPR_POOL_ENC-1] rv0_instr_i1_t3_p,
input rv0_instr_i1_s1_v,
input [0:`GPR_POOL_ENC-1] rv0_instr_i1_s1_p,
input [0:2] rv0_instr_i1_s1_t,
input rv0_instr_i1_s2_v,
input [0:`GPR_POOL_ENC-1] rv0_instr_i1_s2_p,
input [0:2] rv0_instr_i1_s2_t,
input rv0_instr_i1_s3_v,
input [0:`GPR_POOL_ENC-1] rv0_instr_i1_s3_p,
input [0:2] rv0_instr_i1_s3_t,
input [0:3] rv0_instr_i1_ilat,
input rv0_instr_i1_isStore,
input [0:3] rv0_instr_i1_spare,
input rv0_instr_i1_is_brick,
input [0:2] rv0_instr_i1_brick,
input rv0_instr_i0_s1_dep_hit,
input [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] rv0_instr_i0_s1_itag,
input rv0_instr_i0_s2_dep_hit,
input [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] rv0_instr_i0_s2_itag,
input rv0_instr_i0_s3_dep_hit,
input [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] rv0_instr_i0_s3_itag,
input rv0_instr_i1_s1_dep_hit,
input [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] rv0_instr_i1_s1_itag,
input rv0_instr_i1_s2_dep_hit,
input [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] rv0_instr_i1_s2_itag,
input rv0_instr_i1_s3_dep_hit,
input [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] rv0_instr_i1_s3_itag,
// Credit Interface with IU
output [0:`THREADS-1] rv_iu_fx1_credit_free,
// Machine zap interface
input [0:`THREADS-1] cp_flush,
// Interface to fx1
output [0:`THREADS-1] rv_fx1_vld,
output rv_fx1_s1_v,
output [0:`GPR_POOL_ENC-1] rv_fx1_s1_p,
output rv_fx1_s2_v,
output [0:`GPR_POOL_ENC-1] rv_fx1_s2_p,
output rv_fx1_s3_v,
output [0:`GPR_POOL_ENC-1] rv_fx1_s3_p,
output [0:`THREADS-1] rv_byp_fx1_vld,
output [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] rv_byp_fx1_itag,
output rv_byp_fx1_t1_v,
output rv_byp_fx1_t2_v,
output rv_byp_fx1_t3_v,
output [0:2] rv_byp_fx1_s1_t,
output [0:2] rv_byp_fx1_s2_t,
output [0:2] rv_byp_fx1_s3_t,
output [0:3] rv_byp_fx1_ilat,
output rv_byp_fx1_ex0_isStore,
output [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] rv_fx1_ex0_itag,
output [0:31] rv_fx1_ex0_instr,
output [0:2] rv_fx1_ex0_ucode,
output rv_fx1_ex0_t1_v,
output [0:`GPR_POOL_ENC-1] rv_fx1_ex0_t1_p,
output rv_fx1_ex0_t2_v,
output [0:`GPR_POOL_ENC-1] rv_fx1_ex0_t2_p,
output rv_fx1_ex0_t3_v,
output [0:`GPR_POOL_ENC-1] rv_fx1_ex0_t3_p,
output rv_fx1_ex0_s1_v,
output [0:2] rv_fx1_ex0_s3_t,
output rv_fx1_ex0_isStore,
output [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] rv_byp_fx1_s1_itag,
output [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] rv_byp_fx1_s2_itag,
output [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] rv_byp_fx1_s3_itag,
// RV Release bus
input fx1_rv_ex2_s1_abort,
input fx1_rv_ex2_s2_abort,
input fx1_rv_ex2_s3_abort,
input fx0_rv_itag_abort,
input fx1_rv_itag_abort,
input lq_rv_ext_itag0_abort,
input lq_rv_ext_itag1_abort,
input axu1_rv_ext_itag_abort,
input axu0_rv_ext_itag_abort,
input [0:`THREADS-1] fx0_rv_itag_vld,
input [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] fx0_rv_itag,
input [0:`THREADS-1] fx1_rv_itag_vld,
input [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] fx1_rv_itag,
input [0:`THREADS-1] axu0_rv_ext_itag_vld,
input [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] axu0_rv_ext_itag,
input [0:`THREADS-1] axu1_rv_ext_itag_vld,
input [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] axu1_rv_ext_itag,
input [0:`THREADS-1] lq_rv_ext_itag0_vld,
input [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] lq_rv_ext_itag0,
input [0:`THREADS-1] lq_rv_itag1_vld,
input [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] lq_rv_itag1,
input lq_rv_itag1_restart,
input lq_rv_itag1_hold,
input [0:`THREADS-1] lq_rv_ext_itag1_vld,
input [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] lq_rv_ext_itag1,
input [0:`THREADS-1] lq_rv_ext_itag2_vld,
input [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] lq_rv_ext_itag2,
input [0:`THREADS-1] lq_rv_clr_hold,
input fx1_rv_hold_all,
output [0:`THREADS-1] rv_byp_fx1_ilat0_vld,
output [0:`THREADS-1] rv_byp_fx1_ilat1_vld,
input [0:`THREADS-1] rv1_fx0_ilat0_vld,
input [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] rv1_fx0_ilat0_itag,
output [0:`THREADS-1] rv1_fx1_ilat0_vld,
output [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] rv1_fx1_ilat0_itag,
// Pervasive
output [0:8*`THREADS-1] fx1_rvs_perf_bus,
output [0:31] fx1_rvs_dbg_bus,
inout vdd,
inout gnd,
input clk,
input rst,
input func_sl_thold_1,
input sg_1,
input clkoff_b,
input act_dis,
input ccflush_dc,
input d_mode,
input delay_lclkr,
input mpw1_b,
input mpw2_b,
input scan_in,
output scan_out
parameter num_itag_busses_g = 7;
parameter rvfx1_ex0_start = 0;
parameter rvfx1_instr_start = rvfx1_ex0_start;
parameter rvfx1_instr_stop = (rvfx1_instr_start + (32)) - 1;
parameter rvfx1_ucode_start = rvfx1_instr_stop + 1;
parameter rvfx1_ucode_stop = (rvfx1_ucode_start + (3)) - 1;
parameter rvfx1_t1_p_start = rvfx1_ucode_stop + 1;
parameter rvfx1_t1_p_stop = (rvfx1_t1_p_start + (`GPR_POOL_ENC)) - 1;
parameter rvfx1_t2_p_start = rvfx1_t1_p_stop + 1;
parameter rvfx1_t2_p_stop = (rvfx1_t2_p_start + (`GPR_POOL_ENC)) - 1;
parameter rvfx1_t3_p_start = rvfx1_t2_p_stop + 1;
parameter rvfx1_t3_p_stop = (rvfx1_t3_p_start + (`GPR_POOL_ENC)) - 1;
parameter rvfx1_isStore_start = rvfx1_t3_p_stop + 1;
parameter rvfx1_isStore_stop = (rvfx1_isStore_start + (1)) - 1;
parameter rvfx1_spare_start = rvfx1_isStore_stop + 1;
parameter rvfx1_spare_stop = (rvfx1_spare_start + (4)) - 1;
parameter rvfx1_ex0_end = rvfx1_spare_stop;
parameter rvfx1_ex0_size = rvfx1_ex0_end + 1;
parameter rvfx1_start = 0;
parameter rvfx1_t1_v_start = rvfx1_start;
parameter rvfx1_t1_v_stop = (rvfx1_t1_v_start + (1)) - 1;
parameter rvfx1_t2_v_start = rvfx1_t1_v_stop + 1;
parameter rvfx1_t2_v_stop = (rvfx1_t2_v_start + (1)) - 1;
parameter rvfx1_t3_v_start = rvfx1_t2_v_stop + 1;
parameter rvfx1_t3_v_stop = (rvfx1_t3_v_start + (1)) - 1;
parameter rvfx1_s1_v_start = rvfx1_t3_v_stop + 1;
parameter rvfx1_s1_v_stop = (rvfx1_s1_v_start + (1)) - 1;
parameter rvfx1_s1_p_start = rvfx1_s1_v_stop + 1;
parameter rvfx1_s1_p_stop = (rvfx1_s1_p_start + (`GPR_POOL_ENC)) - 1;
parameter rvfx1_s1_t_start = rvfx1_s1_p_stop + 1;
parameter rvfx1_s1_t_stop = (rvfx1_s1_t_start + (3)) - 1;
parameter rvfx1_s2_v_start = rvfx1_s1_t_stop + 1;
parameter rvfx1_s2_v_stop = (rvfx1_s2_v_start + (1)) - 1;
parameter rvfx1_s2_p_start = rvfx1_s2_v_stop + 1;
parameter rvfx1_s2_p_stop = (rvfx1_s2_p_start + (`GPR_POOL_ENC)) - 1;
parameter rvfx1_s2_t_start = rvfx1_s2_p_stop + 1;
parameter rvfx1_s2_t_stop = (rvfx1_s2_t_start + (3)) - 1;
parameter rvfx1_s3_v_start = rvfx1_s2_t_stop + 1;
parameter rvfx1_s3_v_stop = (rvfx1_s3_v_start + (1)) - 1;
parameter rvfx1_s3_p_start = rvfx1_s3_v_stop + 1;
parameter rvfx1_s3_p_stop = (rvfx1_s3_p_start + (`GPR_POOL_ENC)) - 1;
parameter rvfx1_s3_t_start = rvfx1_s3_p_stop + 1;
parameter rvfx1_s3_t_stop = (rvfx1_s3_t_start + (3)) - 1;
parameter rvfx1_end = rvfx1_s3_t_stop;
parameter rvfx1_size = rvfx1_end + 1;
// Pervasive
// RV1
wire [rvfx1_start:rvfx1_end] rv0_instr_i0_dat;
wire [rvfx1_start:rvfx1_end] rv0_instr_i1_dat;
wire [rvfx1_ex0_start:rvfx1_ex0_end] rv0_instr_i0_dat_ex0;
wire [rvfx1_ex0_start:rvfx1_ex0_end] rv0_instr_i1_dat_ex0;
wire rv0_instr_i0_ord;
wire rv0_instr_i0_cord;
wire rv0_instr_i0_spec;
wire rv0_instr_i1_ord;
wire rv0_instr_i1_cord;
wire rv0_instr_i1_spec;
wire rv0_i0_s1_v;
wire [0:`GPR_POOL_ENC-1] rv0_i0_s1_p;
wire [0:2] rv0_i0_s1_t;
wire rv0_i1_s1_v;
wire [0:`GPR_POOL_ENC-1] rv0_i1_s1_p;
wire [0:2] rv0_i1_s1_t;
wire rv0_i0_s1_dep_hit;
wire [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] rv0_i0_s1_itag;
wire rv0_i1_s1_dep_hit;
wire [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] rv0_i1_s1_itag;
wire [0:`THREADS-1] fx1_rv_ord_complete;
// RV2
wire [rvfx1_start:rvfx1_end] rv1_instr_dat;
wire [0:`THREADS-1] rv1_instr_v;
wire [0:`THREADS-1] rv1_instr_ilat0_vld;
wire [0:`THREADS-1] rv1_instr_ilat1_vld;
wire [0:3] rv1_instr_ilat;
wire [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] rv1_instr_itag;
wire [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] rv1_instr_s1_itag;
wire [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] rv1_instr_s2_itag;
wire [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] rv1_instr_s3_itag;
wire [0:`THREADS-1] ex1_credit_free;
// EX0
wire rv_ex0_act;
(* analysis_not_referenced="<54:57>true" *)
wire [rvfx1_ex0_start:rvfx1_ex0_end] ex0_instr_dat;
wire [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] ex0_itag_d;
wire ex0_t1_v_d;
wire ex0_t2_v_d;
wire ex0_t3_v_d;
wire ex0_s1_v_d;
wire [0:2] ex0_s3_t_d;
wire [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] ex0_itag_q;
wire ex0_t1_v_q;
wire ex0_t2_v_q;
wire ex0_t3_v_q;
wire ex0_s1_v_q;
wire [0:2] ex0_s3_t_q;
// Itag busses and shadow
wire [0:`THREADS-1] lq_rv_itag1_rst_vld;
wire [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] lq_rv_itag1_rst;
wire [0:`THREADS*`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] cp_next_itag;
// Scan Chains
parameter rvs_offset = 0 + 0;
parameter ex0_itag_offset = rvs_offset + 1;
parameter ex0_t1_v_offset = ex0_itag_offset + `ITAG_SIZE_ENC;
parameter ex0_t2_v_offset = ex0_t1_v_offset + 1;
parameter ex0_t3_v_offset = ex0_t2_v_offset + 1;
parameter ex0_s1_v_offset = ex0_t3_v_offset + 1;
parameter ex0_s3_t_offset = ex0_s1_v_offset + 1;
parameter scan_right = ex0_s3_t_offset + 3;
wire [0:scan_right-1] siv;
wire [0:scan_right-1] sov;
wire func_sl_thold_0;
wire func_sl_thold_0_b;
wire sg_0;
wire force_t;
wire lq_rv_itag1_cord;
// Unused Nets
(* analysis_not_referenced="true" *)
wire [0:`THREADS-1] q_ord_tid;
(* analysis_not_referenced="true" *)
wire rvs_empty;
(* analysis_not_referenced="true" *)
wire rv1_instr_is_brick;
(* analysis_not_referenced="true" *)
wire rv1_instr_ord;
(* analysis_not_referenced="true" *)
wire rv1_instr_spec;
//!! Bugspray Include: rv_fx1_rvs;
// Pervasive
// Store Source Swizzle
assign rv0_i0_s1_v = (rv0_instr_i0_isStore == 1'b1) ? rv0_instr_i0_s3_v :
assign rv0_i0_s1_p = (rv0_instr_i0_isStore == 1'b1) ? rv0_instr_i0_s3_p :
assign rv0_i0_s1_t = (rv0_instr_i0_isStore == 1'b1) ? rv0_instr_i0_s3_t :
assign rv0_i0_s1_dep_hit = (rv0_instr_i0_isStore == 1'b1) ? rv0_instr_i0_s3_dep_hit :
assign rv0_i0_s1_itag = (rv0_instr_i0_isStore == 1'b1) ? rv0_instr_i0_s3_itag :
assign rv0_i1_s1_v = (rv0_instr_i1_isStore == 1'b1) ? rv0_instr_i1_s3_v :
assign rv0_i1_s1_p = (rv0_instr_i1_isStore == 1'b1) ? rv0_instr_i1_s3_p :
assign rv0_i1_s1_t = (rv0_instr_i1_isStore == 1'b1) ? rv0_instr_i1_s3_t :
assign rv0_i1_s1_dep_hit = (rv0_instr_i1_isStore == 1'b1) ? rv0_instr_i1_s3_dep_hit :
assign rv0_i1_s1_itag = (rv0_instr_i1_isStore == 1'b1) ? rv0_instr_i1_s3_itag :
// RV Entry
assign rv0_instr_i0_dat = {(rv0_instr_i0_t1_v & (~rv0_instr_i0_isStore)),
(rv0_instr_i0_t2_v & (~rv0_instr_i0_isStore)),
(rv0_instr_i0_t3_v & (~rv0_instr_i0_isStore)),
assign rv0_instr_i0_dat_ex0 = {rv0_instr_i0_instr,
assign rv0_instr_i1_dat = {(rv0_instr_i1_t1_v & (~rv0_instr_i1_isStore)),
(rv0_instr_i1_t2_v & (~rv0_instr_i1_isStore)),
(rv0_instr_i1_t3_v & (~rv0_instr_i1_isStore)),
assign rv0_instr_i1_dat_ex0 = {rv0_instr_i1_instr,
// fx1 Reservation Stations
assign rv0_instr_i0_ord = 1'b0;
assign rv0_instr_i0_cord = 1'b0;
assign rv0_instr_i0_spec = 1'b0;
assign rv0_instr_i1_ord = 1'b0;
assign rv0_instr_i1_cord = 1'b0;
assign rv0_instr_i1_spec = 1'b0;
assign lq_rv_itag1_cord = 1'b0;
assign fx1_rv_ord_complete = {`THREADS{1'b0}};
assign cp_next_itag = {`THREADS*`ITAG_SIZE_ENC{1'b0}};
rv_station #( .q_dat_width_g(rvfx1_size), .q_dat_ex0_width_g(rvfx1_ex0_size), .q_num_entries_g(`RV_FX1_ENTRIES), .q_itag_busses_g(num_itag_busses_g), .q_brick_g(1'b0))
.rv0_instr_i0_s1_v(rv0_i0_s1_v), //swap
.rv0_instr_i1_s1_v(rv0_i1_s1_v), //swap
.fx0_rv_itag (fx0_rv_itag),
.fx1_rv_itag (fx1_rv_itag),
.lq_rv_itag0 (lq_rv_ext_itag0),
.lq_rv_itag1 (lq_rv_ext_itag1),
.lq_rv_itag2 (lq_rv_ext_itag2),
.axu0_rv_itag (axu0_rv_ext_itag),
.axu1_rv_itag (axu1_rv_ext_itag),
.fx0_rv_itag_vld (fx0_rv_itag_vld),
.fx1_rv_itag_vld (fx1_rv_itag_vld),
.lq_rv_itag0_vld (lq_rv_ext_itag0_vld),
.lq_rv_itag1_vld (lq_rv_ext_itag1_vld),
.lq_rv_itag2_vld (lq_rv_ext_itag2_vld),
.axu0_rv_itag_vld (axu0_rv_ext_itag_vld),
.axu1_rv_itag_vld (axu1_rv_ext_itag_vld),
.fx0_rv_itag_abort (fx0_rv_itag_abort),
.fx1_rv_itag_abort (fx1_rv_itag_abort),
.lq_rv_itag0_abort (lq_rv_ext_itag0_abort),
.lq_rv_itag1_abort (lq_rv_ext_itag1_abort),
.axu0_rv_itag_abort (axu0_rv_ext_itag_abort),
.axu1_rv_itag_abort (axu1_rv_ext_itag_abort),
assign rv_iu_fx1_credit_free = ex1_credit_free;
assign rv_fx1_vld = rv1_instr_v;
assign rv_fx1_s1_v = rv1_instr_dat[rvfx1_s1_v_start];
assign rv_fx1_s1_p = rv1_instr_dat[rvfx1_s1_p_start:rvfx1_s1_p_stop];
assign rv_fx1_s2_v = rv1_instr_dat[rvfx1_s2_v_start];
assign rv_fx1_s2_p = rv1_instr_dat[rvfx1_s2_p_start:rvfx1_s2_p_stop];
assign rv_fx1_s3_v = rv1_instr_dat[rvfx1_s3_v_start];
assign rv_fx1_s3_p = rv1_instr_dat[rvfx1_s3_p_start:rvfx1_s3_p_stop];
assign rv_byp_fx1_vld = rv1_instr_v;
assign rv_byp_fx1_itag = rv1_instr_itag;
assign rv_byp_fx1_s1_itag = rv1_instr_s1_itag;
assign rv_byp_fx1_s2_itag = rv1_instr_s2_itag;
assign rv_byp_fx1_s3_itag = rv1_instr_s3_itag;
assign rv_byp_fx1_t1_v = rv1_instr_dat[rvfx1_t1_v_start];
assign rv_byp_fx1_t2_v = rv1_instr_dat[rvfx1_t2_v_start];
assign rv_byp_fx1_t3_v = rv1_instr_dat[rvfx1_t3_v_start];
assign rv_byp_fx1_s1_t = rv1_instr_dat[rvfx1_s1_t_start:rvfx1_s1_t_stop];
assign rv_byp_fx1_s2_t = rv1_instr_dat[rvfx1_s2_t_start:rvfx1_s2_t_stop];
assign rv_byp_fx1_s3_t = rv1_instr_dat[rvfx1_s3_t_start:rvfx1_s3_t_stop];
assign rv_byp_fx1_ilat = rv1_instr_ilat;
assign rv_byp_fx1_ilat0_vld = rv1_instr_ilat0_vld;
assign rv_byp_fx1_ilat1_vld = rv1_instr_ilat1_vld;
assign rv_ex0_act = |(rv1_instr_v);
assign rv_fx1_ex0_instr = ex0_instr_dat[rvfx1_instr_start:rvfx1_instr_stop];
assign rv_fx1_ex0_ucode = ex0_instr_dat[rvfx1_ucode_start:rvfx1_ucode_stop];
assign rv_fx1_ex0_t1_p = ex0_instr_dat[rvfx1_t1_p_start:rvfx1_t1_p_stop];
assign rv_fx1_ex0_t2_p = ex0_instr_dat[rvfx1_t2_p_start:rvfx1_t2_p_stop];
assign rv_fx1_ex0_t3_p = ex0_instr_dat[rvfx1_t3_p_start:rvfx1_t3_p_stop];
assign rv_byp_fx1_ex0_isStore = ex0_instr_dat[rvfx1_isStore_start];
assign rv_fx1_ex0_isStore = ex0_instr_dat[rvfx1_isStore_start];
assign ex0_itag_d = rv1_instr_itag;
assign ex0_t1_v_d = rv1_instr_dat[rvfx1_t1_v_start];
assign ex0_t2_v_d = rv1_instr_dat[rvfx1_t2_v_start];
assign ex0_t3_v_d = rv1_instr_dat[rvfx1_t3_v_start];
assign ex0_s1_v_d = rv1_instr_dat[rvfx1_s1_v_start];
assign ex0_s3_t_d = rv1_instr_dat[rvfx1_s3_t_start:rvfx1_s3_t_stop];
assign rv_fx1_ex0_itag = ex0_itag_q;
assign rv_fx1_ex0_t1_v = ex0_t1_v_q;
assign rv_fx1_ex0_t2_v = ex0_t2_v_q;
assign rv_fx1_ex0_t3_v = ex0_t3_v_q;
assign rv_fx1_ex0_s1_v = ex0_s1_v_q;
assign rv_fx1_ex0_s3_t = ex0_s3_t_q;
// Itag busses
// Restart Itag and Valid from LQ. This is separate because it could be early (not latched)
assign lq_rv_itag1_rst_vld = lq_rv_itag1_vld;
assign lq_rv_itag1_rst = lq_rv_itag1;
// Pipeline Latches
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`ITAG_SIZE_ENC), .INIT(0))
.scin(siv[ex0_itag_offset:ex0_itag_offset + `ITAG_SIZE_ENC - 1]),
.scout(sov[ex0_itag_offset:ex0_itag_offset + `ITAG_SIZE_ENC - 1]),
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0))
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0))
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0)) ex0_t3_v_reg(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0)) ex0_s1_v_reg(
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(3), .INIT(0)) ex0_s3_t_reg(
.scin(siv[ex0_s3_t_offset:ex0_s3_t_offset + 3 - 1]),
.scout(sov[ex0_s3_t_offset:ex0_s3_t_offset + 3 - 1]),
// Scan Connections
assign siv[0:scan_right-1] = {sov[1:scan_right-1], scan_in};
assign scan_out = sov[0];
// pervasive
tri_plat #(.WIDTH(2))
.din({func_sl_thold_1, sg_1}),
.q({func_sl_thold_0, sg_0})