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// © IBM Corp. 2020
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
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// 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
// License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
// in physical form.
// 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
// necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
// via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
// hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
// of the EULA.
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
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`timescale 1 ns / 1 ns
//* TITLE: Microcode Control
//* NAME: iuq_uc_control.v
`include "tri_a2o.vh"
module iuq_uc_control(
//parameter ucode_width = 72;
inout vdd;
inout gnd;
input clk;
input rst;
input pc_iu_func_sl_thold_0_b;
input pc_iu_sg_0;
input force_t;
input d_mode;
input delay_lclkr;
input mpw1_b;
input mpw2_b;
(* pin_data ="PIN_FUNCTION=/SCAN_IN/" *)
input scan_in;
(* pin_data ="PIN_FUNCTION=/SCAN_OUT/" *)
output scan_out;
input xu_iu_ucode_xer_val;
input [57:63] xu_iu_ucode_xer;
input br_hold; // br_redirect requires hold on xer_type's
input flush_next; // Flush new instruction
input flush; // Flush current instruction
input flush_into_uc; // Flush back into the middle of uCode sequence
input np1_flush; // Skip flushed instruction and go to next
input [43:61] flush_ifar; // ucode-style address & state to flush to
input cp_uc_credit_free;
input cp_flush;
input uc_default_act;
input next_valid; // early signal for act
input new_command;
input [0:31] new_instr;
input [0:8] start_addr; // bit (9) is unused - always '0'
input xer_type; // instruction uses XER: need to wait until XER guaranteed valid
input early_end;
input force_ep;
input fxm_type;
input new_cond; // If '1', will skip lines with skip_cond bit set
output ra_valid;
output [0:8] rom_ra; // read address
output rom_act;
input data_valid;
input [32:71] rom_data_even;
input [32:71] rom_data_odd;
input [0:31] rom_data_even_late;
input [0:31] rom_data_odd_late;
output uc_val; // to uc_buffer
output uc_end; // to uc_buffer
output cplbuffer_full; // to uc_buffer
output [0:1] ucode_valid;
output [42:61] ucode_ifar_even; // old: EFF_IFAR
output [0:31] ucode_instr_even;
output [0:31] ucode_instr_odd;
output [0:3] ucode_ext_even; // RT, S1, S2, S3
output [0:3] ucode_ext_odd; // RT, S1, S2, S3
parameter xu_iu_ucode_xer_offset = 0;
parameter xu_iu_ucode_xer_val_offset = xu_iu_ucode_xer_offset + 7;
parameter wait_for_xer_offset = xu_iu_ucode_xer_val_offset + 1;
parameter xer_val_occurred_offset = wait_for_xer_offset + 1;
parameter valid_offset = xer_val_occurred_offset + 1;
parameter instr_offset = valid_offset + 1;
parameter instr_even_late_offset = instr_offset + 32;
parameter instr_odd_late_offset = instr_even_late_offset + 32;
parameter sel_even_late_offset = instr_odd_late_offset + 32;
parameter sel_odd_late_offset = sel_even_late_offset + 12;
parameter early_end_offset = sel_odd_late_offset + 11;
parameter cond_offset = early_end_offset + 1;
parameter rom_addr_offset = cond_offset + 1;
parameter flush_to_odd_offset = rom_addr_offset + 9;
parameter inloop_offset = flush_to_odd_offset + 1;
parameter count_offset = inloop_offset + 1;
parameter skip_zero_offset = count_offset + 5;
parameter skip_to_np1_offset = skip_zero_offset + 1;
parameter force_ep_offset = skip_to_np1_offset + 1;
parameter fxm_type_offset = force_ep_offset + 1;
parameter ep_force_even_late_offset = fxm_type_offset + 1;
parameter ep_force_odd_late_offset = ep_force_even_late_offset + 1;
parameter scan_right = ep_force_odd_late_offset + 1 - 1;
// Latches
wire [57:63] xu_iu_ucode_xer_d;
wire xu_iu_ucode_xer_val_d;
wire wait_for_xer_d;
wire xer_val_occurred_d;
wire valid_d;
wire [0:31] instr_d;
wire early_end_d;
wire cond_d;
wire [0:8] rom_addr_d;
wire flush_to_odd_d;
wire inLoop_d;
wire [0:4] count_d;
wire skip_zero_d;
wire skip_to_np1_d;
wire [57:63] xu_iu_ucode_xer_l2;
wire xu_iu_ucode_xer_val_l2;
wire wait_for_xer_l2;
wire xer_val_occurred_l2;
wire valid_l2;
wire [0:31] instr_l2;
wire early_end_l2;
wire cond_l2;
wire [0:8] rom_addr_l2;
wire flush_to_odd_l2;
wire inLoop_l2;
wire [0:4] count_l2;
wire skip_zero_l2;
wire skip_to_np1_l2;
wire force_ep_d;
wire force_ep_l2;
wire fxm_type_d;
wire fxm_type_l2;
wire shift_fxm;
// Even
wire [0:31] template_code_even;
wire uc_end_even;
wire uc_end_early_even;
wire loop_begin_even;
wire loop_end_even;
wire [0:2] count_src_even;
wire [0:3] ext_even;
wire sel0_5_even;
wire [0:1] sel6_10_even;
wire [0:1] sel11_15_even;
wire [0:1] sel16_20_even;
wire [0:1] sel21_25_even;
wire sel26_30_even;
wire sel31_even;
wire cr_bf2fxm_even; // for mtocrf
wire skip_cond_even;
wire skip_zero_even;
wire skip_nop_even;
wire [0:9] loop_addr_even;
wire [0:2] loop_init_even;
wire ep_instr_even;
wire ucode_end_even;
wire [0:7] fxm;
wire [0:31] nop;
wire [0:3] nop_ext;
wire use_nop_even;
wire [0:31] uc_instruction_even;
//timing fixes
wire sel0_5_even_late;
wire [0:1] sel6_10_even_late;
wire [0:1] sel11_15_even_late;
wire [0:1] sel16_20_even_late;
wire [0:1] sel21_25_even_late;
wire sel26_30_even_late;
wire sel31_even_late;
wire use_nop_even_late;
wire [0:11] sel_even_late_d;
wire [0:11] sel_even_late_l2;
wire ep_force_even_late_d;
wire ep_force_even_late_l2;
wire [0:31] instr_even_late_d;
wire [0:31] instr_even_late_l2;
// Odd
wire [0:31] template_code_odd;
wire uc_end_odd;
wire uc_end_early_odd;
wire loop_begin_odd;
wire loop_end_odd;
wire [0:2] count_src_odd;
wire [0:3] ext_odd;
wire sel0_5_odd;
wire [0:1] sel6_10_odd;
wire [0:1] sel11_15_odd;
wire [0:1] sel16_20_odd;
wire [0:1] sel21_25_odd;
wire sel26_30_odd;
wire sel31_odd;
wire cr_bf2fxm_odd; // for mtocrf
wire skip_cond_odd;
wire skip_zero_odd;
wire skip_nop_odd;
wire [0:9] loop_addr_odd;
wire [0:2] loop_init_odd;
wire ep_instr_odd;
wire ucode_end_odd;
wire [0:31] uc_instruction_odd;
//timing fixes
wire sel0_5_odd_late;
wire [0:1] sel6_10_odd_late;
wire [0:1] sel11_15_odd_late;
wire [0:1] sel16_20_odd_late;
wire [0:1] sel21_25_odd_late;
wire sel26_30_odd_late;
wire sel31_odd_late;
wire [0:10] sel_odd_late_d;
wire [0:10] sel_odd_late_l2;
wire ep_force_odd_late_d;
wire ep_force_odd_late_l2;
wire [0:31] instr_odd_late_d;
wire [0:31] instr_odd_late_l2;
// Combined
wire loop_begin;
wire loop_end;
wire [0:2] count_src;
wire skip_zero;
wire [0:8] loop_addr; // bit (9) is unused (always '0')
wire [0:2] loop_init;
wire ucode_end;
// control
wire last_loop;
wire last_loop_fast;
wire loopback;
wire inc_RT;
wire xer_act;
wire [0:4] NB_dec;
wire [0:1] NB_comp;
wire [0:6] XER_dec_z;
wire [0:2] XER_low;
wire [0:1] XER_comp;
wire [0:4] count_init;
wire skip_even;
wire skip_odd;
wire [0:31] buff_instr_in;
wire cplbuffer_xer_act;
wire cplbuffer_full_int;
wire [0:31] oldest_instr;
wire [57:63] oldest_xer;
wire uc_control_act;
wire tiup;
wire [0:scan_right] siv;
wire [0:scan_right] sov;
wire buff_scan_in;
wire buff_scan_out;
(* analysis_not_referenced="true" *)
wire [0:16] unused;
//tidn <= '0';
assign tiup = 1'b1;
// load new command
//???? Add act once new_command timing is ok (everything except xu_iu_ucode_xer_val)
//???? uc_act <= new_command or valid_l2;
assign uc_control_act = flush_into_uc | next_valid | data_valid;
assign rom_act = uc_control_act;
// Wait for 1 cycle after getting new command to allow IU to flush
assign valid_d = ((new_command & (~flush_next)) | (valid_l2 & (~(ucode_end & data_valid)) & (~flush))) | flush_into_uc;
assign uc_val = valid_l2;
// Don't need br_hold anymore because new_command checks this
assign wait_for_xer_d = (flush == 1'b1) ? 1'b0 : //flush_into_uc = '1'
(new_command == 1'b1) ? (xer_type & (~(xu_iu_ucode_xer_val_l2 | xer_val_occurred_l2)) ) :
((xu_iu_ucode_xer_val_l2 | xer_val_occurred_l2) == 1'b1) ? 1'b0 :
// Set if xer_val comes before wait_for_xer (preissue sent, but valid is held off in uc_buffer)
// Clear when new_command (and don't set wait_for_xer hold), or clear on flush or br_hold
assign xer_val_occurred_d = (xu_iu_ucode_xer_val_l2 | xer_val_occurred_l2) & (~wait_for_xer_l2) & (~new_command) & (~flush) & (~br_hold);
assign instr_d[0:5] = (flush_into_uc == 1'b1) ? oldest_instr[0:5] :
(new_command == 1'b1) ? new_instr[0:5] :
assign instr_d[6:10] = (flush_into_uc == 1'b1) ? flush_ifar[49:53] :
(new_command == 1'b1) ? new_instr[6:10] :
(inc_RT == 1'b1) ? instr_l2[6:10] + 5'b00001 :
assign instr_d[11] = (flush_into_uc == 1'b1) ? oldest_instr[11] :
(new_command == 1'b1) ? new_instr[11] :
// Note: we must never flush_into_uc for a fxm_type instruction because we don't keep that info
assign instr_d[12:19] = (flush_into_uc == 1'b1) ? oldest_instr[12:19] :
(new_command == 1'b1) ? new_instr[12:19] :
(shift_fxm == 1'b1) ? {instr_l2[14:19], instr_l2[12:13]} :
assign instr_d[20:31] = (flush_into_uc == 1'b1) ? oldest_instr[20:31] :
(new_command == 1'b1) ? new_instr[20:31] :
assign early_end_d = (flush_into_uc == 1'b1) ? oldest_instr[6] :
(new_command == 1'b1) ? early_end :
assign cond_d = (flush_into_uc == 1'b1) ? oldest_instr[7] :
(new_command == 1'b1) ? new_cond :
assign force_ep_d = (flush_into_uc == 1'b1) ? oldest_instr[8] :
(new_command == 1'b1) ? force_ep :
// Note: we must never flush_into_uc for a fxm_type instruction because we don't keep latest instr(12:19)
assign fxm_type_d = (flush_into_uc == 1'b1) ? 1'b0 :
(new_command == 1'b1) ? fxm_type : // for mtcrf
assign shift_fxm = fxm_type_l2 & data_valid;
// uCode sequence cannot cross 256-instr address boundary
// Read 2 instructions at a time, so only need 9 bits
assign rom_addr_d = (flush_into_uc == 1'b1) ? {oldest_instr[9:10], flush_ifar[54:60]} :
(new_command == 1'b1) ? start_addr :
(loopback == 1'b1) ? loop_addr :
(data_valid == 1'b1) ? (rom_addr_l2[0:8] + 9'b000000001) :
assign rom_ra = rom_addr_d;
assign ra_valid = valid_d & (~wait_for_xer_d) & (~br_hold) & (~cplbuffer_full_int); // ???? should I change to just check next cycle, or leave as is in case we add other threads?
// If flushing to second half of pair, throw no-op into first position to keep things balanced.
assign flush_to_odd_d = (flush_into_uc == 1'b1) ? flush_ifar[61] :
(new_command == 1'b1) ? 1'b0 :
(data_valid == 1'b1) ? 1'b0 :
// create output instruction - even
assign uc_end_even = rom_data_even[32];
assign uc_end_early_even = rom_data_even[33];
assign loop_begin_even = rom_data_even[34];
assign loop_end_even = rom_data_even[35] & (inLoop_l2 | loop_begin_even);
assign count_src_even = rom_data_even[36:38]; // 00: NB(3:4), 01: "000" & 2's comp NB(3:4), 10: mult of 4 & XER(62:63), 11: 2's comp XER(62:63), 100: RT(inverted), 101: NB(0:2) - word mode, 110: XER(57:61) - word mode, 111: loop_init
assign ext_even[0] = rom_data_even[39]; // RT -- ??? Can we incorporate into mux selects?
assign ext_even[1] = rom_data_even[40]; // S1
assign ext_even[2] = rom_data_even[41]; // S2
assign ext_even[3] = rom_data_even[42]; // S3
assign sel0_5_even = rom_data_even[43];
assign sel6_10_even = rom_data_even[44:45];
assign sel11_15_even = rom_data_even[46:47];
assign sel16_20_even = rom_data_even[48:49];
assign sel21_25_even = rom_data_even[50:51];
assign sel26_30_even = rom_data_even[52];
assign sel31_even = rom_data_even[53];
assign cr_bf2fxm_even = rom_data_even[54];
assign skip_cond_even = rom_data_even[55];
assign skip_zero_even = rom_data_even[56]; // For when XER = 0 & to help with NB coding
assign skip_nop_even = rom_data_even[57];
assign loop_addr_even = rom_data_even[58:67]; // ??? In product, can latch loop_begin address instead of keeping in ROM
assign loop_init_even = rom_data_even[68:70];
assign ep_instr_even = rom_data_even[71];
assign template_code_even[0:26] = rom_data_even_late[0:26];
assign template_code_even[27] = rom_data_even_late[27] | ep_force_even_late_l2;
assign template_code_even[28:31] = rom_data_even_late[28:31];
assign sel_even_late_d[0] = sel0_5_even;
assign sel_even_late_d[1:2] = sel6_10_even;
assign sel_even_late_d[3:4] = sel11_15_even;
assign sel_even_late_d[5:6] = sel16_20_even;
assign sel_even_late_d[7:8] = sel21_25_even;
assign sel_even_late_d[9] = sel26_30_even;
assign sel_even_late_d[10] = sel31_even;
assign sel_even_late_d[11] = use_nop_even;
assign sel0_5_even_late = sel_even_late_l2[0];
assign sel6_10_even_late = sel_even_late_l2[1:2];
assign sel11_15_even_late = sel_even_late_l2[3:4];
assign sel16_20_even_late = sel_even_late_l2[5:6];
assign sel21_25_even_late = sel_even_late_l2[7:8];
assign sel26_30_even_late = sel_even_late_l2[9];
assign sel31_even_late = sel_even_late_l2[10];
assign use_nop_even_late = sel_even_late_l2[11];
assign ep_force_even_late_d = ep_instr_even & force_ep_l2;
assign ucode_end_even = (uc_end_even | (uc_end_early_even & early_end_l2)) & (~(loop_end_even & (~last_loop_fast)));
assign fxm = (instr_l2[6:8] == 3'b000) ? 8'b10000000 :
(instr_l2[6:8] == 3'b001) ? 8'b01000000 :
(instr_l2[6:8] == 3'b010) ? 8'b00100000 :
(instr_l2[6:8] == 3'b011) ? 8'b00010000 :
(instr_l2[6:8] == 3'b100) ? 8'b00001000 :
(instr_l2[6:8] == 3'b101) ? 8'b00000100 :
(instr_l2[6:8] == 3'b110) ? 8'b00000010 :
assign instr_even_late_d[0:10] = instr_l2[0:10];
assign instr_even_late_d[11:20] = (cr_bf2fxm_even == 1'b0) ? instr_l2[11:20] :
{1'b1, fxm[0:7], 1'b0};
assign instr_even_late_d[21:31] = instr_l2[21:31];
assign uc_instruction_even[0:5] = (sel0_5_even_late == 1'b0) ? template_code_even[0:5] :
assign uc_instruction_even[6:10] = (sel6_10_even_late == 2'b00) ? template_code_even[6:10] :
(sel6_10_even_late == 2'b01) ? instr_even_late_l2[6:10] :
(sel6_10_even_late == 2'b10) ? instr_even_late_l2[11:15] :
assign uc_instruction_even[11:15] = (sel11_15_even_late == 2'b00) ? template_code_even[11:15] :
(sel11_15_even_late == 2'b01) ? instr_even_late_l2[11:15] :
(sel11_15_even_late == 2'b10) ? instr_even_late_l2[16:20] :
assign uc_instruction_even[16:20] = (sel16_20_even_late == 2'b00) ? template_code_even[16:20] :
(sel16_20_even_late == 2'b01) ? instr_even_late_l2[16:20] :
(sel16_20_even_late == 2'b10) ? instr_even_late_l2[6:10] :
assign uc_instruction_even[21:25] = (sel21_25_even_late == 2'b00) ? template_code_even[21:25] :
(sel21_25_even_late == 2'b01) ? instr_even_late_l2[21:25] :
assign uc_instruction_even[26:30] = (sel26_30_even_late == 1'b0) ? template_code_even[26:30] :
assign uc_instruction_even[31] = (sel31_even_late == 1'b0) ? template_code_even[31] :
assign nop = 32'b01100000000000000000000000000000;
assign nop_ext = 4'b0000;
assign use_nop_even = skip_even;
assign ucode_instr_even = (use_nop_even_late == 1'b1) ? nop :
assign ucode_ext_even = (use_nop_even == 1'b1) ? nop_ext :
assign ucode_valid[0] = data_valid & (~flush) & (~(skip_even & skip_odd & (~ucode_end)));
// Removed ucode_end_odd term from skip_odd. When we skip on ucode_end_odd (e.g. mtcrf,FXM(7)=0), we still end up with a nop or something on even side. Since uc_ib_done is only 1 bit, it assumes even side was the end.
assign ucode_valid[1] = data_valid & (~flush) & (~skip_odd) & (~ucode_end_even) & (~(loop_end_even & (~last_loop))); // Handles loops with odd # of lines
assign ucode_ifar_even[42:61] = {rom_addr_l2[1], count_l2, inLoop_l2, instr_l2[6:10], rom_addr_l2[2:8], 1'b0};
assign unused[0] = skip_nop_even;
assign unused[1:10] = loop_addr_even;
// create output instruction - odd
assign uc_end_odd = rom_data_odd[32];
assign uc_end_early_odd = rom_data_odd[33];
assign loop_begin_odd = rom_data_odd[34];
assign loop_end_odd = rom_data_odd[35] & (inLoop_l2 | loop_begin_even);
assign count_src_odd = rom_data_odd[36:38]; // 00: NB(3:4), 01: "000" & 2's comp NB(3:4), 10: mult of 4 & XER(62:63), 11: 2's comp XER(62:63), 100: RT(inverted), 101: NB(0:2) - word mode, 110: XER(57:61) - word mode, 111: loop_init
assign ext_odd[0] = rom_data_odd[39]; // RT -- ??? Can we incorporate into mux selects?
assign ext_odd[1] = rom_data_odd[40]; // S1
assign ext_odd[2] = rom_data_odd[41]; // S2
assign ext_odd[3] = rom_data_odd[42]; // S3
assign sel0_5_odd = rom_data_odd[43];
assign sel6_10_odd = rom_data_odd[44:45];
assign sel11_15_odd = rom_data_odd[46:47];
assign sel16_20_odd = rom_data_odd[48:49];
assign sel21_25_odd = rom_data_odd[50:51];
assign sel26_30_odd = rom_data_odd[52];
assign sel31_odd = rom_data_odd[53];
assign cr_bf2fxm_odd = rom_data_odd[54];
assign skip_cond_odd = rom_data_odd[55];
assign skip_zero_odd = rom_data_odd[56]; // For when XER = 0 & to help with NB coding
assign skip_nop_odd = rom_data_odd[57];
assign loop_addr_odd = rom_data_odd[58:67]; // ??? In product, can latch loop_begin address instead of keeping in ROM
assign loop_init_odd = rom_data_odd[68:70];
assign ep_instr_odd = rom_data_odd[71];
assign template_code_odd[0:26] = rom_data_odd_late[0:26];
assign template_code_odd[27] = rom_data_odd_late[27] | ep_force_odd_late_l2;
assign template_code_odd[28:31] = rom_data_odd_late[28:31];
assign sel_odd_late_d[0] = sel0_5_odd;
assign sel_odd_late_d[1:2] = sel6_10_odd;
assign sel_odd_late_d[3:4] = sel11_15_odd;
assign sel_odd_late_d[5:6] = sel16_20_odd;
assign sel_odd_late_d[7:8] = sel21_25_odd;
assign sel_odd_late_d[9] = sel26_30_odd;
assign sel_odd_late_d[10] = sel31_odd;
assign sel0_5_odd_late = sel_odd_late_l2[0];
assign sel6_10_odd_late = sel_odd_late_l2[1:2];
assign sel11_15_odd_late = sel_odd_late_l2[3:4];
assign sel16_20_odd_late = sel_odd_late_l2[5:6];
assign sel21_25_odd_late = sel_odd_late_l2[7:8];
assign sel26_30_odd_late = sel_odd_late_l2[9];
assign sel31_odd_late = sel_odd_late_l2[10];
assign ep_force_odd_late_d = ep_instr_odd & force_ep_l2;
assign ucode_end_odd = (uc_end_odd | (uc_end_early_odd & early_end_l2)) &
(~((loop_end_odd | loop_end_even) & (~last_loop_fast)));
assign instr_odd_late_d[0:10] = instr_l2[0:10];
assign instr_odd_late_d[11:20] = (cr_bf2fxm_odd == 1'b0) ? instr_l2[11:20] :
{1'b1, fxm[0:7], 1'b0};
assign instr_odd_late_d[21:31] = instr_l2[21:31];
assign uc_instruction_odd[0:5] = (sel0_5_odd_late == 1'b0) ? template_code_odd[0:5] :
assign uc_instruction_odd[6:10] = (sel6_10_odd_late == 2'b00) ? template_code_odd[6:10] :
(sel6_10_odd_late == 2'b01) ? instr_odd_late_l2[6:10] :
(sel6_10_odd_late == 2'b10) ? instr_odd_late_l2[11:15] :
assign uc_instruction_odd[11:15] = (sel11_15_odd_late == 2'b00) ? template_code_odd[11:15] :
(sel11_15_odd_late == 2'b01) ? instr_odd_late_l2[11:15] :
(sel11_15_odd_late == 2'b10) ? instr_odd_late_l2[16:20] :
assign uc_instruction_odd[16:20] = (sel16_20_odd_late == 2'b00) ? template_code_odd[16:20] :
(sel16_20_odd_late == 2'b01) ? instr_odd_late_l2[16:20] :
(sel16_20_odd_late == 2'b10) ? instr_odd_late_l2[6:10] :
assign uc_instruction_odd[21:25] = (sel21_25_odd_late == 2'b00) ? template_code_odd[21:25] :
(sel21_25_odd_late == 2'b01) ? instr_odd_late_l2[21:25] :
assign uc_instruction_odd[26:30] = (sel26_30_odd_late == 1'b0) ? template_code_odd[26:30] :
assign uc_instruction_odd[31] = (sel31_odd_late == 1'b0) ? template_code_odd[31] :
assign ucode_instr_odd = uc_instruction_odd;
assign ucode_ext_odd = ext_odd;
assign unused[11] = loop_begin_odd;
assign unused[12] = skip_zero_odd;
assign unused[13:15] = loop_init_odd;
assign unused[16] = loop_addr_odd[9];
// combine even & odd info
assign loop_begin = loop_begin_even;
assign loop_end = loop_end_odd | loop_end_even;
assign count_src = (inLoop_l2 == 1'b1) ? count_src_odd :
assign skip_zero = skip_zero_even;
assign loop_addr = loop_addr_odd[0:8];
assign loop_init = loop_init_even;
assign ucode_end = ucode_end_even | ucode_end_odd;
assign uc_end = ucode_end & data_valid;
// control, state machines
// Old Assumptions:
// ??? No Nested Loops
// ??? All Loops must have at least 2 instructions??
// ??? New ucode instructions will be held off until XU flushes IU (to next instruction) on this thread
// ??? If loop_end is skip_c, the instruction before loop_end must also be skip_c
// New Assumptions:
// ??? No Nested Loops
// ??? Loops can have only 1 instruction
// ??? uCode cannot end in the same row as loop_begin
// ??? If loop_end is skip_c, the instruction before loop_end must also be skip_c
// ??? Loops must begin on an even address
// ??? Loops can end on an even address, but loop_address must be written in the odd side (loop_address_odd)
// ??? We can skip nop lines. They must be in the odd side, and marked skip_nop
assign inLoop_d = (flush_into_uc == 1'b1) ? flush_ifar[48] :
(new_command == 1'b1) ? 1'b0 : // clear when beginning
(((data_valid & loop_begin) | inLoop_l2) & (~((data_valid & loop_end) & last_loop)) & valid_l2);
assign last_loop = (count_l2 == 5'b00000 & inLoop_l2) |
(loop_begin & count_init == 5'b00000) |
(skip_zero & loop_begin & count_init == 5'b00001) |
(skip_zero_l2 & count_l2 == 5'b00001) |
(skip_cond_odd & loop_end_odd & cond_l2) |
(skip_cond_even & loop_end_even & cond_l2); // ??? Could remove this line if timing bad
// only for uc_end: never have loop_begin & uc_end in same rom line
assign last_loop_fast = (count_l2 == 5'b00000 & inLoop_l2) |
(skip_zero_l2 & count_l2 == 5'b00001) |
(skip_cond_odd & loop_end_odd & cond_l2) |
(skip_cond_even & loop_end_even & cond_l2);
assign loopback = data_valid & loop_end & (~last_loop);
assign inc_RT = data_valid & loop_end & (~(skip_zero_l2 & count_l2 == 5'b00000 & (~loop_begin))) &
(~(skip_zero & loop_begin & count_init == 5'b00000)) &
count_src[0] & (~(count_src == 3'b111)); // load/store multiple & string op word loops
assign NB_dec = instr_l2[16:20] - 5'b00001;
// when NB(3:4) = 00 -> 00, 01 -> 11, 10 -> 10, 11 -> 01
assign NB_comp[0] = instr_l2[19] ^ instr_l2[20];
assign NB_comp[1] = instr_l2[20];
assign xer_act = flush_into_uc | xu_iu_ucode_xer_val;
assign xu_iu_ucode_xer_d = (flush_into_uc == 1'b1) ? oldest_xer :
assign xu_iu_ucode_xer_val_d = xu_iu_ucode_xer_val & (~flush) & (~br_hold); // flush term avoids problems with cplbuffer
assign XER_dec_z = (xu_iu_ucode_xer_l2[57:63] == 7'b0) ? 7'b0000000 :
xu_iu_ucode_xer_l2[57:63] - 7'b0000001;
assign XER_low = (XER_dec_z[5:6] == 2'b11) ? 3'b100 :
{1'b0, xu_iu_ucode_xer_l2[62:63]};
assign XER_comp[0] = xu_iu_ucode_xer_l2[62] ^ xu_iu_ucode_xer_l2[63];
assign XER_comp[1] = xu_iu_ucode_xer_l2[63];
assign count_init = (count_src == 3'b000) ? {3'b000, NB_dec[3:4]} :
(count_src == 3'b001) ? {3'b000, NB_comp[0:1]} :
(count_src == 3'b010) ? {2'b00, XER_low} :
(count_src == 3'b011) ? {3'b000, XER_comp[0:1]} :
(count_src == 3'b100) ? (~(instr_l2[6:10])) : // RT
(count_src == 3'b101) ? {2'b00, NB_dec[0:2]} :
(count_src == 3'b110) ? XER_dec_z[0:4] :
{2'b00, loop_init};
assign count_d = (flush_into_uc == 1'b1) ? flush_ifar[43:47] :
((data_valid & loop_begin & (~inLoop_l2) & loop_end) == 1'b1) ? count_init - 5'b00001 :
((data_valid & loop_begin & (~inLoop_l2)) == 1'b1) ? count_init :
((data_valid & loop_end) == 1'b1) ? count_l2 - 5'b00001 :
assign skip_zero_d = (((data_valid & loop_end & last_loop) | new_command | flush_into_uc) == 1'b1) ? 1'b0 : // added last_loop to handle 2 instruction loops in lswi,lswx
((data_valid & loop_begin) == 1'b1) ? skip_zero :
// ??? If we always read each cycle, could we just do: skip_to_np1_d <- flush_into_uc and np1_flush?
assign skip_to_np1_d = (flush == 1'b1) ? flush_into_uc & np1_flush :
(data_valid == 1'b1) ? 1'b0 :
assign skip_even = (((skip_zero & loop_begin) | skip_zero_l2) & (count_l2 == 5'b00000) & inLoop_l2) |
( (skip_zero & loop_begin) & count_init == 5'b00000 & (~inLoop_l2)) |
(skip_cond_even & cond_l2) |
(fxm_type_l2 & instr_l2[12] == 1'b0) |
flush_to_odd_l2 |
assign skip_odd = (((skip_zero & loop_begin) | skip_zero_l2) & (count_l2 == 5'b00000) & inLoop_l2) |
( (skip_zero & loop_begin) & count_init == 5'b00000 & (~inLoop_l2)) |
(skip_cond_odd & cond_l2) |
(fxm_type_l2 & instr_l2[13] == 1'b0) |
skip_nop_odd |
(flush_to_odd_l2 & skip_to_np1_l2);
// Buffer old instructions until they complete
assign buff_instr_in = {instr_l2[0:5], early_end_l2, cond_l2, force_ep_l2, rom_addr_l2[0:1], instr_l2[11:31]};
assign cplbuffer_xer_act = ( wait_for_xer_l2 & xu_iu_ucode_xer_val_l2) |
((~wait_for_xer_l2) & new_command & xer_type & (xer_val_occurred_l2 | xu_iu_ucode_xer_val_l2));
// Flush_into_uc requirements:
// -- signal active for only 1 cycle
// -- flush_into_uc can only occur if we have a non-completed uCode instruction
// -- flush_into_uc must not occur on fxm_type instr (we don't keep around instr_l2(12:19) in ifar)
iuq_uc_cplbuffer iuq_uc_cplbuffer0(
assign cplbuffer_full = cplbuffer_full_int;
// Latches
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(7), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(0)) xu_iu_ucode_xer_latch(
.act(xer_act), // ??? If change, make sure xer bugspray is still accurate
.scin(siv[xu_iu_ucode_xer_offset:xu_iu_ucode_xer_offset + 7 - 1]),
.scout(sov[xu_iu_ucode_xer_offset:xu_iu_ucode_xer_offset + 7 - 1]),
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(0)) xu_iu_ucode_xer_val_latch(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(0)) wait_for_xer_latch(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(0)) xer_val_occurred_latch(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) valid_latch(
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(32), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(0)) instr_latch(
.scin(siv[instr_offset:instr_offset + 32 - 1]),
.scout(sov[instr_offset:instr_offset + 32 - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(32), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(0)) instr_even_late_latch(
.scin(siv[instr_even_late_offset:instr_even_late_offset + 32 - 1]),
.scout(sov[instr_even_late_offset:instr_even_late_offset + 32 - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(32), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(0)) instr_odd_late_latch(
.scin(siv[instr_odd_late_offset:instr_odd_late_offset + 32 - 1]),
.scout(sov[instr_odd_late_offset:instr_odd_late_offset + 32 - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(12), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(0)) sel_even_late_latch(
.scin(siv[sel_even_late_offset:sel_even_late_offset + 12 - 1]),
.scout(sov[sel_even_late_offset:sel_even_late_offset + 12 - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(11), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(0)) sel_odd_late_latch(
.scin(siv[sel_odd_late_offset:sel_odd_late_offset + 11 - 1]),
.scout(sov[sel_odd_late_offset:sel_odd_late_offset + 11 - 1]),
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) early_end_latch(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) cond_latch(
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(9), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(0)) rom_addr_latch(
.scin(siv[rom_addr_offset:rom_addr_offset + 9 - 1]),
.scout(sov[rom_addr_offset:rom_addr_offset + 9 - 1]),
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) flush_to_odd_latch(
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(5), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(0)) count_latch(
.scin(siv[count_offset:count_offset + 5 - 1]),
.scout(sov[count_offset:count_offset + 5 - 1]),
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) inloop_latch(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) skip_zero_latch(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) skip_to_np1_latch(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) force_ep_latch(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) fxm_type_latch(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ep_force_even_late_latch(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ep_force_odd_late_latch(
// Scan
assign siv[0:scan_right] = {sov[1:scan_right], scan_in};
assign buff_scan_in = sov[0];
assign scan_out = buff_scan_out;