#!/usr/bin/python3 # # Parse table comments and create equations. from optparse import OptionParser import re from shutil import copyfile #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Initialize TYPE_INPUT = 0 TYPE_OUTPUT = 1 TYPE_SKIP = 99 lines = [] tableMatches = [] tableNames = [] tableLines = [] tables = {} failOnError = True inFile = 'test.vhdl' outFileExt = 'vtable' overwrite = True backupExt = 'orig' backup = True noisy = False quiet = False verilog = False #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Handle command line usage = 'vtable [options] inFile' parser = OptionParser(usage) parser.add_option('-f', '--outfile', dest='outFile', help='output file, default=[inFile]' + outFileExt) parser.add_option('-o', '--overwrite', dest='overwrite', help='overwrite inFile, default=' + str(overwrite)) parser.add_option('-b', '--backup', dest='backup', help='backup original file, default=' + str(backup)) parser.add_option('-q', '--quiet', dest='quiet', action='store_true', help='quiet messages, default=' + str(quiet)) parser.add_option('-n', '--noisy', dest='noisy', action='store_true', help='noisy messages, default=' + str(noisy)) parser.add_option('-V', '--verilog', dest='verilog', action='store_true', help='source is verilog, default=' + str(verilog)) options, args = parser.parse_args() if len(args) != 1: parser.error(usage) quit(-1) else: inFile = args[0] if options.overwrite == '0': overwrite = False elif options.overwrite == '1': overwrite == True if options.outFile is not None: parser.error('Can\'t specify outfile and overrite!') quit(-1) elif options.overwrite is not None: parser.error('overwrite: 0|1') quit(-1) if options.quiet is not None: quiet = True if options.noisy is not None: noisy = True if options.verilog is not None: verilog = True if options.backup == '0': backup = False elif options.backup == '1': backup == True elif options.backup is not None: parser.error('backup: 0|1') quit(-1) if options.outFile is not None: outFile = options.outFile elif overwrite: outFile = inFile else: outFile = inFile + '.' + outFileExt backupFile = inFile + '.' + backupExt #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Objects class Signal: def __init__(self, name, type): self.name = name; self.type = type; class Table: def __init__(self, name): self.name = name self.source = [] self.signals = {} self.signalsByCol = {} self.typesByCol = {} self.specs = [] # list of specsByCol self.equations = [] self.added = False def validate(self): # check that all signals have a good type for col in self.signalsByCol: if col not in self.typesByCol: error('Table ' + self.name + ': no signal type for ' + self.signalsByCol[col]) elif self.typesByCol[col] == None: error('Table ' + self.name + ': bad signal type (' + str(self.typesByCol[col]) + ') for ' + str(self.signalsByCol[col])) def makeRTL(self, form=None): outputsByCol = {} #for col,type in self.typesByCol.items(): for col in sorted(self.typesByCol): type = self.typesByCol[col] if type == TYPE_OUTPUT: if col in self.signalsByCol: outputsByCol[col] = self.signalsByCol[col] else: print(self.signalsByCol) print(self.typesByCol) error('Table ' + self.name + ': output is specified in col ' + str(col) + ' but no signal exists') #for sigCol,sig in outputsByCol.items(): for sigCol in sorted(outputsByCol): sig = outputsByCol[sigCol] if not verilog: line = sig + ' <= ' else: line = 'assign ' + sig + ' = ' nonzero = False for specsByCol in self.specs: terms = [] if sigCol not in specsByCol: #error('* Output ' + sig + ' has no specified value for column ' + str(col)) 1 # no error, can be dontcare elif specsByCol[sigCol] == '1': for col,val in specsByCol.items(): if col not in self.typesByCol: if noisy: error('Table ' + self.name +': unexpected value in spec column ' + str(col) + ' (' + str(val) + ') - no associated signal', False) #wtf UNTIL CAN HANDLE COMMENTS AT END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! elif self.typesByCol[col] == TYPE_INPUT: if val == '0': terms.append(opNot + self.signalsByCol[col]) if nonzero and len(terms) == 1: line = line + ') ' + opOr + '\n ('; elif len(terms) == 1: line = line + '\n (' nonzero = True elif val == '1': terms.append(self.signalsByCol[col]) if nonzero and len(terms) == 1: line = line + ') ' + opOr + '\n ('; elif len(terms) == 1: line = line + '\n (' nonzero = True else: error('Table ' + self.name +': unexpected value in spec column ' + str(col) + ' (' + str(val) + ')') if len(terms) > 0: line = line + (' ' + opAnd + ' ').join(terms) if not nonzero: line = line + zero + ";"; else: line = line + ');' self.equations.append(line) return self.equations def printv(self): self.makeRTL() print('\n'.join(self.equations)) def printinfo(self): print('Table: ' + self.name) print for l in self.source: print(l) print print('Signals by column:') for col in sorted(self.signalsByCol): print('{0:>3}. {1:} ({2:}) '.format(col, self.signalsByCol[col], 'in' if self.typesByCol[col] == TYPE_INPUT else 'out')) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Functions def error(msg, quitOverride=None): print('*** ' + msg) if quitOverride == False: 1 elif (quitOverride == None) or failOnError: quit(-10) elif quitOverride: quit(-10) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Do something if not verilog: openBracket = '(' closeBracket = ')' opAnd = 'and' opOr = 'or' opNot = 'not ' zero = "'0'" tablePattern = re.compile(r'^\s*?--tbl(?:\s+([^\s]+).*$|\s*$)') tableGenPattern = re.compile(r'^\s*?--vtable(?:\s+([^\s]+).*$)') commentPattern = re.compile(r'^\s*?(--.*$|\s*$)') tableLinePattern = re.compile(r'^.*?--(.*)') namePattern = re.compile(r'([a-zA-z\d_\(\)\.\[\]]+)') else: openBracket = '[' closeBracket = ']' opAnd = '&' opOr = '+' opNot = '~' zero = "'b0" tablePattern = re.compile(r'^\s*?\/\/tbl(?:\s+([^\s]+).*$|\s*$)') tableGenPattern = re.compile(r'^\s*?\/\/vtable(?:\s+([^\s]+).*$)') commentPattern = re.compile(r'^\s*?(\/\/.*$|\s*$)') tableLinePattern = re.compile(r'^.*?\/\/(.*)') namePattern = re.compile(r'([a-zA-z\d_\(\)\.\[\]]+)') # find the lines with table spec try: inf = open(inFile) for i, line in enumerate(inf): lines.append(line.strip('\n')) for match in re.finditer(tablePattern, line): tableMatches.append(i) inf.close() except Exception as e: error('Error opening input file ' + inFile + '\n' + str(e), True) # validate matches; should be paired, nothing but comments and empties; table may be named # between them for i in range(0, len(tableMatches), 2): if i + 1 > len(tableMatches) - 1: error('Mismatched table tags.\nFound so far: ' + ', '.join(tableNames), True) tLines = lines[tableMatches[i]:tableMatches[i+1]+1] tableLines.append(tLines) tName = re.match(tablePattern, lines[tableMatches[i]]).groups()[0] if tName is None: tName = 'noname_' + str(tableMatches[i] + 1) tableNames.append(tName) for line in tLines: if not re.match(commentPattern, line): error('Found noncomment, nonempty line in table ' + tName + ':\n' + line, True) print('Found tables: ' + ', '.join(tableNames)) # build table objects for table, tName in zip(tableLines, tableNames): print('Parsing ' + tName + '...') namesByCol = {} colsByName = {} bitsByCol = {} typesByCol = {} specs = [] # parse the table - do by Table.parse() tLines = table[1:-1] # exclude --tbl for line in tLines: if line.strip() == '': continue try: spec = re.search(tableLinePattern, line).groups()[0] except Exception as e: error('Problem parsing table line:\n' + line, True) if len(spec) > 0: if spec[0] == 'n': for match in re.finditer(namePattern, spec[1:]): # col 0 is first col after n namesByCol[match.start()] = match.groups()[0] colsByName[match.groups()[0]] = match.start() elif spec[0] == 'b': for i, c in enumerate(spec[1:]): if c == ' ' or c == '|': continue try: bit = int(c) except: error('Unexpected char in bit line at position ' + str(i) + ' (' + c + ')\n' + line) bit = None if i in bitsByCol and bitsByCol[i] is not None: bitsByCol[i] = bitsByCol[i]*10+bit else: bitsByCol[i] = bit elif spec[0] == 't': for i, c in enumerate(spec[1:]): if c.lower() == 'i': typesByCol[i] = TYPE_INPUT elif c.lower() == 'o': typesByCol[i] = TYPE_OUTPUT elif c.lower() == '*': typesByCol[i] = TYPE_SKIP elif c != ' ': error('Unexpected char in type line at position ' + str(i) + ' (' + c + ')\n' + line) typesByCol[i] = None else: typesByCol[i] = None elif spec[0] == 's': specsByCol = {} for i, c in enumerate(spec[1:]): if c == '0' or c == '1': specsByCol[i] = c specs.append(specsByCol) else: #print('other:') #print(line) 1 # create table object # add strand to name where defined; don't combine for now into vector # consecutive strands belong to the last defined name lastName = None lastCol = 0 signalsByCol = {} for col,name in namesByCol.items(): # load with unstranded names signalsByCol[col] = name # sort by col so consecutive columns can be easily tracked #for col,val in bitsByCol.items(): # update with stranded names for col in sorted(bitsByCol): val = bitsByCol[col] if col > lastCol + 1: lastName = None if val is None: lastName = None if col in namesByCol: if val is None: signalsByCol[col] = namesByCol[col] else: lastName = namesByCol[col] signalsByCol[col] = lastName + openBracket + str(val) + closeBracket elif lastName is not None: signalsByCol[col] = lastName + openBracket + str(val) + closeBracket else: error('Can\'t associate bit number ' + str(val) + ' in column ' + str(col) + ' with a signal name.') lastCol = col t = Table(tName) t.source = table t.signalsByCol = signalsByCol t.typesByCol = typesByCol t.specs = specs tables[tName] = t for name in tables: t = tables[name] t.validate() t.makeRTL() print() print('Results:') # find the lines with generate spec and replace them with new version outLines = [] inTable = False for i, line in enumerate(lines): if not inTable: match = re.search(tableGenPattern, line) if match is not None: tName = match.groups(1)[0] if tName not in tables: if tName == 1: tName = '<blank>' error('Found vtable start for \'' + tName + '\' but didn\'t generate that table: line ' + str(i+1) + '\n' + line, True) else: outLines.append(line) outLines += tables[tName].equations tables[tName].added = True inTable = True else: outLines.append(line) else: match = re.search(tableGenPattern, line) if match is not None: if match.groups(1)[0] != tName: error('Found vtable end for \'' + match.groups(1)[0] + '\' but started table \'' + tName + '\': line ' + str(i+1) + '\n' + line, True) outLines.append(line) inTable = False else: 1#print('stripped: ' + line) if backup: try: copyfile(inFile, backupFile) except Exception as e: error('Error creating backup file!\n' + str(e), True) try: of = open(outFile, 'w') for line in outLines: of.write("%s\n" % line) except Exception as e: error('Error writing output file ' + outFile + '!\n' + str(e), True) print('Generated ' + str(len(tables)) + ' tables: ' + ', '.join(tableNames)) notAdded = {} for table in tables: if not tables[table].added: notAdded[table] = True print('Output file: ' + outFile) if backup: print('Backup file: ' + backupFile) if len(notAdded) != 0: error('Tables generated but not added to file! ' + ', '.join(notAdded))