# a2o tb # make -f Makefile.icarus build # rebuild and sim and fst # make -f Makefile.icarus run # sim and fst # make -f Makefile.icarus # sim #COCOTB_LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG #GPI_EXTRA=vpi #COCOTB_RESOLVE_X = ZEROS # VALUE_ERROR ZEROS ONES RANDOM #SIM_BUILD ?= build SIM ?= icarus # options #COCOTB_HDL_TIMEUNIT ?= 1ns #COCOTB_HDL_TIMEPRECISION ?= 1ps #COCOTB_RESOLVE_X = VALUE_ERROR # ZEROS ONES RANDOM # icarus # # includes are needed for *.vh # unisims is for FPGA RAMs # coco forces -g2012 for some reason, and appends it after COMPILE_ARGS below! issue #781 VERILOG_ROOT = ../../verilog COMPILE_ARGS = -I$(VERILOG_ROOT)/trilib -I$(VERILOG_ROOT)/work -y$(VERILOG_ROOT)/unisims -y$(VERILOG_ROOT)/trilib_clk1x -y$(VERILOG_ROOT)/trilib -y$(VERILOG_ROOT)/work # other options # rtl TOPLEVEL_LANG = verilog # top-level to enable trace, etc. VERILOG_SOURCES = ./cocotb_icarus.v TOPLEVEL = cocotb_icarus # python test MODULE = tb # cocotb make rules include $(shell cocotb-config --makefiles)/Makefile.sim build: clean sim fst run: sim fst fst: vcd2fst wtf-coco.vcd wtf-coco.fst rm wtf-coco.vcd