// © IBM Corp. 2020 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by // the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in // compliance with the License as modified. // You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Modified Terms: // // 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the // License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship // in physical form. // // 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses // necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER // via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded // hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions // of the EULA. // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT // WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License // for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. // // Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that // is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are // available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be // obtained (along with the Power ISA) here: https://openpowerfoundation.org. `timescale 1 ns / 1 ns // bias 127 0_0000_0111_1111 // bias 1023 0_0011_1111_1111 infinity=> 0_0111_1111_1111 2047 // bias 2047 0_0111_1111_1111 infinity=> 0_1111_1111_1111 4095 // bias 4095 0_1111_1111_1111 infinity=> 1_1111_1111_1111 8191 `include "tri_a2o.vh" module fu_fmt( vdd, gnd, clk, rst, clkoff_b, act_dis, flush, delay_lclkr, mpw1_b, mpw2_b, sg_1, thold_1, fpu_enable, f_fmt_si, f_fmt_so, ex1_act, ex2_act, f_dcd_ex2_perr_force_c, // :in std_ulogic; f_dcd_ex2_perr_fsel_ovrd, // :in std_ulogic; f_pic_ex2_ftdiv, // :in std_ulogic; f_fmt_ex3_be_den, // :out std_ulogic f_byp_fmt_ex2_a_sign, f_byp_fmt_ex2_c_sign, f_byp_fmt_ex2_b_sign, f_byp_fmt_ex2_a_expo, f_byp_fmt_ex2_c_expo, f_byp_fmt_ex2_b_expo, f_byp_fmt_ex2_a_frac, f_byp_fmt_ex2_c_frac, f_byp_fmt_ex2_b_frac, f_dcd_ex1_aop_valid, f_dcd_ex1_cop_valid, f_dcd_ex1_bop_valid, f_dcd_ex1_from_integer_b, f_dcd_ex1_fsel_b, f_dcd_ex1_force_pass_b, f_dcd_ex1_sp, f_pic_ex2_flush_en_sp, f_pic_ex2_flush_en_dp, f_pic_ex2_nj_deni, f_dcd_ex1_uc_end, f_dcd_ex1_uc_mid, f_dcd_ex1_uc_special, f_dcd_ex1_sgncpy_b, f_dcd_ex2_divsqrt_v, f_fmt_ex3_lu_den_recip, f_fmt_ex3_lu_den_rsqrto, f_fmt_ex2_bop_byt, f_fmt_ex2_a_zero, f_fmt_ex2_a_zero_dsq, f_fmt_ex2_a_expo_max, f_fmt_ex2_a_expo_max_dsq, f_fmt_ex2_a_frac_zero, f_fmt_ex2_a_frac_msb, f_fmt_ex2_c_zero, f_fmt_ex2_c_expo_max, f_fmt_ex2_c_frac_zero, f_fmt_ex2_c_frac_msb, f_fmt_ex2_b_zero, f_fmt_ex2_b_zero_dsq, f_fmt_ex2_b_expo_max, f_fmt_ex2_b_expo_max_dsq, f_fmt_ex2_b_frac_zero, f_fmt_ex2_b_frac_msb, f_fmt_ex2_b_imp, f_fmt_ex2_b_frac_z32, f_fmt_ex2_prod_zero, f_fmt_ex2_pass_sel, f_fmt_ex2_sp_invalid, f_fmt_ex2_bexpu_le126, f_fmt_ex2_gt126, f_fmt_ex2_ge128, f_fmt_ex2_inf_and_beyond_sp, f_mad_ex3_uc_a_expo_den, f_mad_ex3_uc_a_expo_den_sp, f_ex3_b_den_flush, f_fmt_ex3_fsel_bsel, f_fmt_ex3_pass_sign, f_fmt_ex3_pass_msb, f_fmt_ex2_b_frac, f_fmt_ex2_b_sign_gst, f_fmt_ex2_b_expo_gst_b, f_fmt_ex2_a_sign_div, f_fmt_ex2_a_expo_div_b, f_fmt_ex2_a_frac_div, f_fmt_ex2_b_sign_div, f_fmt_ex2_b_expo_div_b, f_fmt_ex2_b_frac_div, f_fpr_ex2_a_par, f_fpr_ex2_c_par, f_fpr_ex2_b_par, f_mad_ex3_a_parity_check, f_mad_ex3_c_parity_check, f_mad_ex3_b_parity_check, f_fmt_ex3_ae_ge_54, f_fmt_ex3_be_ge_54, f_fmt_ex3_be_ge_2, f_fmt_ex3_be_ge_2044, f_fmt_ex3_tdiv_rng_chk, f_fmt_ex3_pass_frac ); inout vdd; inout gnd; input clk; input rst; input clkoff_b; // tiup input act_dis; // ??tidn?? input flush; // ??tidn?? input [1:2] delay_lclkr; // tidn, input [1:2] mpw1_b; // tidn, input [0:0] mpw2_b; // tidn, input sg_1; input thold_1; input fpu_enable; //dc_act input f_fmt_si; //perv output f_fmt_so; //perv input ex1_act; input ex2_act; input f_dcd_ex2_perr_force_c; // :in std_ulogic; input f_dcd_ex2_perr_fsel_ovrd; // :in std_ulogic; input f_pic_ex2_ftdiv; // :in std_ulogic; output f_fmt_ex3_be_den; // :out std_ulogic input f_byp_fmt_ex2_a_sign; input f_byp_fmt_ex2_c_sign; input f_byp_fmt_ex2_b_sign; input [1:13] f_byp_fmt_ex2_a_expo; input [1:13] f_byp_fmt_ex2_c_expo; input [1:13] f_byp_fmt_ex2_b_expo; input [0:52] f_byp_fmt_ex2_a_frac; input [0:52] f_byp_fmt_ex2_c_frac; input [0:52] f_byp_fmt_ex2_b_frac; input f_dcd_ex1_aop_valid; input f_dcd_ex1_cop_valid; input f_dcd_ex1_bop_valid; input f_dcd_ex1_from_integer_b; //no NAN input f_dcd_ex1_fsel_b; //modify nan mux input f_dcd_ex1_force_pass_b; //force select of nan mux (fmr) input f_dcd_ex1_sp; input f_pic_ex2_flush_en_sp; input f_pic_ex2_flush_en_dp; input f_pic_ex2_nj_deni; input f_dcd_ex1_uc_end; input f_dcd_ex1_uc_mid; input f_dcd_ex1_uc_special; input f_dcd_ex1_sgncpy_b; input f_dcd_ex2_divsqrt_v; output f_fmt_ex3_lu_den_recip; //pic output f_fmt_ex3_lu_den_rsqrto; //pic output [45:52] f_fmt_ex2_bop_byt; // shadow reg output f_fmt_ex2_a_zero; //pic output f_fmt_ex2_a_zero_dsq; //pic output f_fmt_ex2_a_expo_max; //pic output f_fmt_ex2_a_expo_max_dsq; //pic output f_fmt_ex2_a_frac_zero; //pic output f_fmt_ex2_a_frac_msb; //pic output f_fmt_ex2_c_zero; //pic output f_fmt_ex2_c_expo_max; //pic output f_fmt_ex2_c_frac_zero; //pic output f_fmt_ex2_c_frac_msb; //pic output f_fmt_ex2_b_zero; //pic output f_fmt_ex2_b_zero_dsq; //pic output f_fmt_ex2_b_expo_max; //pic output f_fmt_ex2_b_expo_max_dsq; //pic output f_fmt_ex2_b_frac_zero; //pic output f_fmt_ex2_b_frac_msb; //pic output f_fmt_ex2_b_imp; //pic-- output f_fmt_ex2_b_frac_z32; //pic-- output f_fmt_ex2_prod_zero; //alg output f_fmt_ex2_pass_sel; //alg output f_fmt_ex2_sp_invalid; //pic output f_fmt_ex2_bexpu_le126; //pic output f_fmt_ex2_gt126; //pic output f_fmt_ex2_ge128; //pic output f_fmt_ex2_inf_and_beyond_sp; //pic output f_mad_ex3_uc_a_expo_den; //dvSq input operand is already prenormed output f_mad_ex3_uc_a_expo_den_sp; //dvSq input operand is already prenormed //exponent negative or all zeroes output f_ex3_b_den_flush; //iu (does not include all gating) ??? output f_fmt_ex3_fsel_bsel; //pic--expo output f_fmt_ex3_pass_sign; //alg output f_fmt_ex3_pass_msb; //alg output [1:19] f_fmt_ex2_b_frac; //clz (est) output f_fmt_ex2_b_sign_gst; output [1:13] f_fmt_ex2_b_expo_gst_b; output f_fmt_ex2_a_sign_div; output [01:13] f_fmt_ex2_a_expo_div_b; output [01:52] f_fmt_ex2_a_frac_div; output f_fmt_ex2_b_sign_div; output [01:13] f_fmt_ex2_b_expo_div_b; output [01:52] f_fmt_ex2_b_frac_div; input [0:7] f_fpr_ex2_a_par; input [0:7] f_fpr_ex2_c_par; input [0:7] f_fpr_ex2_b_par; output f_mad_ex3_a_parity_check; // raw calculation output f_mad_ex3_c_parity_check; // raw calculation output f_mad_ex3_b_parity_check; // raw calculation output f_fmt_ex3_ae_ge_54; //unbiased exponent not LE -970 output f_fmt_ex3_be_ge_54; //unbiased exponent not LE -970 output f_fmt_ex3_be_ge_2; //unbiased exponent not le 1 output f_fmt_ex3_be_ge_2044; //unbiased exponent ge 1023 output f_fmt_ex3_tdiv_rng_chk; //unbiased exponent ae-be >= 1023, <= -1021 output [0:52] f_fmt_ex3_pass_frac; //alg // ENTITY parameter tiup = 1'b1; parameter tidn = 1'b0; wire thold_0_b; wire thold_0; wire force_t; wire sg_0; (* analysis_not_referenced="TRUE" *) wire [0:3] spare_unused; //-------------------------------------- wire [0:6] act_si; //SCAN wire [0:6] act_so; //SCAN wire [0:8] ex2_ctl_si; //SCAN wire [0:8] ex2_ctl_so; //SCAN wire [0:79] ex3_pass_si; //SCAN wire [0:79] ex3_pass_so; //SCAN //-------------------------------------- wire [0:52] ex3_pass_frac; wire ex2_from_integer; wire ex2_fsel; wire ex2_force_pass; wire ex2_a_sign; wire ex2_c_sign; wire ex2_b_sign; wire ex3_fsel_bsel; wire ex3_pass_sign; //-------------------------------------- wire [0:52] ex2_a_frac; wire [0:52] ex2_c_frac; wire [0:52] ex2_b_frac; wire [0:52] ex2_pass_frac_ac; wire [0:52] ex2_pass_frac; wire ex2_a_frac_msb; wire ex2_a_expo_min; wire ex2_a_expo_max; wire ex2_a_expo_max_dsq; wire ex2_a_frac_zero; wire ex2_c_frac_msb; wire ex2_c_expo_min; wire ex2_c_expo_max; wire ex2_c_frac_zero; wire ex2_b_frac_msb; wire ex2_b_expo_min; wire ex2_b_expo_max; wire ex2_b_expo_max_dsq; wire ex2_b_frac_zero; wire ex2_b_frac_z32; wire ex2_a_nan; wire ex2_c_nan; wire ex2_b_nan; wire ex2_nan_pass; wire ex2_pass_sel; wire ex2_fsel_cif; wire ex2_fsel_bsel; wire ex2_mux_a_sel; wire ex2_mux_c_sel; wire ex2_pass_sign_ac; wire ex2_pass_sign; wire [1:13] ex2_a_expo; wire [1:13] ex2_b_expo; wire [1:13] ex2_c_expo; wire [1:13] ex2_a_expo_b; wire [1:13] ex2_c_expo_b; wire [1:13] ex2_b_expo_b; wire ex1_aop_valid_b; wire ex1_cop_valid_b; wire ex1_bop_valid_b; wire ex2_aop_valid; wire ex2_cop_valid; wire ex2_bop_valid; wire ex2_a_zero; wire ex2_c_zero; wire ex2_b_zero; wire ex2_a_zero_x; wire ex2_c_zero_x; wire ex2_b_zero_x; wire ex2_a_sp_expo_ok_1; wire ex2_c_sp_expo_ok_1; wire ex2_b_sp_expo_ok_1; wire ex2_a_sp_expo_ok_2; wire ex2_c_sp_expo_ok_2; wire ex2_b_sp_expo_ok_2; wire ex2_a_sp_expo_ok_3; wire ex2_c_sp_expo_ok_3; wire ex2_b_sp_expo_ok_3; wire ex2_a_sp_expo_ok_4; wire ex2_c_sp_expo_ok_4; wire ex2_b_sp_expo_ok_4; wire [0:52] ex3_pass_dp; wire ex2_from_integer_b; wire ex2_fsel_b; wire ex2_aop_valid_b; wire ex2_cop_valid_b; wire ex2_bop_valid_b; wire ex2_b_den_flush; wire ex2_b_den_sp; wire ex2_b_den_dp; wire ex2_a_den_sp; wire ex2_be_den; wire ex3_be_den; wire ex3_b_den_flush; wire ex2_a_den_flush; wire ex2_a_den_sp_ftdiv; wire ex2_a_den_dp; wire ex2_lu_den_part; wire ex2_lu_den_recip; wire ex2_lu_den_rsqrto; wire ex3_lu_den_recip; wire ex3_lu_den_rsqrto; wire ex2_recip_lo; wire ex2_rsqrt_lo; wire ex2_bfrac_eq_126; wire ex2_bfrac_126_nz; wire ex2_bexpo_ge897_hi; wire ex2_bexpo_ge897_mid1; wire ex2_bexpo_ge897_mid2; wire ex2_bexpo_ge897_lo; wire ex2_bexpo_ge897; wire ex2_bexpu_eq6; wire ex2_bexpu_ge7; wire ex2_bexpu_ge7_lo; wire ex2_bexpu_ge7_mid; wire ex2_a_sp; wire ex2_c_sp; wire ex2_b_sp; wire ex2_b_frac_zero_sp; wire ex2_b_frac_zero_dp; wire ex2_a_denz; wire ex2_c_denz; wire ex2_b_denz; wire [0:52] ex2_a_frac_chop; wire [0:52] ex2_c_frac_chop; wire [0:52] ex2_b_frac_chop; wire ex1_sgncpy; wire ex2_sgncpy; wire ex2_uc_mid; wire ex1_force_pass; wire ex1_uc_end_nspec; wire ex1_uc_end_spec; wire ex2_uc_end_nspec; wire ex2_uc_a_expo_den; wire ex3_uc_a_expo_den; wire ex2_uc_a_expo_den_sp; wire ex3_uc_a_expo_den_sp; wire ex2_a_expo_ltx381_sp; wire ex2_a_expo_ltx381; wire ex2_a_expo_00xx_xxxx_xxxx; wire ex2_a_expo_xx11_1xxx_xxxx; wire ex2_a_expo_xxxx_x000_0000; wire ex2_c_expo_ltx381_sp; wire ex2_c_expo_ltx381; wire ex2_c_expo_00xx_xxxx_xxxx; wire ex2_c_expo_xx11_1xxx_xxxx; wire ex2_c_expo_xxxx_x000_0000; wire ex2_b_expo_ltx381_sp; wire ex2_b_expo_ltx381; wire ex2_b_expo_00xx_xxxx_xxxx; wire ex2_b_expo_xx11_1xxx_xxxx; wire ex2_b_expo_xxxx_x000_0000; wire ex2_a_expo_ltx36A_sp; wire ex2_b_expo_ltx36A_sp; wire ex2_a_sp_inf_alias_tail; wire ex2_c_sp_inf_alias_tail; wire ex2_b_sp_inf_alias_tail; wire ex3_a_party_chick; wire ex3_c_party_chick; wire ex3_b_party_chick; wire ex2_a_party_chick; wire ex2_c_party_chick; wire ex2_b_party_chick; wire [0:7] ex2_a_party; wire [0:7] ex2_c_party; wire [0:7] ex2_b_party; wire ex2_b_expo_ge1151; wire ex2_ae_234567; wire ex2_ae_89; wire ex2_ae_abc; wire ex2_ae_ge_54; wire ex3_ae_ge_54; wire ex2_be_234567; wire ex2_be_89; wire ex2_be_abc; wire ex2_be_ge_54; wire ex3_be_ge_54; wire ex2_be_ge_2; wire ex3_be_ge_2; wire ex2_be_or_23456789abc; wire ex2_be_ge_2044; wire ex3_be_ge_2044; wire ex2_be_and_3456789ab; wire [0:12] ex2_aembex_car_b; wire [0:12] ex2_aembey_car_b; wire [1:13] ex2_aembex_sum_b; wire [1:13] ex2_aembey_sum_b; wire [2:12] ex2_aembex_g1; wire [2:12] ex2_aembey_g1; wire [2:12] ex2_aembex_t1; wire [2:12] ex2_aembey_t1; wire [0:5] ex2_aembex_g2; wire [0:5] ex2_aembey_g2; wire [0:4] ex2_aembex_t2; wire [0:4] ex2_aembey_t2; wire [0:2] ex2_aembex_g4; wire [0:2] ex2_aembey_g4; wire [0:1] ex2_aembex_t4; wire [0:1] ex2_aembey_t4; wire [0:2] ex3_aembex_g4; wire [0:2] ex3_aembey_g4; wire [0:1] ex3_aembex_t4; wire [0:1] ex3_aembey_t4; wire [0:1] ex3_aembex_g8; wire [0:1] ex3_aembey_g8; wire [0:0] ex3_aembex_t8; wire [0:0] ex3_aembey_t8; wire ex3_aembex_c2; wire ex3_aembey_c2; wire ex2_aembex_sgn; wire ex2_aembey_sgn; wire ex3_aembex_sgn; wire ex3_aembey_sgn; wire ex3_aembex_res_sgn; wire ex3_aembey_res_sgn; (* analysis_not_referenced="TRUE" *) // unused wire unused; wire ex2_divsqrt; //#=############################################################## //# map block attributes //#=############################################################## assign unused = ex2_aembex_car_b[0] | ex2_aembex_sum_b[13] | ex2_aembex_t1[12] | ex2_aembey_car_b[0] | ex2_aembey_sum_b[13] | ex2_aembey_t1[12]; //#=############################################################## //# pervasive //#=############################################################## tri_plat thold_reg_0( .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .clk(clk), .rst(rst), .flush(flush), .din(thold_1), .q(thold_0) ); tri_plat sg_reg_0( .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .clk(clk), .rst(rst), .flush(flush), .din(sg_1), .q(sg_0) ); tri_lcbor lcbor_0( .clkoff_b(clkoff_b), .thold(thold_0), .sg(sg_0), .act_dis(act_dis), .force_t(force_t), .thold_b(thold_0_b) ); //#=############################################################## //# act //#=############################################################## tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(7), .NEEDS_SRESET(0)) act_lat( .force_t(force_t), //i-- tidn, .d_mode(tiup), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr[1]), //i-- tidn, .mpw1_b(mpw1_b[1]), //i-- tidn, .mpw2_b(mpw2_b[0]), //i-- tidn, .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .clk(clk), .rst(rst), .act(fpu_enable), .thold_b(thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scout(act_so), .scin(act_si), //----------------- .din({ spare_unused[0], spare_unused[1], f_dcd_ex1_sp, f_dcd_ex1_sp, f_dcd_ex1_sp, spare_unused[2], spare_unused[3]}), //----------------- .dout({ spare_unused[0], spare_unused[1], ex2_a_sp, ex2_c_sp, ex2_b_sp, spare_unused[2], spare_unused[3]}) ); //#=############################################################## //# ex1 logic (after bypass) //#=############################################################## assign ex1_aop_valid_b = (~f_dcd_ex1_aop_valid); assign ex1_cop_valid_b = (~f_dcd_ex1_cop_valid); assign ex1_bop_valid_b = (~f_dcd_ex1_bop_valid); //#=############################################################## //# ex2 latches (from ex1 logic) //#=############################################################## assign ex2_a_frac[0:52] = f_byp_fmt_ex2_a_frac[0:52]; assign ex2_c_frac[0:52] = f_byp_fmt_ex2_c_frac[0:52]; assign ex2_b_frac[0:52] = f_byp_fmt_ex2_b_frac[0:52]; assign ex2_a_sign = f_byp_fmt_ex2_a_sign; //rename-- assign ex2_c_sign = f_byp_fmt_ex2_c_sign; //rename-- assign ex2_b_sign = f_byp_fmt_ex2_b_sign; //rename-- assign ex2_a_expo[1:13] = f_byp_fmt_ex2_a_expo[1:13]; //rename-- assign ex2_c_expo[1:13] = f_byp_fmt_ex2_c_expo[1:13]; //rename-- assign ex2_b_expo[1:13] = f_byp_fmt_ex2_b_expo[1:13]; //rename-- assign ex2_a_expo_b[1:13] = (~ex2_a_expo[1:13]); assign ex2_c_expo_b[1:13] = (~ex2_c_expo[1:13]); assign ex2_b_expo_b[1:13] = (~ex2_b_expo[1:13]); assign f_fmt_ex2_b_sign_gst = ex2_b_sign; assign ex1_sgncpy = (~f_dcd_ex1_sgncpy_b); assign ex1_uc_end_nspec = f_dcd_ex1_uc_end & (~f_dcd_ex1_uc_special); assign ex1_uc_end_spec = f_dcd_ex1_uc_end & f_dcd_ex1_uc_special; assign ex1_force_pass = ((~f_dcd_ex1_force_pass_b)) | ex1_uc_end_spec; tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(9), .NEEDS_SRESET(0)) ex2_ctl_lat( .force_t(force_t), //i-- tidn, .d_mode(tiup), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr[1]), //i-- tidn, .mpw1_b(mpw1_b[1]), //i-- tidn, .mpw2_b(mpw2_b[0]), //i-- tidn, .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .clk(clk), .rst(rst), .act(ex1_act), .thold_b(thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scout(ex2_ctl_so), .scin(ex2_ctl_si), //----------------- .din({ f_dcd_ex1_from_integer_b, f_dcd_ex1_fsel_b, ex1_force_pass, ex1_aop_valid_b, ex1_cop_valid_b, ex1_bop_valid_b, ex1_sgncpy, ex1_uc_end_nspec, f_dcd_ex1_uc_mid}), //----------------- .dout({ ex2_from_integer_b, ex2_fsel_b, ex2_force_pass, ex2_aop_valid_b, ex2_cop_valid_b, ex2_bop_valid_b, ex2_sgncpy, ex2_uc_end_nspec, ex2_uc_mid}) ); assign ex2_from_integer = (~ex2_from_integer_b); assign ex2_fsel = (~ex2_fsel_b); assign ex2_aop_valid = (~ex2_aop_valid_b); assign ex2_cop_valid = (~ex2_cop_valid_b); assign ex2_bop_valid = (~ex2_bop_valid_b); //#=############################################################## //# ex2 logic //#=############################################################## assign f_fmt_ex2_bop_byt[45:52] = ex2_b_frac[45:52]; //output-- -- shadow reg //#=----------------------------------------------------------------- //#= Boundary conditions for log2e/pow2e special cases //#=----------------------------------------------------------------- //#= exponent Lt 2**-126 <unbiased> ... -126 +1023 = 897 (sp denorms) x 0_0011_1000_0001 //#= number less than -126 (2**6) <64>.<32><16>(8><4><2> //#= x0_0011_1111_1111 bias = 1023 //#= x0_0000_0000_0110 unbiased //#= ----------------- //#= x0_0100_0000_0101 biased 6 assign f_fmt_ex2_b_expo_gst_b[1:13] = (~ex2_b_expo[1:13]); // positive exponent assign ex2_bexpo_ge897_hi = (~ex2_b_expo[1]) & ex2_b_frac[0]; // must be normalized (897 includes sp denorms) assign ex2_bexpo_ge897_mid1 = ex2_b_expo[2] | ex2_b_expo[3]; assign ex2_bexpo_ge897_mid2 = ex2_b_expo[4] & ex2_b_expo[5] & ex2_b_expo[6]; assign ex2_bexpo_ge897_lo = ex2_b_expo[7] | ex2_b_expo[8] | ex2_b_expo[9] | ex2_b_expo[10] | ex2_b_expo[11] | ex2_b_expo[12] | ex2_b_expo[13]; assign ex2_bexpo_ge897 = (ex2_bexpo_ge897_hi & ex2_bexpo_ge897_mid1) | (ex2_bexpo_ge897_hi & ex2_bexpo_ge897_mid2 & ex2_bexpo_ge897_lo); assign ex2_bexpu_ge7_mid = ex2_b_expo[4] | ex2_b_expo[5] | ex2_b_expo[6] | ex2_b_expo[7] | ex2_b_expo[8] | ex2_b_expo[9] | ex2_b_expo[10]; assign ex2_bexpu_ge7_lo = ex2_b_expo[11] & ex2_b_expo[12]; assign ex2_bexpu_ge7 = ((~ex2_b_expo[1]) & ex2_b_expo[2]) | ((~ex2_b_expo[1]) & ex2_b_expo[3] & ex2_bexpu_ge7_mid) | ((~ex2_b_expo[1]) & ex2_b_expo[3] & ex2_bexpu_ge7_lo); // 0_0100_0000_0101 1023+6 - 1024+5 // +expo // 2048 // 1024 // 512 // 256 // 128 // 64 // 32 // 16 // 8 // 4 assign ex2_bexpu_eq6 = (~ex2_b_expo[1]) & (~ex2_b_expo[2]) & ex2_b_expo[3] & (~ex2_b_expo[4]) & (~ex2_b_expo[5]) & (~ex2_b_expo[6]) & (~ex2_b_expo[7]) & (~ex2_b_expo[8]) & (~ex2_b_expo[9]) & (~ex2_b_expo[10]) & ex2_b_expo[11] & (~ex2_b_expo[12]) & ex2_b_expo[13]; // 2 // 1 assign f_fmt_ex2_bexpu_le126 = (~ex2_bexpo_ge897); //output-- assign f_fmt_ex2_gt126 = ex2_bexpu_ge7 | (ex2_bexpu_eq6 & ex2_bfrac_eq_126 & ex2_bfrac_126_nz); //output-- assign f_fmt_ex2_ge128 = ex2_bexpu_ge7; //output-- // exponent >= 1023 + 128 = 1151 (1024+127) // 1 2345 6789 abcd // 0_0100_0111 _1111 <-- 1151 aliases to sp infinity/nan range // 0_1xxx_xxxx_xxxx // 0_x11x_xxxx_xxxx // 0_x1x1_xxxx_xxxx // 0_x1xx_1xxx_xxxx assign ex2_b_expo_ge1151 = (ex2_b_expo_b[1] & (~ex2_b_expo_b[2])) | (ex2_b_expo_b[1] & (~ex2_b_expo_b[3]) & (~ex2_b_expo_b[4])) | (ex2_b_expo_b[1] & (~ex2_b_expo_b[3]) & (~ex2_b_expo_b[5])) | (ex2_b_expo_b[1] & (~ex2_b_expo_b[3]) & (~ex2_b_expo_b[6])) | (ex2_b_expo_b[1] & (~ex2_b_expo_b[3]) & (~ex2_b_expo_b[7]) & (~ex2_b_expo_b[8]) & (~ex2_b_expo_b[9]) & (~ex2_b_expo_b[10]) & (~ex2_b_expo_b[11]) & (~ex2_b_expo_b[12]) & (~ex2_b_expo_b[13])); // 0_x1xx_x111_1111 assign f_fmt_ex2_inf_and_beyond_sp = ex2_b_expo_max | ex2_b_expo_ge1151; //64 //32 //16 // 8 assign ex2_bfrac_eq_126 = ex2_b_frac[0] & ex2_b_frac[1] & ex2_b_frac[2] & ex2_b_frac[3] & ex2_b_frac[4] & ex2_b_frac[5]; // 4 // 2 // ex2_b_frac(6) ; -- 1 assign ex2_bfrac_126_nz = ex2_b_frac[6] | ex2_b_frac[7] | ex2_b_frac[8] | ex2_b_frac[9] | ex2_b_frac[10] | ex2_b_frac[11] | ex2_b_frac[12] | ex2_b_frac[13] | ex2_b_frac[14] | ex2_b_frac[15] | ex2_b_frac[16] | ex2_b_frac[17] | ex2_b_frac[18] | ex2_b_frac[19] | ex2_b_frac[20] | ex2_b_frac[21] | ex2_b_frac[22] | ex2_b_frac[23]; //#=-------------------------------------------------- //#= all1/all0 determination //#=-------------------------------------------------- assign ex2_a_frac_msb = ex2_a_frac[1]; assign ex2_c_frac_msb = ex2_c_frac[1]; assign ex2_b_frac_msb = ex2_b_frac[1]; assign ex2_a_expo_min = (~ex2_a_frac[0]); // implicit bit off assign ex2_c_expo_min = (~ex2_c_frac[0]); assign ex2_b_expo_min = (~ex2_b_frac[0]); assign ex2_a_expo_max = ex2_a_expo_b[1] & ex2_a_expo_b[2] & (~ex2_a_expo_b[3]) & (~ex2_a_expo_b[4]) & (~ex2_a_expo_b[5]) & (~ex2_a_expo_b[6]) & (~ex2_a_expo_b[7]) & (~ex2_a_expo_b[8]) & (~ex2_a_expo_b[9]) & (~ex2_a_expo_b[10]) & (~ex2_a_expo_b[11]) & (~ex2_a_expo_b[12]) & (~ex2_a_expo_b[13]); assign ex2_c_expo_max = ex2_c_expo_b[1] & ex2_c_expo_b[2] & (~ex2_c_expo_b[3]) & (~ex2_c_expo_b[4]) & (~ex2_c_expo_b[5]) & (~ex2_c_expo_b[6]) & (~ex2_c_expo_b[7]) & (~ex2_c_expo_b[8]) & (~ex2_c_expo_b[9]) & (~ex2_c_expo_b[10]) & (~ex2_c_expo_b[11]) & (~ex2_c_expo_b[12]) & (~ex2_c_expo_b[13]); assign ex2_b_expo_max = ex2_b_expo_b[1] & ex2_b_expo_b[2] & (~ex2_b_expo_b[3]) & (~ex2_b_expo_b[4]) & (~ex2_b_expo_b[5]) & (~ex2_b_expo_b[6]) & (~ex2_b_expo_b[7]) & (~ex2_b_expo_b[8]) & (~ex2_b_expo_b[9]) & (~ex2_b_expo_b[10]) & (~ex2_b_expo_b[11]) & (~ex2_b_expo_b[12]) & (~ex2_b_expo_b[13]); // ex2_a_frac( 0) or assign ex2_a_frac_zero = (~ex2_a_frac[1]) & (~ex2_a_frac[2]) & (~ex2_a_frac[3]) & (~ex2_a_frac[4]) & (~ex2_a_frac[5]) & (~ex2_a_frac[6]) & (~ex2_a_frac[7]) & (~ex2_a_frac[8]) & (~ex2_a_frac[9]) & (~ex2_a_frac[10]) & (~ex2_a_frac[11]) & (~ex2_a_frac[12]) & (~ex2_a_frac[13]) & (~ex2_a_frac[14]) & (~ex2_a_frac[15]) & (~ex2_a_frac[16]) & (~ex2_a_frac[17]) & (~ex2_a_frac[18]) & (~ex2_a_frac[19]) & (~ex2_a_frac[20]) & (~ex2_a_frac[21]) & (~ex2_a_frac[22]) & (~ex2_a_frac[23]) & (~ex2_a_frac[24]) & (~ex2_a_frac[25]) & (~ex2_a_frac[26]) & (~ex2_a_frac[27]) & (~ex2_a_frac[28]) & (~ex2_a_frac[29]) & (~ex2_a_frac[30]) & (~ex2_a_frac[31]) & (~ex2_a_frac[32]) & (~ex2_a_frac[33]) & (~ex2_a_frac[34]) & (~ex2_a_frac[35]) & (~ex2_a_frac[36]) & (~ex2_a_frac[37]) & (~ex2_a_frac[38]) & (~ex2_a_frac[39]) & (~ex2_a_frac[40]) & (~ex2_a_frac[41]) & (~ex2_a_frac[42]) & (~ex2_a_frac[43]) & (~ex2_a_frac[44]) & (~ex2_a_frac[45]) & (~ex2_a_frac[46]) & (~ex2_a_frac[47]) & (~ex2_a_frac[48]) & (~ex2_a_frac[49]) & (~ex2_a_frac[50]) & (~ex2_a_frac[51]) & (~ex2_a_frac[52]); // (ex2_a_frac_zero_dp or ex2_a_sp ); ex2_a_frac_zero_dp <= // ex2_c_frac( 0) and assign ex2_c_frac_zero = (~ex2_c_frac[1]) & (~ex2_c_frac[2]) & (~ex2_c_frac[3]) & (~ex2_c_frac[4]) & (~ex2_c_frac[5]) & (~ex2_c_frac[6]) & (~ex2_c_frac[7]) & (~ex2_c_frac[8]) & (~ex2_c_frac[9]) & (~ex2_c_frac[10]) & (~ex2_c_frac[11]) & (~ex2_c_frac[12]) & (~ex2_c_frac[13]) & (~ex2_c_frac[14]) & (~ex2_c_frac[15]) & (~ex2_c_frac[16]) & (~ex2_c_frac[17]) & (~ex2_c_frac[18]) & (~ex2_c_frac[19]) & (~ex2_c_frac[20]) & (~ex2_c_frac[21]) & (~ex2_c_frac[22]) & (~ex2_c_frac[23]) & (~ex2_c_frac[24]) & (~ex2_c_frac[25]) & (~ex2_c_frac[26]) & (~ex2_c_frac[27]) & (~ex2_c_frac[28]) & (~ex2_c_frac[29]) & (~ex2_c_frac[30]) & (~ex2_c_frac[31]) & (~ex2_c_frac[32]) & (~ex2_c_frac[33]) & (~ex2_c_frac[34]) & (~ex2_c_frac[35]) & (~ex2_c_frac[36]) & (~ex2_c_frac[37]) & (~ex2_c_frac[38]) & (~ex2_c_frac[39]) & (~ex2_c_frac[40]) & (~ex2_c_frac[41]) & (~ex2_c_frac[42]) & (~ex2_c_frac[43]) & (~ex2_c_frac[44]) & (~ex2_c_frac[45]) & (~ex2_c_frac[46]) & (~ex2_c_frac[47]) & (~ex2_c_frac[48]) & (~ex2_c_frac[49]) & (~ex2_c_frac[50]) & (~ex2_c_frac[51]) & (~ex2_c_frac[52]); //( ex2_c_frac_zero_dp or ex2_c_sp ); ex2_c_frac_zero_dp <= assign ex2_b_frac_zero_sp = (~ex2_b_frac[1]) & (~ex2_b_frac[2]) & (~ex2_b_frac[3]) & (~ex2_b_frac[4]) & (~ex2_b_frac[5]) & (~ex2_b_frac[6]) & (~ex2_b_frac[7]) & (~ex2_b_frac[8]) & (~ex2_b_frac[9]) & (~ex2_b_frac[10]) & (~ex2_b_frac[11]) & (~ex2_b_frac[12]) & (~ex2_b_frac[13]) & (~ex2_b_frac[14]) & (~ex2_b_frac[15]) & (~ex2_b_frac[16]) & (~ex2_b_frac[17]) & (~ex2_b_frac[18]) & (~ex2_b_frac[19]) & (~ex2_b_frac[20]) & (~ex2_b_frac[21]) & (~ex2_b_frac[22]) & (~ex2_b_frac[23]); //SP/UNDEF ex2_b_frac_zero <= ex2_b_frac_zero_sp and ( ex2_b_sp or ex2_b_frac_zero_dp ); assign ex2_b_frac_zero = ex2_b_frac_zero_sp & ex2_b_frac_zero_dp; assign ex2_b_frac_z32 = (~ex2_b_frac[24]) & (~ex2_b_frac[25]) & (~ex2_b_frac[26]) & (~ex2_b_frac[27]) & (~ex2_b_frac[28]) & (~ex2_b_frac[29]) & (~ex2_b_frac[30]) & (~ex2_b_frac[31]); // ex2_b_frac( 0) and assign f_fmt_ex2_b_frac_z32 = ex2_b_frac_zero_sp & ex2_b_frac_z32; //output (for to_int_word special cases) assign ex2_b_frac_zero_dp = ex2_b_frac_z32 & (~ex2_b_frac[32]) & (~ex2_b_frac[33]) & (~ex2_b_frac[34]) & (~ex2_b_frac[35]) & (~ex2_b_frac[36]) & (~ex2_b_frac[37]) & (~ex2_b_frac[38]) & (~ex2_b_frac[39]) & (~ex2_b_frac[40]) & (~ex2_b_frac[41]) & (~ex2_b_frac[42]) & (~ex2_b_frac[43]) & (~ex2_b_frac[44]) & (~ex2_b_frac[45]) & (~ex2_b_frac[46]) & (~ex2_b_frac[47]) & (~ex2_b_frac[48]) & (~ex2_b_frac[49]) & (~ex2_b_frac[50]) & (~ex2_b_frac[51]) & (~ex2_b_frac[52]); assign f_fmt_ex2_b_frac[1:19] = ex2_b_frac[1:19]; //output-- to tables assign f_fmt_ex2_a_sign_div = ex2_a_sign; assign f_fmt_ex2_a_expo_div_b = (~ex2_a_expo[1:13]); assign f_fmt_ex2_a_frac_div = ex2_a_frac[1:52]; assign f_fmt_ex2_b_sign_div = ex2_b_sign; assign f_fmt_ex2_b_expo_div_b = (~ex2_b_expo[1:13]); assign f_fmt_ex2_b_frac_div = ex2_b_frac[1:52]; assign ex2_a_denz = ((~ex2_a_frac[0]) | ex2_a_expo_ltx381_sp) & f_pic_ex2_nj_deni; // also true after prenorm assign ex2_c_denz = ((~ex2_c_frac[0]) | ex2_c_expo_ltx381_sp) & f_pic_ex2_nj_deni; // also true after prenorm assign ex2_b_denz = ((~ex2_b_frac[0]) | ex2_b_expo_ltx381_sp) & f_pic_ex2_nj_deni & (~ex2_from_integer); // also true after prenorm assign ex2_a_zero_x = (ex2_a_denz | (ex2_a_expo_min & ex2_a_frac_zero)); assign ex2_c_zero_x = (ex2_c_denz | (ex2_c_expo_min & ex2_c_frac_zero)); assign ex2_b_zero_x = (ex2_b_denz | (ex2_b_expo_min & ex2_b_frac_zero)) & ((~ex2_from_integer) | (~ex2_b_sign)); // from integer only does prenorm on SP denorm (exponent=x381) assign ex2_divsqrt = f_dcd_ex2_divsqrt_v; assign ex2_b_den_flush = ex2_b_den_sp | ex2_b_den_dp | ex2_a_den_sp_ftdiv | (ex2_divsqrt & (ex2_a_den_dp | ex2_a_den_sp)); assign ex2_a_den_sp_ftdiv = f_pic_ex2_ftdiv & ex2_aop_valid & ex2_a_expo_min & //-- really just the implicit bit (~ex2_a_frac_zero) & (~f_pic_ex2_nj_deni) & //-- don't flush if converting inputs to zero ex2_a_expo[5] ; //-- <== sp denorm !! // really just the implicit bit assign ex2_b_den_dp = f_pic_ex2_flush_en_dp & ex2_bop_valid & ex2_b_expo_min & (~ex2_b_frac_zero) & (~f_pic_ex2_nj_deni) & (~ex2_b_expo[5]); // don't flush if converting inputs to zero // <== dp denorm !! // from integer still needs to fix SP denorms // really just the implicit bit assign ex2_b_den_sp = f_pic_ex2_flush_en_sp & ex2_bop_valid & ex2_b_expo_min & (~ex2_b_frac_zero) & (~(f_pic_ex2_nj_deni & (~ex2_from_integer))) & ex2_b_expo[5]; // don't flush if converting inputs to zero // <== sp denorm !! assign ex2_a_den_flush = ex2_a_den_sp | ex2_a_den_dp; // really just the implicit bit assign ex2_a_den_dp = f_pic_ex2_flush_en_dp & ex2_aop_valid & ex2_a_expo_min & (~ex2_a_frac_zero) & (~f_pic_ex2_nj_deni) & (~ex2_a_expo[5]); // don't flush if converting inputs to zero // <== dp denorm !! // from integer still needs to fix SP denorms // really just the implicit bit assign ex2_a_den_sp = f_pic_ex2_flush_en_sp & ex2_aop_valid & ex2_a_expo_min & (~ex2_a_frac_zero) & (~(f_pic_ex2_nj_deni & (~ex2_from_integer))) & ex2_a_expo[5]; // don't flush if converting inputs to zero // <== sp denorm !! //lookup result will be denormal assign ex2_lu_den_part = ex2_b_frac[1] & ex2_b_frac[2] & ex2_b_frac[3] & ex2_b_frac[4] & ex2_b_frac[5] & ex2_b_frac[6] & ex2_b_frac[7] & ex2_b_frac[8] & ex2_b_frac[9] & ex2_b_frac[10] & ex2_b_frac[11] & ex2_b_frac[12]; assign ex2_recip_lo = ex2_b_frac[14] | ex2_b_frac[15] | ex2_b_frac[16] | ex2_b_frac[17] | (ex2_b_frac[18] & ex2_b_frac[19]) | (ex2_b_frac[18] & ex2_b_frac[20]); // 0 1 2 // 1234 56 78 9012 3456 7890 12 // 1111 11 11 1111 1011 recip // 1111 11 11 1111 1010 0001 01 recip // // 1111 11 11 1111 0001 rsqo // 366FFF0980000000 real boubdary for recip sqrt even // FFF098 real boubdary for recip sqrt even // // 1111 1111 1111 0000 1001 1000 // 1234 5678 9012 3456 7890 // 0 1 2 // 3CFFFF8500000000 real boundary for reciprocal // FFF85 // 1111 1111 1111 1000 01010 // 1234 5678 9012 3456 7890 // 0 1 2 assign ex2_rsqrt_lo = ex2_b_frac[13] | ex2_b_frac[14] | ex2_b_frac[15] | ex2_b_frac[16] | (ex2_b_frac[17] & ex2_b_frac[18]) | (ex2_b_frac[17] & ex2_b_frac[19]) | (ex2_b_frac[17] & ex2_b_frac[20] & ex2_b_frac[21]); assign ex2_lu_den_recip = (ex2_lu_den_part & ex2_b_frac[13] & ex2_recip_lo); assign ex2_lu_den_rsqrto = (ex2_lu_den_part & ex2_rsqrt_lo); assign f_fmt_ex3_lu_den_recip = ex3_lu_den_recip; assign f_fmt_ex3_lu_den_rsqrto = ex3_lu_den_rsqrto; // name is wrong (even biased, odd unbiased) // for from_integer if implicit bit is off result is "zero" plus rounding. assign ex2_a_zero = ex2_aop_valid & ex2_a_zero_x; assign ex2_c_zero = ex2_cop_valid & ex2_c_zero_x; assign ex2_b_zero = ex2_bop_valid & ex2_b_zero_x; assign ex2_a_expo_ltx36A_sp = (ex2_a_expo < 13'b0001101101010) ? 1'b1 : // exp < 0x36A 0d874 (-149 unbiased) 1'b0; assign ex2_b_expo_ltx36A_sp = (ex2_b_expo < 13'b0001101101010) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; assign ex2_a_expo_max_dsq = (ex2_a_expo > 13'b0010001111110) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; assign ex2_b_expo_max_dsq = (ex2_b_expo > 13'b0010001111110) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; assign f_fmt_ex2_a_zero = ex2_a_zero; //output-- assign f_fmt_ex2_a_zero_dsq = ((~ex2_a_frac[0]) | (ex2_a_expo_ltx36A_sp)) | (ex2_a_expo_min & ex2_a_frac_zero); assign f_fmt_ex2_a_expo_max = ex2_aop_valid & ex2_a_expo_max; //output-- assign f_fmt_ex2_a_expo_max_dsq = ex2_a_expo_max_dsq; //output-- assign f_fmt_ex2_a_frac_zero = ex2_a_frac_zero; //output-- assign f_fmt_ex2_a_frac_msb = ex2_a_frac_msb; //output-- assign f_fmt_ex2_c_zero = ex2_c_zero; //output-- assign f_fmt_ex2_c_expo_max = ex2_cop_valid & ex2_c_expo_max; //output-- assign f_fmt_ex2_c_frac_zero = ex2_c_frac_zero; //output-- assign f_fmt_ex2_c_frac_msb = ex2_c_frac_msb; //output-- assign f_fmt_ex2_b_zero = ex2_b_zero; //output-- assign f_fmt_ex2_b_zero_dsq = ((~ex2_b_frac[0]) | (ex2_b_expo_ltx36A_sp)) | (ex2_b_expo_min & ex2_b_frac_zero); assign f_fmt_ex2_b_expo_max = ex2_bop_valid & ex2_b_expo_max; //output-- assign f_fmt_ex2_b_expo_max_dsq = ex2_b_expo_max_dsq; //output-- assign f_fmt_ex2_b_frac_zero = ex2_b_frac_zero; //output-- assign f_fmt_ex2_b_frac_msb = ex2_b_frac_msb; //output-- assign f_fmt_ex2_b_imp = ex2_b_frac[0]; //output-- assign f_fmt_ex2_prod_zero = ex2_a_zero | ex2_c_zero; //output--ex2_bop_valid and //#=-------------------------------------------------- //#= NAN mux //#=-------------------------------------------------- // need to zero out sp bits that were left on so we could do a parity check. assign ex2_a_nan = ex2_a_expo_max & (~ex2_a_frac_zero) & (~ex2_from_integer) & (~ex2_sgncpy) & (~ex2_uc_end_nspec) & (~ex2_uc_mid) & (~f_dcd_ex2_perr_fsel_ovrd); assign ex2_c_nan = ex2_c_expo_max & (~ex2_c_frac_zero) & (~ex2_from_integer) & (~ex2_fsel) & (~ex2_uc_end_nspec) & (~ex2_uc_mid); assign ex2_b_nan = ex2_b_expo_max & (~ex2_b_frac_zero) & (~ex2_from_integer) & (~ex2_fsel) & (~ex2_uc_end_nspec) & (~ex2_uc_mid); assign ex2_nan_pass = ex2_a_nan | ex2_c_nan | ex2_b_nan; assign ex2_pass_sel = ex2_nan_pass | ex2_fsel | ex2_force_pass; assign f_fmt_ex2_pass_sel = ex2_pass_sel; //output-- // a positive assign ex2_fsel_cif = (ex2_fsel & (~ex2_a_sign) & (~f_dcd_ex2_perr_fsel_ovrd)) | (ex2_fsel & ex2_a_zero & (~f_dcd_ex2_perr_fsel_ovrd)) | ( f_dcd_ex2_perr_force_c & ( f_dcd_ex2_perr_fsel_ovrd)); assign ex2_be_den = ( ex2_b_expo[1] ) | // it is negative ( (~ex2_b_expo[2]) & // it is x000 ... as opposed to x001 (~ex2_b_expo[3]) & // it is x000 ... as opposed to x001 (~ex2_b_expo[4]) & // it is x000 ... as opposed to x001 (~ex2_b_expo[5]) & // it is x000 ... as opposed to x001 (~ex2_b_expo[6]) & // it is x000 ... as opposed to x001 (~ex2_b_expo[7]) & // it is x000 ... as opposed to x001 (~ex2_b_expo[8]) & // it is x000 ... as opposed to x001 (~ex2_b_expo[9]) & // it is x000 ... as opposed to x001 (~ex2_b_expo[10]) & // it is x000 ... as opposed to x001 (~ex2_b_expo[11]) & // it is x000 ... as opposed to x001 (~ex2_b_expo[12]) & // it is x000 ... as opposed to x001 (~ex2_b_expo[13]) ); // it is x000 ... as opposed to x001 assign ex2_fsel_bsel = ex2_fsel & (ex2_a_nan | (~ex2_fsel_cif)); assign ex2_mux_a_sel = ex2_a_nan & (~ex2_fsel); assign ex2_mux_c_sel = ((~ex2_a_nan) & (~ex2_b_nan) & ex2_c_nan) | (ex2_a_nan & (~ex2_fsel)) | ((~ex2_a_nan) & ex2_fsel & ex2_fsel_cif); assign ex2_pass_sign_ac = (ex2_mux_a_sel & ex2_a_sign) | ((~ex2_mux_a_sel) & ex2_c_sign); assign ex2_pass_sign = (ex2_mux_c_sel & ex2_pass_sign_ac) | ((~ex2_mux_c_sel) & ex2_b_sign); assign ex2_a_frac_chop[0:23] = ex2_a_frac[0:23]; assign ex2_c_frac_chop[0:23] = ex2_c_frac[0:23]; assign ex2_b_frac_chop[0:23] = ex2_b_frac[0:23]; assign ex2_a_frac_chop[24:52] = ex2_a_frac[24:52]; assign ex2_c_frac_chop[24:52] = ex2_c_frac[24:52]; assign ex2_b_frac_chop[24:52] = ex2_b_frac[24:52]; assign ex2_a_expo_ltx381_sp = ex2_a_expo_ltx381 & ex2_a_sp; assign ex2_c_expo_ltx381_sp = ex2_c_expo_ltx381 & ex2_c_sp; assign ex2_b_expo_ltx381_sp = ex2_b_expo_ltx381 & ex2_b_sp; // negative assign ex2_a_expo_ltx381 = ((~ex2_a_expo_b[1])) | (ex2_a_expo_00xx_xxxx_xxxx & (~ex2_a_expo_xx11_1xxx_xxxx)) | (ex2_a_expo_00xx_xxxx_xxxx & ex2_a_expo_xx11_1xxx_xxxx & ex2_a_expo_xxxx_x000_0000); // lt x380 // eq x380 assign ex2_a_expo_00xx_xxxx_xxxx = ex2_a_expo_b[2] & ex2_a_expo_b[3]; assign ex2_a_expo_xx11_1xxx_xxxx = (~ex2_a_expo_b[4]) & (~ex2_a_expo_b[5]) & (~ex2_a_expo_b[6]); assign ex2_a_expo_xxxx_x000_0000 = ex2_a_expo_b[7] & ex2_a_expo_b[8] & ex2_a_expo_b[9] & ex2_a_expo_b[10] & ex2_a_expo_b[11] & ex2_a_expo_b[12] & ex2_a_expo_b[13]; // negative assign ex2_c_expo_ltx381 = ((~ex2_c_expo_b[1])) | (ex2_c_expo_00xx_xxxx_xxxx & (~ex2_c_expo_xx11_1xxx_xxxx)) | (ex2_c_expo_00xx_xxxx_xxxx & ex2_c_expo_xx11_1xxx_xxxx & ex2_c_expo_xxxx_x000_0000); // lt x380 // eq x380 assign ex2_c_expo_00xx_xxxx_xxxx = ex2_c_expo_b[2] & ex2_c_expo_b[3]; assign ex2_c_expo_xx11_1xxx_xxxx = (~ex2_c_expo_b[4]) & (~ex2_c_expo_b[5]) & (~ex2_c_expo_b[6]); assign ex2_c_expo_xxxx_x000_0000 = ex2_c_expo_b[7] & ex2_c_expo_b[8] & ex2_c_expo_b[9] & ex2_c_expo_b[10] & ex2_c_expo_b[11] & ex2_c_expo_b[12] & ex2_c_expo_b[13]; // negative assign ex2_b_expo_ltx381 = ((~ex2_b_expo_b[1])) | (ex2_b_expo_00xx_xxxx_xxxx & (~ex2_b_expo_xx11_1xxx_xxxx)) | (ex2_b_expo_00xx_xxxx_xxxx & ex2_b_expo_xx11_1xxx_xxxx & ex2_b_expo_xxxx_x000_0000); // lt x380 // eq x380 assign ex2_b_expo_00xx_xxxx_xxxx = ex2_b_expo_b[2] & ex2_b_expo_b[3]; assign ex2_b_expo_xx11_1xxx_xxxx = (~ex2_b_expo_b[4]) & (~ex2_b_expo_b[5]) & (~ex2_b_expo_b[6]); assign ex2_b_expo_xxxx_x000_0000 = ex2_b_expo_b[7] & ex2_b_expo_b[8] & ex2_b_expo_b[9] & ex2_b_expo_b[10] & ex2_b_expo_b[11] & ex2_b_expo_b[12] & ex2_b_expo_b[13]; assign ex2_pass_frac_ac[0:52] = ({53{ex2_mux_a_sel}} & ex2_a_frac_chop[0:52]) | ({53{(~ex2_mux_a_sel)}} & ex2_c_frac_chop[0:52]); assign ex2_pass_frac[0:52] = ({53{ex2_mux_c_sel}} & ex2_pass_frac_ac[0:52]) | ({53{(~ex2_mux_c_sel)}} & ex2_b_frac_chop[0:52]); // last iteration of divide = X * 1, check if x is a denorm // expo is neg assign ex2_uc_a_expo_den = ((~ex2_a_expo_b[1])) | (ex2_a_expo_b[2] & ex2_a_expo_b[3] & ex2_a_expo_b[4] & ex2_a_expo_b[5] & ex2_a_expo_b[6] & ex2_a_expo_b[7] & ex2_a_expo_b[8] & ex2_a_expo_b[9] & ex2_a_expo_b[10] & ex2_a_expo_b[11] & ex2_a_expo_b[12] & ex2_a_expo_b[13]); // expo is all zeroes // for SP we also need to add denorms <= x381 assign ex2_uc_a_expo_den_sp = ex2_a_expo_ltx381; assign ex2_a_sp_inf_alias_tail = (~ex2_a_expo_b[7]) & (~ex2_a_expo_b[8]) & (~ex2_a_expo_b[9]) & (~ex2_a_expo_b[10]) & (~ex2_a_expo_b[11]) & (~ex2_a_expo_b[12]) & (~ex2_a_expo_b[13]); assign ex2_c_sp_inf_alias_tail = (~ex2_c_expo_b[7]) & (~ex2_c_expo_b[8]) & (~ex2_c_expo_b[9]) & (~ex2_c_expo_b[10]) & (~ex2_c_expo_b[11]) & (~ex2_c_expo_b[12]) & (~ex2_c_expo_b[13]); assign ex2_b_sp_inf_alias_tail = (~ex2_b_expo_b[7]) & (~ex2_b_expo_b[8]) & (~ex2_b_expo_b[9]) & (~ex2_b_expo_b[10]) & (~ex2_b_expo_b[11]) & (~ex2_b_expo_b[12]) & (~ex2_b_expo_b[13]); // 1024:1151 1151=1024+127 (exclude 1151) // sign // 2048 // 1024 // 512 // 256 assign ex2_a_sp_expo_ok_1 = ex2_a_expo_b[1] & ex2_a_expo_b[2] & (~ex2_a_expo_b[3]) & ex2_a_expo_b[4] & ex2_a_expo_b[5] & ex2_a_expo_b[6] & (~ex2_a_sp_inf_alias_tail); // 128; // 1024:1151 1151=1024+127 (exclude 1151) // sign // 2048 // 1024 // 512 // 256 assign ex2_c_sp_expo_ok_1 = ex2_c_expo_b[1] & ex2_c_expo_b[2] & (~ex2_c_expo_b[3]) & ex2_c_expo_b[4] & ex2_c_expo_b[5] & ex2_c_expo_b[6] & (~ex2_c_sp_inf_alias_tail); // 128; // 1024:1151 1151=1024+127 (exclude 1151) // sign // 2048 // 1024 // 512 // 256 assign ex2_b_sp_expo_ok_1 = ex2_b_expo_b[1] & ex2_b_expo_b[2] & (~ex2_b_expo_b[3]) & ex2_b_expo_b[4] & ex2_b_expo_b[5] & ex2_b_expo_b[6] & (~ex2_b_sp_inf_alias_tail); // 128; // 897:1023 <the include 896 ... dp norm masquerading as sp denorm // sign // 2048 // 1024 // 512 assign ex2_a_sp_expo_ok_2 = ex2_a_expo_b[1] & ex2_a_expo_b[2] & ex2_a_expo_b[3] & (~ex2_a_expo_b[4]) & (~ex2_a_expo_b[5]) & (~ex2_a_expo_b[6]); // 256 // 128; // 897:1023 <the include 896 ... dp norm masquerading as sp denorm // sign // 2048 // 1024 // 512 assign ex2_c_sp_expo_ok_2 = ex2_c_expo_b[1] & ex2_c_expo_b[2] & ex2_c_expo_b[3] & (~ex2_c_expo_b[4]) & (~ex2_c_expo_b[5]) & (~ex2_c_expo_b[6]); // 256 // 128; // 897:1023 <the include 896 ... dp norm masquerading as sp denorm // sign // 2048 // 1024 // 512 assign ex2_b_sp_expo_ok_2 = ex2_b_expo_b[1] & ex2_b_expo_b[2] & ex2_b_expo_b[3] & (~ex2_b_expo_b[4]) & (~ex2_b_expo_b[5]) & (~ex2_b_expo_b[6]); // 256 // 128; // sp_den 873:895 1 2345 6789 // x0_0011_1xxx_xxx 896:969 // x0_0011_0111_xxx 880:895 // x0_0011_0110_xxx 864:879 0_0011_0110_1010 874 sp_min // 897:1023 <the include 896 ... dp norm masquerading as sp denorm // sign // 2048 // 1024 // 512 // 256 // 128 // 64 assign ex2_a_sp_expo_ok_3 = ex2_a_expo_b[1] & ex2_a_expo_b[2] & ex2_a_expo_b[3] & (~ex2_a_expo_b[4]) & (~ex2_a_expo_b[5]) & ex2_a_expo_b[6] & (~ex2_a_expo_b[7]) & (~ex2_a_expo_b[8]) & (~ex2_a_expo_b[9]); // 32 // 16 // 897:1023 <the include 896 ... dp norm masquerading as sp denorm // sign // 2048 // 1024 // 512 // 256 // 128 // 64 assign ex2_c_sp_expo_ok_3 = ex2_c_expo_b[1] & ex2_c_expo_b[2] & ex2_c_expo_b[3] & (~ex2_c_expo_b[4]) & (~ex2_c_expo_b[5]) & ex2_c_expo_b[6] & (~ex2_c_expo_b[7]) & (~ex2_c_expo_b[8]) & (~ex2_c_expo_b[9]); // 32 // 16 // 897:1023 <the include 896 ... dp norm masquerading as sp denorm // sign // 2048 // 1024 // 512 // 256 // 128 // 64 assign ex2_b_sp_expo_ok_3 = ex2_b_expo_b[1] & ex2_b_expo_b[2] & ex2_b_expo_b[3] & (~ex2_b_expo_b[4]) & (~ex2_b_expo_b[5]) & ex2_b_expo_b[6] & (~ex2_b_expo_b[7]) & (~ex2_b_expo_b[8]) & (~ex2_b_expo_b[9]); // 32 // 16 // sp_den 873:895 1 2345 6789 // x0_0011_1xxx_xxx 896:969 // x0_0011_0111_xxx 880:895 // x0_0011_0110_xxx 864:879 0_0011_0110_1010 874 sp_min // 897:1023 <the include 896 ... dp norm masquerading as sp denorm // sign // 2048 // 1024 // 512 // 256 // 128 // 64 // 32 assign ex2_a_sp_expo_ok_4 = ex2_a_expo_b[1] & ex2_a_expo_b[2] & ex2_a_expo_b[3] & (~ex2_a_expo_b[4]) & (~ex2_a_expo_b[5]) & ex2_a_expo_b[6] & (~ex2_a_expo_b[7]) & (~ex2_a_expo_b[8]) & ex2_a_expo_b[9] & (((~ex2_a_expo_b[10]) & (~ex2_a_expo_b[11])) | ((~ex2_a_expo_b[10]) & (~ex2_a_expo_b[12]))); // 16 // 897:1023 <the include 896 ... dp norm masquerading as sp denorm // sign // 2048 // 1024 // 512 // 256 // 128 // 64 // 32 assign ex2_c_sp_expo_ok_4 = ex2_c_expo_b[1] & ex2_c_expo_b[2] & ex2_c_expo_b[3] & (~ex2_c_expo_b[4]) & (~ex2_c_expo_b[5]) & ex2_c_expo_b[6] & (~ex2_c_expo_b[7]) & (~ex2_c_expo_b[8]) & ex2_c_expo_b[9] & (((~ex2_c_expo_b[10]) & (~ex2_c_expo_b[11])) | ((~ex2_c_expo_b[10]) & (~ex2_c_expo_b[12]))); // 16 // 897:1023 <the include 896 ... dp norm masquerading as sp denorm // sign // 2048 // 1024 // 512 // 256 // 128 // 64 // 32 assign ex2_b_sp_expo_ok_4 = ex2_b_expo_b[1] & ex2_b_expo_b[2] & ex2_b_expo_b[3] & (~ex2_b_expo_b[4]) & (~ex2_b_expo_b[5]) & ex2_b_expo_b[6] & (~ex2_b_expo_b[7]) & (~ex2_b_expo_b[8]) & ex2_b_expo_b[9] & (((~ex2_b_expo_b[10]) & (~ex2_b_expo_b[11])) | ((~ex2_b_expo_b[10]) & (~ex2_b_expo_b[12]))); // 16 // want to include dp norm masquerading as sp_denorm // 1 2345 6789 0123 // ---------------- // x380 896 0_0011_1000_0000 0x000000_00000000_00000000 <1> // 895 0_0011_0111_1111 00x00000_00000000_00000000 <2> // 894 0_0011_0111_1110 000x0000_00000000_00000000 <3> // 893 0_0011_0111_1101 0000x000_00000000_00000000 <4> // 892 0_0011_0111_1100 00000x00_00000000_00000000 <5> // 891 0_0011_0111_1011 000000x0_00000000_00000000 <6> // 890 0_0011_0111_1010 0000000x_00000000_00000000 <7> // 889 0_0011_0111_1001 00000000_x0000000_00000000 <8> // 888 0_0011_0111_1000 00000000_0x000000_00000000 <9> // 887 0_0011_0111_0111 00000000_00x00000_00000000 <10> // 886 0_0011_0111_0110 00000000_000x0000_00000000 <11> // 885 0_0011_0111_0101 00000000_0000x000_00000000 <12> // 884 0_0011_0111_0100 00000000_00000x00_00000000 <13> // 883 0_0011_0111_0011 00000000_000000x0_00000000 <14> // 882 0_0011_0111_0010 00000000_0000000x_00000000 <15> // 881 0_0011_0111_0001 00000000_00000000_x0000000 <16> // 880 0_0011_0111_0000 00000000_00000000_0x000000 <17> // 879 0_0011_0110_1111 00000000_00000000_00x00000 <18> // 878 0_0011_0110_1110 00000000_00000000_000x0000 <19> // 877 0_0011_0110_1101 00000000_00000000_0000x000 <20> // 876 0_0011_0110_1100 00000000_00000000_00000x00 <21> // 875 0_0011_0110_1011 00000000_00000000_000000x0 <22> // x37A 874 0_0011_0110_1010 00000000_00000000_0000000x <23> assign f_fmt_ex2_sp_invalid = ((~ex2_a_sp_expo_ok_1) & (~ex2_a_sp_expo_ok_2) & (~ex2_a_sp_expo_ok_3) & (~ex2_a_sp_expo_ok_4) & (~ex2_a_expo_max) & (~ex2_a_zero_x)) | ((~ex2_c_sp_expo_ok_1) & (~ex2_c_sp_expo_ok_2) & (~ex2_c_sp_expo_ok_3) & (~ex2_c_sp_expo_ok_4) & (~ex2_c_expo_max) & (~ex2_c_zero_x)) | ((~ex2_b_sp_expo_ok_1) & (~ex2_b_sp_expo_ok_2) & (~ex2_b_sp_expo_ok_3) & (~ex2_b_sp_expo_ok_4) & (~ex2_b_expo_max) & (~ex2_b_zero_x)); //#=############################################################## //# ex3 latches (from ex2 logic) //#=############################################################## assign ex2_a_party[0] = ex2_a_sign ^ ex2_a_expo[1] ^ ex2_a_expo[2] ^ ex2_a_expo[3] ^ ex2_a_expo[4] ^ ex2_a_expo[5] ^ ex2_a_expo[6] ^ ex2_a_expo[7] ^ ex2_a_expo[8] ^ ex2_a_expo[9]; assign ex2_a_party[1] = ex2_a_expo[10] ^ ex2_a_expo[11] ^ ex2_a_expo[12] ^ ex2_a_expo[13] ^ ex2_a_frac[0] ^ ex2_a_frac[1] ^ ex2_a_frac[2] ^ ex2_a_frac[3] ^ ex2_a_frac[4]; assign ex2_a_party[2] = ex2_a_frac[5] ^ ex2_a_frac[6] ^ ex2_a_frac[7] ^ ex2_a_frac[8] ^ ex2_a_frac[9] ^ ex2_a_frac[10] ^ ex2_a_frac[11] ^ ex2_a_frac[12]; assign ex2_a_party[3] = ex2_a_frac[13] ^ ex2_a_frac[14] ^ ex2_a_frac[15] ^ ex2_a_frac[16] ^ ex2_a_frac[17] ^ ex2_a_frac[18] ^ ex2_a_frac[19] ^ ex2_a_frac[20]; assign ex2_a_party[4] = ex2_a_frac[21] ^ ex2_a_frac[22] ^ ex2_a_frac[23] ^ ex2_a_frac[24] ^ ex2_a_frac[25] ^ ex2_a_frac[26] ^ ex2_a_frac[27] ^ ex2_a_frac[28]; assign ex2_a_party[5] = ex2_a_frac[29] ^ ex2_a_frac[30] ^ ex2_a_frac[31] ^ ex2_a_frac[32] ^ ex2_a_frac[33] ^ ex2_a_frac[34] ^ ex2_a_frac[35] ^ ex2_a_frac[36]; assign ex2_a_party[6] = ex2_a_frac[37] ^ ex2_a_frac[38] ^ ex2_a_frac[39] ^ ex2_a_frac[40] ^ ex2_a_frac[41] ^ ex2_a_frac[42] ^ ex2_a_frac[43] ^ ex2_a_frac[44]; assign ex2_a_party[7] = ex2_a_frac[45] ^ ex2_a_frac[46] ^ ex2_a_frac[47] ^ ex2_a_frac[48] ^ ex2_a_frac[49] ^ ex2_a_frac[50] ^ ex2_a_frac[51] ^ ex2_a_frac[52]; assign ex2_c_party[0] = ex2_c_sign ^ ex2_c_expo[1] ^ ex2_c_expo[2] ^ ex2_c_expo[3] ^ ex2_c_expo[4] ^ ex2_c_expo[5] ^ ex2_c_expo[6] ^ ex2_c_expo[7] ^ ex2_c_expo[8] ^ ex2_c_expo[9]; assign ex2_c_party[1] = ex2_c_expo[10] ^ ex2_c_expo[11] ^ ex2_c_expo[12] ^ ex2_c_expo[13] ^ ex2_c_frac[0] ^ ex2_c_frac[1] ^ ex2_c_frac[2] ^ ex2_c_frac[3] ^ ex2_c_frac[4]; assign ex2_c_party[2] = ex2_c_frac[5] ^ ex2_c_frac[6] ^ ex2_c_frac[7] ^ ex2_c_frac[8] ^ ex2_c_frac[9] ^ ex2_c_frac[10] ^ ex2_c_frac[11] ^ ex2_c_frac[12]; assign ex2_c_party[3] = ex2_c_frac[13] ^ ex2_c_frac[14] ^ ex2_c_frac[15] ^ ex2_c_frac[16] ^ ex2_c_frac[17] ^ ex2_c_frac[18] ^ ex2_c_frac[19] ^ ex2_c_frac[20]; assign ex2_c_party[4] = ex2_c_frac[21] ^ ex2_c_frac[22] ^ ex2_c_frac[23] ^ ex2_c_frac[24] ^ ex2_c_frac[25] ^ ex2_c_frac[26] ^ ex2_c_frac[27] ^ ex2_c_frac[28]; assign ex2_c_party[5] = ex2_c_frac[29] ^ ex2_c_frac[30] ^ ex2_c_frac[31] ^ ex2_c_frac[32] ^ ex2_c_frac[33] ^ ex2_c_frac[34] ^ ex2_c_frac[35] ^ ex2_c_frac[36]; assign ex2_c_party[6] = ex2_c_frac[37] ^ ex2_c_frac[38] ^ ex2_c_frac[39] ^ ex2_c_frac[40] ^ ex2_c_frac[41] ^ ex2_c_frac[42] ^ ex2_c_frac[43] ^ ex2_c_frac[44]; assign ex2_c_party[7] = ex2_c_frac[45] ^ ex2_c_frac[46] ^ ex2_c_frac[47] ^ ex2_c_frac[48] ^ ex2_c_frac[49] ^ ex2_c_frac[50] ^ ex2_c_frac[51] ^ ex2_c_frac[52]; assign ex2_b_party[0] = ex2_b_sign ^ ex2_b_expo[1] ^ ex2_b_expo[2] ^ ex2_b_expo[3] ^ ex2_b_expo[4] ^ ex2_b_expo[5] ^ ex2_b_expo[6] ^ ex2_b_expo[7] ^ ex2_b_expo[8] ^ ex2_b_expo[9]; assign ex2_b_party[1] = ex2_b_expo[10] ^ ex2_b_expo[11] ^ ex2_b_expo[12] ^ ex2_b_expo[13] ^ ex2_b_frac[0] ^ ex2_b_frac[1] ^ ex2_b_frac[2] ^ ex2_b_frac[3] ^ ex2_b_frac[4]; assign ex2_b_party[2] = ex2_b_frac[5] ^ ex2_b_frac[6] ^ ex2_b_frac[7] ^ ex2_b_frac[8] ^ ex2_b_frac[9] ^ ex2_b_frac[10] ^ ex2_b_frac[11] ^ ex2_b_frac[12]; assign ex2_b_party[3] = ex2_b_frac[13] ^ ex2_b_frac[14] ^ ex2_b_frac[15] ^ ex2_b_frac[16] ^ ex2_b_frac[17] ^ ex2_b_frac[18] ^ ex2_b_frac[19] ^ ex2_b_frac[20]; assign ex2_b_party[4] = ex2_b_frac[21] ^ ex2_b_frac[22] ^ ex2_b_frac[23] ^ ex2_b_frac[24] ^ ex2_b_frac[25] ^ ex2_b_frac[26] ^ ex2_b_frac[27] ^ ex2_b_frac[28]; assign ex2_b_party[5] = ex2_b_frac[29] ^ ex2_b_frac[30] ^ ex2_b_frac[31] ^ ex2_b_frac[32] ^ ex2_b_frac[33] ^ ex2_b_frac[34] ^ ex2_b_frac[35] ^ ex2_b_frac[36]; assign ex2_b_party[6] = ex2_b_frac[37] ^ ex2_b_frac[38] ^ ex2_b_frac[39] ^ ex2_b_frac[40] ^ ex2_b_frac[41] ^ ex2_b_frac[42] ^ ex2_b_frac[43] ^ ex2_b_frac[44]; assign ex2_b_party[7] = ex2_b_frac[45] ^ ex2_b_frac[46] ^ ex2_b_frac[47] ^ ex2_b_frac[48] ^ ex2_b_frac[49] ^ ex2_b_frac[50] ^ ex2_b_frac[51] ^ ex2_b_frac[52]; assign ex2_a_party_chick = (ex2_a_party[0] ^ f_fpr_ex2_a_par[0]) | (ex2_a_party[1] ^ f_fpr_ex2_a_par[1]) | (ex2_a_party[2] ^ f_fpr_ex2_a_par[2]) | (ex2_a_party[3] ^ f_fpr_ex2_a_par[3]) | (ex2_a_party[4] ^ f_fpr_ex2_a_par[4]) | (ex2_a_party[5] ^ f_fpr_ex2_a_par[5]) | (ex2_a_party[6] ^ f_fpr_ex2_a_par[6]) | (ex2_a_party[7] ^ f_fpr_ex2_a_par[7]); assign ex2_c_party_chick = (ex2_c_party[0] ^ f_fpr_ex2_c_par[0]) | (ex2_c_party[1] ^ f_fpr_ex2_c_par[1]) | (ex2_c_party[2] ^ f_fpr_ex2_c_par[2]) | (ex2_c_party[3] ^ f_fpr_ex2_c_par[3]) | (ex2_c_party[4] ^ f_fpr_ex2_c_par[4]) | (ex2_c_party[5] ^ f_fpr_ex2_c_par[5]) | (ex2_c_party[6] ^ f_fpr_ex2_c_par[6]) | (ex2_c_party[7] ^ f_fpr_ex2_c_par[7]); assign ex2_b_party_chick = (ex2_b_party[0] ^ f_fpr_ex2_b_par[0]) | (ex2_b_party[1] ^ f_fpr_ex2_b_par[1]) | (ex2_b_party[2] ^ f_fpr_ex2_b_par[2]) | (ex2_b_party[3] ^ f_fpr_ex2_b_par[3]) | (ex2_b_party[4] ^ f_fpr_ex2_b_par[4]) | (ex2_b_party[5] ^ f_fpr_ex2_b_par[5]) | (ex2_b_party[6] ^ f_fpr_ex2_b_par[6]) | (ex2_b_party[7] ^ f_fpr_ex2_b_par[7]); // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // more logic for ftdiv ftsqrt // --------------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------- // x LE 53 == !(x ge 54) // 1 - 2345 - 6789 - ABCD // 54 0 0000 0011 0110 // x_le_53 <= not x_ge_54 ; // x_ge_54 =( ![1] * [2+3+4+5+6+7] ) + // ( ![1] * [8][9][A] ) + // ( ![1] * [8][9][B][C] ); //---------------------------------------------------- assign ex2_ae_234567 = ex2_a_expo[2] | ex2_a_expo[3] | ex2_a_expo[4] | ex2_a_expo[5] | ex2_a_expo[6] | ex2_a_expo[7]; assign ex2_ae_89 = ex2_a_expo[8] & ex2_a_expo[9]; assign ex2_ae_abc = ex2_a_expo[10] | (ex2_a_expo[11] & ex2_a_expo[12]); assign ex2_ae_ge_54 = ((~ex2_a_expo[1]) & ex2_ae_234567) | ((~ex2_a_expo[1]) & ex2_ae_89 & ex2_ae_abc); assign ex2_be_234567 = ex2_b_expo[2] | ex2_b_expo[3] | ex2_b_expo[4] | ex2_b_expo[5] | ex2_b_expo[6] | ex2_b_expo[7]; assign ex2_be_89 = ex2_b_expo[8] & ex2_b_expo[9]; assign ex2_be_abc = ex2_b_expo[10] | (ex2_b_expo[11] & ex2_b_expo[12]); assign ex2_be_ge_54 = ((~ex2_b_expo[1]) & ex2_be_234567) | ((~ex2_b_expo[1]) & ex2_be_89 & ex2_be_abc); //---------------------------------------------------- // x le 1 == !(x ge 2) -1022+1023 = 1 // x ge 2044 1021+1023 = 2044 // // // 1 - 2345 - 6789 - ABCD // 2 0 0000 0000 0010 // 2044 0 1111 1111 1100 //---------------------------------------------------- assign ex2_be_or_23456789abc = ex2_b_expo[2] | ex2_b_expo[3] | ex2_b_expo[4] | ex2_b_expo[5] | ex2_b_expo[6] | ex2_b_expo[7] | ex2_b_expo[8] | ex2_b_expo[9] | ex2_b_expo[10] | ex2_b_expo[11] | ex2_b_expo[12]; assign ex2_be_and_3456789ab = ex2_b_expo[3] & ex2_b_expo[4] & ex2_b_expo[5] & ex2_b_expo[6] & ex2_b_expo[7] & ex2_b_expo[8] & ex2_b_expo[9] & ex2_b_expo[10] & ex2_b_expo[11]; assign ex2_be_ge_2 = (~ex2_b_expo[1]) & ex2_be_or_23456789abc; assign ex2_be_ge_2044 = ((~ex2_b_expo[1]) & ex2_be_and_3456789ab) | ((~ex2_b_expo[1]) & ex2_b_expo[2]); //---------------------------------------------------- // ae - be >= 1023 (same for biased, unbiased) !! // ae - be <= -1021 ..... !(ae - be >= -1020) // // 1 - 2345 - 6789 - ABCD // 1023 0 0011 1111 1111 // 1022 0 0011 1111 1110 // -1022 1 1100 0000 0010 // (note ... a,b will always both be positive ) ... 1,2 ==0 // // ae - be - 1023 >= 0 , ae + !be + 1 - 1023 , (ae + !be -1022 >= 0) ... co = 1 <= x // !(ae - be +1022 >= 0) , !(ae + !be + 1 + 1020) , !(ae + !be +1021 >= 0) ... co = 0 <= y assign ex2_aembex_car_b[0] = (~(ex2_a_expo[1] | ex2_b_expo_b[1])); //1 assign ex2_aembex_car_b[1] = (~(ex2_a_expo[2] | ex2_b_expo_b[2])); //1 assign ex2_aembex_car_b[2] = (~(ex2_a_expo[3] | ex2_b_expo_b[3])); //1 assign ex2_aembex_car_b[3] = (~(ex2_a_expo[4] & ex2_b_expo_b[4])); //0 assign ex2_aembex_car_b[4] = (~(ex2_a_expo[5] & ex2_b_expo_b[5])); //0 assign ex2_aembex_car_b[5] = (~(ex2_a_expo[6] & ex2_b_expo_b[6])); //0 assign ex2_aembex_car_b[6] = (~(ex2_a_expo[7] & ex2_b_expo_b[7])); //0 assign ex2_aembex_car_b[7] = (~(ex2_a_expo[8] & ex2_b_expo_b[8])); //0 assign ex2_aembex_car_b[8] = (~(ex2_a_expo[9] & ex2_b_expo_b[9])); //0 assign ex2_aembex_car_b[9] = (~(ex2_a_expo[10] & ex2_b_expo_b[10])); //0 assign ex2_aembex_car_b[10] = (~(ex2_a_expo[11] & ex2_b_expo_b[11])); //0 assign ex2_aembex_car_b[11] = (~(ex2_a_expo[12] | ex2_b_expo_b[12])); //1 assign ex2_aembex_car_b[12] = (~(ex2_a_expo[13] & ex2_b_expo_b[13])); //0 assign ex2_aembex_sum_b[1] = (ex2_a_expo[1] ^ ex2_b_expo_b[1]); //1 assign ex2_aembex_sum_b[2] = (ex2_a_expo[2] ^ ex2_b_expo_b[2]); //1 assign ex2_aembex_sum_b[3] = (ex2_a_expo[3] ^ ex2_b_expo_b[3]); //1 assign ex2_aembex_sum_b[4] = (~(ex2_a_expo[4] ^ ex2_b_expo_b[4])); //0 assign ex2_aembex_sum_b[5] = (~(ex2_a_expo[5] ^ ex2_b_expo_b[5])); //0 assign ex2_aembex_sum_b[6] = (~(ex2_a_expo[6] ^ ex2_b_expo_b[6])); //0 assign ex2_aembex_sum_b[7] = (~(ex2_a_expo[7] ^ ex2_b_expo_b[7])); //0 assign ex2_aembex_sum_b[8] = (~(ex2_a_expo[8] ^ ex2_b_expo_b[8])); //0 assign ex2_aembex_sum_b[9] = (~(ex2_a_expo[9] ^ ex2_b_expo_b[9])); //0 assign ex2_aembex_sum_b[10] = (~(ex2_a_expo[10] ^ ex2_b_expo_b[10])); //0 assign ex2_aembex_sum_b[11] = (~(ex2_a_expo[11] ^ ex2_b_expo_b[11])); //0 assign ex2_aembex_sum_b[12] = (ex2_a_expo[12] ^ ex2_b_expo_b[12]); //1 assign ex2_aembex_sum_b[13] = (~(ex2_a_expo[13] ^ ex2_b_expo_b[13])); //0 // want to know if the final sign is negative or positive assign ex2_aembex_sgn = ex2_aembex_sum_b[1] ^ ex2_aembex_car_b[1]; assign ex2_aembex_g1[2:12] = (~(ex2_aembex_sum_b[2:12] | ex2_aembex_car_b[2:12])); assign ex2_aembex_t1[2:12] = (~(ex2_aembex_sum_b[2:12] & ex2_aembex_car_b[2:12])); assign ex2_aembex_g2[0] = ex2_aembex_g1[2] | (ex2_aembex_t1[2] & ex2_aembex_g1[3]); assign ex2_aembex_g2[1] = ex2_aembex_g1[4] | (ex2_aembex_t1[4] & ex2_aembex_g1[5]); assign ex2_aembex_g2[2] = ex2_aembex_g1[6] | (ex2_aembex_t1[6] & ex2_aembex_g1[7]); assign ex2_aembex_g2[3] = ex2_aembex_g1[8] | (ex2_aembex_t1[8] & ex2_aembex_g1[9]); assign ex2_aembex_g2[4] = ex2_aembex_g1[10] | (ex2_aembex_t1[10] & ex2_aembex_g1[11]); assign ex2_aembex_g2[5] = ex2_aembex_g1[12]; assign ex2_aembex_t2[0] = (ex2_aembex_t1[2] & ex2_aembex_t1[3]); assign ex2_aembex_t2[1] = (ex2_aembex_t1[4] & ex2_aembex_t1[5]); assign ex2_aembex_t2[2] = (ex2_aembex_t1[6] & ex2_aembex_t1[7]); assign ex2_aembex_t2[3] = (ex2_aembex_t1[8] & ex2_aembex_t1[9]); assign ex2_aembex_t2[4] = (ex2_aembex_t1[10] & ex2_aembex_t1[11]); assign ex2_aembex_g4[0] = ex2_aembex_g2[0] | (ex2_aembex_t2[0] & ex2_aembex_g2[1]); assign ex2_aembex_g4[1] = ex2_aembex_g2[2] | (ex2_aembex_t2[2] & ex2_aembex_g2[3]); assign ex2_aembex_g4[2] = ex2_aembex_g2[4] | (ex2_aembex_t2[4] & ex2_aembex_g2[5]); assign ex2_aembex_t4[0] = (ex2_aembex_t2[0] & ex2_aembex_t2[1]); assign ex2_aembex_t4[1] = (ex2_aembex_t2[2] & ex2_aembex_t2[3]); //-------------------------------------------- assign ex2_aembey_car_b[0] = (~(ex2_a_expo[1] & ex2_b_expo_b[1])); //0 assign ex2_aembey_car_b[1] = (~(ex2_a_expo[2] & ex2_b_expo_b[2])); //0 assign ex2_aembey_car_b[2] = (~(ex2_a_expo[3] & ex2_b_expo_b[3])); //0 assign ex2_aembey_car_b[3] = (~(ex2_a_expo[4] | ex2_b_expo_b[4])); //1 assign ex2_aembey_car_b[4] = (~(ex2_a_expo[5] | ex2_b_expo_b[5])); //1 assign ex2_aembey_car_b[5] = (~(ex2_a_expo[6] | ex2_b_expo_b[6])); //1 assign ex2_aembey_car_b[6] = (~(ex2_a_expo[7] | ex2_b_expo_b[7])); //1 assign ex2_aembey_car_b[7] = (~(ex2_a_expo[8] | ex2_b_expo_b[8])); //1 assign ex2_aembey_car_b[8] = (~(ex2_a_expo[9] | ex2_b_expo_b[9])); //1 assign ex2_aembey_car_b[9] = (~(ex2_a_expo[10] | ex2_b_expo_b[10])); //1 assign ex2_aembey_car_b[10] = (~(ex2_a_expo[11] | ex2_b_expo_b[11])); //1 assign ex2_aembey_car_b[11] = (~(ex2_a_expo[12] & ex2_b_expo_b[12])); //0 assign ex2_aembey_car_b[12] = (~(ex2_a_expo[13] | ex2_b_expo_b[13])); //1 assign ex2_aembey_sum_b[1] = (~(ex2_a_expo[1] ^ ex2_b_expo_b[1])); //0 assign ex2_aembey_sum_b[2] = (~(ex2_a_expo[2] ^ ex2_b_expo_b[2])); //0 assign ex2_aembey_sum_b[3] = (~(ex2_a_expo[3] ^ ex2_b_expo_b[3])); //0 assign ex2_aembey_sum_b[4] = (ex2_a_expo[4] ^ ex2_b_expo_b[4]); //1 assign ex2_aembey_sum_b[5] = (ex2_a_expo[5] ^ ex2_b_expo_b[5]); //1 assign ex2_aembey_sum_b[6] = (ex2_a_expo[6] ^ ex2_b_expo_b[6]); //1 assign ex2_aembey_sum_b[7] = (ex2_a_expo[7] ^ ex2_b_expo_b[7]); //1 assign ex2_aembey_sum_b[8] = (ex2_a_expo[8] ^ ex2_b_expo_b[8]); //1 assign ex2_aembey_sum_b[9] = (ex2_a_expo[9] ^ ex2_b_expo_b[9]); //1 assign ex2_aembey_sum_b[10] = (ex2_a_expo[10] ^ ex2_b_expo_b[10]); //1 assign ex2_aembey_sum_b[11] = (ex2_a_expo[11] ^ ex2_b_expo_b[11]); //1 assign ex2_aembey_sum_b[12] = (~(ex2_a_expo[12] ^ ex2_b_expo_b[12])); //0 assign ex2_aembey_sum_b[13] = (ex2_a_expo[13] ^ ex2_b_expo_b[13]); //1 // want to know if the final sign is negative or positive assign ex2_aembey_sgn = ex2_aembey_sum_b[1] ^ ex2_aembey_car_b[1]; assign ex2_aembey_g1[2:12] = (~(ex2_aembey_sum_b[2:12] | ex2_aembey_car_b[2:12])); assign ex2_aembey_t1[2:12] = (~(ex2_aembey_sum_b[2:12] & ex2_aembey_car_b[2:12])); assign ex2_aembey_g2[0] = ex2_aembey_g1[2] | (ex2_aembey_t1[2] & ex2_aembey_g1[3]); assign ex2_aembey_g2[1] = ex2_aembey_g1[4] | (ex2_aembey_t1[4] & ex2_aembey_g1[5]); assign ex2_aembey_g2[2] = ex2_aembey_g1[6] | (ex2_aembey_t1[6] & ex2_aembey_g1[7]); assign ex2_aembey_g2[3] = ex2_aembey_g1[8] | (ex2_aembey_t1[8] & ex2_aembey_g1[9]); assign ex2_aembey_g2[4] = ex2_aembey_g1[10] | (ex2_aembey_t1[10] & ex2_aembey_g1[11]); assign ex2_aembey_g2[5] = ex2_aembey_g1[12]; assign ex2_aembey_t2[0] = (ex2_aembey_t1[2] & ex2_aembey_t1[3]); assign ex2_aembey_t2[1] = (ex2_aembey_t1[4] & ex2_aembey_t1[5]); assign ex2_aembey_t2[2] = (ex2_aembey_t1[6] & ex2_aembey_t1[7]); assign ex2_aembey_t2[3] = (ex2_aembey_t1[8] & ex2_aembey_t1[9]); assign ex2_aembey_t2[4] = (ex2_aembey_t1[10] & ex2_aembey_t1[11]); assign ex2_aembey_g4[0] = ex2_aembey_g2[0] | (ex2_aembey_t2[0] & ex2_aembey_g2[1]); assign ex2_aembey_g4[1] = ex2_aembey_g2[2] | (ex2_aembey_t2[2] & ex2_aembey_g2[3]); assign ex2_aembey_g4[2] = ex2_aembey_g2[4] | (ex2_aembey_t2[4] & ex2_aembey_g2[5]); assign ex2_aembey_t4[0] = (ex2_aembey_t2[0] & ex2_aembey_t2[1]); assign ex2_aembey_t4[1] = (ex2_aembey_t2[2] & ex2_aembey_t2[3]); //---------------------------------------------------- tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(80), .IBUF(1'B1), .NEEDS_SRESET(0)) ex3_pass_lat( .force_t(force_t), //i-- tidn, .d_mode(tiup), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr[2]), //i-- tidn, .mpw1_b(mpw1_b[2]), //i-- tidn, .mpw2_b(mpw2_b[0]), //i-- tidn, .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .clk(clk), .rst(rst), .act(ex2_act), .thold_b(thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scout(ex3_pass_so), .scin(ex3_pass_si), //----------------- .din({ ex2_fsel_bsel, ex2_pass_sign, ex2_pass_frac[0:52], ex2_b_den_flush, ex2_lu_den_recip, ex2_lu_den_rsqrto, ex2_uc_a_expo_den, ex2_uc_a_expo_den_sp, ex2_a_party_chick, ex2_c_party_chick, ex2_b_party_chick, ex2_ae_ge_54, ex2_be_ge_54, ex2_be_ge_2, ex2_be_ge_2044, ex2_aembex_g4[0], ex2_aembex_t4[0], ex2_aembex_g4[1], ex2_aembex_t4[1], ex2_aembex_g4[2], ex2_aembey_g4[0], ex2_aembey_t4[0], ex2_aembey_g4[1], ex2_aembey_t4[1], ex2_aembey_g4[2], ex2_aembex_sgn, ex2_aembey_sgn, ex2_be_den}), //----------------- .dout({ ex3_fsel_bsel, ex3_pass_sign, ex3_pass_frac[0:52], ex3_b_den_flush, ex3_lu_den_recip, ex3_lu_den_rsqrto, ex3_uc_a_expo_den, ex3_uc_a_expo_den_sp, ex3_a_party_chick, ex3_c_party_chick, ex3_b_party_chick, ex3_ae_ge_54, ex3_be_ge_54, ex3_be_ge_2, ex3_be_ge_2044, ex3_aembex_g4[0], ex3_aembex_t4[0], ex3_aembex_g4[1], ex3_aembex_t4[1], ex3_aembex_g4[2], ex3_aembey_g4[0], ex3_aembey_t4[0], ex3_aembey_g4[1], ex3_aembey_t4[1], ex3_aembey_g4[2], ex3_aembex_sgn, ex3_aembey_sgn, ex3_be_den}) ); assign f_fmt_ex3_be_den = ex3_be_den ; assign f_mad_ex3_a_parity_check = ex3_a_party_chick; //output-- assign f_mad_ex3_c_parity_check = ex3_c_party_chick; //output-- assign f_mad_ex3_b_parity_check = ex3_b_party_chick; //output-- assign f_mad_ex3_uc_a_expo_den = ex3_uc_a_expo_den; assign f_mad_ex3_uc_a_expo_den_sp = ex3_uc_a_expo_den_sp; assign f_ex3_b_den_flush = ex3_b_den_flush; assign f_fmt_ex3_fsel_bsel = ex3_fsel_bsel; //output-- assign f_fmt_ex3_pass_sign = ex3_pass_sign; //output-- assign f_fmt_ex3_pass_msb = ex3_pass_frac[1]; //output-- assign ex3_pass_dp[0:52] = ex3_pass_frac[0:52]; assign f_fmt_ex3_pass_frac[0:52] = ex3_pass_dp[0:52]; //output-- // -- shift 26 positions for SP // -- if expo is very small in dp format, <invalid sp operand> // -- the lzo will shift 0 // -- this leaves room so [0:23]G,X are all zero. // -- could use shift 24 , if invalid sp op forces a NAN. // assign ex3_aembex_g8[0] = ex3_aembex_g4[0] | (ex3_aembex_t4[0] & ex3_aembex_g4[1]); assign ex3_aembex_g8[1] = ex3_aembex_g4[2]; assign ex3_aembex_t8[0] = (ex3_aembex_t4[0] & ex3_aembex_t4[1]); assign ex3_aembex_c2 = ex3_aembex_g8[0] | (ex3_aembex_t8[0] & ex3_aembex_g8[1]); assign ex3_aembey_g8[0] = ex3_aembey_g4[0] | (ex3_aembey_t4[0] & ex3_aembey_g4[1]); assign ex3_aembey_g8[1] = ex3_aembey_g4[2]; assign ex3_aembey_t8[0] = (ex3_aembey_t4[0] & ex3_aembey_t4[1]); assign ex3_aembey_c2 = ex3_aembey_g8[0] | (ex3_aembey_t8[0] & ex3_aembey_g8[1]); assign ex3_aembex_res_sgn = ex3_aembex_c2 ^ ex3_aembex_sgn; assign ex3_aembey_res_sgn = ex3_aembey_c2 ^ ex3_aembey_sgn; //output-- -- were the results positive or negative // ae - be -1023 >= 0, ae + !be + 1 - 1023 set if positive assign f_fmt_ex3_tdiv_rng_chk = ((~ex3_aembex_res_sgn)) | (ex3_aembey_res_sgn); // !(ae - be +1022 >= 0) , !(ae + !be + 1 + 1020) set if negtive assign f_fmt_ex3_ae_ge_54 = ex3_ae_ge_54; //output-- assign f_fmt_ex3_be_ge_54 = ex3_be_ge_54; //output-- assign f_fmt_ex3_be_ge_2 = ex3_be_ge_2; //output-- assign f_fmt_ex3_be_ge_2044 = ex3_be_ge_2044; //output-- //#=############################################################## //# ex3 logic //#=############################################################## //#=############################################################## //# scan string //#=############################################################## assign ex2_ctl_si[0:8] = {ex2_ctl_so[1:8], f_fmt_si}; assign ex3_pass_si[0:79] = {ex3_pass_so[1:79], ex2_ctl_so[0]}; assign act_si[0:6] = {act_so[1:6], ex3_pass_so[0]}; assign f_fmt_so = act_so[0]; endmodule