openpowerwtf 3 years ago
parent 9ab76e393b
commit d932a090ce

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
# OP Environment

import math

import cocotb
from cocotb.triggers import Timer
from cocotb.handle import Force
@ -84,6 +86,7 @@ class TransQ(DotMap):
def __init__(self):

# could allow registering callback for loads and/or stores in range
class Memory(DotMap):

def __init__(self, sim, default=0, logStores=True):
@ -140,11 +143,77 @@ class Memory(DotMap):
self.sim.msg(f'Mem Update: @{addr:08X} {self.data[addr]:08X}->{data:08X}')
self.data[addr] = data

def dump(self, start, end, cols=4, ascii=True, trimLeadingZeros=False, trimTrailingZeros=False):
#wtf check for start>end and do in reverse
#wtf trimTrailingZeros

# word-align
wordstart = (start >> 2) << 2
wordend = (end >> 2) << 2
# column align (handles powers of 2)
c = int(math.log2(cols))
# address of column 0 of first line
linestart = (wordstart >> 2 >> c) << c << 2
# column of wordstart
colstart = (wordstart>>2) - (linestart>>2)
# word address
word = wordstart>>2

text = ''
row = ''
rowTransDict = {}
for i in range(32):
rowTransDict[i] = '.'

# first line may be unaligned by row
zeros = True
if colstart != 0:
textRow += f'{linestart:08X}: '
for i in range(colstart):
textRow += f'{"":8s} '
row += f'{"":8s} '
for i in range(colstart, cols):
v = f'{self.read(word<<2):08X}'
textRow += v + ' '
if v != '00000000':
zeros = False
row += v
word +=1
rowb = bytearray.fromhex(row)
rowb = rowb.decode('iso-8859-1').translate(rowTransDict)
textRow += (' ' + rowb) if ascii else ''
textRow += '\n'
if not trimLeadingZeros or not zeros:
text += textRow

lastword = wordend >> 2
while (word <= lastword):
textRow = f'{word<<2:08X}: '
row = ''
for j in range(cols):
v = f'{self.read(word<<2):08X}'
textRow += v + ' '
if v != '00000000':
zeros = False
row += v
word += 1
if (word > lastword):
rowb = bytearray.fromhex(row)
rowb = rowb.decode('iso-8859-1').translate(rowTransDict)
textRow += (' ' + rowb) if ascii else ''
textRow += '\n'
if not trimLeadingZeros or not zeros:
text += textRow

return text

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Functions

# the zero char pad should be based on pad value; currently 64 max
def hex(n, pad=0):
if pad:
return f'000000000000000000000000{n.value.hex()[2:].upper()}'[-pad:]
return f'0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000{n.value.hex()[2:].upper()}'[-pad:]
return n.value.hex()[2:].upper()
