hang detect

openpowerwtf 3 years ago
parent d262ec40a4
commit 41d69cc86a

@ -43,6 +43,8 @@ async def A2OConfig(dut, sim):
sim.msg(f'A2O: load credits changed from {creditsLd.value.integer} to {sim.a2o.config.creditsLd}.')
await RisingEdge(dut.clk_1x)
creditsLd.value = Release()
sim.msg(f'A2O: load credits = {creditsLd.value.integer}.')

if sim.a2o.config.creditsSt is not None:
creditsSt.value = Force(sim.a2o.config.creditsSt)
@ -50,6 +52,8 @@ async def A2OConfig(dut, sim):
sim.msg(f'A2O: store credits changed from {creditsSt.value.integer} to {sim.a2o.config.creditsSt}.')
await RisingEdge(dut.clk_1x)
creditsSt.value = Release()
sim.msg(f'A2O: store credits = {creditsSt.value.integer}.')

if sim.a2o.config.creditsLdStSingle is not None:
v = 1 if sim.a2o.config.creditsLdStSingle else 0
@ -57,6 +61,8 @@ async def A2OConfig(dut, sim):
sim.msg(f'A2O: only one load OR store allowed when credits=1/1.')
await RisingEdge(dut.clk_1x)
#creditsLdStSingle.value = Release() # to release have to set _q with xucr0_d[51] and xucr0_act
elif sim.a2o.root.lq0.lsq.arb.load_cred_cnt_q.value.integer == 1 and sim.a2o.root.lq0.lsq.arb.store_cred_cnt_q.value.integer == 1 and sim.a2o.root.lq0.lsq.arb.spr_xucr0_cred_q.value.integer == 1:
sim.msg(f'A2O: single-credit mode is enabled.')

#wtf make a function - needs mask,thread
if sim.a2o.config.lsDataForward is not None:
@ -208,6 +214,7 @@ async def A2OMonitor(dut, sim):

lastComp = ''
lastCompCycle = 0
lastCompCount = 0
lastStack = ''
lastPrintf = ''
@ -240,9 +247,16 @@ async def A2OMonitor(dut, sim):
if iu1Comp.value == 1:
comp = f'{comp}1:{sim.safeint(iu1CompIFAR.value.binstr + "00", 2):06X} '

if comp != '':
if comp == '':
if sim.a2o.stopOnHang != 0 and sim.cycle - lastCompCycle > sim.a2o.stopOnHang:
sim.ok = False
sim.fail = f'No completion detected in {sim.a2o.stopOnHang} cycles'
assert False, sim.fail
comp = f'{comp}{sim.safeint(iuCompFlushIFAR.value.binstr + "00", 2):016X}'
sim.msg(f'C0: CP {comp}')
lastCompCycle = sim.cycle

if sim.a2o.iarPass is not None:
if sim.safeint(iu0CompIFAR.value.binstr + "00", 2) == sim.a2o.iarPass:
@ -320,7 +334,8 @@ class A2OCore(DotMap):
self.root = root
self.traceFacUpdates = False
self.stopOnLoop = 0
self.stopOnHang = 0 # cycles of no completions; could be tuple(start cyc, hang cycs)
self.stopOnLoop = 0 # number of consecutive identical comopletions
self.iarPass = None
self.iarFail = None
self.config = DotMap({
