tie pervasive sigs in rtl

openpowerwtf 3 years ago
parent ea41dbaafa
commit 11724a1c12

@ -6,7 +6,9 @@ SIM ?= icarus
# icarus
VERILOG_ROOT = ../../verilog

COMPILE_ARGS = -I$(VERILOG_ROOT)/trilib -I$(VERILOG_ROOT)/work -y$(VERILOG_ROOT)/unisims -y$(VERILOG_ROOT)/trilib_clk1x -y$(VERILOG_ROOT)/trilib -y$(VERILOG_ROOT)/work -y$(VERILOG_ROOT)/a2node
# a2node_verilator has some test, etc. inputs tied in rtl
# also has l/s credits set to 1 in defines
COMPILE_ARGS = -I$(VERILOG_ROOT)/a2node_verilator -I$(VERILOG_ROOT)/trilib -I$(VERILOG_ROOT)/work -y$(VERILOG_ROOT)/unisims -y$(VERILOG_ROOT)/trilib_clk1x -y$(VERILOG_ROOT)/trilib -y$(VERILOG_ROOT)/work -y$(VERILOG_ROOT)/a2node_verilator

# other options

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ module cocotb_icarus_node (
input scan_in,
output scan_out,

// Pervasive clock control
input an_ac_rtim_sl_thold_8,
input an_ac_func_sl_thold_8,
@ -24,6 +25,7 @@ module cocotb_icarus_node (
input [0:3] an_ac_scom_sat_id,
input an_ac_scom_dch,
input an_ac_scom_cch,
output ac_an_scom_dch,
output ac_an_scom_cch,

@ -55,6 +57,7 @@ module cocotb_icarus_node (
output ac_an_rvwinkle_mode,
input an_ac_flh2l2_gate,

// Clock, Test, and LCB Controls
input an_ac_gsd_test_enable_dc,
input an_ac_gsd_test_acmode_dc,
@ -68,13 +71,16 @@ module cocotb_icarus_node (

//Thold input to clock control macro
input [0:8] an_ac_scan_type_dc,

// Pervasive
output ac_an_reset_1_request,
output ac_an_reset_2_request,
output ac_an_reset_3_request,
output ac_an_reset_wd_request,
input an_ac_lbist_ary_wrt_thru_dc,
input [0:`THREADS-1] an_ac_sleep_en,
input [0:`THREADS-1] an_ac_ext_interrupt,
input [0:`THREADS-1] an_ac_crit_interrupt,
@ -82,8 +88,10 @@ module cocotb_icarus_node (
input [0:`THREADS-1] an_ac_hang_pulse,
input an_ac_tb_update_enable,
input an_ac_tb_update_pulse,
input [0:3] an_ac_chipid_dc,
input [0:7] an_ac_coreid,
output [0:`THREADS-1] ac_an_machine_check,
input an_ac_debug_stop,
output [0:`THREADS-1] ac_an_debug_trigger,
@ -115,6 +123,7 @@ a2owb c0 (

// Pervasive clock control
@ -128,6 +137,7 @@ a2owb c0 (

@ -158,6 +168,7 @@ a2owb c0 (

// Clock, Test, and LCB Controls
@ -171,13 +182,15 @@ a2owb c0 (

//Thold input to clock control macro

// Pervasive
@ -185,8 +198,10 @@ a2owb c0 (

@ -0,0 +1,428 @@
// © IBM Corp. 2022
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
// the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
// compliance with the License as modified.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Modified Terms:
// 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
// License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
// in physical form.
// 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
// necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
// via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
// hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
// of the EULA.
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
// for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
// Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
// is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
// available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be
// obtained (along with the Power ISA) here: https://openpowerfoundation.org.

// A2L2 bridge
// single req (shared L/S credit)
// interface to a sim mem[]

`include "tri_a2o.vh"

`timescale 1ns/1ps

module a2l2wb #(
parameter MEM_MODE = 0, // 0:ext 1:int 2:wb
parameter MEM_QW = 16384
input clk,
input rst,

input ac_an_req_pwr_token,
input ac_an_req,
input [64-`REAL_IFAR_WIDTH:63] ac_an_req_ra,
input [0:5] ac_an_req_ttype,
input [0:2] ac_an_req_thread,
input [0:4] ac_an_req_ld_core_tag,
input [0:2] ac_an_req_ld_xfr_len,
input ac_an_req_wimg_w,
input ac_an_req_wimg_i,
input ac_an_req_wimg_m,
input ac_an_req_wimg_g,
input ac_an_req_endian,
input [0:3] ac_an_req_user_defined,
input [0:3] ac_an_req_spare_ctrl_a0,
input ac_an_st_data_pwr_token,
input [0:31] ac_an_st_byte_enbl,
input [0:255] ac_an_st_data,

output an_ac_reld_data_vld,
output [0:4] an_ac_reld_core_tag,
output [0:127] an_ac_reld_data,
output [58:59] an_ac_reld_qw,
output an_ac_reld_ecc_err,
output an_ac_reld_ecc_err_ue,
output an_ac_reld_data_coming,
output an_ac_reld_ditc,
output an_ac_reld_crit_qw,
output an_ac_reld_l1_dump,
output [0:3] an_ac_req_spare_ctrl_a1,
output [0:`THREADS-1] an_ac_sync_ack,

output an_ac_req_ld_pop,
output an_ac_req_st_pop,
output an_ac_req_st_gather,

output [0:`THREADS-1] an_ac_stcx_complete,
output [0:`THREADS-1] an_ac_stcx_pass,
output [0:`THREADS-1] an_ac_reservation_vld,

output an_ac_icbi_ack,
output [0:1] an_ac_icbi_ack_thread,
output an_ac_back_inv,
output [64-`REAL_IFAR_WIDTH:63] an_ac_back_inv_addr,
output [0:4] an_ac_back_inv_target,
output an_ac_back_inv_local,
output an_ac_back_inv_lbit,
output an_ac_back_inv_gs,
output an_ac_back_inv_ind,
output [0:7] an_ac_back_inv_lpar_id,
input ac_an_back_inv_reject,
input [0:7] ac_an_lpar_id,
output an_ac_checkstop,

// direct-attach mem
output [0:31] mem_adr,
input [0:127] mem_dat,
output mem_wr_val,
output [0:15] mem_wr_be,
output [0:127] mem_wr_dat,

// wishbone
output wb_stb,
output wb_cyc,
output [31:0] wb_adr,
output wb_we,
output [3:0] wb_sel,
output [31:0] wb_datw,
input wb_ack,
input [31:0] wb_datr

// unsupported right now

assign an_ac_sync_ack = 0;
assign an_ac_stcx_complete = 0;
assign an_ac_stcx_pass = 0;
assign an_ac_reservation_vld = 0;

assign an_ac_icbi_ack = 0;
assign an_ac_icbi_ack_thread = 0;
assign an_ac_back_inv = 0;
assign an_ac_back_inv_addr = 0;
assign an_ac_back_inv_target = 0;
assign an_ac_back_inv_local = 0;
assign an_ac_back_inv_lbit = 0;
assign an_ac_back_inv_gs = 0;
assign an_ac_back_inv_ind = 0;
assign an_ac_back_inv_lpar_id = 0;

assign an_ac_req_st_gather = 0;
assign an_ac_req_spare_ctrl_a1 = 0;
assign an_ac_reld_l1_dump = 0;

wire [0:4] cmdseq_d;
reg [0:4] cmdseq_q /*verilator public */;
wire [0:30+`REAL_IFAR_WIDTH] req_d;
reg [0:30+`REAL_IFAR_WIDTH] req_q;
wire [0:31+256] std_d;
reg [0:31+256] std_q;
reg req_tkn_q;
reg std_tkn_q;
wire [0:255] rld_d;
reg [0:255] rld_q;
wire [0:1] qw_d;
reg [0:1] qw_q;
wire [0:1] mem_qw_d;
reg [0:1] mem_qw_q;
wire [0:7] err_d;
reg [0:7] err_q /*verilator public */;

wire new_req;
wire req_ld_val;
wire req_st_val;
wire req_ieq1;
wire req_le;
wire [64-`REAL_IFAR_WIDTH:63] req_adr;
wire [0:4] req_tag;
wire [0:2] req_len;
wire rld_coming;
wire rld_valid;
wire rld_done;
wire [0:1] rld_qw;
wire idle;
wire ld_ready;
wire st_ready;
wire do_store;
wire inc_qw;

// FF
always @(posedge clk) begin

if (rst) begin

cmdseq_q = 'b11111;
req_q = 0;
std_q = 0;
req_tkn_q = 0;
std_tkn_q = 0;
qw_q = 0;
mem_qw_q = 0;
err_q = 0;

end else begin

cmdseq_q = cmdseq_d;
req_q = req_d;
std_q = std_d;
req_tkn_q = ac_an_req_pwr_token;
std_tkn_q = ac_an_st_data_pwr_token;
qw_q = qw_d;
mem_qw_q = mem_qw_d;
err_q = err_d;


// adr needs to be created for cacheable!

// ext/int mem
// mem_adr --- (qw-aligned byte address)
// mem_dat ---

// external memory
generate if (MEM_MODE == 0)
assign mem_adr = req_st_val ? {req_adr[32:59], 4'b0000} : //{req_adr[64-`REAL_IFAR_WIDTH:59], 4'b0000} :
req_ieq1 ? req_adr[32:63] :
{req_adr[32:57], mem_qw_q, 4'b0000}; //{req_adr[64-`REAL_IFAR_WIDTH:57], mem_qw_q, 4'b0000};

// internal memory
generate if (MEM_MODE == 1) begin
reg [0:127] mem[MEM_QW];
wire [0:127] mem_dat_int;

always @(posedge clk) begin
if (mem_wr_val) begin
mem[req_adr] = mem_wr_dat;
assign mem_dat_int = mem[req_adr];

// clkgate
// oflow if req_q[0]==1!
assign new_req = req_tkn_q & ac_an_req;
assign req_d = new_req ?
{1'b1, // 0
ac_an_req_thread, // 1:3
ac_an_req_ttype, // 4:9
ac_an_req_ld_core_tag, // 10:14
ac_an_req_ra, // 15:56
ac_an_req_ld_xfr_len, // 57:59
ac_an_req_wimg_w, // 60
ac_an_req_wimg_i, // 61
ac_an_req_wimg_m, // 62
ac_an_req_wimg_g, // 63
ac_an_req_endian, // 64
ac_an_req_user_defined, // 65:68
ac_an_req_spare_ctrl_a0 // 69:72
} :
(rld_done | do_store) ? 0 : req_q;

assign std_d = std_tkn_q ? {ac_an_st_byte_enbl, // 0:31
ac_an_st_data // 32:287
} : do_store ? 0 : std_q;

// request
assign req_ld_val = req_q[0] & (
(req_q[4:9] == 6'b000000) | // if
(req_q[4:9] == 6'b001000) | // ld
(req_q[4:9] == 6'b100010) | // ditc
(req_q[4:9] == 6'b001001) | // larx
(req_q[4:9] == 6'b001011) // larx hint
assign req_ieq1 = req_q[61];
assign req_le = req_q[64];

assign req_st_val = req_q[0] & (
(req_q[4:9] == 6'b100000) | // st
(req_q[4:9] == 6'b101001) // stcx

assign req_tag = req_q[10:14];
assign req_adr = req_q[15:15+`REAL_IFAR_WIDTH-1];
assign req_len = req_q[57:59];

// random delay, or future functional stuff
assign ld_ready = 1;
assign st_ready = 1;

// b2b
// coming --- ---
// valid --- --- --- --- (and qualifiers)
// data --- --- --- --- (only 1 beat for ieq1)

// vtable -V -b 0 a2l2wb.v
//tbl cmdseq
//n cmdseq_q cmdseq_d
//n | | rld_coming
//n | req_ld_val | |rld_valid
//n | |req_st_val | ||do_store
//n | ||ld_ready | |||rld_done
//n | |||st_ready | ||||inc_qw
//n | ||||req_ieq1 | ||||| idle
//n | ||||| | ||||| |
//n | ||||| | ||||| |
//b 01234 ||||| 01234 ||||| |
//t iiiii iiiii ooooo ooooo o
//* Idle ****************************************************************
//s 11111 ----- ----- 00000 1
//s 11111 00--- 11111 00000 - * ...zzz...
//s 11111 1---- 00001 00000 -
//s 11111 -1--- 10000 00000 -
//* Load ****************************************************************
//s 00001 --0-- 00001 00000 0
//s 00001 --1-- 00010 10000 0
//* Reload V0 *********************************************************** * val 0
//s 00010 ----- 00011 01001 0
//* Reload Nop *********************************************************** * val 1 (not ieq1)
//s 00011 ----1 00100 00000 0
//s 00011 ----0 01000 11001 0
//* Reload D0 (I=1) ****************************************************** * dat 0 (ieq1)
//s 00100 ----- 11111 00010 0
//* Reload D0 ************************************************************ * val 2, dat 0
//s 01000 ----- 01001 01001 0
//* Reload D1 ************************************************************ * val 3, dat 1
//s 01001 ----- 01010 01001 0
//* Reload D2 ************************************************************ * dat 2
//s 01010 ----- 01011 00000 0
//* Reload D3 ************************************************************ * dat 3
//s 01011 ----- 11111 00010 0
//* Store ***************************************************************
//s 10000 ---0- 10000 00000 0
//s 10000 ---1- 11111 00100 0
//tbl cmdseq

// crit first uses qw pattern instead of +1
// valid (d-2)
assign qw_d = new_req ? 0 :
inc_qw ? qw_q + 1 :

assign rld_qw = req_ieq1 ? 2'b00 : qw_q;

// mem address (d-1)
assign mem_qw_d = rld_qw;

// response
assign an_ac_reld_ecc_err = 0;
assign an_ac_reld_ecc_err_ue = 0;
assign an_ac_reld_ditc = 0;

// loads
assign an_ac_reld_data_coming = rld_coming;
assign an_ac_reld_data_vld = rld_valid;
assign an_ac_reld_core_tag = req_tag;
assign an_ac_reld_qw = rld_qw;
assign an_ac_reld_crit_qw = req_ieq1 | (req_adr[58:59] == rld_qw);
assign an_ac_reld_data = mem_dat;
assign an_ac_req_ld_pop = rld_done;

// stores
assign an_ac_req_st_pop = do_store;

// BE, 16B max store
assign mem_wr_val = do_store;
assign mem_wr_be = std_q[0:15];
assign mem_wr_dat = std_q[32:32+127];

// misc
assign err_d = {(new_req & ~idle), 7'b0};
assign an_ac_checkstop = err_q != 0;

//vtable cmdseq
assign cmdseq_d[0] =
(cmdseq_q[0] & cmdseq_q[1] & cmdseq_q[2] & cmdseq_q[3] & cmdseq_q[4] & ~req_ld_val & ~req_st_val) +
(cmdseq_q[0] & cmdseq_q[1] & cmdseq_q[2] & cmdseq_q[3] & cmdseq_q[4] & req_st_val) +
(~cmdseq_q[0] & ~cmdseq_q[1] & cmdseq_q[2] & ~cmdseq_q[3] & ~cmdseq_q[4]) +
(~cmdseq_q[0] & cmdseq_q[1] & ~cmdseq_q[2] & cmdseq_q[3] & cmdseq_q[4]) +
(cmdseq_q[0] & ~cmdseq_q[1] & ~cmdseq_q[2] & ~cmdseq_q[3] & ~cmdseq_q[4] & ~st_ready) +
(cmdseq_q[0] & ~cmdseq_q[1] & ~cmdseq_q[2] & ~cmdseq_q[3] & ~cmdseq_q[4] & st_ready);
assign cmdseq_d[1] =
(cmdseq_q[0] & cmdseq_q[1] & cmdseq_q[2] & cmdseq_q[3] & cmdseq_q[4] & ~req_ld_val & ~req_st_val) +
(~cmdseq_q[0] & ~cmdseq_q[1] & ~cmdseq_q[2] & cmdseq_q[3] & cmdseq_q[4] & ~req_ieq1) +
(~cmdseq_q[0] & ~cmdseq_q[1] & cmdseq_q[2] & ~cmdseq_q[3] & ~cmdseq_q[4]) +
(~cmdseq_q[0] & cmdseq_q[1] & ~cmdseq_q[2] & ~cmdseq_q[3] & ~cmdseq_q[4]) +
(~cmdseq_q[0] & cmdseq_q[1] & ~cmdseq_q[2] & ~cmdseq_q[3] & cmdseq_q[4]) +
(~cmdseq_q[0] & cmdseq_q[1] & ~cmdseq_q[2] & cmdseq_q[3] & ~cmdseq_q[4]) +
(~cmdseq_q[0] & cmdseq_q[1] & ~cmdseq_q[2] & cmdseq_q[3] & cmdseq_q[4]) +
(cmdseq_q[0] & ~cmdseq_q[1] & ~cmdseq_q[2] & ~cmdseq_q[3] & ~cmdseq_q[4] & st_ready);
assign cmdseq_d[2] =
(cmdseq_q[0] & cmdseq_q[1] & cmdseq_q[2] & cmdseq_q[3] & cmdseq_q[4] & ~req_ld_val & ~req_st_val) +
(~cmdseq_q[0] & ~cmdseq_q[1] & ~cmdseq_q[2] & cmdseq_q[3] & cmdseq_q[4] & req_ieq1) +
(~cmdseq_q[0] & ~cmdseq_q[1] & cmdseq_q[2] & ~cmdseq_q[3] & ~cmdseq_q[4]) +
(~cmdseq_q[0] & cmdseq_q[1] & ~cmdseq_q[2] & cmdseq_q[3] & cmdseq_q[4]) +
(cmdseq_q[0] & ~cmdseq_q[1] & ~cmdseq_q[2] & ~cmdseq_q[3] & ~cmdseq_q[4] & st_ready);
assign cmdseq_d[3] =
(cmdseq_q[0] & cmdseq_q[1] & cmdseq_q[2] & cmdseq_q[3] & cmdseq_q[4] & ~req_ld_val & ~req_st_val) +
(~cmdseq_q[0] & ~cmdseq_q[1] & ~cmdseq_q[2] & ~cmdseq_q[3] & cmdseq_q[4] & ld_ready) +
(~cmdseq_q[0] & ~cmdseq_q[1] & ~cmdseq_q[2] & cmdseq_q[3] & ~cmdseq_q[4]) +
(~cmdseq_q[0] & ~cmdseq_q[1] & cmdseq_q[2] & ~cmdseq_q[3] & ~cmdseq_q[4]) +
(~cmdseq_q[0] & cmdseq_q[1] & ~cmdseq_q[2] & ~cmdseq_q[3] & cmdseq_q[4]) +
(~cmdseq_q[0] & cmdseq_q[1] & ~cmdseq_q[2] & cmdseq_q[3] & ~cmdseq_q[4]) +
(~cmdseq_q[0] & cmdseq_q[1] & ~cmdseq_q[2] & cmdseq_q[3] & cmdseq_q[4]) +
(cmdseq_q[0] & ~cmdseq_q[1] & ~cmdseq_q[2] & ~cmdseq_q[3] & ~cmdseq_q[4] & st_ready);
assign cmdseq_d[4] =
(cmdseq_q[0] & cmdseq_q[1] & cmdseq_q[2] & cmdseq_q[3] & cmdseq_q[4] & ~req_ld_val & ~req_st_val) +
(cmdseq_q[0] & cmdseq_q[1] & cmdseq_q[2] & cmdseq_q[3] & cmdseq_q[4] & req_ld_val) +
(~cmdseq_q[0] & ~cmdseq_q[1] & ~cmdseq_q[2] & ~cmdseq_q[3] & cmdseq_q[4] & ~ld_ready) +
(~cmdseq_q[0] & ~cmdseq_q[1] & ~cmdseq_q[2] & cmdseq_q[3] & ~cmdseq_q[4]) +
(~cmdseq_q[0] & ~cmdseq_q[1] & cmdseq_q[2] & ~cmdseq_q[3] & ~cmdseq_q[4]) +
(~cmdseq_q[0] & cmdseq_q[1] & ~cmdseq_q[2] & ~cmdseq_q[3] & ~cmdseq_q[4]) +
(~cmdseq_q[0] & cmdseq_q[1] & ~cmdseq_q[2] & cmdseq_q[3] & ~cmdseq_q[4]) +
(~cmdseq_q[0] & cmdseq_q[1] & ~cmdseq_q[2] & cmdseq_q[3] & cmdseq_q[4]) +
(cmdseq_q[0] & ~cmdseq_q[1] & ~cmdseq_q[2] & ~cmdseq_q[3] & ~cmdseq_q[4] & st_ready);
assign rld_coming =
(~cmdseq_q[0] & ~cmdseq_q[1] & ~cmdseq_q[2] & ~cmdseq_q[3] & cmdseq_q[4] & ld_ready) +
(~cmdseq_q[0] & ~cmdseq_q[1] & ~cmdseq_q[2] & cmdseq_q[3] & cmdseq_q[4] & ~req_ieq1);
assign rld_valid =
(~cmdseq_q[0] & ~cmdseq_q[1] & ~cmdseq_q[2] & cmdseq_q[3] & ~cmdseq_q[4]) +
(~cmdseq_q[0] & ~cmdseq_q[1] & ~cmdseq_q[2] & cmdseq_q[3] & cmdseq_q[4] & ~req_ieq1) +
(~cmdseq_q[0] & cmdseq_q[1] & ~cmdseq_q[2] & ~cmdseq_q[3] & ~cmdseq_q[4]) +
(~cmdseq_q[0] & cmdseq_q[1] & ~cmdseq_q[2] & ~cmdseq_q[3] & cmdseq_q[4]);
assign do_store =
(cmdseq_q[0] & ~cmdseq_q[1] & ~cmdseq_q[2] & ~cmdseq_q[3] & ~cmdseq_q[4] & st_ready);
assign rld_done =
(~cmdseq_q[0] & ~cmdseq_q[1] & cmdseq_q[2] & ~cmdseq_q[3] & ~cmdseq_q[4]) +
(~cmdseq_q[0] & cmdseq_q[1] & ~cmdseq_q[2] & cmdseq_q[3] & cmdseq_q[4]);
assign inc_qw =
(~cmdseq_q[0] & ~cmdseq_q[1] & ~cmdseq_q[2] & cmdseq_q[3] & ~cmdseq_q[4]) +
(~cmdseq_q[0] & ~cmdseq_q[1] & ~cmdseq_q[2] & cmdseq_q[3] & cmdseq_q[4] & ~req_ieq1) +
(~cmdseq_q[0] & cmdseq_q[1] & ~cmdseq_q[2] & ~cmdseq_q[3] & ~cmdseq_q[4]) +
(~cmdseq_q[0] & cmdseq_q[1] & ~cmdseq_q[2] & ~cmdseq_q[3] & cmdseq_q[4]);
assign idle =
(cmdseq_q[0] & cmdseq_q[1] & cmdseq_q[2] & cmdseq_q[3] & cmdseq_q[4]);
//vtable cmdseq


@ -0,0 +1,515 @@
// add ties for all the test junk, etc. so they can be optimized out of model

// © IBM Corp. 2022
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
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// You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Modified Terms:
// 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
// License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
// in physical form.
// 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
// necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
// via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
// hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
// of the EULA.
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
// for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
// Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
// is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
// available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be
// obtained (along with the Power ISA) here: https://openpowerfoundation.org.

`include "tri_a2o.vh"

`timescale 1ns/1ps

module a2owb (

input [0:`NCLK_WIDTH-1] nclk,
input scan_in,
output scan_out,

// Pervasive clock control
input an_ac_rtim_sl_thold_8,
input an_ac_func_sl_thold_8,
input an_ac_func_nsl_thold_8,
input an_ac_ary_nsl_thold_8,
input an_ac_sg_8,
input an_ac_fce_8,
input [0:7] an_ac_abst_scan_in,

//SCOM Satellite
input [0:3] an_ac_scom_sat_id,
input an_ac_scom_dch,
input an_ac_scom_cch,
output ac_an_scom_dch,
output ac_an_scom_cch,

// FIR and Error Signals
output [0:`THREADS-1] ac_an_special_attn,
output [0:2] ac_an_checkstop,
output [0:2] ac_an_local_checkstop,
output [0:2] ac_an_recov_err,
output ac_an_trace_error,
output ac_an_livelock_active,

// Perfmon Event Bus
output [0:4*`THREADS-1] ac_an_event_bus0,
output [0:4*`THREADS-1] ac_an_event_bus1,

// Power Management
output [0:`THREADS-1] ac_an_pm_thread_running,
input [0:`THREADS-1] an_ac_pm_thread_stop,
input [0:`THREADS-1] an_ac_pm_fetch_halt,

// Clock, Test, and LCB Controls
input an_ac_gsd_test_enable_dc,
input an_ac_gsd_test_acmode_dc,
input an_ac_ccflush_dc,
input an_ac_ccenable_dc,
input an_ac_lbist_en_dc,
input an_ac_lbist_ip_dc,
input an_ac_lbist_ac_mode_dc,
input an_ac_scan_diag_dc,
input an_ac_scan_dis_dc_b,

//Thold input to clock control macro
input [0:8] an_ac_scan_type_dc,

// Pervasive
output ac_an_reset_1_request,
output ac_an_reset_2_request,
output ac_an_reset_3_request,
output ac_an_reset_wd_request,
input an_ac_lbist_ary_wrt_thru_dc,
input [0:`THREADS-1] an_ac_sleep_en,
input [0:`THREADS-1] an_ac_ext_interrupt,
input [0:`THREADS-1] an_ac_crit_interrupt,
input [0:`THREADS-1] an_ac_perf_interrupt,
input [0:`THREADS-1] an_ac_hang_pulse,
input an_ac_tb_update_enable,
input an_ac_tb_update_pulse,
input [0:3] an_ac_chipid_dc,
input [0:7] an_ac_coreid,
output [0:`THREADS-1] ac_an_machine_check,
input an_ac_debug_stop,
output [0:`THREADS-1] ac_an_debug_trigger,
input [0:`THREADS-1] an_ac_uncond_dbg_event,
output [0:31] ac_an_debug_bus,
output ac_an_coretrace_first_valid,
output ac_an_coretrace_valid,
output [0:1] ac_an_coretrace_type,
input an_ac_flh2l2_gate,
input an_ac_reset_1_complete,
input an_ac_reset_2_complete,
input an_ac_reset_3_complete,
input an_ac_reset_wd_complete,
output an_ac_checkstop,
input [0:`THREADS-1] an_ac_external_mchk,
output ac_an_power_managed,
output ac_an_rvwinkle_mode,

// direct-attach mem
output [0:31] mem_adr,
input [0:127] mem_dat,
output mem_wr_val,
output [0:15] mem_wr_be,
output [0:127] mem_wr_dat,

// wishbone
output wb_stb,
output wb_cyc,
output [31:0] wb_adr,
output wb_we,
output [3:0] wb_sel,
output [31:0] wb_datw,
input wb_ack,
input [31:0] wb_datr

wire [0:`THREADS-1] an_ac_stcx_complete /*verilator public */;
wire [0:`THREADS-1] an_ac_stcx_pass;
wire an_ac_icbi_ack;
wire [0:1] an_ac_icbi_ack_thread;
wire an_ac_back_inv_lbit;
wire an_ac_back_inv_gs;
wire an_ac_back_inv_ind;
wire ac_an_back_inv_reject;
wire an_ac_reld_data_vld;
wire an_ac_reld_ecc_err;
wire an_ac_reld_ecc_err_ue;
wire an_ac_reld_data_coming;
wire an_ac_reld_ditc;
wire an_ac_reld_crit_qw;
wire an_ac_reld_l1_dump;
wire an_ac_req_ld_pop;
wire an_ac_req_st_pop;
wire an_ac_req_st_gather;
wire ac_an_req_pwr_token;
wire ac_an_req /*verilator public */;
wire ac_an_req_wimg_w;
wire ac_an_req_wimg_i;
wire ac_an_req_wimg_m;
wire ac_an_req_wimg_g;
wire ac_an_req_endian;
wire ac_an_st_data_pwr_token;
wire [64-`REAL_IFAR_WIDTH:63] ac_an_req_ra /*verilator public */;
wire an_ac_back_inv;
wire an_ac_back_inv_local;
wire [0:4] an_ac_back_inv_target;
wire [0:7] an_ac_back_inv_lpar_id;
wire [0:7] ac_an_lpar_id;
wire [0:4] an_ac_reld_core_tag;
wire [0:127] an_ac_reld_data;
wire [0:1] an_ac_reld_qw;
wire [64-`REAL_IFAR_WIDTH:63] an_ac_back_inv_addr;
wire [0:5] ac_an_req_ttype;
wire [0:2] ac_an_req_thread;
wire [0:3] ac_an_req_user_defined;
wire [0:3] ac_an_req_spare_ctrl_a0;
wire [0:4] ac_an_req_ld_core_tag;
wire [0:2] ac_an_req_ld_xfr_len;
wire [0:31] ac_an_st_byte_enbl;
wire [0:255] ac_an_st_data;
wire [0:3] an_ac_req_spare_ctrl_a1;
wire [0:`THREADS-1] an_ac_sync_ack;
wire [0:`THREADS-1] an_ac_reservation_vld;

// ties
wire an_ac_rtim_sl_thold_8;
wire an_ac_func_sl_thold_8;
wire an_ac_func_nsl_thold_8;
wire an_ac_ary_nsl_thold_8;
wire an_ac_sg_8;
wire an_ac_fce_8;
wire [0:7] an_ac_abst_scan_in;
wire [0:3] an_ac_scom_sat_id;
wire an_ac_scom_dch;
wire an_ac_scom_cch;
wire an_ac_gsd_test_enable_dc;
wire an_ac_gsd_test_acmode_dc;
wire an_ac_ccflush_dc;
wire an_ac_ccenable_dc;
wire an_ac_lbist_en_dc;
wire an_ac_lbist_ip_dc;
wire an_ac_lbist_ac_mode_dc;
wire an_ac_scan_diag_dc;
wire an_ac_scan_dis_dc_b;
wire [0:8] an_ac_scan_type_dc;
wire an_ac_lbist_ary_wrt_thru_dc;
wire [0:3] an_ac_chipid_dc;
wire [0:7] an_ac_coreid;

assign an_ac_chipid_dc = 4'h0;
assign an_ac_coreid = 8'h0;

// Pervasive clock control
assign an_ac_rtim_sl_thold_8 = 0;
assign an_ac_func_sl_thold_8 = 0;
assign an_ac_func_nsl_thold_8 = 0;
assign an_ac_ary_nsl_thold_8 = 0;
assign an_ac_sg_8 = 0;
assign an_ac_fce_8 = 0;
assign an_ac_abst_scan_in = 8'h00;

assign an_ac_scom_sat_id = 4'h0;
assign an_ac_scom_dch = 0;
assign an_ac_scom_cch = 0;

// Clock, Test, and LCB Controls
assign an_ac_gsd_test_enable_dc = 0;
assign an_ac_gsd_test_acmode_dc = 0;
assign an_ac_ccflush_dc = 0;
assign an_ac_ccenable_dc = 0;
assign an_ac_lbist_en_dc = 0;
assign an_ac_lbist_ip_dc = 0;
assign an_ac_lbist_ac_mode_dc = 0;
assign an_ac_scan_diag_dc = 0;
assign an_ac_scan_dis_dc_b = 0;

assign an_ac_scan_type_dc = 9'h000;
assign an_ac_lbist_ary_wrt_thru_dc = 0;

c c0(














a2l2wb n0(

// request

// reload

// larx/stcx

// icbi

// back invalidate

// credits

// misc

// scom

// errors

// perfmon

// power
// direct-attach mem


// wishbone


wire clk_1x, clk_2x, clk_4x, rst;

assign clk_1x = nclk[0];
assign clk_2x = nclk[2];
assign clk_4x = nclk[3];
assign rst = nclk[1];


@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
// © IBM Corp. 2020
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
// the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
// compliance with the License as modified.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Modified Terms:
// 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
// License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
// in physical form.
// 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
// necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
// via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
// hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
// of the EULA.
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
// for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
// Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
// is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
// available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be
// obtained (along with the Power ISA) here: https://openpowerfoundation.org.

// Transaction limiting

`ifndef _tri_a2o_vh_
`define _tri_a2o_vh_

`include "tri.vh"

// Use this line for 1 thread. Comment out for 2 thread design.
`define THREADS1

`define gpr_t 3'b000
`define cr_t 3'b001
`define lr_t 3'b010
`define ctr_t 3'b011
`define xer_t 3'b100
`define spr_t 3'b101
`define axu0_t 3'b110
`define axu1_t 3'b111

`ifdef THREADS1
`define THREADS 1
`define THREADS 2
`define EFF_IFAR_ARCH 62
`define EFF_IFAR_WIDTH 20
`define EFF_IFAR 20
`define FPR_POOL_ENC 6
`define REGMODE 6
`define FPR_POOL 64
`define REAL_IFAR_WIDTH 42
`define EMQ_ENTRIES 4
`define GPR_WIDTH 64
`define ITAG_SIZE_ENC 7
`define CPL_Q_DEPTH 32
`define CPL_Q_DEPTH_ENC 6
`define GPR_WIDTH_ENC 6
`define GPR_POOL_ENC 6
`define GPR_POOL 64
`define GPR_UCODE_POOL 4
`define CR_POOL_ENC 5
`define CR_POOL 24
`define CR_UCODE_POOL 1
`define BR_POOL_ENC 3
`define BR_POOL 8
`define LR_POOL_ENC 3
`define LR_POOL 8
`define LR_UCODE_POOL 0
`define CTR_POOL_ENC 3
`define CTR_POOL 8
`define CTR_UCODE_POOL 0
`define XER_POOL_ENC 4
`define XER_POOL 12
`define XER_UCODE_POOL 0
`define LDSTQ_ENTRIES 16
`define STQ_ENTRIES 12
`define STQ_FWD_ENTRIES 4 // number of stq entries that can be forwarded from
`define STQ_DATA_SIZE 64 // 64 or 128 Bit store data sizes supported
`define DC_SIZE 15 // 14 => 16K L1D$, 15 => 32K L1D$
`define CL_SIZE 6 // 6 => 64B CLINE, 7 => 128B CLINE
`define LMQ_ENTRIES 8
`define LGQ_ENTRIES 8
`define AXU_SPARE_ENC 3
`define RV_FX0_ENTRIES 12
`define RV_FX1_ENTRIES 12
`define RV_LQ_ENTRIES 16
`define RV_AXU0_ENTRIES 12
`define RV_AXU1_ENTRIES 0
`define RV_FX0_ENTRIES_ENC 4
`define RV_FX1_ENTRIES_ENC 4
`define FXU1_ENABLE 1
`define TYPE_WIDTH 3
`define IBUFF_DEPTH 16
`define PF_IAR_BITS 12 // number of IAR bits used by prefetch
`define FXU0_PIPE_START 1
`define FXU0_PIPE_END 8
`define FXU1_PIPE_START 1
`define FXU1_PIPE_END 5
`define LQ_LOAD_PIPE_END 8
`define LQ_REL_PIPE_END 4
`define LOAD_CREDITS 1
`define IUQ_ENTRIES 4 // Instruction Fetch Queue Size
`define MMQ_ENTRIES 2 // MMU Queue Size
`define CR_WIDTH 4
`define BUILD_PFETCH 1 // 1=> include pfetch in the build, 0=> build without pfetch
`define PF_IFAR_WIDTH 12
`define PFETCH_INITIAL_DEPTH 0 // the initial value for the SPR that determines how many lines to prefetch
`define PFETCH_Q_SIZE_ENC 3 // number of bits to address queue size (3 => 8 entries, 4 => 16 entries)
`define PFETCH_Q_SIZE 8 // number of entries
`define INCLUDE_IERAT_BYPASS 1 // 0 => Removes IERAT Bypass logic, 1=> includes (power savings)
`define XER_WIDTH 10

//wtf: change for verilatorsim - didnt help
//`define INIT_BHT 1 // 0=> array init time set to 16 clocks, 1=> increased to 512 to init BHT
`define INIT_BHT 0 // 0=> array init time set to 16 clocks, 1=> increased to 512 to init BHT
//`define INIT_IUCR0 16'h0000 // BP disabled
`define INIT_IUCR0 16'h00FA // BP enabled

`define INIT_MASK 2'b10
`define RELQ_INCLUDE 0 // Reload Queue Included

`define G_BRANCH_LEN `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH + 1 + 1 + `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH + 3 + 18 + 1

//wtf: add completion stuff
assign spr_cpcr0_fx0_cnt = cpcr0_l2[35:39];
assign spr_cpcr0_fx1_cnt = cpcr0_l2[43:47];
assign spr_cpcr0_lq_cnt = cpcr0_l2[51:55];
assign spr_cpcr0_sq_cnt = cpcr0_l2[59:63];
`define INIT_CPCR0 32'h0C0C100C // 000a aaaa 000b bbbb 000c cccc 000d dddd watermarks: a=fx0 b=fx1 c=ls d=sq ---- um p.543 wrong!; was this in vlog: hex 0C0C100C = 202117132
//`define INIT_CPCR0 32'h01010201 // 1/1/2/1
assign spr_cpcr1_fu0_cnt = cpcr1_l2[43:47];
assign spr_cpcr1_fu1_cnt = cpcr1_l2[51:55];
`define INIT_CPCR1 32'h000C0C00 // 0000 0000 000a aaaa 000b bbbb 0000 0000 credits: a=fx0 b=fx1 c=ls d=sq ---- um p.544 wrong!; was this in vlog: hex 000C0C00 = 789504
//`define INIT_CPCR1 32'h00010100 // 1/1

`define INIT_XUCR0 32'h00000C60 // 52:single-credit LS

// IERAT boot config entry values
`define IERAT_BCFG_EPN_0TO15 0
`define IERAT_BCFG_EPN_16TO31 0
`define IERAT_BCFG_EPN_32TO47 (2 ** 16) - 1 // 1 for 64K, 65535 for 4G
`define IERAT_BCFG_EPN_48TO51 (2 ** 4) - 1 // 15 for 64K or 4G
`define IERAT_BCFG_RPN_22TO31 0 // (2 ** 10) - 1 for x3ff
`define IERAT_BCFG_RPN_32TO47 (2 ** 16) - 1 // 1 for 64K, 8181 for 512M, 65535 for 4G
`define IERAT_BCFG_RPN_48TO51 (2 ** 4) - 1 // 15 for 64K or 4G
`define IERAT_BCFG_RPN2_32TO47 0 // 0 to match dd1 hardwired value; (2**16)-1 for same 64K page
`define IERAT_BCFG_RPN2_48TO51 0 // 0 to match dd1 hardwired value; (2**4)-2 for adjacent 4K page
`define IERAT_BCFG_ATTR 0 // u0-u3, endian

// DERAT boot config entry values
`define DERAT_BCFG_EPN_0TO15 0
`define DERAT_BCFG_EPN_16TO31 0
`define DERAT_BCFG_EPN_32TO47 (2 ** 16) - 1 // 1 for 64K, 65535 for 4G
`define DERAT_BCFG_EPN_48TO51 (2 ** 4) - 1 // 15 for 64K or 4G
`define DERAT_BCFG_RPN_22TO31 0 // (2 ** 10) - 1 for x3ff
`define DERAT_BCFG_RPN_32TO47 (2 ** 16) - 1 // 1 for 64K, 8191 for 512M, 65535 for 4G
`define DERAT_BCFG_RPN_48TO51 (2 ** 4) - 1 // 15 for 64K or 4G
`define DERAT_BCFG_RPN2_32TO47 0 // 0 to match dd1 hardwired value; (2**16)-1 for same 64K page
`define DERAT_BCFG_RPN2_48TO51 0 // 0 to match dd1 hardwired value; (2**4)-2 for adjacent 4K page
`define DERAT_BCFG_ATTR 0 // u0-u3, endian

// Do NOT add any defines below this line
`endif //_tri_a2o_vh_

@ -0,0 +1,427 @@
# Parse table comments and create equations.

from optparse import OptionParser
import re
from shutil import copyfile

# Initialize


lines = []
tableMatches = []
tableNames = []
tableLines = []
tables = {}

failOnError = True
inFile = 'test.vhdl'
outFileExt = 'vtable'
overwrite = True
backupExt = 'orig'
backup = True
noisy = False
quiet = False
verilog = False

# Handle command line

usage = 'vtable [options] inFile'

parser = OptionParser(usage)
parser.add_option('-f', '--outfile', dest='outFile', help='output file, default=[inFile]' + outFileExt)
parser.add_option('-o', '--overwrite', dest='overwrite', help='overwrite inFile, default=' + str(overwrite))
parser.add_option('-b', '--backup', dest='backup', help='backup original file, default=' + str(backup))
parser.add_option('-q', '--quiet', dest='quiet', action='store_true', help='quiet messages, default=' + str(quiet))
parser.add_option('-n', '--noisy', dest='noisy', action='store_true', help='noisy messages, default=' + str(noisy))
parser.add_option('-V', '--verilog', dest='verilog', action='store_true', help='source is verilog, default=' + str(verilog))

options, args = parser.parse_args()

if len(args) != 1:
inFile = args[0]

if options.overwrite == '0':
overwrite = False
elif options.overwrite == '1':
overwrite == True
if options.outFile is not None:
parser.error('Can\'t specify outfile and overrite!')
elif options.overwrite is not None:
parser.error('overwrite: 0|1')

if options.quiet is not None:
quiet = True

if options.noisy is not None:
noisy = True

if options.verilog is not None:
verilog = True

if options.backup == '0':
backup = False
elif options.backup == '1':
backup == True
elif options.backup is not None:
parser.error('backup: 0|1')

if options.outFile is not None:
outFile = options.outFile
elif overwrite:
outFile = inFile
outFile = inFile + '.' + outFileExt

backupFile = inFile + '.' + backupExt

# Objects

class Signal:

def __init__(self, name, type):
self.name = name;
self.type = type;

class Table:

def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
self.source = []
self.signals = {}
self.signalsByCol = {}
self.typesByCol = {}
self.specs = [] # list of specsByCol
self.equations = []
self.added = False

def validate(self):
# check that all signals have a good type
for col in self.signalsByCol:
if col not in self.typesByCol:
error('Table ' + self.name + ': no signal type for ' + self.signalsByCol[col])
elif self.typesByCol[col] == None:
error('Table ' + self.name + ': bad signal type (' + str(self.typesByCol[col]) + ') for ' + str(self.signalsByCol[col]))

def makeRTL(self, form=None):
outputsByCol = {}

#for col,type in self.typesByCol.items():
for col in sorted(self.typesByCol):
type = self.typesByCol[col]
if type == TYPE_OUTPUT:
if col in self.signalsByCol:
outputsByCol[col] = self.signalsByCol[col]
error('Table ' + self.name + ': output is specified in col ' + str(col) + ' but no signal exists')

#for sigCol,sig in outputsByCol.items():
for sigCol in sorted(outputsByCol):
sig = outputsByCol[sigCol]
if not verilog:
line = sig + ' <= '
line = 'assign ' + sig + ' = '
nonzero = False
for specsByCol in self.specs:
terms = []
if sigCol not in specsByCol:
#error('* Output ' + sig + ' has no specified value for column ' + str(col))
1 # no error, can be dontcare
elif specsByCol[sigCol] == '1':
for col,val in specsByCol.items():
if col not in self.typesByCol:
if noisy:
error('Table ' + self.name +': unexpected value in spec column ' + str(col) + ' (' + str(val) + ') - no associated signal', False) #wtf UNTIL CAN HANDLE COMMENTS AT END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
elif self.typesByCol[col] == TYPE_INPUT:
if val == '0':
terms.append(opNot + self.signalsByCol[col])
if nonzero and len(terms) == 1:
line = line + ') ' + opOr + '\n (';
elif len(terms) == 1:
line = line + '\n ('
nonzero = True
elif val == '1':
if nonzero and len(terms) == 1:
line = line + ') ' + opOr + '\n (';
elif len(terms) == 1:
line = line + '\n ('
nonzero = True
error('Table ' + self.name +': unexpected value in spec column ' + str(col) + ' (' + str(val) + ')')
if len(terms) > 0:
line = line + (' ' + opAnd + ' ').join(terms)
if not nonzero:
line = line + zero + ";";
line = line + ');'

return self.equations

def printv(self):

def printinfo(self):
print('Table: ' + self.name)
for l in self.source:
print('Signals by column:')
for col in sorted(self.signalsByCol):
print('{0:>3}. {1:} ({2:}) '.format(col, self.signalsByCol[col], 'in' if self.typesByCol[col] == TYPE_INPUT else 'out'))

# Functions

def error(msg, quitOverride=None):
print('*** ' + msg)
if quitOverride == False:
elif (quitOverride == None) or failOnError:
elif quitOverride:

# Do something

if not verilog:
openBracket = '('
closeBracket = ')'
opAnd = 'and'
opOr = 'or'
opNot = 'not '
zero = "'0'"
tablePattern = re.compile(r'^\s*?--tbl(?:\s+([^\s]+).*$|\s*$)')
tableGenPattern = re.compile(r'^\s*?--vtable(?:\s+([^\s]+).*$)')
commentPattern = re.compile(r'^\s*?(--.*$|\s*$)')
tableLinePattern = re.compile(r'^.*?--(.*)')
namePattern = re.compile(r'([a-zA-z\d_\(\)\.\[\]]+)')
openBracket = '['
closeBracket = ']'
opAnd = '&'
opOr = '+'
opNot = '~'
zero = "'b0"
tablePattern = re.compile(r'^\s*?\/\/tbl(?:\s+([^\s]+).*$|\s*$)')
tableGenPattern = re.compile(r'^\s*?\/\/vtable(?:\s+([^\s]+).*$)')
commentPattern = re.compile(r'^\s*?(\/\/.*$|\s*$)')
tableLinePattern = re.compile(r'^.*?\/\/(.*)')
namePattern = re.compile(r'([a-zA-z\d_\(\)\.\[\]]+)')

# find the lines with table spec
inf = open(inFile)
for i, line in enumerate(inf):
for match in re.finditer(tablePattern, line):
except Exception as e:
error('Error opening input file ' + inFile + '\n' + str(e), True)

# validate matches; should be paired, nothing but comments and empties; table may be named
# between them

for i in range(0, len(tableMatches), 2):

if i + 1 > len(tableMatches) - 1:
error('Mismatched table tags.\nFound so far: ' + ', '.join(tableNames), True)

tLines = lines[tableMatches[i]:tableMatches[i+1]+1]
tName = re.match(tablePattern, lines[tableMatches[i]]).groups()[0]
if tName is None:
tName = 'noname_' + str(tableMatches[i] + 1)

for line in tLines:
if not re.match(commentPattern, line):
error('Found noncomment, nonempty line in table ' + tName + ':\n' + line, True)

print('Found tables: ' + ', '.join(tableNames))

# build table objects

for table, tName in zip(tableLines, tableNames):
print('Parsing ' + tName + '...')
namesByCol = {}
colsByName = {}
bitsByCol = {}
typesByCol = {}
specs = []

# parse the table - do by Table.parse()
tLines = table[1:-1] # exclude --tbl
for line in tLines:
if line.strip() == '':
spec = re.search(tableLinePattern, line).groups()[0]
except Exception as e:
error('Problem parsing table line:\n' + line, True)
if len(spec) > 0:
if spec[0] == 'n':
for match in re.finditer(namePattern, spec[1:]):
# col 0 is first col after n
namesByCol[match.start()] = match.groups()[0]
colsByName[match.groups()[0]] = match.start()
elif spec[0] == 'b':
for i, c in enumerate(spec[1:]):
if c == ' ' or c == '|':
bit = int(c)
error('Unexpected char in bit line at position ' + str(i) + ' (' + c + ')\n' + line)
bit = None
if i in bitsByCol and bitsByCol[i] is not None:
bitsByCol[i] = bitsByCol[i]*10+bit
bitsByCol[i] = bit
elif spec[0] == 't':
for i, c in enumerate(spec[1:]):
if c.lower() == 'i':
typesByCol[i] = TYPE_INPUT
elif c.lower() == 'o':
typesByCol[i] = TYPE_OUTPUT
elif c.lower() == '*':
typesByCol[i] = TYPE_SKIP
elif c != ' ':
error('Unexpected char in type line at position ' + str(i) + ' (' + c + ')\n' + line)
typesByCol[i] = None
typesByCol[i] = None
elif spec[0] == 's':
specsByCol = {}
for i, c in enumerate(spec[1:]):
if c == '0' or c == '1':
specsByCol[i] = c

# create table object

# add strand to name where defined; don't combine for now into vector
# consecutive strands belong to the last defined name
lastName = None
lastCol = 0
signalsByCol = {}

for col,name in namesByCol.items(): # load with unstranded names
signalsByCol[col] = name

# sort by col so consecutive columns can be easily tracked
#for col,val in bitsByCol.items(): # update with stranded names
for col in sorted(bitsByCol):
val = bitsByCol[col]

if col > lastCol + 1:
lastName = None
if val is None:
lastName = None
if col in namesByCol:
if val is None:
signalsByCol[col] = namesByCol[col]
lastName = namesByCol[col]
signalsByCol[col] = lastName + openBracket + str(val) + closeBracket
elif lastName is not None:
signalsByCol[col] = lastName + openBracket + str(val) + closeBracket
error('Can\'t associate bit number ' + str(val) + ' in column ' + str(col) + ' with a signal name.')
lastCol = col

t = Table(tName)
t.source = table
t.signalsByCol = signalsByCol
t.typesByCol = typesByCol
t.specs = specs

tables[tName] = t

for name in tables:
t = tables[name]


# find the lines with generate spec and replace them with new version
outLines = []
inTable = False
for i, line in enumerate(lines):
if not inTable:
match = re.search(tableGenPattern, line)
if match is not None:
tName = match.groups(1)[0]
if tName not in tables:
if tName == 1:
tName = '<blank>'
error('Found vtable start for \'' + tName + '\' but didn\'t generate that table: line ' + str(i+1) + '\n' + line, True)
outLines += tables[tName].equations
tables[tName].added = True
inTable = True
match = re.search(tableGenPattern, line)
if match is not None:
if match.groups(1)[0] != tName:
error('Found vtable end for \'' + match.groups(1)[0] + '\' but started table \'' + tName + '\': line ' + str(i+1) + '\n' + line, True)
inTable = False
1#print('stripped: ' + line)

if backup:
copyfile(inFile, backupFile)
except Exception as e:
error('Error creating backup file!\n' + str(e), True)

of = open(outFile, 'w')
for line in outLines:
of.write("%s\n" % line)
except Exception as e:
error('Error writing output file ' + outFile + '!\n' + str(e), True)

print('Generated ' + str(len(tables)) + ' tables: ' + ', '.join(tableNames))
notAdded = {}
for table in tables:
if not tables[table].added:
notAdded[table] = True
print('Output file: ' + outFile)
if backup:
print('Backup file: ' + backupFile)
if len(notAdded) != 0:
error('Tables generated but not added to file! ' + ', '.join(notAdded))