# A2O Test - build with core.py
# a2o.py --csr-csv csr.csv --no-compile-software --build [--sys-clk-freq 50e6]
import os
import argparse
from migen import *
# wtf - use local platform
from platforms import cmod7
# wtf - use local core (not built into litex)
# help python find package
import sys
binPath = os . path . dirname ( os . path . realpath ( __file__ ) )
sys . path . append ( os . path . join ( binPath , ' a2p ' ) ) # dir with core package; core.py defines core source location
# get core def
from a2o import A2O
# add to litex dict
from litex . soc . cores import cpu
cpu . CPUS [ ' a2o ' ] = A2O
from litex . soc . cores . clock import *
from litex . soc . integration . soc import SoCRegion
from litex . soc . integration . soc_core import *
from litex . soc . integration . builder import *
from litex . soc . cores . led import LedChaser
from litex . soc . cores import dna , xadc
from litex . soc . cores . gpio import GPIOIn
from litex . soc . cores . gpio import GPIOOut
from litex . soc . cores . bitbang import I2CMaster
from litex . soc . interconnect import wishbone
from litex . soc . cores import uart
from litex . soc . cores . uart import UART
from litex . soc . cores . uart import UARTPHY
from litex . soc . cores . uart import UARTWishboneBridge
from litescope import LiteScopeAnalyzer
# CRG ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class _CRG ( Module ) :
def __init__ ( self , platform , sys_clk_freq ) :
self . rst = Signal ( )
self . clock_domains . cd_sys = ClockDomain ( )
self . clock_domains . cd_sys2x = ClockDomain ( reset_less = True )
self . clock_domains . cd_idelay = ClockDomain ( )
self . submodules . pll = pll = S7MMCM ( speedgrade = - 1 )
#wtf if you do this it crashes later..request() takes the pin off 'available' list i think; so can't put to csr reg
#no idea how to modify the reset signal later
#maybe have to change this class to take a signal you create first?
#x = platform.request('user_btn',0)
self . comb + = pll . reset . eq ( self . rst )
#self.comb += pll.reset.eq(self.rst)
pll . register_clkin ( platform . request ( ' clk12 ' ) , 12e6 )
pll . create_clkout ( self . cd_sys , sys_clk_freq )
pll . create_clkout ( self . cd_sys2x , 2 * sys_clk_freq )
pll . create_clkout ( self . cd_idelay , 200e6 )
platform . add_false_path_constraints ( self . cd_sys . clk , pll . clkin ) # Ignore sys_clk to pll.clkin path created by SoC's rst.
self . submodules . idelayctrl = S7IDELAYCTRL ( self . cd_idelay )
def _to_signal ( obj ) :
return obj . raw_bits ( ) if isinstance ( obj , Record ) else obj
class BaseSoC ( SoCCore ) :
def __init__ ( self , sys_clk_freq = int ( 50e6 ) ,
with_analyzer = False ,
uart_baudrate = 115200 ,
* * kwargs ) :
coreUART = True
# try build using different fpga's
#platform = cmod7.Platform()
#platform = cmod7.Platform(fpga='xc7a200t-SBG484-1') # arty-200
#platform = cmod7.Platform(fpga='xc7k325t-ffv676-1 ) #
platform = cmod7 . Platform ( fpga = ' xc7k410t-ffv676-1 ' ) #
SoCCore . __init__ ( self , platform , sys_clk_freq , csr_data_width = 32 ,
with_uart = coreUART , integrated_sram_size = 0 , integrated_rom_size = 0 ,
ident = ' A2O Test ' , ident_version = True , uart_baudrate = uart_baudrate ,
cpu_type = ' a2o ' )
print ( f ' Building variant= { self . cpu . variant } . ' )
# no irq yet? should be able to connect
# any hints here on using uarts (to get the gpio one working)?
# cult-soft.de/2920/05/24/litex-uart-hub
# played a little below but didnt try if it works
# this appears to be how to set up fixed csr order but not sure it works this way. https://github.com/litex-hub/linux-on-litex-vexriscv/blob/master/soc_linux.py
#self.csr_map = {**SoCCore.csr_map, **{
#self.csr_map = {
# 'ctrl': 0,
# 'dna' : 1,
# 'uart': 2,
# 'i2c': 3,
# 'leds': 4
#interrupt_map = {**soc_cls.interrupt_map, **{
# 'uart': 0,
# 'timer0': 1,
self . mem_map = {
' csr ' : 0xFFF00000 ,
' main_ram ' : 0x00100000 ,
' rom ' : 0x00000000 ,
' ram ' : 0x00010000 ,
# CRG --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
self . submodules . crg = _CRG ( platform , sys_clk_freq )
if not coreUART :
self . submodules . serial_bridge = UARTWishboneBridge ( platform . request ( ' serial ' ) , sys_clk_freq )
self . add_wb_master ( self . serial_bridge . wishbone )
self . add_csr ( ' node_ctl ' )
self . add_csr ( ' node_config ' )
self . add_csr ( ' node_status ' )
# ON-BOARD MEM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
with open ( ' rom.init ' , ' r ' ) as file :
hexdata = file . read ( ) . replace ( ' \n ' , ' ' )
#a2o how will this work for a2o? should allow 32BE or 64LE to load kernel+bios
# 1. core resets to 32BE
# 2. probably want to link kernel+bios in same mode, so have kernel deal with possible mode switch
# 3. load mem here in proper mode based on variant (A2O_32BE or A2O64_LE)
outFile = open ( ' mem_init ' , ' w ' ) # write data immediately so available even if not building (sim)
# this seems to work (specified in BE in rom.init, instructions are decoded properly)
# BUT, vivado wants each line to be 4B to match width (at least for sim)
bytedata = [ ]
for i in range ( 0 , len ( hexdata ) , 8 ) :
data = int ( hexdata [ i + 6 : i + 8 ] + hexdata [ i + 4 : i + 6 ] + hexdata [ i + 2 : i + 4 ] + hexdata [ i : i + 2 ] , 16 ) # BE->LE
bytedata . append ( data )
outFile . write ( hexdata [ i + 6 : i + 8 ] + hexdata [ i + 4 : i + 6 ] + hexdata [ i + 2 : i + 4 ] + hexdata [ i : i + 2 ] + ' \n ' )
#bytedata.append(int(hexdata[i:i+2] + hexdata[i+2:i+4] + hexdata[i+4:i+6] + hexdata[i+6:i+8], 16))
romdata = bytedata
print ( ' Read ' + str ( len ( romdata ) ) + ' bytes for ROM data. ' )
outFile . close ( )
print ( ' Wrote mem.init ' )
self . add_rom ( ' rom ' , origin = self . mem_map [ ' rom ' ] , size = 0x10000 , contents = romdata ) # name, origin, size, contents=[], mode='r'
# make this sram to match what linker expects
self . add_ram ( ' sram ' , origin = self . mem_map [ ' ram ' ] , size = 0x10000 ) # name, origin, size, contents=[], mode='rw'
# Leds -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
self . submodules . leds = LedChaser (
pads = platform . request_all ( ' user_led ' ) ,
sys_clk_freq = sys_clk_freq
self . add_csr ( ' leds ' )
# Buttons
self . submodules . buttons = GPIOIn (
pads = platform . request_all ( ' user_btn ' )
self . add_csr ( ' buttons ' )
# SRAM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
self . add_ram ( ' main_ram ' , origin = self . mem_map [ ' main_ram ' ] , size = 0x100 )
# Analyzer ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if with_analyzer :
analyzer_signals = [
self . cpu . dbus . stb ,
self . cpu . dbus . cyc ,
self . cpu . dbus . adr ,
self . cpu . dbus . we ,
self . cpu . dbus . ack ,
self . cpu . dbus . sel ,
self . cpu . dbus . dat_w ,
self . cpu . dbus . dat_r ,
self . submodules . analyzer = LiteScopeAnalyzer ( analyzer_signals ,
depth = 512 ,
clock_domain = ' sys ' ,
csr_csv = ' analyzer.csv ' )
self . add_csr ( ' analyzer ' )
# Build --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def main ( ) :
parser = argparse . ArgumentParser ( description = ' A2O Test ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --build ' , action = ' store_true ' , help = ' Build bitstream ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --load ' , action = ' store_true ' , help = ' Load bitstream ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --sys-clk-freq ' , default = 100e6 , help = ' System clock frequency (default: 100MHz) ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --with-analyzer ' , action = ' store_true ' , help = ' Include analyzer ' )
builder_args ( parser )
args = parser . parse_args ( )
soc = BaseSoC (
sys_clk_freq = int ( float ( args . sys_clk_freq ) ) ,
with_analyzer = args . with_analyzer ,
builder = Builder ( soc , * * builder_argdict ( args ) )
builder . build ( run = args . build )
if __name__ == ' __main__ ' :
main ( )