James Kulina 918e079a9a Upload files to 'assets/images/members'
3mdeb.png initial push of alpha test
21unity.png Upload files to 'assets/images/members'
Bloombase.png Upload files to 'assets/images/members'
NIELIT.png Upload files to 'assets/images/members'
REDsemi.jpg Upload files to 'assets/images/members'
alphadataparallelsystems.png update all members
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amwinsystems.jpg update all members
antmicro.png initial push of alpha test
appentrasolutions.jpg update all members
archanan.png update all members
auburnresearchandtechnologyfoundation.png update all members
avago.png update all members
averydesignsystems.jpg update all members
baumanmoscowstatetechnicaluniversity.png update all members
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beijingsunwayxinyuetechnology.png update all members
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bullatos.png update all members
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c8technologygroup.png update all members
cartesiantheatre.png Upload files to 'assets/images/members'
celestica.png update all members
centrefordevelopmentofadvancedcomputing.png update all members
centreformodellingandsimulation.jpg update all members
chinaolytechnology-angzhou.jpg update all members
cocolink.png update all members
codeconstruct.png initial push of alpha test
coimbatoreinstitutetechnology.png update all members
collegeofengineeringannauniversity.png update all members
computernetworkinformationcenter-chineseacademyofsciences.png update all members
credativ International GmbH.png update all members
credativ.png initial push of alpha test
daegugyeongbukinstituteofsciencetechnology.png update all members
daocloud.png update all members
datalogic.png update all members
deepcognition.png update all members
denovoanalytics.png update all members
dolphininterconnectsolutions.png update all members
e4 Computer Engineering SPA.png update all members
easystack.png update all members
ellexus.jpg update all members
emmion.png update all members
emulex.png update all members
eoxyssystems.png update all members
everspin.jpg initial push of alpha test
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garwoodcenterforcorporateinnovation-ucberkeley.png update all members
google.png initial push of alpha test
gsic-titech-globalscientificinformationandcomputingcenter.jpg update all members
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harbininstituteoftechnologyweihai.gif update all members
hassoplattnerinstituteforsoftwareengineering.png update all members
hefechip.jpg update all members
hexintech.png update all members
hitachi.png initial push of alpha test
ibm.png initial push of alpha test
independitintegrativetechnologies.png update all members
indianinstituteoftechnology-bombay.png update all members
indianinstituteoftechnology-hyderabad.png update all members
indianinstituteoftechnology-roorkee.png update all members
infogrextechnologies.png update all members
ingenioustechnologies.png update all members
innoboost.png initial push of alpha test
innovateit.png update all members
inspur-power-systems.png initial push of alpha test
institutefordevelopmentandresearchinbankingtechnology.jpg update all members
instituteofphysicsoftheczechacademyofsciences.jpg update all members
intersil.png update all members
ircona.png update all members
istitutonazionalediastrofisica.png update all members
jiangsuitcasteducationaltechnology.png update all members
juliacomputing.jpg update all members
kardinal.jpg update all members
kardinal.svg update all members
kingabdullahuniversityofsaudiarabia.png update all members
kyligence.png update all members
lawrencelivermorenationallabs.png update all members
livemon.png update all members
maxplancksociety-garchingcomputingcenter.jpg update all members
micron.png update all members
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mindresearchnetwork.png update all members
missinglinkelectronics.jpg update all members
msi.png update all members
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nallatech.png update all members
nanging.png update all members
nanjingbyosoft.png update all members
nationalcenterforhighperformancecomputing-taiwan.png update all members
nationalinstituteoftechnologywarangal.png update all members
nec.png update all members
newhorizoncollagemarathallicampus.png update all members
nimbix.jpg update all members
northeasternuniversity-softwarecollege.png update all members
nyriadlimited.png update all members
objectautomationsoftwaresolutions.jpg update all members
opencomputingsingapore.png update all members
oregonstateuniversity.png initial push of alpha test
orobix.png update all members
parabricks.png update all members
peterthegreat-saintpetersburgh-polytechnicuniversity.png update all members
pingantechnology.png update all members
planetartificialintelligence.png update all members
powercoretech.png update all members
qbotica.png update all members
raptorcomputingsystems.png initial push of alpha test
reconfigureio.jpg update all members
redhat.png initial push of alpha test
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semptian.png update all members
shanghaiglotechinformationtechnology.png update all members
shanghaithinkforceelectronictechnology.png update all members
shenzhenyiyuanintelligence.png update all members
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smartiqrobots.png update all members
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srisaythasaiinstituteofhigherlearning.jpg update all members
stmicroelectronics.jpg update all members
tenxcloud.jpg update all members
texasadvancedcomputingcenter.png update all members
texasamengineeringexperimentstation.png update all members
theinstituteofcommunicationandcomputersystems.jpg update all members
thinkparq.jpg update all members
thomaskrenn.png initial push of alpha test
ts8technologies.png update all members
tvarit.png update all members
universidaddecastilla-lamancha.jpg update all members
universitycorporationofatmosphericresearch.jpg update all members
universityofbrasilia-departementofcomputerscience.jpg update all members
universityofjaffna-departmentofcomputerscience.png update all members
universityofmichigan-advancedresearchcomputing.png update all members
universityoforegon.jpg initial push of alpha test
universityofpeloponnese-computersystemsdesigngroup.gif update all members
universityofwarsaw-interdisciplinarycenterformathematicalandcomputationalmodelling.png update all members
universityofwisconsin-platteville.png update all members
vantosh.png initial push of alpha test
vereign.jpg update all members
wallscope.png update all members
wasedauniversity.png update all members
wistron.jpg update all members
xilinx.png update all members
xissexcellenceinissolutions.png update all members
xscalesolutions.jpg update all members
xsky.png update all members
yadro-black.png change yadro logo as per Dina's request
yadro.png initial push of alpha test
zilliz.jpg update all members