title: "Wistron supports CS2C to develop new OpenPOWER Ready Linux OS for Power9"
date: "2018-08-08"
- "blogs"
- "featured"
By Wistron Corporation
\[caption id="attachment\_5650" align="aligncenter" width="526"\][](https://openpowerfoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/Mihawk.png) Wistron Mihawk\[/caption\]
This June, CS2C (China Standard Software Co., Ltd.) announced their new product—[NKAS V7U2](https://openpowerfoundation.org/?resource_lib=china-standard-software-co-ltd-neokylin-linux-advanced-server%EF%BC%8Cneokylin-virtualization-manager%EF%BC%8Cneokylin-ha-cluster-software%EF%BC%8Cneokylin-load-balance-software%EF%BC%8Cneokylin) (Neokylin Linux Advanced Server Operating System V7 Update2) has support for the Power9 server and is certified as OpenPOWER Ready. It is not only an achievement of a team or company, but also a great demonstration of the strong connection between members in the OpenPOWER Foundation eco-system.
CS2C already had good experience and a successful product for Power8, but wanted to verify their design and solution for the next-generation platform. However, it was not easy for a software company to identify a Power9 hardware partner. IBM stepped in and became the bridge between CS2C and Wistron.
As a hardware provider and OpenPOWER Foundation Golden member, Wistron has a responsibility to support other participants, especially for software partners to deploy and optimize their products on a real system during development. We decided to provide our [Mihawk – 2U2S POWER9](https://openpowerfoundation.org/?resource_lib=wistron-corp-p93d2-2p-mihawk) solution for CS2C to develop their product. Mihawk is also certified as OpenPOWER Ready and provides great performance with the design (Table 1).
We are very proud of our partner’s success, and we hope to help more customers like them in the future.
\[caption id="attachment\_5649" align="aligncenter" width="982"\][](https://openpowerfoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/Table-1.png) Table 1. Wistron Mihawk specification\[/caption\]
For more information, please contact: [mailto:EBG\_sales@wistron.com](mailto:EBG_sales@wistron.com).
## About Wistron

As a long-standing partner with IBM, Wistron utilizes more than 10 years PowerPC design and manufacture experience to offer robust services across diverse technical platforms. Wistron provides tailored, flexible business models from barebones to rack integration delivery to meet various business needs.