--- title: "Join the SC16 Treasure Hunt!" date: "2016-11-11" categories: - "blogs" tags: - "featured" --- ##  ## Calling all Treasure Hunters! We’re going to give you a chance to be a part of the OpenPOWER Revolution – but you’re going to have to earn it. Guided by our clues, we’ll show you the latest advancements and applications on the OpenPOWER platform. ### Use what you discover to solve any **three** of our five clues below! Once we verify your answers we'll reward you for your efforts with a FREE custom designed OpenPOWER T-shirt to serve as a wearable trophy for your successful completion of our Treasure Hunt! ## Here is your first clue!  To solve this clue, watch this [new video showcasing how OpenPOWER members Kinetica, NVIDIA, and IBM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GZAFzlWN8FU) are helping retailers analyze data faster than ever before! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GZAFzlWN8FU **To solve this clue, tell us how much faster Kinetica runs on the IBM-NVIDIA system in the Google Form!** ## You're on your way! Recognize NVIDIA CEO Jen-Hsun Huang? He has the key to the next clue!  Read NVIDIA CEO Jen-Hsun Huang's blog post, the [Intelligent Industrial Revolution](https://blogs.nvidia.com/blog/2016/10/24/intelligent-industrial-revolution/), and answer the question in the Google form below! **According to NVIDIA CEO Jen-Hsun Huang, what is IBM's new POWER8-NVLink server designed to bring?** ## Almost halfway there! Here's the third clue in the #HexMarksTheSpot Treasure Hunt!  _Hounding_ for the solution? Visit [http://bit.ly/DogDemo](http://bit.ly/DogDemo) to try out the OpenPOWER Dog Identification Demo using GPUs! **Share a screenshot of your ID'd dog on Twitter using the hashtag #HexMarksTheSpot to complete this clue!** Want to learn more about how deep learning on OpenPOWER and how the demo works? Visit our blog post, [Deep Learning Goes to the Dogs](https://openpowerfoundation.org/blogs/deep-learning-goes-to-the-dogs/).You're solving this Treasure Hunt so fast you're making Captain Jack Sparrow jealous! Here's your fourth clue.  The answer also can be found in OpenPOWER advocate Sumit Gupta's blog post, "[IBM turns POWER HPC momentum up to 11](http://ibm.co/2fuFl6t)!" **After reading it, use the Google form to tell us how many of Intersect360's Top 10 HPC Applications are currently supported on OpenPOWER!** ## Can you see the Hex yet?! Here is your Final Clue!  See what the possibilities are by reading about the new [PowerAI Deep Learning package](http://ibm.co/2fS8t60) here: [http://ibm.co/2fuGaMV](http://ibm.co/2fS8t60). **Tell us three of the deep learning distributions supported by the new package in the Google Form.** # That's it, you did it! Complete the Google Form below, including your shipping information. Once we verify your answers, we'll let you know your a winner and send your t-shirt! Please allow 5-10 business days for processing and shipping. <iframe src="https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfOgjDMhP3CSU0Aw-nvBqO5nuZ6Z8WHAJpDNE7AUuYCzN3wMw/viewform?entry.2005620554&entry.1045781291&entry.1065046570&entry.1166974658&entry.887918652&entry.1220690866&entry.1848903924&entry.95663645&entry.1426568257&entry.1175409360&entry.56159036=Yes,+please+keep+me+informed.&entry.1194854011=Yes,+I+want+to+join+the+Revolution!embedded=true" width="760" height="500" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0">Loading...</iframe> ## Share your Treasure Hunt progress with the hashtag #HexMarksTheSpot!